New moon in virgo: all 12 signs

new moon in virgo 

september 6th, 2021 

5:51 pm PDT 

collective message:If you are not too long, I will wait here for you all my life.” (Oscar Wilde) 

This new moon has the opportunity to be a renewing entrance into a significant six month period if we are willing to let go of the timelines we have been fixating on. This isn’t the new moon of champions but rather an ushering into a training period of sorts. For the next six months we have the opportunity to focus on maintaining our everyday life, no matter how ordinary it can be, in a more realistic way and being okay with dealing with life as it is rather than fixating on where our dreams have gone. It’s not a romantic lunar phase. It’s kind of the complete opposite. 

We have to meet up with our daily life as it is right now. This is about the acceptance of our pitfalls and our inability to be on top at all times. A chance to acknowledge our hurt and stop beating ourselves up about something we could not control and cannot control now.  As 2021 presses on, a lot of us can feel like we are in calmer waters but still have no idea what we are sailing towards.

This new moon allows us to accept that and redirect our attention to the ordinary life that is right in front of us. It isn’t about giving up on your dreams for your future. It is more about redistributing the energy we use up in a typical day to making the changes needed in our mornings, afternoons and nights to actually improve our current situations. We can have our visions waiting for us in the background but for the rest of this year we have to confront what is staring us in the face or else none of those fantasies will become actualized at any point. 

We have more awareness of what we are realistically capable of and what is out of our reach. The boundaries are clear and we need to make the moves to improve our situation in the ways that we can. We are putting in a strong effort to finally move through something we have been avoiding out of fear and insecurity. 2020 and 2021 has been about confronting problems now vs being overwhelmed and devoured by them later. Take matters into your own hands now instead of waiting for everything to crumble, because as we all have witnessed in the last couple of years, things will definitely topple down eventually if the maintenance is not taken seriously. Let’s not have this happen in our own lives. 

Take a different approach to improving your well-being and don’t put off the situation that feels the scariest. Sometimes we are too deeply involved in something unhealthy to just abandon ship. It may seem like separating from something toxic is the healthiest option, but you are still allowing the toxicity to fester and grow stronger, giving it the space to get ready to attach to you once more. I think this new moon wants us to sink even deeper into a complex and sticky situation, however, it is to change the circumstance from the inside out rather than running away. So, take care of yourself, be healthier, but don’t indulge in escapism or fall for fantasies. The time to be reinspired and feel romantic is coming, but only if we can reconstruct our daily lives now.



This new moon is asking you to confront a final push needed for some kind of intensive creative project. This is about putting a strong amount of effort into reinvigorating your inner child in some way. Exploring experiences and perspectives that are foriegn to you will change your mentality and open you up to an effective shift in your sense of purpose and identity.     

There are going to be some changes made to what you consider an accomplishment in the next six months. This new moon is asking you to confront any fears around health, work/life balance and competence. It is time to make one more final push towards redistributing your workload towards something more manageable and invigorating. You can find strength in these next six months by building up your level of self-sufficiency.   

This new moon asks you to confront fears around your shadow side. We need one final push towards redirecting your relationships and the social agreements you have been making. You are encouraged to teach people how you want to be treated even if it calls for vulnerable conversations. For the next six months, you may see disruptive changes in regards to your future plans and highest aspirations. However unexpected these changes will be, eventually they will feel liberating in a good way and the changes you have made in your interpersonal dramas will cease to prevent these important shifts. 

This new moon is asking you to confront fears around loss and endings. There is one final push required to release the weight you have been carrying. This is about redirecting your energy away from the sense of debt and baggage and towards building up resilience to those difficult situations. Don’t let the complexities of life take up all of your time. As you recenter yourself by remembering who you are at your roots, you can feel a sense of inner peace that maybe you have not before.  

This new moon is asking you to confront fears around your purpose and where you are headed. There is one final push needed to redirect your energy away from paranoia around what is to come next in your life and towards reinvigorating yourself by making more daring decisions. You do not have to tie yourself to one worldview or one journey. Dare to dream big again and discover a new path to take. Your sense of self will feel liberated the more you allow yourself to experiment and reignite your inner child. 

This new moon is asking you to confront fears around success and personal fulfillment. There is one final push needed to redirect your energy away from fearing failure and instead reginiting a passion towards achieving and putting your all into a long – standing goal. In the next six months, the way you manage your daily workload will increase your financial autonomy and ability to rely on your own resources. 

This new moon is asking you to confront fears around your ability to contribute something substantial to the larger community before your time is done. There is one final push towards redistributing your energy away from the paranoia of wasting potential and towards daring to share your perspective, thoughts and skills in ways you have not before. The next six months is about putting in effort towards developing the side of yourself that you always deny. 

This new moon is asking you to confront fears around what is lurking in your mind when you are left in solitude. There is one final push needed to release fear of the unknown and redirect your energy towards creating inner peace and a quiet trust in yourself. You are human. Humans are wrong sometimes and hurt people. The next six months is about righting your past wrongs by showing yourself some grace. When you have made mistakes in the past, you didn’t know what you know now. You cannot judge the past version of you with the present awareness and understanding that you now have.  

This new moon is asking you to confront fears around your identity and how you are perceived. There is one final push needed to redistribute this energy given to paranoia and redirect it towards making a raw and honest life decision regardless of the feedback. The next six months is about reinvigorating your inner child and being your raw self and following your raw desires. You are learning to trust your instincts instead of being afraid of yourself and your motives by exploring new learning experiences and expanding your worldview.

This new moon is asking you to confront fears around your ability to rely on yourself. There is one final push needed to be self – sufficient and make things happen on your own terms. For the next six months, the level of autonomy in your daily work routine will increase as long as you keep making small improvements to your concept of achievement. Take your ambition seriously and put effort into earning the space that you take up.  

This new moon is asking you to confront fears around sharing your true thoughts, opinions and insights with the world. There is one final push needed to redirect your paranoia of saying the wrong thing, or letting opportunity pass by without being honest and move towards daring to communicate your personal perspective out loud to anyone that will listen. The next six months will have you finding more autonomy in your social arrangements. Communicating with your actual voice is more important than getting along with everyone. Make small steps forward towards your highest aspirations by surrounding yourself with people who are willing to listen to what you have to say.  

This new moon is asking you to confront fears around your past conditioning. There is one final push needed to redistribute your paranoia around the past and/or family dramas towards a more aware and resilient energy you can use to reinvigorate your sense of rootedness. The next six months is about using your raw awareness of who you are at your core, warts and all to propel you towards liberating your time from anything that feels taxing and heavy. With tiny adjustments made every day, your sense of inner peace can improve as you gain more autonomy from financial debt or emotional baggage.     

lady bitterness

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