The Bitter Truth: Following The Whims Of The Moon



WEEK OF… August 6th – August 12th, 2023


Main Theme: Following The Whims Of The Moon


Early Week – Sunday, Monday, Tuesday:  

The second week of August begins with the Aries Moon meeting up with the North Node In Aries for the very first time since the Nodes made their shift. The transit Moon tends to activate other transits and give them a more personal impact. As we learn what this new Nodal energy might mean for each one of us, Sunday may provide us with a few hints. 


The North Node in Aries is making us hungry for raw self-knowledge. We are being urged to learn what we are really made out of. We are developing healthy methods of Self-Advocacy. Aries is actually an energy of great self-awareness. Knowing our boundaries and trusting that we can protect ourselves from harm. Trusting that we will speak up even if the outcome does not go our way. Aries shows bravery through trusting the self’s ability to have integrity even in the face of challenge. This is not about aggression, domination or brute force. A healthy Arian approach is an honest one. Being honest with ourselves first, and then being honest with those outside of ourselves.  


A healthy Aries does not intimidate but instead, takes the initiative to improve a situation in a way that one individual can control. This energy will allow us to develop ways to take care of ourselves even if we are dealing with people who consistently mistreat us and disrespect our boundaries. We may not be able to control them, but we can take it upon ourselves to care for the self. We are going to be learning about healthy levels of selfishness, independence and anger expression. The villainization of these qualities will have to be reconsidered and we are pushed into situations that require us to be more self-permitting. The consequences that come from unhealthy Libra qualities will be more severe in the coming months. Those being, passiveness, apathy, ‘fawning’, superficial politeness and self-abandonment. 


Late Sunday night, the Moon then shifts into the Fixed Earth sign of Taurus. So, Monday morning allows for us to slow down and listen to our bodies. We most likely just had some intense feelings brought up to the surface with the Aries Moon Conjunct the North Node, so today, we can attempt to be patient with ourselves and cater to our physical needs. Taurus requires care of the body and prioritizing the sensory experience. Give yourself some time to restore your energy and don’t push yourself too hard.


On Tuesday, we will experience Venus Retrograde move closer into a tense contact with Uranus. Venus represents our likes and dislikes and what we prioritize in order to maximize our happiness. As it Retrogrades, we are reflecting on where in our lives the spark has diminished. How can we recreate a feeling of enthusiasm and vitality? As Venus In Leo moves closer to Uranus In Taurus, we will yet again, feel an increase in restlessness and a need to break free from what is restraining us from meeting our own happiness needs. This may have a lot of influence over our resources and what is holding us back from spending our money, energy and time in a way that we get something in return. Venus also symbolizes our beauty preferences. We can feel a need to finally style ourselves or present ourselves in a way that feels more authentic. 


I also want to take a look at Mercury In Virgo making a supportive aspect to Jupiter In Taurus. This will be similar to last week when Mars made this same connection. This week, we will see that our minds (ruled by Mercury) seem to be filled with inspiring ideas that still manage to be grounded in reality. When Taurus and Virgo work together, we can find the motivation to manage the tedious, everyday tasks while also maintaining a steady, enduring effort that works to move us forward in a more measurable way. Pay attention and trust the ideas that you come up with this week that may help you better maintain a schedule and move a project along. 


Mid-Week – Wednesday, Thursday:  

In the middle of the week, the Moon makes their way into Gemini, our Mutable Air sign. This is generally lighter energy, but also busier. We start to wake up after the slower energy of the Taurus Moon. A nice energy for writing, journaling, or having conversations with safe listeners so that we can find a flow with the more scattered mental energy of Gemini. 


On Wednesday, we also see this Moon create some friction with Saturn In Pisces. I think this energy will be very supportive for taking the time to have deeper introspection. Saturn in Pisces is asking for us to take our emotional and spiritual health seriously. Wednesday, the Day belonging to Mercury, will be wonderful for sitting with our scattered thoughts and approaching ourselves with empathy as we dig into the deeper background behind that inner dialogue.    


Thursday, we see the Gemini Moon make a tense aspect with the Virgo Mercury. Whereas Saturn In Pisces supported us in giving space to all of our thoughts, the energy of Virgo/Gemini can often serve to overwhelm us with the small details of any matter. We may find on Thursday that we are driving ourselves mad with the constant chatter whether internal or external. There may be too many conversations happening at once, too many tasks to keep track of and too many holes to poke through each argument. I recommend prioritizing activities that balance out this information overload. Whatever works for you, make sure to have time today to settle the mind if you can so you do become rundown or exacerbated by stress. 


Weekend: Friday and Saturday  

In the earlier part of Friday, the Gemini Moon finishes up its last bit of time in this Airy environment. As it wraps up, it catches eyes across the way with Neptune In Pisces. Again, we see a moment this week where we get some time to rest and recover. After the mental frying energy of Thursday, this morning hopefully we can ease into our day. There may be increased frustration this morning if we cannot find that place of ease in our morning. 


As the day moves on, so does the Moon into the Cardinal Waters of Cancer. This is the Moon’s true home. An old and weathered private beach bungalow by the sea is what I like to picture. A need for us to protect our sensitivity. Cancer energy  requires us to really care for our emotional well-being. It takes validation and having a safe place to let the feelings out in a healthy way. This usually means that we may need a little more space to ourselves this weekend so that we don’t unintentionally project our feelings onto others. Friday into Saturday will support us in making time for listening and tending to our emotional needs. 


On Saturday specifically, we see the Cancer Moon create tension with the Aries Chiron. This energy amps up our insecurities and makes for a very triggering day. Extra care and kindness is needed this weekend so that we can move through this energy without externalizing our hurt in a way that we are not proud of.   


What To Expect Next Week 

Re-Establishing  Our Personal Value: Venus Cazimi

Fresh Start With Self-Appreciation: New Moon In Leo

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