November 21st – December 20th, 2021
START DATE: November 21st 6:49:17 pm
collective message: “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it” ( George Santayana )
We will now be entering that mutable time of year once again as we welcome the end of Autumn and prepare for Winter. Sagittarius Season helps us transition from the themes of letting go and saying goodbye to the themes that Winter brings with it of patience and dedication to moving forward. We can use this season as a way to start brainstorming what adventures we want to embark on in the new year.
Sagittarius can produce a very ‘f*ck it’ kind of attitude because after time spent in Scorpio, we realize that we have nothing left to lose by taking a chance. The image of a cold Winter brings to mind scarcity and a barren mood. Sagittarius gives up the hope and inspiration to get through the next several months as we approach the astrological new year in late March. We look ahead and daydream about all the possibilities, restoring some sense of purpose if it was lost in the month before. Not through the lens of total optimism or hopeful expectation of a positive result but of the thorough understanding of how dissatisfying and harsh life can be. Might as well get up and try out our options because what else is there to do.
week 1: November 22nd – November 28th ( a game of pause, rewind, play, repeat )
Coming into this season, our energy should be plenty exhausted by the events of the past month. This first week brings in some new energy in order to release us from the emotional chambers of scorpio and give us the space to move forward in some way. With Saturn ( planet of maturity ) making a sextile to Chiron ( asteroid of human vulnerability) we can use this energy to continue to form a more realistic view of our insecurities, where they originated from and why we can’t seem to dispel them. It is not so much about making ourselves invincible as much as giving ourselves the support, patience and understanding that we all need sometimes without judgement or senseless pity. Use this energy to patiently and methodically work through situations that are making you feel helpless. There is something you can do to handle this circumstance; it just won’t be a quick or easy fix.
Another sextile that we can use this week forms between the two social planets. I call Venus (planet of individual priorities) and Mars (planet of individual will) the social planets because they represent how our own actions and preferences impact each other within our interpersonal connections. With these two planets making a sextile, we know what we want and we trust that we know exactly what to do. It is a strong energy for taking action on our own accord to defend our personal boundaries and actually be heard. Venus in Capricorn and Mars in Scorpio have depth, perseverance and a high tolerance for discomfort because they have learned the value of delayed gratification. We can use these energies to push through difficult interactions because the end goal will be in our sights and we will have the endurance to see ourselves through.
This might be a week where experiences that we are far too familiar with come knocking at our door once again. With the Sun going over the South Node, it can feel like we are stuck in Groundhog Day and if we haven’t realized it already, then this week strikes us over the head with how trapped we may feel in a certain situation. Sagittarius always wants to explore over the horizon to find something that will add a sense of meaning and purpose to life, so we can feel an increase in itchiness and a need for freedom. Mercury will also enter Sagittarius this week and find its way over the South Node, too. This will provide us with more clarity about the situation that may feel like it is a sinking ship. We may see more clearly what is going on and why it is no longer working for us anymore.
To end out the week, we are going to have a three-way conjunction between the Sun, Vesta and Mercury. Vesta is an asteroid and it represents our devotion and unperturbed tenderness and care of an activity that keeps our inner flame alive. Vesta keeps our spirit aglow. It is the subtle and quiet admiration we have for living that we have to tend to overtime, or else we lose the will to keep going. Vesta reminds me of the way that the rose petals fall every year the Beast fails to fall in love.
As the Sun and Mercury both collide with this energy in Sagittarius, I think we will have a renewed sense of purpose and a direction to explore or we will at least hit a breaking point of stagnation and dissatisfaction with our current circumstance. We may get a clearer sense of what adventure we want to jump into within the next couple of years. We definitely want fresh experiences that we have never had before and some ideas may pop up that lead us to these future opportunities. For right now, we have to stay open to the possibility of changing our whole environment, lifestyle and daily routine in the coming years, especially if we feel our present life is suffocating.
week 2: November 29th – December 5th ( moving onward )
The most useful part of this year’s Sagittarius season is the movement being offered to us by the sextiles forming between Saturn in Aquarius and all of the planets in Sagittarius. These two signs are both future-oriented. Sag, being a fire sign is motivated and inspired by the endless possibilities that tomorrow may bring. Aqua, being an air sign, is mentally invested in updating, inventing and innovating a better life for us to lead. Sagittarius explores for the sake of gaining experience and Aquarius invents for the sake of making significant progress.
We start this week off with Mercury and the Sun in Sagittarius sextiling Saturn in Aquarius while also making a trine to Chiron Retrograde in Aries. The initial cause for the inadequacy that we may feel will make itself more and more approachable as the week goes on. Everything we need to know about our core wound is right there waiting for us to pick it all up and actually address it. You and I both know that our insecurities, pained memories and intrusive thoughts are not going anywhere just because we have found tolerable distractions before. This week calls for some adulting and not running away from our problems.
This week also calls for some flexibility and acceptance of the overall messiness of our circumstances. Neptune will go direct on the First of December, reintroducing a stronger sense of alignment, magic but also confusion, fuzziness and a need to rely on spirituality and synchronicity. If the ideal cannot be met then we need to be okay with the next best solution. This may feel like our efforts are ineffectual, but trying to force an outcome this week just simply won’t end well.
Our individual willpower can only control so much before the events will play out the way that they want to, regardless of what our personal wants and needs were hoping for. Closing our eyes and trusting that we know our environment well enough to still manage, is what this energy feels like. Have some appreciation for the unknown and the way that it relieves certain responsibilities from our shoulders. Try to take things slow and just accomplish whatever fits into the day without becoming too stressful.
Mars in Scorpio trine this Neptune in Pisces can seem to make time slow down and the days can feel soupy and neverending. Use this feeling of infinite time in any way that you want to. Imagine, dream, relax and zone out.
The last Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius will happen on December 3rd, closing out the week. This will be a massive welcoming into a new nine year sequence in our lives to explore a purpose and live out an intention that leads to a profound growth. The scope of our perspective will expand in fresh ways in the next decade or so. Because this is an eclipse on the South Node, this will be a major release of relationships, jobs, mindsets and any baggage that has been thoroughly lived through and now needs to be shown the exit. We are making room for years worth of new adventures, new life lessons and more wisdom to be gained about the world around us and our place in it. This is a time to think more deeply about how we are going to play the lead role in our own lives moving forward.
Finally, on Sunday the 5th, we will experience Mars in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn. This energy may bring on emotionally draining situations but we have built enough inner resolve over the past year to manage our expectations, understand the worst and best case scenarios and act accordingly without giving too much of our hearts away as we go.
week 3: December 6th – December 12th ( slow down and dream a little )
Recently, the asteroid Juno moved into Capricorn from nearly a year long trek through Sagittarius. Juno represents our deal breakers in any situation. What line are we completely against crossing based on a sense of loyalty to our morals and integrity of our character. Juno represents how we may stay in an ‘unhappy marriage’ for the sake of sticking to our principles over quick fixes or short-lived relief. Now that it is in the earth sign of Capricorn, we may feel the need to hold on tightly to our sense of responsibility, duty, authority, standards, traditions and any systems that we feel should be upheld.
There is, however, a challenge presented by the current Chiron Retrograde in Aries. Chiron is the Wounded Healer and teaches us how to accept and manage our universal human frailty. When Juno and Chiron come to a head, we may feel pressure to go against our principles. We may realize how we have stayed in a situation out of a sense of duty or obligation even when it has been causing us unnecessary harm. We may realize that we have put ourselves in a vulnerable position because we were convinced that we had to step up when a situation called for it and that we had to be ‘an adult’ when really we were pressured into something we were not ready to take on. This can also manifest as an external circumstance forcing us to more sternly proclaim what traditions we will respect and will not see disgraced. We may be willing to stick out our necks more this week out of an intense feeling of responsibility to a sacred history.
By December 7th, Mercury in Sagittarius will make a square to Neptune in Pisces. We dealt with this aspect earlier this year, once in May, June and July. However, Mercury was in the air sign of Gemini. If you can remember those few months of this year, you might have felt a lot of confusion, misdirection and doubt about your ability to process information and feel certain that you know what is going on. It may have been difficult to plan, think ahead or make solid decisions in general. We may start to feel that way again this week but the effects won’t last as long.
Mercury in Sagittarius is very inspired and wants to focus on where we are heading. We could use this energy to fantasize, brainstorm grand targets for us to reach in the future and inspire ourselves to look forward to something out there. As long as we can remind ourselves that we are daydreaming just for the emotional boost and not to fake ourselves out, then we should be okay. The ordinary, day to day life may become unbearable during this week. It is a good time to focus our mind on something that breaks us out of our routine and feels like some kind of getaway even if it’s just taking a day to watch a movie marathon or read a good book.
Mars in Scorpio square Jupiter in Aquarius adds to this feeling of needing a break from the daily grind. We will want to focus our energies on broader ambitions and activities that we don’t get to do every day of the week. Life will probably push us into taking on an experience that is unfamiliar and may be out of our league but needs our participation anyway. This energy may encourage us to take a big risk or take a larger step towards one of our more intimidating goals. Jupiter gives us the confidence of an innocent fool and Mars gives us the physical energy to make some moves.
Moving into the end of the week, we finally reach the Venus conjunct Pluto in Capricorn aspect we have all been anticipating. The last time we felt this was January 28th, 2021. Venus is the planet of evaluating what is most preferable and what is most distasteful. It represents how we show affection, what we are attracted to and what we are repulsed by, specifically wishing our social contacts. It represents through what means we relate to other people.
Pluto is the planet of harsh truth, awareness of the extremes of human behavior, destruction and creation. When these two energies combine in Capricorn, we are in for a renewal of our sense of what is preferred vs reproachful about our government, sense of authority, relationship to success and ambition, aging, history and traditions. We will have to reckon with our darkest behavioral patterns and habits in our relationships. Coming to terms with our worst traits and how we have hurt ourselves, how we have hurt others and how we have deprived ourselves from closeness due to our behavior in our social contacts.
Mercury will be sextiling Jupiter this week too, allowing us to come to a broader understanding of our circumstances. We may be able to make a forward moving decision as a result of a stronger need to believe in taking a risk.
Over the weekend we will experience the sun square neptune energy. This is going to bring our attention to the areas of life we feel where we feel confused and directionless. It calls for us to be aware of our self-doubt and how it plays into our lack of motivation, confidence and liviness. Are we trying to control something too tightly? Are we feeling weak under circumstances that we cannot change? This aspect highlights those feelings so we can address them. Don’t underestimate yourself but don’t get lost in a fantasy either. Sun in Sagittarius wants to dive into opportunity and explore. Neptune in Pisces, however, plans to slow us down, make time seem nonlinear and force us to pay attention to our inner lives just as much as all the possibilities outside of ourselves.
Around the same time we will also have Ceres conjunct the north node in Gemini to close out the week. I think this looks like a renewal between our relationship to reparenting our adult selves. We may come into new information or advice that guides us in ways we have not had before.
week 4: December 13th – December 20th ( growing up and managing reality )
The week begins with a change of pace. Mars, the planet of personal willpower and motivation, moves into Sagittarius. On the same day we also have Mercury (planet of communication and information processing ) move into Capricorn. These shifts in energies will help set us up for the incoming Winter season, here in the states.
With Mars in Sagittarius, we can rely on setting up targets to shoot for as the future unfolds, to motivate us into daily action. Mars in Sagittarius isn’t interested in the ordinary, mundane grind. It needs to feel inspired and intentional inorder to take action. There has to be a risk/reward element to our goals or else we may lose some steam. We are going to need to set our sights on something far-off in the distance to help us get through this Winter. Exploring the paths we have available to us will keep us going.
The first thing that Mars will do, once in Sagittarius, will be making a conjunction to the south node. The south node rules over our familiar narratives and stories we have read a hundred times over, experiences we have lived on repeat. As Mars moves over this placement, it is yet another push to let go of a sense of purpose that is not helping you grow anymore, but is actually holding you back. Mars will give us energy and the will to change our direction and get onto a path that will lead to further growth and fresh life experiences. This is about going off course and forgetting the paved path that you are willfully leaving behind.
At this same time, Mercury will focus our attention on being more practical, mentally disciplined and realistic. While this planet is in Capricorn, it could be a great time to plan out the next several months and what objectives we want to reach as the new year goes on. We are going to have a more grounded and responsible perspective on the state of our life and this will allow us to see what is possible and what is a pipe dream. We are taking ourselves more seriously. With all the Sagittarius energy, Mercury in Capricorn can help us focus our inspiration and give our ambition some structure. It will help us break our dreams into achievable parts. Mercury inconjunct North Node in Gemini will point us toward useful information that we can use to stay informed and on track.
Towards the end of the week, Mercury will make a square to Chiron Retrograde in Aries on the same day as the Full Moon in Gemini. We will have to confront some of our core insecurities around the space we take up and how much of a right we have to be here. Difficult conversations around boundaries may need to be had. Some kind of defending ourselves will be necessary but the presence of Capricorn energy brings on a mature, well thought-out way of addressing these vulnerable issues between our sense of self-respect and our responsibilities.
The Full Moon in Gemini will bring on realizations of how we have been affected by the information we have digested over the years. What kind of content have we been ingesting? What media sources have we paid attention to? What have we learned from these familiar or unfamiliar sources of information? Neptune will be making a square to this lunar phase so we may come to a realization that we have been duped or deceived. Where we may have been confused or lacked the accurate information to make a solid decision with. Hopefully some answers will be provided.
Finally, on Sunday, we have quite a few events. Firstly, Venus will go retrograde in Capricorn on Pluto. The themes we discussed earlier this week will come under review for the next several weeks. Into the new year, we will be reconsidering our behavior and patterns we historically have relied on in our social connections. We will be addressing intense fears we have around being loved, abandoned, losing someone, never finding someone, etc. What is our relationship to authority, control and hierarchy? What is our relationship to success and personal accomplishment? Venus Retrograde will have us reflect on what kind of success, authority and systems deserve our respect, admiration and appreciation. What deserves our rejection and disapproval? These are some themes calling for us to retrace our steps and further investigate our position on.
Sunday is also when Chrion will go direct in Aries. Chiron helps us accept our human frailty and be kind and understanding of others’ shortcomings, as well. In Aries, we have collectively been dealing with insecurities around identity, self-respect and individual rights to be ourselves and take up space as we are. Everyone, to some degree, is feeling imposed upon and limited by who they feel they are allowed to identify as without facing conflict.
As Chiron goes direct, we can use our clearer understanding of where these insecurities originally stem from to move forward with more self-understanding and patience. We may face a new batch of debilitating experiences that test our pain points, but we need to have compassion for the vulnerable parts of our experience even if the rest of the world won’t give us that kindness.
To end off the week, the Sun in Sagittarius will sextile Jupiter in Aquarius. This is a great energy to use to move forward and be excited for the open-endedness of our future. We may feel overwhelmed by the lack of guidance or manual to follow but in general, this freedom of choice is going to be really crucial to changing the world around us for the better.
This month holds the very last solar eclipse in Sagittarius that you will experience for the next decade. With the emphasis on the south node, this is more of a clearing out of stories, narratives and beliefs about what kind of lifestyle you are allowed to lead. Themes around how you approach the world and your instinctual behavior will be coming up. The person that you have been over the last nine years is nearly nonexistent at this point. You just are not the same and this month really solidifies the shift in your sense of self.
Over the next few weeks, you may have to confront your upbringing and find the space within to have more compassion for your family, parents, ancestors and what paths they were able to clear for you and what generational patterns they left for you to overcome. This will help you come to terms with where your deeper insecurities around unfulfilled childhood dreams or loss of innocent joy are rooted in and how to offer yourself more support. Moving forward into 2022, you will continue to take your daily activity more seriously. The content and activities that fill up your day are undergoing a maturation process. Sagittarius Season will be helping you define a clear plan of how to participate in the world around you, without losing yourself to unnecessary busywork or exces distractions.
Finally, this is the month where we are finally graced with Venus Retrograde in Capricorn. It is time to address fears around scarcity, personal finances, self-worth and self-preservation. In what ways have you had a toxic and harmful relationship to your ability to be self-sufficient. Have you forced yourself to ‘make it work’ even when you were emotionally spent? Have you had to resort to desperate measures to make ends meet and how have those times affected your self-esteem? This will be a period to reassess how you appreciate your own time, effort, money and overall value. Think about ways you may have been exploited in the past and how you can prevent that from happening moving forward.
At the very beginning of this Sagittarius Season, you will experience your last Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius for the next decade. The South Node is the main influence which will force a clearing out of an old life, one that we simply are not living anymore. For Scorpio, you will be trying to release attachments to whatever you have been relying on to support your identity and overall lifestyle for the past nine years. Be it the way to make money or the stories you tell yourself about your own self-worth and value, the book is over and it’s not being published from here on out.
For the next several weeks, it will be important to welcome a more complete acceptance and compassion for unfulfilled childhood dreams and loss of innocence. The romance and magic present in life can come and go and never when you try to force it. Making amends with the ways your childhood was magical and open vs the ways it was disappointing and sacrificed will help you release meaningless attachments to the self-esteem that was built from that old time. Use this month to show yourself support when you feel insecure about your unprocessed imperfections. Saturn in Aquarius is helping you establish your own roots in your adult life, clear of old family patterns and dynamics. Use the Sagittarius energy to get inspired by new possibilities of how you can support your foundation moving forward in self-sufficient ways that honor your value.
Finally, in the last couple of weeks of this season, Venus will begin its Retrograde in Capricorn. This will be a time to review your relationship to the toxic information that you have been exposed to and how it has affected your perspective on life and people and everything in between. What is your relationship to the power of truth and when and how people (including yourself) chose to use it? Reviewing your appreciation for the content, media, books, movies and daily activities you partake in will help you better recognize what influences are worth investing in and what is not.
This Sagittarius Season will bring in the last solar eclipse that you will experience in this area of life for about the next decade. The south node holds the main themes of this month. It will be forcing some kind of grand clearing out and release of a well that is now completely dried up. For Libra this can look like the information and sense of reality you have been participating in does not ring accurate to you anymore. The daily activities you have partaken in for the last decade are just not what you need to be focusing on anymore. The media you pay attention to, the content you ingest and the ways you have filled up your day, have become way too familiar and are keeping you from growth. They will be forced out this month.
This release of a major chunk of your life will be more approachable if you can make space for compassion and acceptance of your limits. You can only fit so much in a day, you can only do so much for other people before you are spending energy that you do not have and harming your physical state. This month will help you heal some deeper insecurities around dependence on others and also how others have depended on you in ways that you cannot manage anymore. With Saturn in Aquarius, you are being guided to take your own sense of fulfillment more seriously. Establishing the space to create a life that is meaningful and joyful is taking time but is very important for you. Use this Sagittarius energy to help you make more room in your day to day life to dedicate time to your own creations.
Finally, by the end of this season Venus will begin its Retrograde in Capricorn. Libra needs to review toxic family dynamics and conditioning. What is your relationship to authority, control, success and failure and how has your upbringing influenced that? This will be a time to learn how to appreciate your private space and understand when you have felt imposed upon when you really needed that personal time and how to start healing.
Sagittarius Season for the year of 2021 will hold the last solar eclipse in Sagittarius that you will experience for the next decade. The south node will be the main focus and it will be forcing a clearing out of family dynamics and attachments to your upbringing that cannot continue if you want to keep growing. Allowing for this release of your knotted roots, opens up space to plant your own seeds in the decade to come.
Throughout the next several weeks, it will be important to put effort towards fully accepting how your role in the family influenced all other relationships and having compassion for yourself as you become disillusioned with this part of your reality. Use this month to show yourself more support and understanding when it comes to your deeper insecurities around guilt, grief and complex, heavy emotional baggage that you are carrying around. With Saturn in Aquarius, you are being guided to take your physical health more seriously. Establishing a responsible routine that allows you to take care of yourself while also being productive is important as you deal with growing up. All of the Sagittarius energy is there to help give you the energy to focus on making your future workload more achievable and leaves room for a healthier personal life.
Finally, in the last couple of weeks of this season, Venus will begin its retrograde in Capricorn. This will be a time to review your relationship to your sense of creative fulfilment, romance and playfulness. What unfulfilled childhood dreams have been delayed due to toxic setbacks and obstacles placed in your way of achieving those innocent ambitions? In what ways have the themes of power, authority, tradition, success and failure affected your ability to create an enjoyable and personally significant life?
This year’s sagittarius season will hold the very last solar eclipse in sagittarius you will experience for the next decade. The south node is heavily involved with this one so it will be a clearing out of a nine year chapter of your life that is now coming to an end. Releasing unfulfilled wishes will be a part of this month. Having certainty around the fact that the years you have put in, working on creative endeavors, raising children or searching for romance is very much over. Those experiences have taught you all the lessons that they could and now you need to move into a new decade where your inner child is still waiting to be acknowledged.
Throughout the next month, it will be crucial to give yourself space to have complete acceptance around the intimacy you have with life and all of its challenges. Having compassion for all of the baggage that you carry with you will help you say the final goodbye to past romances, failed creations and wasted time. Use this energy to offer yourself more support for the insecurities you have around not knowing what your purpose is or where you should be heading. Saturn in Aquarius is helping you take your role in your partnerships more seriously and establishing healthier contracts with other people. Use this Sagittarius energy to help you plan for a future where you have the support of your friends and partners to live a life that is personally fulfilling and enjoyable.
Finally, during the last few weeks of this season Venus will Retrograde in Capricorn. This will be a review of your relationship to stress, productivity and your physical health needs. How has your workload been too extreme for you? Has your work environment been toxic and neglectful of your health? How has your relationship to authority, tradition, success and failure influenced your willingness to exploit yourself against what is best for your physical needs?
The Sagittarius Season for 2021 will hold the last solar eclipse in Sagittarius that you will experience for the next decade. The South Node will take the lead on this energy so there will be a clearing out of how you have approached work and health for the last nine years. The daily routine you have lived by, the health problems you have faced; they are all in the rearview mirror and not coming back any time soon. The approach and the mindset you have around these themes is very much ready to update.
To help you move through this closing period, Neptune in Pisces is asking you to make space for complete acceptance and compassion of the journey you are on as a whole. The growth you have experienced over the years has been messy, confusing and very spiritual. Have compassion for the zig-zagged path you have taken and allow that mentality to pull you away from your old life and into the new. Use this month to give yourself more support as you manage insecurities around success, failure and personal achievements. With Saturn in Aquarius, you have been taking the complexity of life more seriously and dedicating more time to handling your grief, guilt, pain and that of others. as well. This Sagittarius season will help you plan for a future where you can enrich your life with the daily work schedule that you keep. Plan a way to have a healthy relationship to productivity and psychological well-being.
Finally, at the end of the month, you will be experiencing the Venus Retrograde in Capricorn. This will have you reviewing themes of authority, control, success and failure within your relationship dynamics and the roles you have played. What toxic dynamics have you dealt with for the sake of staying together and making it work? How can you appreciate your responsibility to yourself as well as your partner in a more mature way than before? This energy will continue into Capricorn season.
This next season will hold the very last solar eclipse in Sagittarius that you will experience for the next ten years. With the South Node handling all of the affairs this month, you will be clearing out and ending a decade worth of relationship-oriented experiences. The role you have played in your social connections does not fit the person that you have become and will be becoming as you move forward in your life. Moving into a new ten year span, you will be gaining a brand new perspective on partnership and the part you play in managing a connection.
Throughout the next few weeks, it will be important to make room for compassionate acceptance of all the achievements and failures you have been through. Allowing the space to understand the lack of control you have over your status and reputation and accepting that success will come to you when the time is right, will help you let go of the people that are depending on you too much right now or vice versa. This month will also give you the room to better support your insecurities and feelings of inadequacy when it comes to leaving a beneficial mark on the wider community. With Saturn in Aquarius, you are steadily building your credibility in some area so that you take on the social responsibilities that you feel the wider collective needs you to do. All of this Sagittarius energy will give you the long-distance vision to see who will stay by your side as you continue to grow and who can become less present in your life.
Finally, Venus will Retrograde in Capricorn during the last couple of weeks of this season. This is going to force a closer look at fears you may have at losing all of your assets. It does not mean that anything will actually happen, but, you will have to start confronting some of these deeper fears around losing financial investments, spiritual wealth, a long-standing, deeply intimate bond, things that have really enriched your life and that would cause you much pain to be without. Reviewing your relationship to guilt, grief and any complex emotions will be a focus starting this month.
This season will hold the last solar eclipse in Sagittarius that you will experience for the next ten or so years. The South Node is going to be at the head of this month’s energy, forcing a clearing out and ending of a near decade-long chapter. This release will be affecting your sense of debt and baggage. You may finally pay off a loan, improve your credit but you also could end an intimate bond or heal more fully from a long-lasting pain. For the next decade, you will be introduced to a new set of experiences that will teach you brand new lessons about intimacy, wealth and healing.
For the next several weeks, make an effort to have a compassionate acceptance of what the future may hold for you. The next steps you need to take may not look very certain or secure, however, accepting that your dreamy vision of the next phase of your life is only a north star, not an exact destination, will help you get through the bouts of doubt you may have about moving forward. Give yourself the support and understanding you need when insecure thoughts and feelings come up at the end of day or in the shower or whenever you have a minute to yourself. It’s ok to feel vulnerable in these moments but you can choose to be there for yourself. With Saturn in Aquarius, you are steadily building a more realistic expectation for your personal achievements and what responsibilities you can and cannot handle. All of the Sagittarius energy will help you clear out heavy and draining situations that are not giving back to you what you are putting in so that you can have more room to focus on your personal fulfilment.
Finally, Venus in Capricorn will retrograde towards the end of the season. This will force a reflection on fears you may have around a sense of purpose or belief system falling apart, losing meaning or not helping you grow in the ways that you hoped it would. You will be facing some fears around losing a sense of direction and intention and having to deal with questioning the meaning of your life and the point of all that you are doing. What are you working towards and why? Is it all a waste of time?
This Sagittarius season will hold the last solar eclipse in this sign for the next decade or so. With the South Node taking the lead, this will be a clearing out and an ending to a chapter in your life that has lasted for nearly nine years. You may be wrapping up a time of growth, a journey or a time of exploration. Moving into a new ten year period, you will need the space to make room for further studies, expansive experiences and gaining credibility.
For the next few weeks, make the effort to find a safe place in your own mind to approach accepting your life as a whole with compassion. It has been messy and it has caused you existential dread a time or two. However, by making room for all of your mental health needs, it will help you clear out the space you need to begin this new phase of your life and be open to growth. Take the time this month to show yourself more support when you get insecure about your personality or the lifestyle you have chosen to live. With Saturn in Aquarius, you are steadily building a more realistic expectation of what you can contribute to a wider community. With all of the energy in Sagittarius, being open to a broader worldview will help you make a more substantial and widely beneficial mark on the world.
Finally, towards the end of the season, leading into the new year, Venus will retrograde in Capricorn. There will be a need to address fears around losing the authority you have earned. There may be nothing that actually happens, but this period will force a review of your relationship to power, control, ambition, success and failure and reflecting on how these themes serve you and how these themes have become toxic.
This season will focus on the very last solar eclipse in Sagittarius that you will experience for the next decade. The South Node is pulling the strings this month and will direct you to clear out and close the chapter on a portion of your life that has lasted for the past nine or so years. Moving forward with a clean slate, you will be building a fresh understanding of success, personal achievement, status and failure. However you have approached ambition, authority and responsibility before is now over and done. It is time for a whole new set of milestones.
For the next several weeks make the effort to have compassion for all of the messiest parts of your personality and chosen lifestyle. You don’t always have it together or know how to behave or conduct yourself. Neptune here is asking you to accept that you do not have a complete understanding of your own behaviors and that is okay. Try to support yourself more when you feel insecure about your abilities, talents and skills. With Saturn in Aquarius, you are steadily building a consistent inner discipline when it comes to your mental health and spiritual routine. With all of the Sagittarius energy clearing out stale beliefs about your reputation and accomplishments, it is making the room for you to take this time to get to know yourself without external validation or input in general.
Finally, Venus will retrograde in Capricorn beginning the last couple of weeks of this season. You may have fears that need to be addressed about being rejected from a community, not having anything valuable to contribute to the wider world or your fear of losing your standing with like-minded people that you want to be accepted by. You will have to address where you have been toxic within friendships or collaborations and when you have been treated in harmful ways by peers and larger communities.
This Sagittarius season will focus on the very last solar eclipse in this sign for the next decade. The South Node will be the main driving force behind the themes of this month. It forces a clearing out and ending to a nine year period that we no longer need to experience. There will be a feeling of closure forming around a long period of experiences with acceptance and rejection from communities. The roles you have played in social groups to fit in or find your spot and keep it have served their purpose and now you need to let that chapter end. For the next decade or so, there will be a whole new set of challenges and triumphs faced in regards to what you can contribute to social exchanges and where like-minded people can be found.
For the next few weeks, make an effort to have compassion and full acceptance of the messy ways you have tried to build a strong self-worth and the ways you have doubted your value. Neptune here is teaching you to feel supported by an inner connection to peace more than any external markers of personal value. This month will ask you to accept the clean slate that you are in and begin dreaming of how you will obtain more resources to support your life moving forward. Take this month as an opportunity to address feelings of inadequacy when it comes to staying informed, participating in the daily activity that surrounds you and remaining connected. With Saturn in Aquarius, you have been steadily developing a more realistic expectation of the personality you are capable of operating. Use this Sagittarius energy to make room for a future where the mature version of yourself gets to make important life decisions.
Finally, Venus will retrograde in Capricorn. This may start to bring up fears that you have not been addressing and pushing down for years. This could call for you to reflect on toxic behaviors of your own and others and how that has affected your mental health and ability to find inner peace. This may bring up your relationship to success, failure, responsibility and authority and the ways these themes have harmed your self-worth. Worries and dread around losing something that is very important to you may come up and need to be dealt with, as well.
This season will be mainly focusing on the energies of the very last solar eclipse in Sagittarius or the next decade or so. The South Node will take the lead, calling for a recognition of what has been cleared out of your life over the last few years. After about nearly a decade worth of experiences, your subconscious has accumulated more than enough content to provide a tidal wave of suppressed emotions and memories to flood your system. This month will highlight what needs to be pulled out of your subconscious and into the light to be worked through and released.
The next few weeks, make an effort to have compassion for the messiness of your participation with the external world. Keeping connected, sharing your perspective, and staying informed can sometimes lead you to being duped, confused or enlightened for reasons you cannot explain. Make an effort of being ok with not knowing everything about the world around you as you move into your future. This month gives you the space to show more support for feelings of hurt from family and your upbringing. With Saturn in Aquarius, you are steadily building a sturdier sense of worth and self-reliance. Use this Sagittarius season to clear out everything that you have been through in life so far and make room for laying a more solid foundation.
Finally, Venus will retrograde in Capricorn towards the end of the month. This will bring up fears around yourself and the toxic behaviors you have used to get through life and the toxic ways people have responded to your presence and the energy you give out. The fear of losing yourself and the identity you have attached to will need to be addressed.