New moon in capricorn 2022


January 2nd, 2022 10:33:30 am PST

collective message: “ Knowing trees, I understand the meaning of patience. Knowing grass, I can appreciate persistence.” ( Hal Boreland )  


At the start of every new calendar year, we are graced with a new lunar cycle in the ambitious sign of Capricorn. As the only Cardinal Earth sign in the zodiac, its energy combines patience, responsibility and well-thought out planning to help us materialize our goals and reach milestones. It is a perfect energy to be present at the start of the year. A healthy sense of Capricorn means that we are aware of what we can realistically achieve in a certain time frame. Capricorn values effectiveness over grandeur so it wants to know what is practical, achievable and how long it will realistically take. The results of the New Moon are usually seen around six months later when there is a Full Moon in the same sign.   

The new moon cycle for the very beginning of 2022 asks us to be more inventive with our approach to resolutions. How can we set reasonable goals that we are likely to accomplish this year and that will actually change up our circumstances for the better? This new moon is ruled by Saturn who is currently in Aquarius. This, more so than other years, requires us to consider more responsibly what we want our futures to look like. We need to think about our contribution to the community and how much responsibility we are willing to take on for the well-being of our society while also keeping in mind that we do not need to overextend ourselves. 

With the New Moon making a conjunction to Juno in Capricorn, this is a great year to stay loyal to a plan or a general focus of specific goals. Juno helps us marry ourselves to principles so that we and everyone else knows what we stand for and where we draw the line. This lunation is also making a square to Chiron in Aries. The next six months will be a great time to strengthen the parts of ourselves that we are insecure about. A lot of self-defeating habits can begin to be undone if we set some goals of being kinder and more understanding of our perceived weak points. This is a very self-motivating lunar cycle and we have to be on top of our own checkpoints if we want to keep moving forward in 2022.  



Reading your sun sign may resonate more and show how your sense of self is being affected. 

Reading your rising sign, however, will give you a more objective message and tell you what you need to be aware of even it does not immediately resonate. 

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