lunar eclipse in sagittarius

lunar eclipse in sagittarius 

May 26th 

4:13 am pst 

collective message: 

The main message I have for this Lunar Eclipse is to stop dreaming about where you could be or what grand life adventure you could be off on. Make your current life interesting enough to love living it. We are dealing with the Gemini/Sagittarius axis which, in my opinion, is the axis of education. If you haven’t been educated on something over this past year, I don’t know where you have been hiding. Everyone is learning and expanding upon their knowledge in one way or another. 

This Lunar Eclipse is the biggest opportunity to move away from these vague, ill-defined beliefs we have stuck to simply because we feel strongly about them. Collectively, we are being asked to check our sources over and over again. With the amount of information at our fingertips, we have to improve upon our critical thinking skills and ability to discern for ourselves what is factual and what is a bunch of bullsh*t. 

Tonight, marks a moment where we can choose to leave behind our incomplete opinions that have been keeping us from searching for new information. We have all been guilty of dogmatic thinking. But, now we have the chance to move away from, honestly, looking like fools. The longer you hold onto a belief without looking into updated facts, the more likely you will miss out on key information that disproves that belief that you have. Information and knowledge is critical to making sound decisions. Don’t let yourself down by refusing to learn more. 

By December 3rd we will have the Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius. If you have let yourself learn new facts between now and then, you can expect a new set of opinions and beliefs to stand by come the end of the year.


For this lunar eclipse you can focus on moving away from opinions about yourself that are leaving you feeling uninspired and dissatisfied with your overall personality. You may feel trapped by the opinions people have of you and the expectation that you must behave a certain way in order to keep their attention.

The breakthrough of this eclipse is accepting that you are going to continue to be dissatisfied with how you are being perceived if you keep relying on the same behavior. Open yourself up to developing aspects of yourself that you have not before. Trust at your core, that even though you may not know how to act, now that you have moved away from the old personality you used as a shell, you will figure yourself out eventually. 

Focus on moving away from the opinions about money and its hold on your self-esteem that is making you feel uninspired and dissatisfied. You may be feeling caged in by the belief that you need to be making x amount of money to be of value. Scorpio’s can feel like they have to exceed expectations in matters of gaining resources (money, possessions, value). 

However, the breakthrough of this eclipse is going to be realizing that you will continue to feel disinterested in your life if you keep relying on your own means to get by. Open yourself up to investing more deeply into your life with someone else. Lean on an intimate partner or even a therapist to have a space to talk things out and not just rely on your dwindling enthusiasm for making money. Invest in something deeper and more profound and you may reignite interest in living. This could be a time where a romance begins and feels significantly fresh.

Your day to day life has become incredibly boring. You may be feeling like you are living like it’s Groundhog Day over and over again. You have held onto the opinion that you have to live life this way and you have to live in this town and you have to talk to these people. 

The breakthrough of this eclipse is accepting that if you keep living everyday the same way you have been, life will start to lose all momentum. This is really the chance for you, Libra, to get away from monotony. Open yourself up to a sense of adventure and a sense of exploration. Get on a new path for your life that makes you feel like everything is up in the air and all you can do is take in the fresh air. Maybe this is a new job or a new project that reignites your curiosity. Don’t let yourself stay stuck. 

Focus on moving away from the opinions of family members on your life and how you should live it. These beliefs that your family has instilled in you are making you feel dissatisfied and left wishing for something more than your upbringing provided. 

The breakthrough of this eclipse is that you can choose to learn how to build a reputation. Open yourself up to people who are asking you for work and build up that resume. Partnerships are going to come your way to help you reach new personal achievements, but you won’t be able to do this if you keep believing the things your parents have told you. 


Focus on moving away from the opinions you have about your childhood. Good or bad, that time is over. You may be feeling caged in by what you believe you missed out on as a kid or what you wish you had when you were growing up. 

However, the breakthrough of this eclipse is choosing to learn more about your future. Be curious about the possibilities you have to make your adult life one that you are actually interested in living. There are going to be opportunities to heal from some of the emotional baggage left over from childhood. Use this time to be open to new aspirations based on your future, not your past.  

Focus on moving away from the belief that you need to be productive and working on something big at all times. This opinion of yourself is making life feel a little pointless and a little endless. Maybe at one point the work you have been doing made you feel purposeful but now, you may be feeling trapped. 

However, the breakthrough of this eclipse is choosing to learn more about yourself and your personal relationship to the universe. You can do this by spending time alone, spending time in nature, meditating. There are going to be opportunities to expand your understanding of the world around you and grow as a person. 

Focus on moving away from the opinions you have of relationships. These beliefs are making your interactions with others feel bland and stale. Where once you may have felt enthusiastic about your close friends or partners, now you may be feeling quite caged in. 

The breakthrough of this eclipse is to choose to learn more about yourself and the impression you make on other people. You can try out new ways of presenting your personality in ways that you have not let yourself before. There are going to be more opportunities to grow a positive reputation for yourself.  

Focus on moving away from the judgemental opinions you have around your own emotional baggage and debt in general. You can feel caged in by ill-defined beliefs that you need to get over deep-rooted issues fast. 

Instead, use this eclipse to learn new ways to build your self-esteem and be supportive of yourself. There are more opportunities coming to move into a new future and get closer to being the ideal version of yourself. 

Focus on moving away from the belief that you have to go on some huge journey in order to grow as a person. You could be feeling caged in by thinking that you need to take a huge risk inorder to get the most out of life. 

However, the breakthrough of this eclipse is learning from the people and places that are right in front of you. Find interesting things to do in the town/city that you currently live in. There is no need to travel far in order to get something out of your life. There are going to be more opportunities to feel whole inwardly and build a sense of inner faith.   

Your career can be becoming bland. You may be feeling uninspired by where your reputation is right now and maybe your personal achievements did not make you feel the way that you thought they would. 

The breakthrough of this eclipse is becoming more interested in your private life. Maybe learning new information about your family history, why you were raised the way that you were. There are going to be more opportunities to develop trust in your identity if you are able to get through this lunar eclipse. 

The aspirations you have held onto have become a little bland, at this point. The groups and communities you have been a part of seem to be more lackluster and not offering you that zest for life feeling that you may have had before. 

This lunar eclipse is an opportunity to learn more about your own hobbies and interests. Not that of the group, but activities that bring you personal joy. This is about having fun and enjoying the life that you create. There are more opportunities coming to grow your self-esteem and learn ways to support yourself regardless of being accepted by others.  

There is not really any time right now for solitude. And, honestly, you may be feeling bored with your own inner world anyway. The beliefs that you secretly keep to yourself about your life and if it has any meaning are probably a little stale right now. 

The lunar eclipse is a chance to search for mentally stimulating ways to spend your days. Engage in more interesting work throughout your daily routine so that you can bring some liveliness back into living 

lady bitterness

delightfully cynical astrologer

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