The Bitter Truth: Detached Soul vs Engaged Soul

This week centers on the cosmic conflict between Leo and Aquarius. With a Full Moon in Aquarius, this week brings up themes around outer expression. Are we aligned and engaged? Or are we detached and self-conscious?


Early Week – Sunday, Monday, Tuesday:  

The Capricorn Moon builds into the Full Moon position from Sunday into Monday. When the moon is here  we are more supported in focusing on whatever difficult or time consuming task we have been putting off. We can use this time to have patience and endurance as we work steadily at something.  It becomes a little bit easier to manage our emotional reactions and embody emotional maturity so take advantage of that on Sunday, especially. 


In this first part of the week, our restlessness may increase as the Asteroid Lilith (an energy of bitterness and defiance) makes contact with Uranus (the planet of liberation). Over this Summer of 2023 we are being hit over the head with the realization that parts of our life have become inauthentic over time. We may be feeling increasingly trapped in roles that force us to work against our hearts. The beginning of this week shows some increased frustration if we feel our honest self-expression is limited by our surroundings. It’s important to do what you can in order to hold onto some sense of agency in order to avoid a complete eruption. 


In fact, self-respect continues to be a major theme of this week with Venus In Leo making a connection with the North Node In Aries. Two fire signs working together creates an undeniable need to be the main character in our own stories. The North Node has a strong fated energy. As it connects with Venus, the planet of priority, we can expect to have some strong urges to prioritize the interests that make us feel most alive. Venus In Leo prefers to make life special through embracing the drama of a personal experience. To truly engage with life and have personal stake in our experiences. This energy will make it challenging to live life on the sidelines, is what I am trying to say. Since Venus is Retrograde, we will be reflecting on what areas of our life are not sincere and how that is affecting our happiness overall.


From Monday into Tuesday, we will be feeling the effects of Jupiter In Taurus connecting with Mars In Virgo. As these energies are both rooted in the Earth element, this is a great energy to aid in our motivation to accomplish the groundwork of whatever we are working towards. Virgo Mars is highly attuned to the details of a matter. An energy that supports us moving projects along little by little, working out the kinks as we go.  As it works together with Jupiter, we can see our efforts amplified. The tedious tasks we are handling may have a larger impact than we would think this week. Hopefully, this will provide some much needed encouragement to stay the course. 


The last energy I want to discuss will be the Full Moon In Aquarius happening on Tuesday, August 1st. This occurs every Summer during the peak of the season. We gain a broader perspective on both sides of the axis; Aquarius and Leo. For this first week of Leo Season 2023, we have been ideally making room for this playful energy in our lives. Listening to the needs of our inner child, finding something to be enthusiastic about and figuring out ways to personalize our experience. As the Moon In Aquarius begins to light up the night’s sky as a reflection of this Leo energy, we may become more aware of where in our lives we are often too detached. Why are we so prone to disengaging? Where do we become cold and why? How can we warm up to those parts of life so that they feel special and important? 


Mid-Week – Wednesday, Thursday:  

As we move through the week, I want to highlight the Moon moving into Pisces. The Moon has made its way through the whole zodiac once more and is now wrapping up this monthly cycle. So, Wednesday and Thursday are a little quiet this week. As the Moon flows through this Water Sign, it becomes important to make time for rest and recuperation. Don’t overwork yourself on these days. Leave that for this weekend. 


On August 2nd, the Moon will come together with Saturn (planet of responsibility). We are being asked to take our inner peace seriously this year and so whenever the Moon crosses this energy, it serves as a good reminder to manage our stress levels and tap out if we need to. Saturn In Pisces doesn’t want us to waste our limited time on Earth being stressed out about trivial worries. Wednesday shows are recommitment to emotional stabilization and spiritual pursuits.


On Thursday, we see the Pisces Moon sit across that Mars In Virgo. This will be a great day to take it easy and limit stress if possible. Mars/Moon contacts can cause an increase in agitation and irritability. Feeling pressure to outperform yourself while also being aware of your need for rest and zoning out can call for a bit of a balancing act on Thursday. 


Weekend: Friday and Saturday  

Over the weekend, we can feel obligated to take on any and every opportunity that comes up. As the Moon hits the refresh button in the sign of Aries, we are hit with motivation to move things forward in some way. An Aries Moon operates off of a need for movement and overcoming obstacles. We are supporting with a self-starting energy as we finish up this week. 


The Leo Sun will also connect with Jupiter In Taurus between Friday and Saturday. Jupiter can oftentimes cause a longing for something better just over the horizon. The Sun then strengthens that energy. We are wanting to be seen and heard. We want to be loud with this energy. We can lack patience at this time as the urge to have a life that truly represents who we wish to be strengthens. Use this fuel to continue moving in a direction that feels aligned with your sense of sincerity. 


We also see Mercury In Virgo begin its Pre-Shadow period. Later on this month, we will experience another Retrograde for this fast-moving planet. From now until August 23rd, the themes that come up for us now, we will have to reconsider during the Retrograde period. Pay close attention to what you are going through during this first part of August as it will come back up later in the month. Mercury In Virgo is this planet’s favorite energy to embody. Not only does Mercury rule this Mutable Earth sign, but it is Exalted here. This means that Mercury has even more resources at its disposal than normal. It feels mentally strong and capable of figuring out the details, problem-solving and perfecting whatever it focuses its mind on. 


Pay attention to what in your life needs some more discrimination. Don’t think about the negative use of this word, but more so consider how if you filtered certain things through the lens of what is useful vs what is wasteful, how much more time, energy, money and even stress could you save on? Virgo has the potential to excel at bringing order to chaos. Be mindful of these themes, for the next few weeks. 



What To Expect Next Week 

North Node Initiation: Moon/North Node In Aries

Fight For Creative Freedom: Venus/Uranus Square

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