January 2nd, 2022 10:33:30 am PST
collective message: “ Knowing trees, I understand the meaning of patience. Knowing grass, I can appreciate persistence.” ( Hal Boreland )
At the start of every new calendar year, we are graced with a new lunar cycle in the ambitious sign of Capricorn. As the only Cardinal Earth sign in the zodiac, its energy combines patience, responsibility and well-thought out planning to help us materialize our goals and reach milestones. It is a perfect energy to be present at the start of the year. A healthy sense of Capricorn means that we are aware of what we can realistically achieve in a certain time frame. Capricorn values effectiveness over grandeur so it wants to know what is practical, achievable and how long it will realistically take. The results of the New Moon are usually seen around six months later when there is a Full Moon in the same sign.
The new moon cycle for the very beginning of 2022 asks us to be more inventive with our approach to resolutions. How can we set reasonable goals that we are likely to accomplish this year and that will actually change up our circumstances for the better? This new moon is ruled by Saturn who is currently in Aquarius. This, more so than other years, requires us to consider more responsibly what we want our futures to look like. We need to think about our contribution to the community and how much responsibility we are willing to take on for the well-being of our society while also keeping in mind that we do not need to overextend ourselves.
With the New Moon making a conjunction to Juno in Capricorn, this is a great year to stay loyal to a plan or a general focus of specific goals. Juno helps us marry ourselves to principles so that we and everyone else knows what we stand for and where we draw the line. This lunation is also making a square to Chiron in Aries. The next six months will be a great time to strengthen the parts of ourselves that we are insecure about. A lot of self-defeating habits can begin to be undone if we set some goals of being kinder and more understanding of our perceived weak points. This is a very self-motivating lunar cycle and we have to be on top of our own checkpoints if we want to keep moving forward in 2022.
Reading your sun sign may resonate more and show how your sense of self is being affected.
Reading your rising sign, however, will give you a more objective message and tell you what you need to be aware of even it does not immediately resonate.
For the next six months, allow yourself the space to work on building more self-sufficient ways of supporting your desired lifestyle behind the scenes and away from the opinions of others. As you build a solid reliance on your own abilities and in your own time, 2022 can see you engaging in activities that are actually true to your interests and bring you creative fulfillment. Setting reasonable goals around what behaviors you want to further develop and what behaviors you want to nix, will help you heal some wounds you may be facing around where you came from, where you belong and where you may eventually end up.
For the next six months, set your sights on achievable goals that see you gaining a more solid way to support your lifestyle on your own terms. Take your daily activities more seriously and make sure you are focusing your attention on stimuli that builds on top of itself instead of a surplus of throw-away content. By becoming more active, 2022 can see you carving out a liberated daily routine that honors your well-being as much as your productivity. All of this effort can help you build a future where you have more room for creative fulfillment and time for real joy, especially if you are feeling like life is quite bland at the moment.
For the next six months, set your sights on achievable goals that can be accomplished on a daily basis. Whether that be writing daily or reading a set amount of books or starting each day with a certain mentality. Take your sense of rootedness more seriously and continue to establish a solid private space that provides comfort and safety at the end of your day. By playing a more active role in supporting your desired lifestyle, 2022 can see you experimenting with qualities and behaviors that you have not identified with before. All of this effort can help you build a future where your daily routine does not take advantage of your well-being overall.
For the next six months, set your sights on achievable goals that provide you with a comfortable, secure and safe place to rest your head. That could be organizing your home, making a space your own or downsizing to a more reasonable place. Take your creative abilities more seriously and continue to establish a life where you have the time and space to engage in fulfilling activities. By playing a more active role in your daily activities, 2022 can see you breaking away from heavy circumstances that have been weighing you down. All of this effort can help you build a future where you have the freedom to further develop parts of yourself you have previously left dormant.
For the next six months, set your sights on reasonably achievable creative goals. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself to make your life fulfilling at every moment. Just try to make time for realistic creative projects, romance or whatever makes you feel like you are actually alive. Take your daily routine more seriously and continue to establish a healthy balance between your level of productivity and overall well-being. By playing a more active role in making your home a safe, personalized space, 2022 can see you breaking away from the path you think you are supposed to be on and opening you up to a new sense of purpose. All of this effort can help you build a future that allows you to have a reasonable work/life balance that lightens up the heavy load that you are so used to carrying on your shoulders.
For the next six months, set your sights on reasonably achievable goals in your daily work routine. That can look like figuring out what a realistic amount of work in a day looks like for you where you don’t overextend yourself. Take your self-development seriously and continue to build up qualities and behavior that you have denied yourself in the past. By playing a more active role in making your life worth living, 2022 can see you carve out a space in your professional life that meets your expectations of success over anything else. All of this effort can help you build a future where you have developed more of your personality and become a more complete and balanced version of yourself that allows you to grow in ways that were limited for you for so long.
For the next six months, set your sights on reasonably achievable results in your social arrangements. This could look like establishing more fair roles within a partnership, giving yourself or another the space they need or anything that will help maintain a connection for the long term. Take your time and energy seriously and continue to invest these resources with the certainty that you will see a wealthy return. By playing a more active role in fitting your schedule to your own needs, 2022 can see you breaking out of a limiting community and actualizing your own aspiration apart from the group’s main mentality. All of this effort can help you build a future where you have built enough wealth (financial, emotional, spiritual) to afford setting and meeting your own expectations of success without breaking underneath imposed insecurities around failure.
For the next six months, set your sights on reasonably achievable results as you build your reserves of wealth. That could be paying off debt little by little, going to therapy to release some emotional weight, or enriching your intimate life. Take your growth more seriously and continue to establish a purpose that puts you on a more credible path. By playing a more active role in establishing healthy boundaries, 2022 can see you breaking away from limiting mental traps and carving out a safer space in your own mind. All of this effort can help you build a future where you have room to be more intentional with your growth and focus on realizing some higher aspirations without feeling any level of guilt or insecurity about having such big dreams.
For the next six months, set your sights and reasonably achievable results for gaining credibility in whatever area of study or interest you currently have. This can look like putting something into practice and gaining real world experience before making any permanent decisions. Take your sense of personal accomplishment seriously and continue to establish yourself in the professional world, building on top of each successful event and learning from each setback. By taking a more active role in building up financial, emotional and spiritual wealth, 2022 can see you breaking away from the role imposed upon you and carving out a personality and lifestyle that is more true to your specific essence. All of this effort can help you build a future where you have reached the peak of the success that you have wanted and healed the self-doubt and self-sabotaging tendencies of your own mind.
For the next six months, set your sights on results that are reasonably achieved in your professional life. This can look like taking manageable steps forward within your career towards any objective that feels substantial to you. Take your higher aspirations seriously and continue to establish a solid plan of how you can contribute to the world around you most effectively. By taking a more active role in gaining real world experience and racking up credibility, 2022 can see you breaking away from a limiting source of income and carving out a stream of income that allows you to better support the lifestyle that you desire. All of this effort can help you build a future where your contributions and involvement benefits the community substantially and relieves any guilt or insecurities around your chosen lifestyle.
For the next six months, set your sights on results that are achievable and reasonable as you reach towards your higher aspirations. This can look like joining or leaving communities that are on the same page as you or giving yourself this time frame to tackle a few next steps that will push you forward on your mission. Take your mental health seriously and continue to build a solid commitment to rest and recuperation. By playing a more active role in meeting your own expectations of success over anything imposed, 2022 can see you breaking away from limiting mentalities and see you carving out a space for you to share your real thoughts and consume information that actually appeals to you. All of this effort will help you build a future where you have built a strong trust in your own inner peace and have relieved any guilt or insecurity around being able to support your desired lifestyle on your own terms.
For the next six months, set your sights on results that are realistic and achievable when it comes to your mental health. This can look like giving yourself the alone time you need to recuperate and decompress from the outside world, this can look like establishing healthier tools to quell damaging mental, emotional and psychological difficulties. Take yourself more seriously and continue to approach your own life with the accountability of making your own decision. By playing a more active role in deciding what aspirations you will commit yourself to, 2022 can see you breaking away from limiting family dynamics and restrictive early conditioning and see you carve out a sense of home for yourself on your own terms. All of this effort will help you build a future where you are in the driver’s seat and have relieved any guilt and insecurity around how you have chosen to fill up your day and occupy your time.