New moon in aquarius 2022


January 31st, 2022 9:46:01 pm PST


“ The person of character, sensitive to the meaning of what they are doing, will know how to discover the ethical paths in the maze of possible behavior” anonymous

After the nearly two past years we have all had, I don’t think anyone wants to be sitting in the same situation we have been in the decade to come. This year’s New Moon in Aquarius comes to us with the intention of guiding us towards taking our futures very seriously. 2020 literally rocked our world and now we are being dragged through the aftershock. However, this lunar phase is heavily influenced by Saturn, the planet of self-discipline and patience. 

This will be about taking it upon ourselves to get out of a situation. We cannot count on anyone else to improve our own lives the exact way that we need it to be. We have seen how solely relying on the collective can be a waste of time. For the next six months, we have to take on the exact amount of social responsibility we feel prepared for while also prioritizing our autonomy in any given situation. We want to make substantial progress this year, but we do not want to continue to hold burdens that are not really ours to begin with. 

This New Moon will help us drop responsibilities that are not our problem and take on responsibilities that allow us to move forward, realize some level of progress, however small, and reclaim more control over our time. This is about being willing to look for practical solutions even if we receive no approval for these choices. Aquarius helps us believe in the blueprint we have in our minds of what life could look like and we need to make an intention for this lunar phase, to hold onto that vision while also getting clear on what realistic options we have before us.     



Reading your sun sign may resonate more and show how your sense of self is being affected. 

Reading your rising sign, however, will give you a more objective message and tell you what you need to be aware of even it does not immediately resonate. 

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