october 6th, 2021 4:05:24 am PDT
collective message: “Follow effective action with quiet reflection. From the quiet reflection will come even more effective action” ( James Levin )
I am going to keep this brief today. This new moon in Libra is very significant and the next six months will be a turning point in our lives. Buckle into your seatbelts.
The big daring risk we are being asked to take with this lunar phase is to refuse to abuse our bodies, minds, hearts and spirits in the ways we have felt pressured into before. Success, hard work and good character do not come without their antonyms: failure, periods of rest, mistakes and poor choices. So many of us feel we need to live up to standards placed on us by our family, culture and media. This new moon is giving us the chance to show up in a different way, with more self-respect and a willingness to make smarter decisions.
Let’s talk about the energy in general, to start. Libra is sandwiched between two signs (virgo and scorpio) that deal with subtracting things from our lives. Virgo seeks to purify and perfect what are unhealthy or ineffective aspects of our lives. Scorpio seeks to purge and eliminate what is toxic, heavy and weighing us down. So, Libra seeks to rebalance our lives by adding something instead of getting rid of something. What can we add into our life that makes us feel more at ease? What can we introduce that eases our stress, pain, discomfort and hurt? How can we show up in a way where we get to have an equally important position in the decision making process?
We can reset the respect we show ourselves within our social dynamics. How are we making sure we are getting our fair share and not just appeasing others? Again, we want to add a sense of ease to our lives and that might mean sticking up for our boundaries in a way we have not tried before.
We forget that Libra is a Cardinal sign. It looks to initiate results by its own hand. Libra seeks to smooth out conflicts through its own will and intellect. Whereas Virgo seeks correctness and accuracy and therefore can get hung up on self – criticism and needing direction, Libra is concentrated on taking it upon ourselves to diminish stress, tension and unfairness, but most importantly, imbalanced extremes in our everyday interactions and circumstances. This is about resetting how we let social pressures get to us. If we feel like there is not enough room for us, then we have to make room. We must trust ourselves in the face of uncertainty, vulnerability and discomfort.
One important way we can initiate peace is to allow ourselves to rest and recuperate when we need it. We do not have to spend all of our energy, all of the time just to save face and tread lightly around demanding people so as not to set them off. This new moon is giving us the space to take up a more fair amount of space. To show up and weigh out our own options and make choices that include our own well-being instead of bending over completely for others. Take this new moon seriously.
Use this new moon to convince yourself that you do not have to be ‘on’ or put on an ‘agreeable face’ 24/7. Other people will get over it once you decide to make a personally beneficial decision for your life direction moving forward. Taking up more space and showing up more honestly will liberate you from heavy baggage you may be carrying around on your back and in your heart. There may be some disappointments around a work project and your finances. Try to find the magic in the inner resources and skill sets you have and believe in supporting your chosen lifestyle through your own means.
Use this new moon to push yourself to break away from a lackluster situation in your typical work week and renegotiate the terms you have with yourself around how many leaps of faith you are willing to take in a lifetime. Allow yourself to grow in ways that you have not before. You have talent, skills and resources that are more valuable than what credit you have been giving them. Show up for your own sense of adventure and discovery. Other people who have been making your heart heavy, and dragging you through their difficult situations will eventually get over your decision to go off and explore your own potential moving forward. There may be some disappointments in your relationships or partnerships and everyday communications. Try to find the magic in your perspective and the connection you have with people who truly understand you.
Use this new moon to liberate yourself from needing public approval. Reconsider how you want to approach sharing your side of the story and participating in your current surroundings. If it has been feeling like you do not have the room to explore fresh experiences on your own terms, then renegotiate the role you are playing so you can move forward with something that rekindles a sense of curiosity. It does not matter if your interest is impressive to others. There may be some disappointments within a difficult family situation and the baggage you carry from childhood.Try to remember the magic of your private life and intimate bonds you have formed with those who really know and accept you.
Use this new moon to liberate yourself from unrealistic and limiting expectations of how much power and influence you should have by now. You do not have to change the world in one afternoon. You do not have to actualize your highest aspirations over the weekend. Find time to prioritize your private life and the relationships that feel like home. Get comfortable and relax. If you are a part of a community that is starting to feel more restrictive than accepting, then take some time away and ground yourself in life away from the group for a while. There may be a disappointing trip that falls through or something fun has become stale. Remember the magic that can still be found in your creative life or romance life and focus on where that is headed.
Use this new moon to liberate yourself from unhealthy and destructive self-talk. Feeling pressure to make something out of your life and never waste a moment can create guilt and shame around taking a break, resting and doing absolutely nothing. This new moon is pushing you to let yourself take some alone time and hear your own thoughts. You may want to make the most of a situation and enjoy it to the fullest, but you aren’t necessarily prioritizing the period of rest that would be good for your health right now. There may be a disappointment in regards to an accomplishment that has become a failure. Remember the magic that comes from trusting your own earned wisdom and applying it to meaningful work.
Use this new moon to liberate yourself from an outdated, restrictive identity. If you are feeling down and deflated internally, it is most likely coming from the pressure you feel to get along, be considerate and make room for the needs of others at all costs. This compromise can be digging into your daily routine and hindering your ability to manage stress. The libra moon is asking you to renegotiate with yourself what is actually humility and service and what is just plain self – removal for the sole benefit of someone else. How and why are you being asked to yield to someone else’s needs and how fair do you really think it is? There may be a disappointing pause on your ability to dream of a better future with your ideal companion. Remember the magic of your character as a whole and the long – term goals you are reaching for outside of this out of balance circumstance.
Use this new moon to liberate yourself from a situation that is restricting your earning potential. If you are being hard on yourself to keep up with the lifestyle that you have chosen, feel free to switch up how you manage your resources and what you lean on to feel of value. There is more to your identity than what you do or how much you make. Reconsider the person you show up as in your relationships and what kind of partner you need to be. There may be some disappointments in regards to an emotionally draining situation. Try to remember the magic that is present within your most intimate bonds and ability to trust in time.
Use this new moon to liberate yourself from having a restricted voice. If you are being hard on yourself for losing a sense of something valuable, then open yourself back up to the world, be curious about new content, topics and be okay with sharing your side of the story without the expectation of praise. Reconsider the heaviness that you are carrying around and the baggage you are tied to and see where you can loosen that enmeshment for your own wellbeing. There may be some disappointment in yourself and your ability to keep up with your purpose. Try to remember the magic of your innate presence and your natural will to keep growing.
Use this new moon to liberate yourself from family pressures. If you are being hard on yourself for the limitations of your upbringing, then break away from your early conditioning in any way that caters to your wellbeing. Renegotiate your terms you have with yourself about what risks you are willing to take to expand your life experience and how many chances you are willing to take. There may be some disappointments in your ability to support yourself through your ideal career. Try to remember the magic in your long-term goals and the resources you have at your disposal to get to that level of success.
Use this new moon to liberate yourself from a restrictive attitude to your own sense of creativity and expression. If you are being hard on yourself for your early conditioning and the role that you play in your family, then break away by experimenting with new ways of expressing yourself and living out the life you dreamed of in your childhood. Renegotiate the terms you have made around your reputation, status and what accomplishments you have been working after. Don’t be afraid to openly discuss a change in plans, lifetime goals and titles. There may be some disappointments with your level of influence and locating ‘your people’. Try to remember the magic of your own perspective and what you can bring to a wider audience.
Use this new moon to liberate yourself from restrictive work schedules and health issues. If you are being hard on yourself for not making the most out of your life or for not being as happy as you think you should be, then break away and experiment with new routines, exercises and anything that can help you feel healthier in your day to day life. Renegotiate the terms you have made in regards to your role in the wider community. Are you giving an unhealthy amount of yourself to a group that doesn’t really know you? Are you dedicating yourself to an aspiration that doesn’t really do more than maybe impress your neighbors? There may be some disappointment internally and you can feel your life may be lacking in sentiment and inner fulfillment. Try to remember the magic in your private life and the peace of mind you can find in quiet, solitary moments.
Use this new moon to liberate yourself from restrictive relationship dynamics. If you are being hard on yourself in terms of keeping up with the daily grind and proving your competence in some way, then start to experiment with developing the qualities that you usually rely on your partners to do for you. Push yourself to reconsider how you treat your own mental health. Give yourself some space to rest and hear your own thoughts. There may be some disappointments where you were looking forward to something good happening. Try to remember the magic that you offer with your innate presence and ability to form a life that you would enjoy living.