New moon in cancer 2021: all 12 signs

new moon in cancer 2021

july 9th, 6:16:38 pm

collective message: “Marriage is a great institution, but I’m not ready for an institution.” (Mae West)

This feels like a loud, heavy exhale. The experiences we have had over the past several years have been draining. We have been left without a healthy support system, thrown into harsh reality without a bulletproof vest and if you are still here, you have survived. 

This new moon feels like a relief. A very small break from the very real struggle we have been drudging through. We can take a breath and restore trust in emotional sensitivity. We have had to brace the sharpness of life for a really long time. It has felt like one setback after another for many of us. Although there is still a strain, tonight marks an opening to restore, replenish and recharge.

Both Cancer and Capricorn are quite parental signs. However, Cancer represents the much more nourishing caregiver. The one who holds you when you are hurt and reassures you when you are worried. Having a parent like this when you are a child feels like a higher power is keeping you safe from harm and you have nothing to fret over. 

The need to feel like someone will take your stress away never leaves, but as adults we are expected to take the worries away from our own children. So, for our own well-being, we look for this comfort in our institutions and religions. We look to societal structures who have established systems of safety, like our congregations, communities, hospitals and the like to hold us through difficult times. These institutions are so far outside ourselves that they give us that parental feeling and make us feel protected. Or at least that is what they promise.

We also look at these systems for a sense of discipline. Our parents kept us safe but they also delivered us with a sense of cause and effect. When we did wrong, we were punished. When we do wrong or are perceived as doing wrong as an adult, we are punished by the law, groupthink, etc.  

On this new moon be open to feeling safe and restoring your faith in comfort. Stop filling in for your parents, schools and government by punishing yourself when you feel like you have made a mistake or haven’t met expectations. Acknowledge the struggle you have been enduring and how you have risen to face that challenge, but don’t give up on leaning into comfort just because you are scared of it being taken away again. It very well may, but use this new moon to let yourself off the hook for the night. 

The world is harsh and will force you to grit your teeth through some difficult moments. Frustrating and unfair circumstances will exhaust you. However, the world is also soft, forgiving and safe. Hold onto that and take your own worries away. Find something outside of yourself that makes you feel protected. Whether that be religion, spirituality or a plate of comfort food from your favorite restaurant, reach out for the sake of your own needs. At least for the moment.

Give yourself the opportunity to protect your sense of identity. You don’t have to embody anything or appear in a way that you are uncomfortable with. You don’t have to fit into a life that isn’t right for you. Start opening up to ways you can personalize your life even more and make your overall existence more comfortable for yourself. Lean into feeling proud of the ways you add value to your own life as well as the lives of others. 

This new moon can ease any worries you have around money, earnings or self-worth issues. They won’t be solved, but you can try to reassure yourself that you are doing the best you can  with the resources that you have. Use this time to make purchases that give you a sense of security and stability. Feel proud of your skillset, knowledge and ability to keep learning. You will figure everything out.

This is an opening to return to a sense of comfort in your local environment. That could mean literally being in your hometown and walking through the streets to get that nostalgic feeling. But, it can also be watching your favorite childhood movies, reading one of your favorite books or talking to close family/friends who you know will be there for you. Start to feel proud of who you are at your core and how your personal history has informed your character.  

With this lunar phase there is an opening to lean on your roots, your family or your private time. This moon is about recuperation and for Aries you can allow your home to be your sanctuary. Take time to appreciate your private space and make room to understand how it can give you more comfort and rest. Feel proud of any hobby or interest or even romance that brings you pure joy. 

This is the beginning of a new cycle of supporting your own creativity and self-expression. Be open to nourishing yourself through fun experiences. Give yourself some free time. This can also be a time where you heal that inner child. Our youth sometimes does not meet up to what we expected it to be, but we can continue to feed our inner child throughout our lives. Give yourself that. Feel proud of any projects you have been working on or any improvements you have been making to your health/work routine.

This is an opening to lean into improving your health. Be open to actually taking care of yourself and not punishing yourself for needing a break, needing care, needing rest and needing comfort. Stress affects every part of your body and can be keeping you from living a healthy life. Take this new moon as an opportunity to give yourself some time to take care of your body and mind. Feel proud of how much you are growing as a person and developing parts of yourself you did not know you could. 

This is an opportunity to lean on your close friends and partners who know you better than you know yourself. If you don’t have a lot of close friends, then it is an opening to be there for yourself. Cater to your personal needs and don’t judge yourself for having emotions. You aren’t soft, you are human and this lunar phase is allowing you to get more comfortable with your sensitive, emotional nature. Feel proud of what you have been investing your time, energy and money into. You are setting yourself up for a long time. 

This new moon is asking you to allow for some healing on a deep level. There is no harm in paying attention to your deeper emotions and what you have been through. Addressing the experiences that have thrown you off course, is what it takes to care for your soul and nourish yourself. If you have an intimate partner, lean on them. If you have a therapist, trust their insight. Feel proud of the new direction you are taking as you broaden your understanding of the world and your place in it. 

This lunar phase is addressing how staying inspired nourishes you on a personal level. You need to feel like you are growing inorder to feel secure. So, be there for yourself. Make sure you protect your beliefs and keep the path you are currently on safe from threats. This is your life and you do not have to step off track because other people are scared for you. Feel proud of the achievements you are working towards and the achievements you have already accomplished. 

On this new moon, Libra needs to lean into their sense of accomplishment. Protect your goals and don’t allow fears to take away what you have been able to achieve for yourself. This is an opening to nourish your sense of fulfilment and be open to live up to the person that you feel capable of being. Feel proud of what you have contributed so far and what aspirations you still have in mind.  

This is an opening, mid-year, to reassure yourself that your contributions are worthy of influence and a following. The community you are a part of can give you a sense of comfort if you lean on the right members. Protect your highest aspirations. Having an ideal future in your sights can relieve you of stress and keep you looking forward to something meaningful. Feel proud of your life as a whole and accept every part of yourself at the new lunar phase. 

This new moon is opening up an opportunity to accept yourself as you are. It is also a chance to indulge in your imagination and carve out some solitude. Use this energy to make peace with yourself and find a sense of inner ease and compassion for everything that you are. Feel proud of the life that you are living and the personality that you are developing. 

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