Solar eclipse in sagittarius 2021


december 3rd, 2021 11:43:01 pm PST 

collective message: “The secret to life is that there is no secret” ( Anon )


The last time we had eclipses in Gemini and Sagittarius was around 2011 – 2012. At that time the north node was in Sagittarius and we were finding closure in the area of life that the south node in Gemini passed through. Now, the themes are reversed. This solar eclipse will be the last one we have in Sagittarius until the year 2029. So, the areas of our life that are being examined are in need of some form of completion and acceptance of the end of that nine-year chapter.

The South Node first entered Sagittarius on May  4th, 2020. Since then we have been releasing narratives that were imposed upon us that have limited our understanding of the culture we are living within and how it has influenced our worldview. This transit has exposed us to information, both confusing and illuminating. In general, the various voices we have come to hear that we could not before, has led to us gathering enough new data to conflict with the belief system and cultural influence we have been trying to fit into for the last decade or so. Because we know enough to dismantle past beliefs, we are left looking at the blank canvas in front of us, wondering what to make sense of and how to move forward.

This solar eclipse will be highlighting areas of our life where our connections and attachments have all faded away. Whether you seem to not have any close friends, or you are suffering from creative blocks or all of you children have grown up and left the house, we are experiencing this emptiness and lack of distraction to set us up for the next decade of experiences and connections to be made and learn from. These past lessons are done and we have seen all that we needed to see. Now we have to walk into uncharted territory and start all over again with a little more wisdom gained since the eclipses of 2011/2012. 



lady bitterness

delightfully cynical astrologer

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