New moon in pisces 2022


March 2nd, 2022 9:34:47 am PST


“ If we could read the secret history of our enemies we should find in each [person’s] life sorrow and suffering in enough to disarm all hostility” (Henry Wadsworth Longfellow) 

A New Moon in Pisces gives us the opportunity to renew our trust in the infinite time available to us when we turn our attention inwards. The main motivation of Pisces energy is to find meaning behind every experience. This, in a lot of ways, can only happen when we accept all perspectives that have been presented while also accepting that there are sides to a story that may always be unknown to us. Pisces energy can stir up external environments that are so outside of our scope to manage that we have to lean on the only thing we can control which is our inner state of calm and peace. 

Some of us will rely on faith or religion. Others will rely on scientific studies and theories. People may rely on nature or the trance-like state of exercise. Whatever it is, the New Moon gives us the opportunity to renew that relationship to our own inner sense of calm and serenity despite the chaos of what is going on externally. 

It is a time where we can reach an understanding of everything we experienced over the last 12 months. We do not have to accept things in the sense that we feel good about everything that has happened. Acceptance is more about acknowledging what happened, how it made us feel and coming to an understanding that receiving answers to our questions does not always fix the issues and we cannot always enact our will to make a solution to work out. Life is oftentimes out of our control rather than in our control. Pisces help us make peace with that.  

This Pisces New Moon has the added influence of Uranus in Taurus. We will be starting something that is completely unexpected and not what we most likely thought we would be doing right now. I recommend taking the next six months to try out whatever this opportunity is, see how it is affecting all parts of your life and at the end of six months, check back in with yourself. At that point, decide if you can envision yourself moving forward with this new lifestyle or if you need to change things up again. Keep in mind that we are moving away from toxic, judgemental and self-sabotaging behaviors.


Reading your sun sign may resonate more and show how your sense of self is being affected. 

Reading your rising sign, however, will give you a more objective message and tell you what you need to be aware of even it does not immediately resonate. 

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