Solar eclipse in Gemini 2021

solar eclipse in gemini 

June 10th, 2021 | 3:32am pst

collective message: “The whole world is our dining room, but be careful: it is also our garbage can” (Ashleigh Brilliant)  

We are going to have to think differently moving forward from this solar eclipse. We will be coming across new information that challenges our current mindset. We may be very bored and dissatisfied with the way life is currently. But, fear not because this solar eclipse is giving us something interesting to engage in. More ideas, more options and more choices. Now, it may not make any sense at first. The new info we are learning may not be leading us anywhere and can be quite confusing. But, it is something new to be mentally stimulated by, considering that we basically have had inconsistent information being thrown at us from all directions this year. Having something fresh to think about will create a spark and get us to participate in life again. 

Regardless of what happens with social distancing, we will be introducing new ways of socializing and new topics of conversation.We may very well see a lot of restless energy lose it’s sh*t near this solar eclipse. It is a wild moon with overstimulated energy needing to be released but being very unorganized about it. This summer may be a roller coaster of chaos.    

 In our personal lives, expect to shift your attention to something you may not be expecting. Keep your mind alert and be willing to question yourself and question the knowledge that you have been so sure is correct. We don’t need the ‘right’ answers as of now, although everyone will be fighting for the ‘truth’. We need to think, and learn and discuss even if we do not reach a definite conclusion. There needs to be room for facts and opinions to whirl around in our brains freely and without immediate judgment or categorizing. That way, when the time comes to commit to a decision, we at least sifted through all of the data to reach our final, well educated understanding. This is about shaking up your mindset enough to break out of bad habits and a limiting way of life, yet keeping your mind disciplined, objective and patient at the same time. Don’t let the restlessness get the better of you, but let it affect you enough that you can move into a new phase.

Gemini risings have really been going through it this past year and a half. The amount of growth you have experienced has probably been taxing. With the North Node increasing your awareness of your overall personality and the way you are approaching life, this solar eclipse is multiplying that experience by 100. Your sense of self is under the microscope and you are being challenged to reevaluate what you think about yourself and the life that you are leading.

Trust that as long as you keep questioning your own behavior with the goal of getting to know yourself more thoroughly, you can expect to reach personal achievements that feel almost fated. You have all that you need to provide yourself with a feeling of safety. Use this eclipse to start overcoming your fear of reliving past debts and painful experiences.    

The north node is increasing your awareness of your self-esteem and your ability to rely on yourself. You may be making more money, you may be making less money. You may be building up your skill set which then has been strengthening your self-worth. With a higher sense of self-esteem, you are moving closer to achieving your personal goals, if you have not already. 

This solar eclipse is asking you to keep testing your ability to support yourself and live within your means. You can steadily achieve significant successes as long as you keep yourself on your toes and remain open to new methods of building your value. 

This solar eclipse highlights the north node which, over the past year, has been increasing your awareness of the world right outside your door. You have probably been learning more and engaging more with your local environment. Maybe you have had busier days. Maybe you have had more room to share your thoughts with others. 

Whatever it is, you are being asked to keep questioning what you are learning, what media you are taking in on a daily basis and what you think you know. If you can keep your mind open to learning, you find that slowly but surely you will be moving towards your higher aspirations in life.  

Over this solar eclipse, the north node is being highlighted. This astrological point has been increasing your awareness of your personal history. That might be connected to your family and your upbringing or simply your private life in general. 

Whatever it may be, you are being asked to keep questioning what you know about yourself at your root and what you know about your family background. If you can stay open to this, you will notice that slowly but surely you are gaining peace of mind and acceptance of who you are as a whole being.  

On this solar eclipse, the north node is being highlighted. For you, this has been increasing your awareness of your own joy for the past year. You may be learning more about what makes you truly happy and enthusiastic to live your life in particular. Do you ever feel this way? When did you stop feeling excited to create a joyful life? 

You are being asked to keep questioning what you know about your creativity and learning how to make yourself happy. If you can stay open to this, you will notice that you are slowly but surely feeling more solid in your identity.

This solar eclipse is highlighting the north node which has been increasing your awareness of your own health, productivity and daily routine for the past year. You may be learning more from your coworkers. You may be learning more about your industry and what part you can play. 

Whatever it may be, you are being asked to keep questioning what you know about maintaining a healthy life. Whether that be about physical health or a healthy work schedule, you are asked to stay open to new ways of maintaining your life. If you can do this, you will notice that slowly but surely you are gaining more resources to support yourself with and strengthen your value.

This eclipse is highlighting the north node which has been increasing your awareness of your shadow self over the last year. Qualities that you have not claimed, for better or worse, are now becoming visible to you. You may be seeing them more in your close relationships, but the eclipse is pointing out these character traits so that you can integrate them into your identity. 

You are being asked to keep questioning who you think that you are and who you have known yourself to be. If you can stay open to what people are reflecting back to you, then you will notice that slowly but surely you are gaining authority over your own story and the thoughts that you share out loud.

The north node is being highlighted on this solar eclipse which has been increasing your awareness of your investments, loans and intimacy in general. It covers a lot, but mainly it has made you pay more attention to how you can rely on others for support. 

This eclipse is asking you to keep questioning what you know about intimacy and asking for support from others. Keep your mind open to learning and considering how you can lean on someone or something else. If you can do this, you may notice that slowly but surely you are establishing who you are at the root of your being and building a solid homebase.

This solar eclipse will be highlighting the north node which has been increasing your awareness around the possible lack of adventure or purpose in your life. Over the past year, a new purpose or direction may have fallen into your lap, embarking you onto a new phase in your life. 

This eclipse is asking you to keep questioning where you are going and what provides you with meaning and purpose to live your life. Stay open to new paths to take and journeys to embark on. If you can do this, you may notice that slowly but surely you are establishing  a hobby or skill that is giving you a more permanent sense of happiness.    

This solar eclipse is highlighting the north node which has been increasing your awareness of your personal achievements. You might be growing your reputation for the last year and coming up on experiences that have been moving your goals further. 

You are being asked tonight to keep questioning what you know about your own success and your own ability to achieve. Stay open to learning more ways you can grow your reputation and work towards serious goals. If you can do this, you may notice that slowly but surely your technique can become more established, your productivity can reach a new level of efficiency or you can feel healthier in general.

This solar eclipse is highlighting the north node which has been increasing your awareness of your ideal aspirations moving into the future. You might be moving towards a future that you didn’t see coming or that you didn’t think would ever be possible. 

You are being asked to keep questioning what you know about your own dreams and aspirations. Stay open to new information that might help you surpass your dreams or keep you from falling flat on your face. If you can do this, you may notice that slowly but surely you will be establishing a solid integration of qualities that you never thought you could claim as your own. 

This solar eclipse is going to highlight the north node which has been increasing your awareness of your own relationship to spirituality. For the past year,, you might be spending more time in solitude and away from the rest of the world. 

You are being asked to continue to question your relationship with solitude and your inner world. Stay open to what thoughts and ideas come to you in your sleep or when you let your mind rest. If you can do this, you may notice that slowly but surely you may be establishing a deeper, more enriching connection with your life and even intimate partners.   

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