A typical Pisces Season allows us to fully receive the lessons from the year that has finally come to an end. We can find acceptance for all of our experiences throughout the last twelve months and put them to rest, making room for the next Zodiac year that begins on the Spring Equinox, here in the United States. It is a time of making peace with ourselves, making peace with the challenges we were faced with and allowing life to move on.
This is a transitional month and one of the biggest ones of the year. Going from Winter to Spring in the States, there is a significant change in weather, scenery and vibe in many parts of the country. The symbolism, nonetheless, of accepting an ending and willingly starting again, is harsh and upsetting yet fulfilling and necessary. Pisces Season grants us the space to rest and recharge before we rise to the challenge of facing a whole new year of life. This is a time of year when we can be gentler with ourselves and avoid putting too much pressure and judgment on life in general.
Weekly Mood: Mature Emotional Regulation
The first week of Pisces Season is kind of serious. There will most likely be responsibilities that fall on our shoulders that we want to handle, but that may scare us all the same. Sometimes getting everything that we want can feel so much more stressful than remaining in a familiar place of numbness. There is not anything numb about this week, though. It will be important to manage our internal reactions in a mature manner as we tackle the tasks that are being required of us from our external circumstances. Having faith can help, but sometimes simply knowing exactly what needs to be done and being willing to do the work to make it happen is what moves life forward.
We start the week off with a Waning Scorpio Moon allowing us to apply the nuggets of wisdom we received on last week’s Full Moon in Leo. Because of the nature of this lunar phase, it could call for us to take a heavy exhale and release any pent up hurt, shame or toxicity that has been building up in our system for the last few weeks. The Pisces Sun gives us the strength of self-compassion and permission to perform this self-induced exorcism. With a square coming from Ceres in Gemini, we also have the permission to listen to our side of the story. We are allowed to seek out comforting words of support, understanding and acceptance. It is not immature to need some words of affirmation inorder to trust that your perception of reality is not irrational.
With Venus and Mars still joined at the hip in Capricorn, we are ravenous for successful results. We want to see the fruits of our efforts as soon as possible and we will have the drive, though not nearly enough patience, to take the steps forward that we need to. This transit gives us more authority over our actions, but with that comes more responsibility and accountability for our successes and failures.
The most helpful aspect today occurs between Mercury and Juno in Aquarius. As these two combine into one energy, we will be renewing our mental attachment to the principles of loyalty and long-term commitment. Specifically, staying mentally focused on an aspirational task, based on the principle of integrity and keeping promises that we have made both to ourselves, but maybe on behalf of the well-being of the community, as well.
The Moon continues to move through Scorpio today and as it does, it will meet up with the South Node. This might aggravate a very familiar and recurring feeling of powerlessness within us that will have to be addressed. Scorpio Moon helps us learn how to regulate our own emotional reactions and remember our personal values even when our external environment is harsh, harrowing and imposing.
Today also marks when Venus and Mars in Capricorn begin to communicate with Neptune in Pisces. This may be a moment that feels like everything is really coming together for some kind of higher purpose that may or may not be clear yet. The effort and hard work that Capricorn energy has been requiring of us, now falls in line with Neptune’s synchronistic wisdom. Neptune softens the defenses of Mars and allows us to feel the surrealness of our efforts leading to inspired results. The other side of this aspect could lead us to feeling slightly more perfectionistic about the results we are envisioning for ourselves, so it is important to let Venus show us how to appreciate the miles that we have walked just as much as the miles we still need to put in.
Mid-week, we are finally graced with the Last Quarter Sagittarius Moon. This will help us see the adventure ahead of us. Sometimes Pisces energy can make everything feel meaningless because of its vast understanding and acceptance of all things. That unconditional love can make it hard to feel like any one thing can be more important than another. So, Sagittarius energy helps us reapply purpose and intent to our relationship with life once again. Sagittarius sees the beauty in applying purpose even if ultimately there isn’t any. This is about choosing exploration over disappearing entirely.
On Mercury’s day, we have quite a few aspects to talk about concerning this busy planet. As Mercury travels through the Fixed Air sign, Aquarius, it forms a supportive aspect with Chiron in Aries and an invigorating aspect with Uranus in Taurus. This will help us experiment with a different mentality around our identity insecurities. Maybe we do not have to hold on so tightly to the vulnerability we have been made to feel about our presence on this crowded planet. We may have to wrestle with the aspirations of our future selves and the frailty of our current courage to make the necessary changes. It is important for our future selves to encourage and sympathize with our present-day ego and the hesitancy we must likely feel as we step out of hiding.
Today the focus is mostly on Lunar Transits. The Sagittarius Moon will make a connection with both Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces. We may be feeling much lighter today, as if God is on our side for a full 24 hours. Our sense of purpose is restored. Maybe our sense of freedom, too. Whatever it may be, this is the day this week to relish in a stress-relieving activity when you can. If you want to venture further out of town than normal, do it. If you want to try out something new, do it. It’s Pisces Season after all. The zodiacal year is coming to a close and there aren’t any rules anymore.
There will be a slight run-in with Saturn in Aquarius, so again, the ambitions of our future selves are calling for us to take note of what we can do now to end up where we ideally want to be. Pisces and Sagittarius give us permission to believe in all possible options, not just the traditional ones.
The Waning Moon enters Capricorn as the weekend begins. This energy makes us aware of our reality once more. This week feels like there is a peak of inspiration and then the reality of the new heights we have reached and the new duties that come with more freedom, sets in. Luckily, we have Vesta, the asteroid of devotion, meeting up with Venus and Mars in Capricorn. There can be a renewal of our dedication to our own sense of personal fulfillment. This looks like devoting ourselves to the ambitions that we truly have respect for and that we would be honored to work towards for the rest of our lives. These ambitions do not have to be career-related. They can be about personal development, creative projects, building a family, exploring the world around you, etc.
Vesta is all about keeping our inner flame burning bright which means keeping our will to live strong and healthy. Making a new pact with ourselves about what goals we can dedicate ourselves to that will truly lead to fulfillment and keep that fire going.
The focus of the weekend is on moving with simple, patient momentum. The Moon slowly makes its way through Capricorn and along its path lies Jupiter in Pisces, Chiron in Aries and Urnaus in Taurus. This Earthy moon helps us regulate our emotions instead of being completely reactive, however, Chiron reminds us of our insecurities and our human frailty which can make it much harder to keep it together in the way that Capricorn would like us to. If we can utilize the connection being made to Jupiter and Uranus, we can have patience and compassion for the small steps forward we are making in our life.
Venus and Mars begin to trine the North Node in Taurus today. This is another push towards the lessons we need to learn this year. Something could come up that gives us the chance to lighten our load by simplifying a weighty situation that we have been dragging around. We will want to take it upon ourselves to set clear boundaries with our personal resources such as our time, money, space and energy. Venus and Mars in Capricorn know exactly what results they want and how to form a step-by-step plan to get there. Embrace that energy this weekend.
Today the Moon fully joins the huddle of planets in the late degrees of Capricorn. This brings up the relationships we have with the primal human fears of failure, abandonment, weakness, but also the fear of success, having too much power than we know what to do with and being certain of our own potential. Our awareness of our shadow, our demons and the toxic traits we both embody and absorb from others, has been growing. We have been learning where these fears originated from and how they sabotage our efforts currently. As these last few planets begin to leave Capricorn, we will begin to see how the harshness of the last several weeks was important to face and process so that come Aries Season 2022, we are ready to start a brand new year.
Weekly Mood: The Full Spectrum of Emotion
The second week of Pisces season takes us on a whole journey of ups and downs. It is a week that starts a fire in our bellies, snuffs it out and leaves us cold and wanting more but also exhausted by the extremes of temperature. Be prepared to feel your emotions and do not try to bottle them up or shove them down. That is not how to navigate this week.
With the Sun making a conjunction with Jupiter, the next several days can feel like we are in wonderland or it can feel like a hazy dream. Either way, we are going to be taking our aspirations much more seriously while building the courage to actualize those dreams and cut ties with the pain we feel for a past that has already come and gone.
With the Moon in Aquarius, today’s focus is on our social responsibilities to the betterment of the collective. Are we contributing something that we are proud of and that benefits the world around us? The Moon in Aquarius can be hyper aware of the effect that one’s emotional responses have on other people and how the rest of our day goes. This Moon takes on a lot of responsibility for its own personal needs so that the collective does not feel infringed upon. This is something we need to focus on today. We may have to experiment with how to uphold our personal boundaries while also not being so stubborn as to brush off the needs of the collective.
The Sun will also begin its sextile to Uranus in Taurus. This can be a helpful energy in regards to experimenting with those personal boundaries. Uranus in Taurus wants us to get back to basics and learn how to build our own resources. Whenever the Sun comes into contact with Uranus right now, it highlights this push to innovate ways to become further independent and self-sufficient. This could look like earning your own money, growing your own food or building up your self-worth outside of external approval. This week is a great time to move forward with something that feels very important to you but that veers from tradition or the expected path one should take.
Starting with the moon, we are on the last leg of its stay in Aquarius. Squaring the nodes, this can serve as a personal realignment with the lessons of simplicity vs complexity that we are learning with the Taurus/Scorpio nodes. Emotionally familiarizing ourselves with how we can release toxins that are running through our bodies, sabotaging our efforts and getting used to a simpler, more relaxed and comfortable way of life. Despite what many of us have been made to believe, it is not normal to exist with our nervous system at max capacity of tenison day in and day out. We do not have to live that way. This Moon squares the Nodes will serve as a small sign that life is offering us a way to relieve the tension we hold in our bodies and find an appreciation for the solid ground we now stand on.
To add to this, Mercury will be forming a conjunction to Saturn today. Realizing what responsibilities we have to commit to in order to work our way towards an improved future will be the theme of today. Having some kind of clarity on what the next steps are and how to move forward with a concrete plan. This is about taking our mentality more seriously. Taking communication more seriously and making sure to approach conversations with the intention of keeping our composure. Mercury/Saturn also helps us pay attention to the validity of the information we are digesting. Saturn limits the amount of fluff we are willing to accept. We need to be seeking out information that serves a practical, realistic purpose.
Having these placements be in the Fixed Air Sign of Aquarius can lead us to feeling a little out of our element. Imposter syndrome can settle in simply because we are trying to actualize our best selves and attempting to be a more progressive version of ourselves. Doubt can settle in when the realism of Saturn is securly understood. So, it is important to keep our eyes on the almost utopian future that we are after, where we can feel like we are contributing something substantial to the community around us while also staying sincere in our efforts.
Another important energy we find occurring today happens between Pluto, Venus, Mars and Vesta in Capricorn. This can serve as a significant realignment with our sense of ambition and personal achievement. With this pile-up of planets in the Cardinal Earth sign of Capricorn, this energy can help us devote our attention to goals that we actually feel comfortable showing respect. Renewing our relationship to success requires us to get clear on what kind of hard work gives us a strong personal sense of satisfaction and pride outside of the approval of any other established authority figures or traditions.
This energy will draw us to zoom in on fears we have around failing or the fears we have of actually being successful. Pluto in Capricorn has been unearthing deeply-held pain around our ability to be respected for the results we are able to produce. Pluto in Capricorn has been exposing how our efforts have been exploited for someone else’s gain and how we have been deeply harmed by trying to earn respect from the wrong source. The energy of today will help us see the way through that pain and fear of defying what was once an authority we held respect for.
This is about reclaiming agency over our work ethic and what we direct that effort towards. Vesta represents the sacrifices we make in order to keep our inner flame (our will to stay alive) burning bright. Vesta in Capricorn needs some sense of substantial achievement to keep that fire going. However, we will need to sacrifice some external approval if we want to manage our relationship to our own success and failures.
With Mars and Venus moving together, this is our sense of offensive and defensive tactics coming together to help us fight against our own toxic behaviors and those of others. Also our fears of being overthrown or losing some sense of control over our lives will motivate us to put up some sort of fight against that crumbling. Pluto is a destructive and corrupting force that Mars and Venus are desperately trying to hold back. As they move past Pluto and into Aquarius, there will be a victory of some sort and Venus and Mars will have to adjust to a future that is much more radical and extreme than what we expected.
Today is the New Moon in Pisces. This will be a New Moon conjunct Jupiter, the planet of wisdom gained through life experience. Jupiter provides us with journeys of growth. Where we are thrown into a river without a paddle and have to learn by doing. A New Moon suggests that this energy will take around 6 months to manifest.
Within the territory of the Mutable Water Sign, Pisces, we are gaining more experience with our inner worlds and developing a trust in time, rhythm and cycles. Pisces helps us become accepting of all points of view, all actions and reactions and everything that does exist and that does not. Pisces accepts it all. With Jupiter here, we will be learning how to take in meaning from every experience, person, place and thing that we encounter.
The downfalls of this New Moon could be a feeling of overwhelm and a desperate need to escape the harsher aspects of current reality and the feeling of bottomless uncertainty. It will be important to find healthy methods of establishing trust and an inner knowing that everything returns to a state of rest at some point and in some way. Don’t allow yourself to fall into a numb, sleepwalking state. Instead, find a quiet, safe, peaceful space within your own mind and body to lean on in times of stress or chaos. That is what we will be learning for the next 6 months. If you would like more information on this Lunar phase, I wrote an article here.
After the New Moon, the lunar phase begins to gain light each day, making it easier and easier to see what emotional insight we need to understand. The Moon stills moves forward in Pisces and forms a connection with Neptune in the early hours before Dawn, here on the Pacific Coast. Today is a relaxed day. If you can afford it, stay away from any kind of taxing activity. Stress will be hard to handle today as a Pisces Moon relies on a sense of inner serenity
What makes matters magical today will be the Sun/Jupiter Conjunction in Pisces. The connection begins to form today, lighting up the journey that Jupiter is taking us on in the area of life Pisces rules over in each of our individual charts. As long as we stay open to literally everything and anything we can avoid the feelings of anxiety that come from experiences we are left unprepared to handle. Jupiter in Pisces is looking for us to open up to a certain level of uncertainty because when we do, it lets in that magic that this placement is searching for. That sense of unexplained miracles. Rehydration. Rejuvenation.
The Sun being involved helps us have the strength and the courage to jump into this pool of unanswered questions and unclear objectives. It will help us have the energy to indulge in our imagination and our visions. This is a very spiritual and artistic energy. As well as a healing one. Pisces is very much associated with baptism and being reborn. For the next six months, until the Sun comes around to oppose Jupiter, we can use this renewal of energy to stay open to having a more blissful, easy-going, and accepting connection with life.
The aspect of this energy to be the most wary about is feeling emotionally overwhelmed and needing to tap out. The sun can make us very aware of how much we still don’t know and that can put us in a state of extreme anxiety or numbness all together. It is okay to not be certain of our next move. It is okay to move forward without a plan. Jupiter in Pisces energy helps us release the suffocating grip that we have on time and shows us that we have all of the time in the world if we stop wasting every moment by escaping into worry, panic and anxiety.
The Moon will already be in Aries by the time we wake up this morning. This gives us a burst of energy to work with for the next couple of days. Aries wants to act so today is a great day to get something started that you may have been putting off. With Mars in Capricorn still closely hovering near Pluto, we have some more stamina today and an ability to focus our efforts with more long-lasting intensity. Both Aries and Capricorn want results. With Aries, there is a sense of urgency and with Capricorn there is a sense of efficiency. Today would be a solid day to accomplish the hardest task that you have been putting off all week.
The Moon will be forming a close conjunction with Chiron today as well which can create a feeling of defeat. It will be important to show ourselves grace if we cannot accomplish what we set out to do today. Even though the energy is there, some of us will respond to this Cardinal Mash-Up with exhaustion rather than extra stamina and that is okay. Our responsibilities may all dog pile on top of us and the tiredness can kick in as we realize how hard we have been working or how many more obstacles are ahead of us.
I would use today to patiently tackle any errands, duties or tasks that you need to complete but don’t be militant about it. We could feel quite irritable today and easily frustrated so just remember to be soft with yourself and others.
The start to this weekend begins with the Aries Moon making an uncomfortable connection with Pluto in Capricorn. This feels like an agitating energy. We could be susceptible to our own angry outburst today. I would recommend finding an activity to help let off steam rather than taking it out on others. We could find our efforts being frustrated by an authority figure of some kind or simply we may face certain roadblocks that we have been dreading to come up against. Today is the day where we need to defeat those demons.
The Moon will also be forming a square to Venus and Mars in Capricorn. Our impatience may be the main source of our struggle today. We have our personal will demanding successful results and the urgency we feel is making each second on the clock pass that much slower. There is this intense need to avoid failure and to avoid the shame that comes with missing the mark. However, if we let these energies boil over, we won’t be accomplishing anything this weekend. So, try to contain this inflammatory energy so that you can take one step at a time without landing on mine and blowing up your whole spot.
Mercury will be forming a square to the nodes today. We are being called to think differently and communicate differently. A shift in our mentality is needed for our own progress. The way we perceive and process the data we ingest on the daily must become skewed more toward appreciating what we have rather than continuing to get stuck in a mental loop of all that we have lost or have been abandoned by. Pay attention to any fresh information that you come by today and allow it to draw you away from the pain that has been rotting away in your body.
If you look into the night sky, you might start to see the crescent of the moon beginning to show. What was hidden from view during the Dark Moon phase is revealing itself each day moving forward. With a Waxing Crescent Taurus Moon, we are grounding ourselves and practicing physical stillness and connection to our body, the earth, the food we use as fuel, etc.
The Moon continues to square the Venus/Mars Conjunction and later in the evening, it will join up with Uranus. Naturally, Taurus energy wants to stay still, tend its own garden and stroll through the flowers, taking in the beauty of its surroundings. It only wants to work so long as it can then have time to enjoy the fruits of its labor. Venus and Mars along with Uranus want to be moving forward, towards a better future. We can see a frustration between us needing a break and needing to take things slow for our own well-being but we will feel a lot of societal pressure to move forward in some way and contribute to something bigger than just our personal needs. We may feel a pressure to level-up in some way.
This is because, nearly at the exact same time Venus and Mars ingress into Aquarius today. They will remain here until around early-mid April. Our top priority becomes taking the necessary actions to participate in our community in a more substantial way than we have been. This is about moving towards our ideal self which often includes our ability to contribute to something bigger than ourselves. How are we benefiting the world around us? How are we taking on a fair amount of social responsibility? For the next month, we are valuing our most innovative ideas and putting forth effort to manifest those ideals.
Weekly Mood: Romantically Invested in Healing
A week where we will feel the need to lean on something more accepting and tolerant than what the people around us can offer. This week is heavily focused on Pisces energy. What can happen with this Mutable Water sign is that life becomes a little too much for each of us to handle on our own, so we need to seek out support from something bigger than ourselves that can carry us through the rough terrain. That could look like anything that gives the feeling of complete acceptance, understanding and non-judgement.
Pisces energy also helps us reacquaint our sense of trust in our inner worlds no matter if our external environments are under control or not. It helps us have trust that what comes up, must come down even if we have no way of knowing when or where that might happen. It reminds us that even if we are physically isolated, we are still connected to the universe because we exist and take up space.
This is a week of allowing ourselves to acknowledge our hurt, our pain, our disappointment and our loss without judgment or pressure to ‘just get over it’. This is a week of accepting our vulnerability as humans and working through our feelings rather than avoiding them. We may not even have the space to distract ourselves or put this healing off any more, anyway.
A Taurus Moon brings us into the third week of Pisces Season. Taking it slow can help us get through these next couple of days. Having a more patient approach to the days’ requirements can serve us more than rushing through errands, work or whatever we are doing. With a square to Saturn we may see the first steps of our new responsibility materializing for us to attend.
It will be important to prioritize our time and value the time we do and do not have to spend on whatever is expected of us to handle. Protect your energy, don’t take on more than you can stomach and remember the value of caring for your physical needs. With some sextiles from the Sun and Jupiter in Pisces, I think this can be a nice, grounded Monday that eases us into the work week.
We start Mar’s Day off with the Moon trine Pluto and Vesta in Earth signs. This can focus our energy and even strengthen our personal energy as we move through the day. There could be a feeling of bringing that inner flame back to life a little but. Feeling the fire in our bellies start to heat up once more. With a square to Mercury in Aquarius, there will be a need to communicate something important. We could gain some perspective on how we feel and how to communicate what we need to stabilize and naturalize our lives.
The Moon will move into Gemini around Midday and make a trine with Venus and Mars in Aquarius. This can help us find people who will listen and hear us out. This will help us communicate clearly our ideas, thoughts and opinions that maybe we could not find the words for until now. It almost feels like a great gust of wind that helps our message reach the ears that we need it to.
Mercury’s day has the Moon continuing its stay in Gemini. Today, however, we are experiencing a square to Jupiter in Pisces. This could amplify our need to be heard and listened to. It could manifest in a need to listen to ourselves and to go inward and explore our own perspective. There may be an overwhelming amount of stimulus coming from our environments so it will be important to stay calm and stay flexible. The day might have a mind of its own and frustration will decrease if you accept what comes and adapt accordingly.
Later this evening, Mercury moves into the Mutable Waters of Pisces. Our mental focus becomes much more loose, intuitive, visual and impressionable. Mercury has a difficult time distinguishing and categorizing data when it moves through Pisces. Instead, this transit helps us absorb and accept all perceptions and perspectives that we come across. Taking them in, finding some way to understand even if we do not agree and even if there is no evidence to support the claims. It isn’t about accuracy with Mercury in Pisces, it is about imagination. We can use this time to pay attention to our dreams, whether that be the ones we have at night or during the day.
This energy will only last until March 26th, so we have this transit for around two weeks.. Use this time to let your thoughts come and go. Don’t place so much judgment on the correctness of information. Rather use this time for mental rest. Our minds may need to undergo a period of restoration before the next Astrological year begins. This is a great time to write, draw, paint or engage in something mentally stimulating yet acts as an escape from tedious worries.
A Moon/Neptune square opens up the day for us this Thursday. A possible sleepy start to the end of the week. This transit really plays into the need for mental rest, daydreaming and artistic communication that we are already experiencing with Mercury in Pisces. We may need more time alone today then we had originally planned. We may need a longer nap than expected. It is okay to move slowly this morning and find the space and time to recharge, replenish your energy and willingly tune out the noise.
Vesta, asteroid of the sacred flame, moves into Aquarius today. This is about keeping our ideals alive. Keeping our aspirations for the future alive. Vesta helps us find devotion and a primal commitment to care for something slowly and tenderly. It is not a parental kind of love for that is more like Ceres. It is not a commitment out of a sense of moral principle for that is more like Juno. Vesta is devoted and focused out of a sense of love, care and a sense of sacredness. This energy will turn towards Aquarius themes such as our future, our like-minded communities and our contribution to the well-being of something bigger than ourselves.
The Moon enters Cancer to finish the work week off. Making a trine to Mercury in Pisces, we see ourselves needing to communicate our emotional needs. If we have to have a heart to heart with someone, today might be the day for that. This can also serve as a Friday to engage in some activities that allow for healthy escaping, such as writing, listening or making music, watching films or painting. This energy could help us connect spiritually so doing a tarot spread or getting a healing of some sort might be great for these energies.
Moon in Cancer makes us a little more sensitive, so try to be gentle and give yourself permission to cater to your comfort levels. This may pose a challenge since Venus and Mars are still in Aquarius and wanting to move forward and make great advancements in our life. But today, be cozy, be comfy and surround yourself with the familiar and unthreatening.
The most significant energy today is the conjunction forming between the Sun and Neptune in Pisces. This renews the relationship between the strength and courage of the Sun and the spiritual gratitude and artistic magic of Neptune. This aspect happens once a year and allows us to revitalize our Neptunian dreams, visualizations and possible delusions. But something even more significant about Neptune, is its direct connection to source, to spirit, to God, to life outside of our personal scope of understanding. Neptune rules over transcendence and the returning into a feeling of Oneness that we all crave. So, the Sun meeting up with this energy once again, helps us realign and remember what it means to be a part of the whole world, not just our separate and subjective point of view.
We may be humbly brought to our knees, encouraged to acknowledge the mysterious, intangible, unspecific yet permanent and palpable connection between all life on earth and maybe even beyond. This might begin a time where we will be dropped into a state of complete unknowns and confusion and will have to rely on some sense of trust we have in the universe to get to a point of clarity in the future. We all use Neptune in different ways. Some religion, some science and some nature, some witchcraft, some art. However you choose to use your Neptune, today marks the time of year where that relationship to the unknown meaning behind everything renews its strength. Be careful not to sink into the same self-deluding and self-destructive behaviors.
Neptune/Sun can tend to have us neglecting our own pride because we feel like we do not deserve to stand-out more than anyone else. But that really is not a healthy use of our eos. Use this transit, instead, to create a healthy and serene understanding of how little we matter in the grand schemes of all things and how much of a relief that serves to prove that we can be whatever we create ourselves to be, because the world ( not nations or communities or families, etc ) but source, spirit, God, nature, art, and life itself will accept it all.
I can see Saturday as being generally a good day, if we let that energy in. With the Moon still pouring its heart into Cancer, it forms a trine with Jupiter in Pisces. This can help us believe in feeling good again. This can reinstate hope for the weekend, at least. Again, the Cancer Moon needs to feel safe, protected and comfortable in its surroundings. Jupiter in Pisces will help us replenish our emotions. It serves as a reminder that we have everything that we need if we focus our energy inward and believe in the endless flow of life.
Bathe in the sweet, renewing energy that this day provides. This transit helps us see the bigger picture outside of what we individually are experiencing. Today can help us get out of our own feelings in a healthy, rejuvenating way. This can help us with healthy gratitude for the opportunity to move forward in our lives and the endless possibilities our inner sense of peace can provide for us. Especially when we let the trust we have in ourselves and in source shield us from the harshest of weather.
As the sun comes up in the morning, the Moon forms an opposition with Pluto in Capricorn. After a week of trying to dip our toes into the sacred waters of Pisces energy to escape from reality and develop a trust in the unknown through finding inner serenity, this transit brings us back to the extremes of human nature and its effect on all of us. Approaching our deepest fears once more of our own success and failure. Hopefully, all of the Mutable Water has cleansed at least a portion of our harshest pain and we can face these difficult emotions that are buried deep within us with more self-compassion, understanding and acceptance. This week may help us step into a certain bravery where we can face the truth of our own toxicity in order to process it more thoroughly and stop the constant chase down of our own ghosts. There may be an instinct to act invulnerble today but that just drags out the process of defeating our own demons.
The Sun in Pisces will form a trine with the South Node in Scorpio, making a Grand Water trine with the Moon in Cancer. With all three water signs engaging with each other, this could be an emotionally charged Sunday. Sun/South Node brings our attention to familiar narratives we have been living by that need to mature if we want to move forward in our lives. The South Node is known for telling us white lies about what is and is not possible for us. So, when the Sun forms a connection, we can use this strength to reset our navigation.
An unhealthy Scorpio South Node can convince us that life has to be complicated and that we have to remain in an emotionally draining situation because it proves how resilient, persevering and loyal we are. With the sextile being made between the Sun and North Node in Taurus, however, we are shown that life can be much simpler and that we can remove ourselves from overly saturated, powerless circumstances in exchange for a greater appreciation of beauty, groundedness and the strength of our own self-sufficiency outside the loyalty we feel that we must prove.
Many times when we simplify, down-size and live within our means, we actually come to have more energy, time, and resources to work with. We end up feeling more abundant the less we feel strapped to the idea of growth and holding onto what we perceive as wealth. Taurus prioritizes tending its garden because it gives it pleasure rather than the unhealthy Scorpio need to hoard resources out of a fear of loss, abandonment and potential danger.
Weekly Mood: Idealistic
This week is heavily laced with Aquarian energy. The time is now to try on our new shoes and step into the aspirational versions of ourselves. We at least have the opportunity this week to try on our vision and see if our dream life is actually a good fit for us or not. It will be crucial to not get too discouraged if at first, we feel disappointed. This is an adjustment period and should not be seen as the finale just yet.
As we begin the last week of Pisces Season, the Moon moves through Leo on its way to the Full Moon In Virgo. Today, it finds itself positioned directly opposite Venus and Mars in Aquarius. We may feel like we need a day to have fun, feel good and satisfy our own needs but at the same time, we want to be taken seriously by our community, work towards actualizing our ability to contribute something substantial and being a benefit to our world rather than a complete drain. So, inwardly Leo Moon needs time to focus on the self, pleasure and creative fulfillment, but Venus and Mars in Aquarius are still very driven towards being an important and influential member of the group.
Our highest priority right now is moving not just forward, but upwards. With the Moon making a square to Uranus in Taurus, we have to grapple with creating a life where we can support ourselves within our own means. Uranus in Taurus is helping us feel more comfortable with valuing the exact amount of resources we are willing to spend and at what rate. This Monday gives us the courage to move towards a lifestyle that values our unique time constraints, energy constraints and money constraints so that we can support the way of life that is most stable and reliable for us to maintain by our own efforts.
The Moon opposes Saturn in Aquarius once more this Tuesday morning. Witnessing the reality of our duties to the collective and to our advancement can feel disappointing in some ways and motivating in others. There is a lot of work that needs to be done before we really arrive at our ideal destination. The Leo Moon is asking us to show up loudly, proudly and creatively in ways that we may have been too shy for in the past. The future starts with us and Leo shows us that the only confidence we need is the confidence to show up. We don’t have to perform excellence, just our authentic essence. Show up and stop hiding in the shadows.
The South Node in Scorpio is pushing us out of the depths of our own pain and into the North Node in Taurus’ energy of demanding, respectfully, that the value we naturally have is taken seriously and not exploited, abused or misused. We are working towards demanding our boundaries be respected so that we can sustain our well-being and not overexert ourselves when the circumstance does not really call for that. This week marks an important stepping stone in having those demands potentially heard.
Mid-Week begins with the Moon entering its stay in Virgo, the Mutable Earth Sign. Mercury in Pisces will be in opposition to this Lunar placement, meaning that we can be feeling quite busy. Leading up to the Full Moon on Friday, the night sky is gaining light and certain truths are being revealed to us. We are reaching a peak within this Lunar Cycle and should use the dutiful and productive energy of a Virgo Moon to work on the smaller, tedious tasks that help the overall goal be completed later on. Mercury in Pisces helps us see the big picture and hold onto the dream. The Virgo Moon helps us sort through the fantasy and get grounded on what tiny steps we can take today. Try to see this as an opportunity to save yourself time in the future by doing the less exciting tasks now.
Mercury will also be making a sextile with Uranus in Taurus today. To me this looks like us using these energies to experiment with a healthier way to take care of our work/life balance. Uranus in Taurus is helping us break off into self-sustainable ways of earning resources and Mercury in Pisces helps us formulate a vision by utilizing our imaginations of what could be possible for us. As we enter the last couple of days of this Pisces Season, we are getting ready for a new year and all the possible experiences and outcomes that will occur over the next 12 months. The Virgo/Pisces energy of today and the next couple of days, serve as preparation for when the real action begins on Sunday moving forward.
The Virgo Moon will oppose Jupiter and Neptune today leading to the Full Moon happening late tonight into early tomorrow morning. These energies come together to again, get us into the mood of allowing the last 12 months to be what they were. An acceptance of what has happened, what did not happen and how we have grown can wash over us if we let these energies work their magic. On the other hand, Pisces, Neptune and Jupiter energies do lead us into the unknown, which can be overwhelming, anxiety – inducing and worrisome. These placements allow for anything to happen and there is no real way to prepare other than to just let whatever happens, happen and adapt accordingly.
Sometimes we are placed in vulnerable positions that take great flexibility and a yielding strategy to survive. When Aries season begins, we will have more energy at our backs to support motivated actions of assertion, however, until then we may be feeling the full impact of our feelings and our apprehensions about what could possibly happen as we end one astrological cycle and begin another one. I wrote a more extensive article on the Full Moon here.
We also have Neptune making a trine to the South Node today. We may be dealing with some idealistic and hopeless romantic memories of our past. It may seem like the past was so much better than right now, but how much of that mentality is coming from a difficulty in dealing with our current realities and wanting some kind of escape from them? It can be more useful to see this transit as a way to further offer yourself and others a genuine acceptance and understanding of each other’s pain and experience with toxicity. There is also an opportunity here to make peace with the fact that some events in our lives will always be unexplainable and some questions will never get their answers. That is just part of the experience.
The other side to this being that the North Node will sextile Neptune. This can work as a way for us to move forward on the dream of complete self-sufficiency. Again the North Node in Taurus is pushing us towards tending to our own garden and building up a way to afford the desired lifestyle we hope to maintain through our own efforts, rather than through the dependence of something draining and unequal. Neptune, the planet of Imagination, Vision and Idealism, can help us believe in that dream. It can also increase the amount of delusion we are using to justify our nonsensical actions of greed, immaturity or even guilt.
The Moon enters Libra early on Friday morning. As we reintroduce ourselves to an Airy state of being, this lunar phase will help us clear our minds so that we can think clearly about what our next moves are. Libra Moon dislikes strife and tension so this energy may help us return to a state of ease, internally. It will meet up with Chiron, Venus and Mars. We may be able to come to some understanding with the people around us, sort out certain disputes and find a way to move forward.
However, Venus in Aquarius will be forming a square to Uranus in Taurus today which could cause unexpected disruptions within our interpersonal connections. We may learn that we do not want the same for our future as our partners or friends. The difference in aspirations may cause a divide. Libra Moon will want to mend any disagreements but Venus and Uranus may trigger a need to break free and each individual may need to prioritize their own preferences. I see Venus as an offensive player and Uranus throws random challenges in her way as she races down the court in order to test her inventive reflexes. This may be the spark we need to challenge our low self-esteem and people-pleasing tendencies if they are getting in our own way.
Many of the themes of Friday carry over into today. The Libra Moon forms a growing connection with Venus and Mars in Aquarius meaning that the need to get along with others strengthens as the day goes on. We want to move forward but we ideally want to bring the people we care about with us. We want to reach out and welcome everyone to step into a progessive world right by our side. Whether or not that is realistic is the issue.
Some people are not going to accept the ideology we are beginning to adopt for their own reasons. The path we would like to take will be too fuzzy, unclear and hopelessly romantic for certain people in our life. The best way to work through this energy is to realize the enriching effect acceptance can have on our lives. Everyone is entitled to their own ideas about what a true Utopia should look like. If we have to part ways then do so with a healthy sense of understanding and tolerance of the people we are leaving behind for the sake of our own shared vision with the new connections we are investing our time in.
Early in the morning, we may be feeling some sense of abandonment after deciding to distance ourselves from the people holding us back. When the Libra Moon makes a square to Pluto it opens up our fears around being unlikeable and unloveable. We will probably feel the aftereffects of being rejected and receiving disapproval for our rationale.
As the day moves on, the Sun and Moon both transition into Mars-ruled signs at the same time. The Sun starts its stay in Aries for the next few weeks and the Moon enters Scorpio where it will be for the next couple of days. So, it is a very Martian day, meaning aggressive, active, defensive and assertive. Ruled by this Mars in Aquarius transit, this is all about the actualization of our highest, most evolved selves. I know I keep repeating myself but Aquarius energy has been the loudest influence for the past couple of weeks and will continue to be loud for the next several, as well. Act on those ideas of your own advancement, progress and leveling up.
Mercury and Jupiter will begin their conjunction in Pisces today to add to this uplifting energy. This will renew our relationship between information and comprehension. We may come into new data, facts or perspectives that blow our mind, break open our worldview and what we think is possible. Our imagination can blossom and our visions can expand as we open ourselves up to experiences and mentalities that are outside of our realm of familiarity. This can be the start of us finding space in our minds for more nuance, even if it means giving up the simplicity that black and white thinking promises us. Who are the villains, really? Maybe they are not who we initially thought they would be.
With all Pisces transits, this can be a point of overwhelm. Our sense of what is real and what is not can become completely wiped out and we can be left in a confused haze. There can be a feeling of being almost flabbergasted by what we are perceiving and not truly believing that what is happening is actually occurring. We may be forced into leaning on some sense of inner faith or trust as our external environments become more and more incomprehensible and implausible. It is this energy that sends us into the next Aries Season.
Reading your sun sign may resonate more and show how your sense of self is being affected.
Reading your rising sign, however, will give you a more objective message and tell you what you need to be aware of even it does not immediately resonate.
This Pisces season is helping us reclaim an inner sense of peace and trust in the safety and comfort of your internal world despite the chaos presented by the external environment. This is your season and so your personal point of view becomes very important for the next few weeks. What visions do you have in regards to the way you wish to be perceived? How do you want to show up in this world? The answer may require some rewiring and experimenting with what content you ingest on a regular basis. Use this month to seek out fresh takes that disrupt your current perception of yourself and who you can present yourself as to others.
Your inner world in particular will be very active this month. How can you actualize your ideal mental health state? When you picture yourself at your highest evolution, without any pressure of being that immediately, how do you visualize the well-being of your soul and mind? Again, it might take getting out of your head and venturing out into unfamiliar territory to get right in your own mind. Sometimes, we need external input to convince us to stop self-sabotaging.
This Pisces season is helping us reclaim an inner sense of peace and trust in the safety and comfort of our internal world despite the chaos presented by the external environment. For the next couple of weeks, the focus will be on your ability to support the desired lifestyle that you wish to live. This is not just about financially providing for yourself, but spiritually and emotionally, as well. How can you support your own sense of self-esteem and innate value? It may help to experiment with finding a healthy sense of separation between the home you are building for yourself and the home you were raised in.
The way you are perceived will be a main focus in addition to what we have already talked about. When you visualize your most evolved self, without any pressure to be that immediately, how do you see yourself being perceived? How would you present your personality and appearance and general disposition? This month may help you realize how important it is when it comes to maintaining sincerity to prioritize a healthy balance between meeting societal demands and laying down roots that are authentic to your core sense of self.
This Pisces season is helping us reclaim an inner sense of peace and trust in the safety and comfort of your internal world despite the chaos presented by the external environment. For the next couple of weeks, the focus will turn to your daily activity. The regular errands you run, the environments you spend most of your time in and the content you both take in and spread out will all need to be paid attention to more. Take this month to experiment with ways you can fulfill the wishes of the unfulfilled inner child within. How can you engage with content and activity that feels invigorating and life-affirming? What books, music, film, conversations can you consume in order to express the creativity that you feel eager to show.
With a heavy Aquarius influence this month, there is an opportunity to visualize ways that you can afford, both financially and spiritually, to support your desired lifestyle. When you imagine your most aspirational self, without the pressure to be that immediately, how do you picture your level of self-esteem and how that may play into your ability to afford the lifestyle that you want to lead? This month may show you that prioritizing creating an enjoyable life over keeping up with the Kardashians may help you get to a point when you can be self-sufficient.
This Pisces season is helping us reclaim an inner sense of peace and trust in the safety and comfort of your internal world despite the chaos presented by the external environment. For the next few weeks the focus will turn towards the root and foundation of your sense of self. Family, home and ancestry are themes, as well. Take this month to experiment with ways to improve your work/life balance. Making changes to your schedule and daily routine can help you leave work at work and establish a more serene and calming home environment to come back to at the end of a busy day.
With a heavy Aquarius influence this month, there is an opportunity to visualize how you could better approach sharing your truth and participating in the world around you. When you imagine your most aspirational self, without the pressure of being that immediately, how do you picture your participation in society? How do you tell your story and what content do you consume regularly to stay connected and informed? This month may show you that prioritizing a healthy productivity routine over getting stuck in burnout and self-sabotaging tendencies may help you get to the point where you can engage with the world while also knowing when you need a break from the noise.
This Pisces season is helping us reclaim an inner sense of peace and trust in the safety and comfort of your internal world despite the chaos presented by the external environment. For the next few weeks, the focus is pulled towards fulfilling the wishes of your inner child. Take this month to experiment with making time to take care of yourself in ways that you really haven’t given yourself permission to do before. Making changes to how you see yourself and what qualities you allow yourself to embody can help you engage in activities that are enjoyable and life-affirming for you without any guilt.
With a heavy Aquarius influence this month there is an opportunity to visualize how you might approach building a solid foundation and place to call home if you were already at your most evolved self. When you imagine your aspirational life, without the pressure of being there already, what do you come home to? What or who do you gain a sense of stability from? Where do you lay your head at the end of the day and what would make that environment feel safe and secure? This month may show you prioritizing leaning into the support from people who want to see you develop over carrying the burden of existing on your shoulders alone will help you build a comforting foundation of home for yourself.
This Pisces season is helping us reclaim an inner sense of peace and trust in the safety and comfort of your internal world despite the chaos presented by the external environment. For the next few weeks the focus turns to your daily work routine, scheduling and stress management. Take this month to experiment with more liberating ways to invest your time. If a circumstance has become far more draining than enriching, it is a great time to move towards something that replenishes your system.
With a heavy Aquarian influence this month, there is an opportunity to envision what life could look like if you had full creative control over your time. When you imagine your most aspirational self, what are you engaging with in order to make this life enjoyable and worthwhile to your soul? How are you soaking up the parts of life that make it worth being here? What are those activities for you that allow for creative fulfillment? This month may help you see that prioritizing enriching experiences over day to day survival can help you build up a life that gives you the space to feel seen, vibrant and creatively engaged.
This Pisces season is helping us reclaim an inner sense of peace and trust in the safety and comfort of your internal world despite the chaos presented by the external environment. For the next couple of months the focus turns on your partnerships, companionships and any interpersonal situations that you are included in. Take this month to experiment with experiences that put you on a path of growth and expand your worldview in some way. Making these changes to how open you are to gaining credibility by increasing your experience level can help you maintain partnerships with people who support that growth.
With a heavy Aquarius influence this month there is an opportunity to envision what life could look like if you could live by an ideal work/life balance that fits your specific productivity abilities. When you imagine your most aspirational self, where are you working, how much are you working and who are you working with? How are you maintaining good health and managing your stress? This month may help you see that prioritizing the exploration of unfamiliar perspectives and worlds unknown to you over getting caught up in the tediousness of everyday activity can help you learn how to apply your findings to your own life.
This Pisces season is helping us reclaim an inner sense of peace and trust in the safety and comfort of your internal world despite the chaos presented by the external environment. For the next few weeks the focus turns to time-consuming investments. Whether that be financial, contractional or even relational, Pisces season brings up circumstances that need a lot of your attention, time and energy. This can be a time to experiment with forming a more liberating relationship with success and failure and their effect on your status. Making these changes to what you consider success can help you give yourself to enriching experiences rather than draining ones.
With a heavy Aquarius influence this month there is an opportunity to envision the way that life could be like if you had supportive partners and companions around you. When you imagine your most aspirational self, who do you want by your side? Platonically, romantically or even business partners? This month will help you to see that prioritizing establishing an independent sense of achievement can help you find people that are willing to support your rise and be there for you even if you reach a setback.
This Pisces season is helping us reclaim an inner sense of peace and trust in the safety and comfort of your internal world despite the chaos presented by the external environment. For the next few weeks the focus turns towards gaining credibility through broadening your reach and expanding upon your level of life experience. This month can be a time of experimenting with liberating ways of contributing something substantial to society and moving towards your aspirational future. Making these changes to the way you view your future can help you feel inspired enough to explore your own potential.
With a heavy Aquarius influence this month, there is an opportunity to envision what life could be like if you could invest your resources into enriching experiences and relationships. That being your time, money, energy and attention. If something or someone is going to consume much of your time then it better be worth it. This month can show you that prioritizing a community of like-minded people who are wiling to support your ideal future can help you generate wealth of all kinds.
This Pisces season is helping us reclaim an inner sense of peace and trust in the safety and comfort of your internal world despite the chaos presented by the external environment. For the next few weeks the focus turns towards your relationship to success, failure and societal pressures. This month can serve as a time to experiment with liberating mentalities that can help you break out of self-sabotaging tendencies long enough to feel accomplished.
With a heavy Aquarius influence this month, there is an opportunity to envision what life could look like if you were given the freedom to roam and explore whatever topic or whatever place you want and gain wisdom through those experiences. This month may help you see that prioritizing your mental health and focusing on developing an inner sense of calm will help you build up the inner security needed to believe in your own growth and potential.
This Pisces season is helping us reclaim an inner sense of peace and trust in the safety and comfort of your internal world despite the chaos presented by the external environment. For the next few weeks the focus turns towards your contribution to something larger than yourself and your involvement with like-minded communities. This month can serve as a time to experiment with liberating ways of presenting your selfhood. Making these changes to your own self-concept can help you feel more justified in being a part of a group.
With a heavy Aquarius influence this month, there is an opportunity to envision what life could look like if you reached an aspirational level of personal success and achievement. This month can help you see that prioritizing freeing yourself from imposed identities can help you work towards success as you have defined it.
This Pisces season is helping us reclaim an inner sense of peace and trust in the safety and comfort of your internal world despite the chaos presented by the external environment. For the next few weeks the focus turns towards your inner relationship to your own sense of calm. This month can open up room to experiment with ways to independently support your desired lifestyle. As you develop a stronger and healthy relationship to self-acceptance, your sense of self-worth may strengthen as well.
With a heavy Aquarius influence this month, there is an opportunity to envision what life could look like if you were contributing something truly important and relevant to society. This month may help you see that prioritizing self-reliance and self-sustainability can get your closer to finding your place in society and how you can benefit something larger than yourself.