Libra season 2021: All 12 Signs

Libra Season 2021

september 22nd – october 22nd, 2021

collective message: “ The butterfly counts not months but moments, and has time enough ” (Rabindranath Tagore)


For Libras, we have arrived at your season. This may be a month where you have to sit in the driver’s seat more than usual and make some personal life decisions. Showing up with a consistent and likeable personality can be draining. Especially if you start to feel like people in your daily life don’t really know you, they just see you as a nice, approachable person. 

This Mercury Retrograde is going to call into question the personality and instinctual behaviors you have been presenting. The need to confront the stark contrast between the personality you show to others and what goes on in the privacy of your own home, history and family matters will increase as the month goes on. Great mental strength is needed in the process of recovering uncomfortable and distressing memories, conversations or interactions. These can come from family dynamics or your personal history in general. The person that you are at your root, your most raw form, will be creeping its way into your everyday persona so that you can decide more honestly how you will carry yourself. 

Use this Libra season as a way to find resolution with insecurities you have around your friendships and partnerships and your ability to manage these relations. Weigh out your options when it comes to the compromises you have to make inorder to get along, yet have your needs met. Don’t bend over backwards for people who are not willing to even meet you halfway.  

After a month of being in the driver’s seat, we now turn our focus into themes of self-preservation and personal resources. Libra season will bring into focus your ability to be self-sufficient, afford the lifestyle you have and continue to earn/build your value. Mercury retrograde will bring into review how you are making money, how you are managing that income and how you are going to stay afloat for the remainder of the year. There will be a need to confront an underlying fear of wasting your time and therefore wasting your chances to make the most out of your life. 

We can fear not living up to what our younger self was so enthusiastic about and becoming the sad, bitter old people that disappointed us in our childhoods.  This can either cause inaction or put too much pressure on creating something impressive out of our lives that we don’t even feel the thrills or joys we are trying to indulge in. The struggle this month is to figure out, through weighing our options fairly and rationally, how we can afford a life where we have enough time and energy to engage in experiences that excite us, avoid a bland existence but maintain a stable amount of financial support.

We can use Libra season to care for our insecurities around wealth, debt, and any other heavy baggage that is keeping us from feeling properly engaged. We are offered some more energy this month to build some self-worth and rediscover what value we innately have to support our decisions and lifestyle choices without feeling bad or judging ourselves too harshly. We may have to confront what unhealthy habits we rely on to escape deeper hurts and rethink how much we want to lean on a sinking ship.

Libra season is asking you to start putting more thought into what content you have been taking in for the past year or so. Reconsider what shows, news channels, movies, books and daily conversations you have been witnessing and how these are affecting  your point of view and perspective. What mental stimulus in your environment are you relying on to feel engaged with the world around you? This next month will also ask you to focus on what content you are putting out. What thoughts and opinions are you sharing in your  daily interactions and how honest are you being? 

Libra season can bring up the need to confront fears around health, work/life balance and self-improvement. Is your daily routine worth the mental exhaustion and intensive labor? Are there ways you can be more or less productive? What options can you reconsider that may make your work/life balance healthier and more feasible? 

Use this season to tackle an insecurity around losing your sense of purpose or adventure. This year may be feeling like you do not have what it takes to explore new experiences and get out of your comfort zone. This next month can give you some more motivation to get your hands dirty, engage in the world around you and be okay with risks not working out or arrows falling short of their target. The fact that you tried to do something out of your wheelhouse is enough. 

Take this Libra season to settle private matters. Mercury retrograde is asking you to reconsider recent decisions that have affected a family connection, matters of the home or your personal history in general. The parts of your life you keep private will need to go under review. Who are you at your root? Where do you come from, how does your early upbringing still affect you? What is your relationship like to your parents? What do you need your home environment to feel like in order to rest and recharge after a day’s activity?

This Libra season will ask you to confront any uncomfortable or distressing relationship dynamics that are messing with your sense of security and safety. What options can you weigh the outcomes of to settle a difficult conflict without completely severing the connection you have? Maybe you find that the best option is to end things. That’s ok too.

Libra season will bring to your attention what setbacks and failures have formed some insecurities around your ability to achieve your goals and how you have let that vulnerability keep you from trying again. Are your relationship problems hindering your ability to move upwards? Use this month to reground yourself and remember the source of your ambition.  

Libra season is asking you to prioritize reenergizing yourself by engaging in activities that you genuinely find entertaining and fulfilling. Mercury retrograde is bringing the focus to reflecting on how you use your free time to soak in the good things about life. Your children, creative projects or dating life can all give you a sense of enthusiastic engagement, but when we don’t have these forms of relief, our free time can get cramped with more work, responsibilities or boredom. 

This month will force you to confront some fears around the heavy emotional, relational or financial baggage you may be carrying on your shoulders. Complex situations never offer an easy answer. This month we have to review what options we may have to get through something difficult and draining. We need to weigh out what decisions can be of most use even if it does not perfectly resolve the conflict we have to deal with. We have to try to find a healthy ratio between dealing with this harsh reality while also making time to enjoy what activities are available to us. It is important not to get burned out by how harsh life can be sometimes. 

This month will also allow us to stand up to our own internal self-criticism when it comes to not realizing all of our aspirations that we may have wanted to by this point in our life. Sh*t happens that can deter us and delay us from actualizing our highest ideals. That is completely normal and this month calls for resolving that inner critic inside that is putting you down for feeling stunted in some way by re-engaging with what brings your honest happiness and relief.

This Libra season will bring your attention to your daily routine and your work/life balance. Mercury retrograde is asking you to review some recent decisions concerning your daily schedule, health regimen and any work – oriented projects. Is your level of productivity becoming overwhelming and exhausting or are you starting to get bored and restless? What options do you have to organize your time better? Do you need to have an uncomfortable conversation with a coworker or employee?

This month is going to call for a confrontation of certain fears around the direction your life is taking and whether or not you align with that purpose. Is your daily list of responsibilities becoming tedious and do you feel an impending kind of fear around missing out on something more? Is there something else ‘out there’ that will bring more to your mundane life? Did something that you were excited about embarking on fall through? This month is about reconsidering what you are working towards and where you are looking to go as the year goes on. 

Libra season will also help you stand up to your own inner critic, putting you down for not having enough energy to get everyone done that you want to in a day or a week or even your whole life. The insecurity around needing a break needs to be met with more resistance. Resting allows you enough time to recharge and get back to work. There is no need to feel bad about that. 

This year’s Libra season will ask you to reflect on the give and take agreements you have made in your relationships. Mercury retrograde asks you to review recent conversations and decisions you have made within the dynamic of your close friendships and relationships. Are there fair expectations for both sides? Are you and your partner giving and taking an equal amount? What agreements can be reevaluated and made more reasonable? 

This month will ask you to address fears around the level of visibility you have and how that affects your sense of success and personal achievement. The social standing you take on in a wider community can come into question and you may have to reconsider how your status is being perceived by other people. Is your presence taking up too much space or not enough? Are you putting your all into your goals for an honest reason or just to impress others?  

Libra season will also open up new options to stand up to that inner critic that has a lot to wine about in terms of recent life decisions. You can use this month to go easier on yourself when you cannot consistently present a brave, capable personality ever now and then. It’s ok to have a day or week or month where you don’t feel like a winner or up for the challenge. You don’t always have to convince people that you’ve got everything under control. Lean into supportive partners to pick up where you left off.

Libra season will be a month dedicated to trudging through some difficult material so that by the end you feel lighter and ready to move forward next month. You may need some down time this month to reflect on everything you have been through, put your time, effort, heart, soul and any other resource into and take some moments to reconcile with the way these intensive commitments have affected you and the life you are living now. Mercury retrograde is asking you to review and weigh out some options you have to relieve yourself of some pressure and heaviness that you might be carrying at the moment. 

This month will ask you to confront some fears around the authenticity of your contribution or larger role to society. Have you been working your way towards actualizing your highest aspirations for toxic reasons? Have you been affected by distressing and harsh group dynamics and rejection when you were just trying to find ‘your people’? If you have realized some of your aspirations and hold some kind of significant social standing, how are you looking to handle that kind of influence? 

Libra season will also be providing some more extra motivation to stand up to your inner critic that may be trying to convince you that you are not as valuable or self-sufficient as you think. That you are not resourceful enough to support your desired lifestyle. This month will give you more motivation to remember some of your resilience in the face of difficult situations. 

Libra season will bring your focus to finding something to be excited about again. This month will be all about exploring something outside of your daily routine. If you are feeling restless, it’s because Mercury Retrograde is asking you to reflect on what direction your life is taking. Do you feel like you are growing in any way or do you feel like your daily activities have become far too dull, draining or bland? How can you review and weigh out some options to give yourself a sense of purpose and growth? Is there a course that you weren’t able to complete that maybe you have time for now? Is there a trip you wanted to take but could not before? Get out of the ordinary routine in some way this month. 

This month you may also be asked to confront inner fears that feel like they are haunting you and following you around to prevent you from moving forward. You may have to face why you are so afraid of yourself. What past mistakes are haunting you? What fear do you have of gaining more agency in your life? The struggle this month is trying to believe in your own growth while confronting the intimidating doomsday voice in your head. 

Libra season may also give you more motivation to stand up to any self-doubt around participating in the world around you. Sharing your thoughts and perspective can be intimidating by an inner critic of your intelligence and communication abilities. Do you even have anything important to say? This month will offer some more energy to resist these insecurities by allowing yourself to engage with the outer world and be curiously involved with the stimus your environment provides.

Libra season will be bringing your focus towards your most significant achievements whether accomplished, failed or still to come. This is a month where you can reflect on what goals and personally significant work you have been putting effort in throughout the year. Mercury retrograde will be asking you to reconsider what you are working towards, how you carry yourself in a professional sense and what status you are after maintaining. Can you weigh some options you might have in regards to the next steps in your career, goals and ambitions? 

This month will force a confrontation with some fears around how you are being perceived and how that is affecting the personal decisions you make for your own life. Why are you afraid of yourself? Are you showing up with honest intent in your daily interactions or are you hiding behind fear of being seen in your raw form? Will your true intentions mess with your public reception? Is being more directly honest worth the drop of social appeal?

This month will also give you more motivation to stand up to the critic harping at you from within. There is vulnerability in being more open about who you are at your core. Sometimes, with that Capricorn rising, you can keep things professional and impersonal, sacrificing warmth and relatability. Libra season wants you to stand up to that inner critic saying that you need to push down any weakness of the heart. The whole world isn’t out to get you.

Libra season is going to bring into focus how you may or may not be contributing to the wider community around you and whether or not you feel like you have found ‘your people’. This is a month to reconsider what some of your highest aspirations are and what community you can rely on to support you in your efforts to do these great things. Mercury Retrograde will bring into review what ideas you have for your future. It is time to weigh out some of the options you have to move forward with a collaborative, passion project and work out some feasible ways to make it happen. 

This month will bring up a confrontation with fears around your ability to support your lifestyle through self-sufficiency. Are you making money through honest means or are you hiding your true intent because of fear of being perceived as overly materialistic or a fear of losing all of the resources you have earned? Is your scarcity obsession getting in the way of being properly engaged with your future? The struggle this month lies in rationally figuring out how you can manage your social standing while also contributing something important to the wider community or moving towards your higher aspirations in some way. 

Finally, Libra season will also give you more motivation to counterattack that inner critique of your sense of wasted energy. Maybe you have a minor (or major inhibiting) insecurity that makes you feel like you still aren’t getting the most out of your life that you could. Maybe you feel like you just don’t have it in you or that all of the effort to enjoy your free time still cannot prevent hardship. This month is about standing up to that perceived weakness by revitalizing your hope and wishes for the future. Find communities, even if they are online, that may be able to motivate you against your own insecurity around wasting time.

Libra season will be a month of rest or trying to get some alone time in. The mercury retrograde occurring over the span of these next few weeks, will cause you to find some time to reflect, in solitude, about your year so far. Figure out ways to make peace with the events of this year and accept all that has happened. This acceptance will help you move forward next month when you will be required to take the driver’s seat and make some personal life decisions. Journal, go for walks, meditate and prioritize getting in the zone, healthy escapism and anything that releases everyday stress and anxiety.

This month will cause a confrontation of our fears around our involvement with the world around us. Are you showing up in your daily interactions with an honest perspective or are you hiding behind a fear of being perceived as overbearing or a fear of being caught in a lie? This month will push you towards reflecting on our raw and honest you have been in your daily associations and any content that you share with the outer community. How can you share your true intentions without stepping on the shoes of the more vulnerable? 

Also, this Libra season will increase your motivation to stand up to the inner critique of your ability to be productive and stay on top of your workload. You may be able to better silence the insecurity around being capable enough to get through your workday, and your exercise routine and your housework and your doctor’s appointment, etc, etc by focusing on allowing yourself to take breaks and rest when you need to without the harsh judgement. Needing time for recharging is normal for all people.  

lady bitterness

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