december 3rd, 2021 11:43:01 pm PST
collective message: “The secret to life is that there is no secret” ( Anon )
The last time we had eclipses in Gemini and Sagittarius was around 2011 – 2012. At that time the north node was in Sagittarius and we were finding closure in the area of life that the south node in Gemini passed through. Now, the themes are reversed. This solar eclipse will be the last one we have in Sagittarius until the year 2029. So, the areas of our life that are being examined are in need of some form of completion and acceptance of the end of that nine-year chapter.
The South Node first entered Sagittarius on May 4th, 2020. Since then we have been releasing narratives that were imposed upon us that have limited our understanding of the culture we are living within and how it has influenced our worldview. This transit has exposed us to information, both confusing and illuminating. In general, the various voices we have come to hear that we could not before, has led to us gathering enough new data to conflict with the belief system and cultural influence we have been trying to fit into for the last decade or so. Because we know enough to dismantle past beliefs, we are left looking at the blank canvas in front of us, wondering what to make sense of and how to move forward.
This solar eclipse will be highlighting areas of our life where our connections and attachments have all faded away. Whether you seem to not have any close friends, or you are suffering from creative blocks or all of you children have grown up and left the house, we are experiencing this emptiness and lack of distraction to set us up for the next decade of experiences and connections to be made and learn from. These past lessons are done and we have seen all that we needed to see. Now we have to walk into uncharted territory and start all over again with a little more wisdom gained since the eclipses of 2011/2012.
This Solar Eclipse is bringing to your attention the reasons why life has stripped back who you thought you were for the last year and a half. Your perception of yourself and the life that you are choosing to live has most likely undergone a redirection. Unnecessary ties to your upbringing have been washed away and at this point you are dealing with a blank canvas waiting for a self-portrait of a new design and a fertile bed of soil ready to receive new roots. Make changes to your work schedule and health routine in order to utilize your daily activities to your own benefit and well-being.
For the past year and a half there has been a clearing out of your reliance on harmful and useless support systems. If you struggled to feel competent in your own survival skills, this past year has made it impossible to not start developing a more self-sufficient attitude. The idea that your childhood could have been and should have been better is merely a distraction at this point. You need to make changes to how you see yourself and what qualities you claim as part of your personality. Then, you will be able to build a foundation based on your own sense of stability and protection.
Since May of 2020, there has been a clearing out and releasing of harmful, limited and useless knowledge that is no longer accurate in the world that you are currently living in. What you thought to be true about the world, people, places, etc may have never been correct or has changed significantly. What you were dedicating your time and focus on daily, is not what you are wanting to do anymore. You may feel quite stagnant and like the days come and go without any real stimulation. There is a need to invest your time in something with a higher return than what you are experiencing now. You need to lighten your load and liberate yourself from a draining circumstance. These changes will help you build a more enjoyable and creative life.
Since May of 2020 you have been experiencing all-too familiar family dynamics and possibly reliving the role you have always played within your immediate unit. This was all to show you what needs to be cleared out and released when it comes to your perception of your upbringing and background. The ways in which you were raised have come into question as you lose some friendships/relationships and gain others based on what role you have been willing or unwilling to play for them. The ending you feel between your sense of home and sense of companionship is meant to make room for healthier experiences to come. There needs to be a change in how you view the world and yourself within it. If you can establish healthier habits, you can explore experiences and perspectives that push you towards growth and give you a new sense of purpose.
For the past year and a half, there has been a clearing out and release of limiting beliefs around your sense of creativity, spontaneity, personal joy and enthusiastic engagement. Whether you have become an empty nester, experiencing creative blocks, or finding your dating life unsatisfying, these feelings of dullness, boredom and a feeling of running out of time are meant to make you see all of the wasteful ways you have approached these topics in the past. Moving forward, there needs to be a change to how you define a successful and fulfilling life. Who’s time are you on? Building up the parts of you that you usually project on others will help you increase the excitement, meaning and liveliness of your life.
Since May of 2020 there has been a clearing out and releasing of harmful habits that affect your ability to be productive and healthy. The potential lull you may feel in your daily routine is here to show what parts of your daily schedule has caused you more stress than was necessary or healthy and has given you the room to chase and explore a completely new sense of productivity and relationship to your own well-being. Make changes to the responsibility you feel to a larger group or community that you are a part of to make enough time to improve your habits. If you can establish a deeper investment with something that is worth a lot of your time, you can start to schedule a daily routine around something enriching overall instead of draining and stressful.
Since May of 2020, there has been a clearing out and releasing of useless and dull relationship patterns. Ways that you have projected your own limitations onto others, expecting them to pick up on what you lack have not been working for you any more. You may have been losing connections with many people while gaining contacts in another light. This closing out of social dynamics is meant to make room for you to find new partnerships or companions that support your personal fulfillment and the kind of success that you really want. There need to be changes made to what influences you allow into your mind and how you talk to yourself when the outside noise dies down. If you can continue to take your sense of purpose seriously and be realistic about what path you are on, then you can start developing healthy beliefs around partnerships.
For the last year and a half there has been a clearing out and releasing of time-consuming circumstances that no longer give you a satisfying return on what energy and time you have been putting in. This could be financial investments, debts, emotional heaviness or intimate bonds that have faded away. The lack of depth and intimacy you might feel is meant to make room for freedom of choice when it comes to the next round of experiences you want to have in this area of life. There needs to be a change of behavior and a shift in how you present yourself. If you can build a more realistic and achievable relationship with your personal sense of success, then you will be able to invest your time more wisely moving forward and start to get something more rich out of life.
May of 2020 was the beginning of a year and a half of cleansing and releasing a sense of purpose that no longer feels worth it or a sense that a journey has simply ended. This year might have created a very dull, uninspiring and adventureless general theme. Things feel boring and uneventful right now to make room for a new journey and sense of purpose coming in the next decade. There needs to be changes made to how you earn and spend your resources. Money, but also your time, energy, and general sense of self-worth. If you can continue to build a more realistic expectation of what you have to offer the wider community, you will be able to begin a new period of growth and exploration, free from the stresses of the last decade.
For the last year and a half there has been a clearing out and releasing of your ties to past achievements and perceived failures. Your visibility in your professional life may have been taken a notch down. The reason your rise in personal accomplishment may be plateauing is meant to make room for the freedom of choosing a new career potentially or setting your sights on new goals in general as the years come. There needs to be changes made to what content you consume daily and what content you put out. If you can continue to build a mature relationship with yourself in the privacy of your own mind, then you can start to open yourself back up to embarking on fresh goals and roles in society.
Since May of 2020, there has been a clearing out and releasing of the lessons gathered for the last ten or years around friendship, like-minded communities and contributing something beneficial to the wider world. You may be feeling disconnected and stalled. Maybe you have actualized some of your higher aspirations and now you need to envision a new set of ideals moving forward. If you have lost touch with the feeling of acceptance and belonging it is meant to show you why past groups or friends were not right for you at the time and how to make room for new experiences with new groups of people. Make some changes to how you take care of your home and private space that value your time and comfort. If you can continue to take yourself more seriously, you will be able to find communities that accept you for all of the right reasons.
For the past year and a half, there has been a clearing out and releasing of subconscious patterns that have sabotaged your efforts in the outer world. Your mental health has been greatly affected by the reemerging of suppressed painful memories, insecurities, anxieties and fears that you may not have known that you had. This clearing out of emotions and thoughts and memories that were locked away in your subconscious is meant to help you remove harmful parts of your self-sabotaging behavior so you can find peace within and learn true self-trust. Make some changes to how you approach your creative life. If you can continue to earn more self-worth then you will be able to take care of your mental health and develop a better sense of self-acceptance overall.