October 22nd, 2021 – November 20th, 2021, 10:11:05 pm
collective message: “ The voyage of discovery is not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes ” ( Marcel Proust )
As we enter the middle of Fall here in the states, we settle into the shift from hot spells to strong winds. We start to consume warmer meals and run out of blankets to bundle up into. We find ourselves in Scorpio’s territory for the next several weeks. Every year, we can dedicate this time to reshaping our life, removing what is weighing us down and investing more deeply in whatever can enrich our experiences. It is a time of year where profound shifts are made. Fall encourages the cycle of dying, ending and making room for a fresh spring season. We can use this symbolism to our own advantage, as well.
This Scorpio season will bring on themes of unexpected change and stepping into aspirational levels of discipline and responsibility all for the sake of restructuring our circumstances. Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius are going to provide obstacles for our dear Scorpio season. The conflict between planets in Scorpio and planets in Aquarius comes down to a matter of depth vs width. Scorpio goes deep. Aquarius goes wide. Scorpio plunges into the dark. Aquarius flies high into the light. So, this season will involve putting a lot of effort into facing our fear of becoming our higher selves. Actually becoming our aspirational selves is more terrifying than remaining in the murky shadows of our own guilt and shame. This month offers a chance to be accountable to an important responsibility that will provide a long – lasting, upward improvement to our lives.
We will be having several oppositions to Uranus (the planet of liberation ). It will be a significant opportunity to experiment with healing from a heavy, taxing situation and
I will say that Scorpio, as well as Taurus, has a lot to do with lack and scarcity or the fear of it. We need to be aware of what it would mean to have our sense of security and stability disturbed, ripped away or restricted. At the same time, an unexpected liberating event can offer that shakes us away from a binding situation.
Let’s get into the weeks ahead.
week 1: october 25th – october 31st ( surrender to the solutions )
On Monday, the 25th, we start the season off in the last week of October. Closing in on Halloween we are dealing with unsurprisingly relevant scary themes. This first week will set us up for the changes that will be ensuing throughout the next month. Venus in Sagittarius will be squaring Neptune Retrograde in Pisces early in the week. Neptune swipes away personal control over our circumstances so that we become more attached to our inner life than our material life. Venus represents our love and appreciation for what we find attractive and valuable. So, the meeting of these two planets will cause us to be more open to surrendering our preference and appreciating whatever we can get. If we focus too much on where we could be or how much more meaningful life could be if we were just in a completely different stage then we are going to torment ourselves.
Neptune rules over our delusions. The ways in which we are escaping from parts of our reality we are not ready to accept. Work to unpack those delusions you have been relying on heavily to distance yourself from what is really going on in your life. We don’t always try to shield ourselves from harsh circumstances. Many times we cannot accept that something good has come into our life because our self – worth is so damaged that we do not think we deserve to have our dreams come true. So, when a special event occurs, a beautiful connection is made or there comes an opportunity full of potential, we can dilute our perception and convince ourselves that our lives will always be sh*t. Try to confront the ways you have been numbing yourself to the reality of your situation to protect your crippling self-worth.
This may be a time where we need to reach out and ask for support. We may also need to offer support to others who are in need of some help. It is a charitable energy as well as imaginative. Most of us are feeling directionless. We can feel like what we used to use to make ourselves feel better is not working anymore and we may need to search far outside of ourselves to find that satisfaction. Or, we may have to show some more appreciation to what we do have and stop achingly longing for something better. It will come eventually. Venus sextiling Jupiter gives us the choice to be open to possibilities and expand our belief in goodness and kindness.
On the 30th, Mars will enter Scorpio. This is when we will have more energy and motivation to flip our circumstances on their heads. We will have the chance to restructure the situations we have found ourselves in. With some bravery, fortitude and a willingness to invest our time and energy we can take a draining circumstance and reshape it into something that serves us. Scorpio energy gives us that power to repurpose our resources to work to our advantage. Mars gives us the drive to put our thoughts into effect.
We will also endure the Sun in Scorpio squaring Saturn in Aquarius this weekend. If we want to feel better, we have to do better. Responsibilities may come to take us out of a heavy/draining situation and we should take it upon ourselves to take on the work that will move us upwards. Aquarius is about progress that meets a certain level of aspiration. Scorpio is about eliminating what is toxic. We will have to push this week to make both happen. With Mercury in its last leg of Libra making a trine to Jupiter in Aquarius, we may have some bright ideas circling to help us with this task.
week 2: november 1st – november 7th ( Lean into the unexpected hurdles )
Ok, so this week looks like the big baddie, but in a good way. This is when we can expect substantial change, probably unexpected, but definitely significant. It could be forced upon us or we could have to initiate change for ourselves. The scariest themes of the year are almost over, but this week has us confronting them yet again.
We see Mercury making its final square to Pluto this year before moving into Scorpio at the end of the week. The dark and complex information, thoughts and conversations we have been dealing with will be forced to become more visible. A lot of secrets will come out of hiding, as they have been over the past few months. Dealing with our fears and our corrupted pasts directly, saves us a lot of time and heartache in the future.
Mars will be pushed by the North Node in Gemini to get us out of hiding. If we have been sitting on ideas, we will be forced to apply them. If we have been sitting on projects, we will be urged to release them into the wild. It is time to participate, be visible and air out what we have kept close to our chests this year.
This week we will come upon the New Moon in Scorpio which lands on the same day as the Sun’s opposition to Uranus Retrograde. This is what will kick start the changes we are expecting. Our sense of security will be shaken up, if we even have any of that left at this point. We can see some changes to our incomes, resources and means for providing for ourselves. Whatever happens, we can choose to see it as a liberation from some kind of restraint. We may have more room and autonomy to switch things up for our own well – being in new ways we have not before. This is a good week to challenge ourselves to experiment and step out of line.
At the end of the week we will have Venus moving into Capricorn where it will stay until March of 2022. Yeah, it is a long transit. We will have an ample amount of time to evaluate what goals are still worth working towards, what we consider an accomplishment and what our relationship to status really is. If we know what we want and we respect that, are willing to put the work in and invest our time, we may see our goals materialize in some way over the weekend. Mercury in Scorpio is skilled at noticing the potential returns of a situation and Venus in Capricorn loves and appreciates a strategic means of improving one’s lot in life. If we allow these two to work together, we can see some much needed variety of choice open up to us.
I will also add that Capricorn and Scorpio work together to get us through the more serious and heavy parts of life. They are signs that require a lot out of us but in the end we get so much more out of an experience than if we tried to skate by on the surface. Both are making contact with the North Node in Gemini this week. Gemini can only stay curious, youthful and interested if it relies on Capricorn and Scorpio to face the deeper, harsher aspects of life. They make the room for Gemini’s childlike wonder by taking on responsibility and complexity. Keep that in mind.
week 3: november 8th – november 14th ( take decisive action towards making a situation work for you )
As we reach the second half of Scorpio season, we may be feeling the full effect of this weighty month. With Mercury and Mars working together in Scorpio, we have more information to work with in order to take clear action towards managing our circumstances. We may feel more motivated this week, or we may have run out of time to postpone taking action. Regardless of what is pushing us, we have the chance to use this energy to tackle some mounting responsibilities in a way that showcases our growth in maturity.
The behaviors we have been working on changing throughout the year have been in order to function as healthier adults and have a more beneficial impact on our surroundings in general. It is time to apply our maturity to a situation we are facing that requires us to stay collected, objective and logical. Saturn in Aquarius is teaching us how to make substantial progress. Aquarius is all about updating a system that is out – of – date and not serving its purpose anymore. It is about regulating our purely reactive instincts and instead, solving issues with a calm, cool and rational mind. How we handle the emotionally draining situation now will affect the reality of our future. It is important to start this week with a clear blueprint of what ideal you are working towards and how you really want this complicated circumstance to change as we move forward. Be up for the task.
Mercury makes its opposition to Uranus this week. Experiment with liberating mindsets. Set yourself free from mental cages that aren’t helping you make any more sense of life. If you are racking your brain for answers but all you land on is pain and resentment, then it is pretty clear you aren’t going to solve the puzzle on your own. Try something new.
With the Sun making a trine to Neptune Retrograde, we can take some pressure off of our shoulders to execute our plans perfectly. The results of our efforts will work themselves out and we have to accept what happens for what it is. Maybe we will be left a little disappointed or hurt. But, we could also feel an appreciation for the sensitivity of our insecurities and the effort we have put in so far to end the judgment and self – punishment. Basically, challenge yourself in the beginning of the week, but go easy on yourself towards the end of the week when it comes to the results you were able to produce.
week 4: november 15th – november 20th ( the grand cliffhanger )
Looking at the last week of Scorpio Season I feel hopeful, but scared. It is a busy week, filled with lots of triggering aspects amongst the planets. On Monday, the Scorpio Sun makes a square to Jupiter in Aquarius. My hopes are high for this week. We have the opportunity to gain some important life experience that ushers us into taking a more substantial role. With the Sun making a sextile to Pluto in Capricorn as well, we have the option to really turn our situation around by taking on a responsibility and gaining that feeling of personal accomplishment. It feels like defeating the harshest beast on the final battleground in expert mode.
With Mars in Scorpio opposing Uranus in Taurus, we are going to have to make some autonomous decisions this week. We can no longer trust tradition to provide us with a sense of security. We can feel more secure in our decision to shake things up and invest our time differently. We will have to handle things differently due to a disruption that will most likely happen.
This week holds the Lunar Eclipse in Taurus. A significant realization will come into the light about our finances, values, and any resources we use to secure our worth in this life. By the end of this week, we will come into some clearer understanding of how to structure our futures and move upwards and onwards. Every lesson we have been learning since late 2020 will make more sense as we finish up Scorpio Season. We will know how to more accurately direct our insight. We will know how to more usefully live with the depth of awareness we have earned over this year. We are more aware of the extreme heights and the extreme depths life has to offer and how to navigate them. Don’t worry, there is still much more wisdom to be gained.
Throughout all of Scorpio Season there will be a connection made to Neptune in Pisces. We have to start learning how to take in everything that is happening and just feel the effect in its totality. I know I have been talking about challenging ourselves to turn our life around in this whole article but at the same time, we need to focus more on fully processing our experiences rather than overly concentrating on ‘fixing’ or ‘overcoming’ challenges. Take this season to allow yourself to be deeply affected by your circumstance and don’t stress about reaching the correct solution or knowing exactly how to fix things. Just try to deal with moments as they come.
Your season has finally arrived. Rejoice, for the walking dead have come to celebrate their birth month. The themes of the next several weeks will be centered on yourself and how you have been navigating through this delightfully depressing year. Most likely, you have felt a separating force wedging itself between friendships/partnerships that no longer support your identity. The direction your life is taking has required you to take some private time to establish roots of your own. You may have stepped out of the public eye, so to speak, in order to handle responsibilities that are closer to home and family. This month is where all that extra effort is going to lead to actual change if you are willing to invest yourself to the cause.
Delays to your efforts may come from obligations to family or other private affairs. If an unexpected opportunity to liberate yourself from a restrictive contract, be it relational or professional comes along, take it up. The disruption of unhealthy connections will be for your benefit even if it feels quite sudden and alienating at the moment. Take this season to communicate boundaries you need to have towards restrictive relationships in a way that clearly states your values. Take the risk and experiment with protecting your space, energy and time. This can also look like choosing a situationship that offers you more freedom and fresh experiences than you have had the room to have for yourself.
After a harsh and illuminating Libra season, I can only imagine that you have all the information you need to flip a complex situation on its head and make it work out for you. This month the focus moves towards one of self – preservation. All year, you have been working towards establishing a lifestyle that allows you to feel creative, engaged and fulfilled. You have been working through better understanding the parts of your childhood that were disappointing and the parts of your childhood that you want to recreate.
This month is requiring you to take all of the insight you have gained and apply it to your goals. Be aware of how much of your energy, time, skill and money you have to give and be disciplined about dosing it out. Work steadily towards managing your resources in such a way that funds this creative project, romance, childcare, etc. Experiment with new ways of separating from debt, emotional baggage or bad investments. Experiment with more liberating investments. You have gained an intense amount of awareness of the effect your upbringing has had on you. This month is about taking that power of knowledge and choosing to reform the role that you play in your family and the way that you connect with your own roots.
Hey Virgo. This scorpio season is asking you to reacquaint yourself with the outside world with a richer sense of integrity. Since the beginning of 2021, you have been establishing or attempting to establish a daily workload that suits your specific abilities. Learning to better regulate your stress and design a routine that helps you manage your health alongside your productivity. For the next several weeks, these responsibilities are going to push you to openly share your thoughts, opinions and perspectives that you may have been keeping in hiding. It is time to push out content that maybe you have feared. Share your true perspective. Expose yourself to content that forces you to think. There is an opening to restore a sense of childlike enthusiasm for the life that you are living, but only if you are outwardly honest.
Experiment with unfamiliar territory. What do you have to lose? Liberate yourself, in some way, from circumstances that are keeping you from feeling purposeful. Life isn’t about finding one purpose, sure. It’s about the many paths and directions that we can take to gain experience and absorb wisdom. Be open to experiences that make you feel like you are actually going somewhere and growing. These opportunities might find you anyway.
This year’s Scorpio season is asking you to take a month to go inwards and take time to recharge. For all of 2021, you have been trying to establish a fuller concept of your identity and the person you show up as in your everyday life and relationships. You may have found that this year has presented you with the responsibility to build more mature connections. To make social agreements that prioritize the aspirations of both parties. In order to do that, you have had to work on regulating your own behavior, probably saying goodbye to some connections so that you could work towards your own ambitions. For the next couple of weeks, there is a need to dig deep into your roots and the awareness of what grounds you in order to apply effort towards expressing qualities that have been in development.
As a Leo rising, sometimes you are only seen for your entertainment value but may not feel respected for your inventive ideas or interest in the progress of society. Use this month to restore your influence over a wider community and openly reveal your goals by dedicating your daily schedule towards work that means something to you. There may be some unexpected changes to your reputation. Whether it be a promotion or a depromotion, this shift is freeing you from a stale and stagnant status. Make your reputation something you have invented, not fallen into.
This Scorpio season will ask you to deal with the fears of making your life count, not wasting time and making sure that what you are investing your time, money and emotions in, is worth it. Throughout this year, you have been trying to establish a more mature relationship to debt, emotional heaviness and intimacy. There have been responsibilities popping up that have required you to learn how to deal with complex, burdensome issues. This month will push you to tackle these burdens with a higher ability to lift the restrictive nature off of your shoulders to some degree. Through digging deep into activities that breathe life and enthusiasm into you ( be that romance, creative projects or children ) you can take on these heavier debts.
You can move forward with a deeper awareness of your complete personality; the behaviors you already own and the behaviors you are developing. You have been learning who you really are through the profound connections you have made with friends and partners. This month allows you to apply that awareness and show up as a more full personality. With Uranus moving through your eleventh house in Taurus, this month raises some opportunities to liberate yourself from any restrictive feelings towards your aspirations for your own future. Take a chance and experiment with stepping towards a future that values your hopes and puts you in the presence of an accepting wider community.
Since late last year, you may have begun to face a certain level of responsibility and need to dedicate yourself to growth. Whether that be growing out of a lifestyle, belief system or growing a greater sense of authority and discipline, this year has not been easy on your sense of purpose. A maturing worldview has caused you to set higher standards for your belief system and the kind of wisdom that you trust. As we dig deeper into this Scorpio season, your ability to keep up with the maturity that is expected of you on a day to day basis will be tested. You may experience delays as you reach for new heights because of issues on the ground level. You could run into burnout, exhaustion, a health problem or too heavy of a workload in general.
There may be some unexpected impacts on your sense of inner peace. If you are feeling anxiety creep in whenever you are alone with your thoughts it may be a sign that you are restricting yourself by continuing to normalize a situation that isn’t normal. These next few weeks can give you the room to bring some of that mental unease out onto the surface so that you can relieve the internal stress. Not every concern that rises within your mind will actually happen but you need to release that angst through healthy means. Pay attention to daily tasks that help you feel lighter. Clear up your space in some way so that you loosen up the tightness that might be suffocating to your sense of relief. Experiment with different mentalities that are not so sharp and dire, but liberating from an isolated mental cage.
For the past year or so, there has been a steady increase of responsibility that has fallen on your shoulders. The status attached to you and the achievements and/or failures you have piled up is solidifying your reputation. The benchmarks you have set for your goals may be moving higher and higher, or you could be learning what your realistic limitations are and lowering your standards in healthy ways. Focusing on more achievable goals. For the next couple of weeks, you may find that you need more support from friends or partners or that these relationships need more attention of yours. This can cause a delay or setback in trying to work towards these ambitions. You may have to find time to be there for somebody else and handle your responsibilities.
This season will test the person that you think that you are and the role that you think you need to be playing. Be open to some changes you can make that help you breathe more space into the qualities you can identify with. Check the limitations you put on your own personality and experiment with a freer and more independent presentation. Take this month to rearrange your sense of purpose and the path that you actually want to be on. Take your life where you want it to go instead of fearing the worst.
In the dead of Autumn, Scorpio season usually gives you the space to unearth some of the deeper, heavier experiences you have had and give you the time to process. This season however, we have another mountain to climb on top of the usual themes. Since around late December of 2020, you have been taking on more of a responsibility to make realistic contributions to the wider community and collaborate within projects that are dedicated to real progress. Some of your highest aspirations may be actualizing or gaining traction. For the next couple of weeks, you may run into some delays due to issues around any debts you owe or baggage you are carrying around becoming louder and needing your attention. It’s going to be about making time for both dealing with more intimate, complex issues while working towards gaining more influence in the wider community/society.
Along with needing to take some time to address some deeper issues, there may come an event that pushes for a change in the way you choose to support your lifestyle. Changes in income or source of income can cause you to need to be even more self – sufficient and liberate yourself from anything restricting your ability to fend for yourself on your own independent terms. This can be a time where you need to live by healthier terms between the amount of your own time, energy and money you are willing to give in exchange for something equal to the value that you offer. The awareness of the depth of your reputation as well as the danger of your power and status can help you in managing the difficult circumstances that come up.
Since the beginning of the year, there could have been a diminishing of visible responsibilities and obligations to the outer community. Your highest achievements and setbacks have come and gone. Now, you are beginning to detach from past goals and ambitions in order to make room for something new. If you feel unmotivated, it is probably because you are being asked to take up more time alone and fully process everything you have achieved or have not achieved up until now. This Scorpio season is going to require you to confront these solitary burdens because circumstances may pop up that need you to broaden your life experience while also handling your mental health in a responsible way. Balancing, ‘getting back out there’ and exploring new experiences with taking time out to reflect on your inner challenges.
You may have to set very clear boundaries with other people by making your opinions clear and drawing a line that you are not willing to cross because of your personal perspective on matters. It could hurt to have to make such a separation with your words, but it will probably be very liberating. It is a future – oriented month. Make time to rearrange your highest aspirations based on the fresh experiences you will be having throughout the month.
For the past year, you have been required, due to circumstance, to build a more realistic and mature identity and overall understanding of what kind of person you wish to live as. Learning to regulate your behavior and being accountable to the way your presence affects others have been big themes this year. Throughout Scorpio Season this year, you may see delays in terms of becoming this more mature self because you may have obligations come up that require you to take up a leadership position. You need to make time to turn a setback into an achievement that builds up this lifestyle that you are trying to build for yourself.
Take the next couple of weeks to allow space for changes made to the role you play in your family and how you treat your private space. It is okay to set boundaries that give you room to feel physically relaxed, unperturbed and safe. You are allowed to have a healthy private space that no one gets to disturb. Whether it be forced separation or chosen, there may come some unexpected circumstances this month that asks you to experiment with having your own space in a way that you are not used to. It takes having respect for your own goals and ambitions sometimes to alleviate inner anxieties and fears.
Since late 2020, you have been developing a more responsible relationship to your senses of value and how you manage your resources. You have been needing to take on more accountability to be self – sufficient and support the lifestyle that you think that you deserve. This Scorpio Season is going to require making time to move towards your highest aspirations while also making sure you can afford the life that you have now. Focusing on what your ideal future might look like and doing the groundwork now to acquire enough resources to make that future happen. Certain expenses or mundane necessities may delay your ability to actualize these far – off aims. You may need to put in effort to build a stronger self – worth so that you can enter spaces with like-minded communities that can help you on your path.
These next few weeks you will also see some unexpected pressure to change the way you are dealing with the need to have fun, be proud of the life that you are living and fall in love with your experiences. There may come instant opportunities to experiment with different hobbies or interests that liberate you from boredom and discontent. Trying out new ways to get the most out of your leisure time can help you transition into a more self-aware and able personality. If you are feeling disengaged, you may need to experiment with various forms of self-expression that honour your natural talents.
For all of this year there have been themes playing out that require you to establish a more responsible way of communicating and sharing your thoughts, opinions and perspective overall. You are learning how to responsibly take in content and share content with your peers and contemporaries. This Scorpio season can serve as a time to focus on redirecting your mental health by managing your alone time in healthier ways. If you find yourself fearing the thoughts that swirl around your own mind, then put effort into communicating these internal anxieties in a well – constructed, mature explanation.
There may be some unexpected events that require you to make changes to your daily routine and daily workload. It may be time to set fresh boundaries with your schedule so that you do not overwork yourself and exhaust your productivity limits. This is a great time to liberate yourself from restrictive and unhealthy daily burdens which will help improve and maintain the state of your mental health as well.