Leo Season 2021: All 12 Signs

Leo Season 2021

July 22nd – August 21st 2021 

week 1 highlights: july 19th – july 25th [ a fresh start ]  

As we approach this first week of Leo season there are some key energy shifts. Venus will enter Virgo, first and foremost, on July 21st. The first friend it will meet is Jupiter in Pisces with an oppositional aspect. This looks like a time period of growth within our social life. This could be an increase of actual social gatherings that occur or it can look like broadening our understanding of how to love, who to love and who to side with, even. What do healthy, functioning relationships look like?  We can also be learning how to take better care of ourselves and showing our health some love. 

I want to add that Venus in Virgo has us wanting to make sure we have everything we need with us exactly when we need it so that we can relax. For instance, picture yourself being your own event planner, so that the day you are trying to enjoy already has everything in its right place and you have a good experience. The relaxation period will probably come once Venus enters Libra on August 15th.  

On July 22nd, we officially enter Leo season 2021. Every year, this is a month-long stretch to strengthen our confidence, feel proud of how we have been living and build our sense of authenticity. Feel free to notice yourself more. Notice when you have done a good job and appreciate your own talent. This is a time period where we can focus on enjoying ourselves and enjoying our time. We need to be making decisions that speak to our character and make us feel good in our own skin. 

  The very next day we will be having our first of two Full Moons in Aquarius this year. This feels like a huge push to grow the f*ck up! Aquarius is all about progress in its most aspirational form. So, this Full Moon feels like a completion of acting in ways that just seem childish to us now. We are moving on and moving up. 

To close out this week, we will have Mercury in Cancer opposing Pluto in Capricorn. Intense, darker thoughts can come up. Fears need to be addressed and put to rest. Power struggles may occur in our conversations. People (including ourselves) may try to impose their realities onto us and we will need to protect our perceptions and not be swayed by intimidation tactics.    

week 2 highlights: july 26th – august 1st [ time to put ideas into practice, walk the talk]

On Tuesday, July 27th Mercury will be entering Leo. Our minds will finally be catching up with the self-confidence we have been developing. Appreciate your ideas. Appreciate your sense of humour. We are coming into our own right now. We are claiming our ability to declare who we are based on our own experiences, not the labels that make it easier for others to understand us. The sun comes up every morning whether we wake up to see it or not. Leo will shine as it is whether we understand its energy or remain confused. 

On the 28th, Jupiter will reenter Aquarius and right as it does this, it will oppose Mars on its last day in Leo. This is an opportunity to expand our reach, trust the risk and take on a new learning opportunity of some kind. This can be a chance to take big steps forward. Because Jupiter is retrograde and returning to the sign it was in for the first part of 2021, we are familiar with this energy. We have been reflecting on what we have been learning from the experiences Jupiter has been giving us. So, as it makes its return, it can be a time to gas yourself up because this feels like a lot of restless energy wanting to apply the wisdom we have been gaining. Try it out. 

On the 29th, Mars will move into Virgo. This energy can be used to give our own actions some constructive criticisms. Use this energy to improve upon whatever project you have been working on. Mars in Virgo relies on practicing, perfecting and making adjustments as we go. After the increase in self-confidence, we now need to hone in on problem areas and really put in the practice. Do the training that is necessary to earn a sense of pride.  

The first day of August we have a sun/mercury opposition with saturn. Reality strikes again. Egos will be checked if we have been getting carried away. At the same time, this feels like stepping into our own maturity. This feels like more growing up, accepting more responsibility which is really about accepting more control over our lives. Many times, we can look to outside sources for permission to move ahead and get a stamp of official approval of our capabilities. This transit, however, is like ripping up those permission slips, and granting ourselves a promotion. 

week 3 highlights: august 2nd – august 8th [ it’s a uranian kind of week ]  

The week begins with a pleasing aspect between Venus in Virgo and Uranus in Taurus. Venus rules over preference; what pleases us and what disgust us. So, with the connection formed to Uranus, the planet of liberation, it feels like this energy can introduce us to something refreshingly pleasant. Whether this be a fresh take on a hobby, a new social connection or a shift in personal style; lean into the change. Monday, August 2nd, also brings Mercury in Leo trine Chiron in Aries. Speak with sensitivity and try to be patient with your own thoughts. Going easy on ourselves and allowing for mistakes will be helpful this week.

On August 3rd, Mercury will square Uranus. Good ideas are coming our way. Thinking outside of the box. We could see mental breakdowns. Reality breakdowns. Uranus disrupts in order to liberate so it could be disturbing our thought processes so that we become open to a fresh perspective. Think for yourself but watch being defiant just for the hell of it. 

On the 4th of August, Sun in Leo will be making a trine to Chiron in Aries. This is another day to go easy on ourselves and be understanding of our flaws and weak points. We could be feeling a little insecure this week with all of the changes that Uranus is pushing and the vulnerability that Chiron is bringing to awareness. Remember we are all human and can’t come out on top every time. 

Towards the end of the week, the Sun in Leo squares Uranus in Taurus and we have a New Moon In Leo. Let’s talk about the square first. This happens on Friday, August 6th. We are feeling very anxious. Again, this is a week of forced change, whether we are ready for it or not. It is going to feel severe even if it is ultimately good for us and builds character. Brace yourself and regulate your own emotions even if what is happening outside of you is crumbling.

That New Moon in Leo will be happening on August 8th. This is where the reality shift really starts to solidify. There is no turning back. We are here. We have been initiated. We have to deal with the new reality that has been presented for us. Hopefully, we were not knocked off our feet too extremely, but even if we were, we are going to survive.   

week 4 highlights: august 9th – august 15th [ allow for emotional decompression ]  

At the beginning of the week, we are already presented with much softer energy than the last couple of weeks. On Monday the 9th, Venus in Virgo will be opposing Neptune in Pisces. This feels like a healing environment. Virgo and Pisces are both concerned with health and easing our distress. Lean into prayer, meditation or any activity that brings you a sense of calm and inner peace. We need to connect to source this week. 

On Tuesday August 10th, Mercury in Leo will oppose Jupiter in Aquarius. There may be more information coming to light. Maybe this is inspiring us, maybe this is giving us some hope for our futures. Maybe this is overwhelming us and we need to filter some of our thoughts or the information coming in to remain mentaly stable.

On August 11th, Mercury will enter Virgo. We can use this energy to sort and organize our thoughts more usefully. Any information coming in, we can vet with a more logical system of analysis. Cleaning out our brains, cleansing our thoughts and sanitizing the information before we absorb any of it.   

Finally, on the night of August 15th, Venus will enter Libra. We will be prioritizing justice during this transit. Libra wants to get along but understand that conflict needs to be resolved on a regular basis in order to achieve that equilibrium. So, while Venus is strolling through this air sign, it is important to try to get along with people and try to get along with yourself. Ease the tension with fair consideration of all sides and try not to sweep things under the rug.  

week 5 highlights: august 16th – august 21st [ let the dust settle ]   

As we meet the last week of Leo Season 2021, the first energy we can expect comes from Mercury and Mars conjoining in Virgo. This looks like confronting a problem head on. Exerting the effort needed to improve a situation for our own well-being. We may have to communicate what we need very directly or it won’t happen. This occurs on August 18th. 

On Thursday, the Sun in Leo will oppose Jupiter in Aquarius. This could be a chance to fully recognize how much we have grown and what our 2021 experience thus far has taught us. How can we integrate that wisdom into our character? On the 20th, Uranus in Taurus goes retrograde. This can bring a static energy. Whatever major changes this year has forced upon us come into question now. How have they affected us? How are we going to move forward? Do we feel liberated or do we feel scared and unstable? That is where Leo Season leaves us. 

This season is asking you to strengthen the way that you present yourself. Strengthen your stance on your personal lifestyle choices. The obstacles of 2021 have mostly focused on developing parts of yourself that you have been lacking. You may be feeling like friends and partners are increasing their expectations of you and what role you are expected to play within those relationships. It can feel like a restriction on the life that you want to lead, but this season is showing you how to balance these social obligations with your own personal agenda. 

Virgo energy is also going to be a big player this season. Use this energy to start preparing your personal resources. Make sure you are making enough money, have enough energy and have enough self-worth for whatever investment life is about to bring you moving forward. Be healthy and provide yourself with sustenance that helps you maintain your bond with everyday life.

This Leo Season is asking you to strengthen your level of pride in your ability to rely on yourself. This year has presented you with many complex responsibilities within messy, emotionally draining situations. Whether that be financial, relational or psychological complexity, this year has made it your responsibility to handle these situations on your own. For the next month, you can prioritize relying on your favorite qualities to increase your self-worth and build your self-esteem without being dependent on toxic attachments. 

Virgo’s purifying influence will show itself in the form of clearing out your mind and making sure that the information that you know is accurate, healthy and useful. Any mindless chatter taking up space in your mind, rent free should be cleared away to make room for a healthier mindset. Use this energy to start preparing by learning new material, taking in more interesting media and having more easy-going interactions with close friends. This will assist you with any courses, studies or other personal journeys you embark on in the near future.        

This is certainly a month where you are being asked to speak your mind. Share your thoughts. Tell your side. This is about making your presence known in your local community, online or with the people that you interact with day to day. The ability to be completely confident and bold in your message meets resistance from the awareness of the consequences of doing just that. Maybe the group that you belong to will alienate you if they knew your honest opinion. Maybe the educational institution you have been dedicating time and energy towards is not serving your real interests anymore. Maybe what you thought was your purpose is limiting you from engaging in the special moments of the here and now. Leo season will give you the stamina to stand on your own word and independent thought with complete disregard whether the larger group gives their stamp of approval. 

The second major energy occurring this month is preparing you for the energies of 2022. Opportunities to align your personal achievements with fate will come in the near future. But first, take this Virgo energy to purify your safe space. In the privacy of your home, make your space clean, decluttered and organized. This preparation will give you a healthy space to come home to as you gain more experiences with success and status on a public stage in the near future. Get right with yourself from the ground up so that the self that you present to the wider world is well-adjusted.

Leo Season has you giving your safe space the attention and adoration it needs to be a place of rest for you. Who you are at your core is a heart- first, warm character. However, wordly responsibilities have been asking you to take your reputation and line of work more seriously. You have either been reaching significant advancements in your career/personal sense of achievement or significant setbacks, or both. But Leo season is giving you the chance to balance this out with some much needed time at home, with loved ones and surrounded by the people and memories that have come to define you at the most personal level. This month is about remembering who you are, where you come from and what experiences and people formed you, regardless of  what you have grown up to be in the adult world. Who are you underneath the status, successes, failures and other public labels? 

Virgo will also be a major energy this month. This will be a preparation period before the fated opportunities of 2022. We are getting ready to receive opportunities to reach for some of our higher aspirations next year, but before then we need to cleanse and purify how much of our free time we actually enjoy and how much of our creativity we actually express. This month gives us the time to readjust and reorganize our leisure time to give us the space to feel creative, joyful and engaged with our life. Next year, we can use this refreshed energy to take up those opportunities to move towards a fated future. 

For 2021, this Leo Season gives you the room to play. This is a month about engaging in experiences that are exciting, fun, joyful and authentic. Throughout the year, you have been reaping the rewards of years of hard work. You have reached certain heights that you have dreamed about and you have been disappointed with not accomplishing other aspirations in the way that you had imagined you could. Nevertheless, this month gives you the room to reinvigorate you and regain the energy to enjoy your free time while you still have it. There will always be more mountains to climb and expectations to meet but Leo Season gives you the space to take advantage of your personal moments and make them special for yourself. 

Virgo energy will also play a role this season. We can use this time to prepare ourselves for what is to come during 2022. Take this month to declutter and minimize the things in your daily life that are causing you unnecessary stress. That could mean literally cleaning to decrease stress or it could mean reorganizing your daily schedule, diet or routine to better fit with your energy levels. 2022 will bring in opportunities to heal our mental health in some way. Take the space you have now to get your physical health in order so that you can lean into those opportunities coming towards you.  

This Leo Season will give you more room to organize your schedule around your own needs. Your work says a lot about you and this month will give you the space to work on something meaningful, take care of your health and feel proud of the way you handle your daily responsibilities. This year has made you aware of the significance of all of your successes and failures and how they have impacted your mental health. You are being asked to take more responsibility to accept yourself as a whole and this Leo season gives you the time and energy to try and improve your situation.  

Venus in Virgo is also here to give you energy to clean out your shadow side. Throughout 2022 there will be more opportunities to understand what kind of a person you want to present yourself as. But, for right now you need to maintain healthy relationships and appreciate a healthy support system. Even if that support system is just yourself. Venus in Virgo is giving you the space to develop your other half and complete yourself so that when 2022 rolls around you have the room to further live out a lifestyle that is more natural and suitable to your innate way of being. 

This Leo season is asking you to get to know yourself in a more full way. See the whole picture, not just the parts of yourself that you are already familiar with. The qualities that you have been defined as, may or may not accurately describe the person that you are or ever were. A lot of our early narratives that we let define us are just plain wrong. Our parents can be wrong about us. Our early friends can be wrong about us. As adults, and during this Leo season, it’s about giving yourself the time and space to develop qualities you thought you weren’t allowed to embody. Take this time to grow into a fuller person. Listen to the people in your life now, who want you to be yourself and who are not interested in describing you in limiting and restricting ways. 

There will also be a lot of Virgo energy taking the stage this season. This will be a time to prepare for what is to come in 2022. Jupiter in Pisces throughout next year will bring in opportunities to increase our self-worth, rely on our own resources for support and learn how to value ourselves more. In order to get ready for this, the Virgo energy right now is helping us clear out our emotional baggage. We can use this time to care for our psychological health and invest in our lives in a much deeper way. Let yourself receive the benefits of intimacy, financial gain and therapeutic activities. Invest your time deeply into something important now so that in 2022 you have enough sources of energy, money and time stored in your back pocket in order to support yourself. 

This Leo season is asking you to invest yourself more deeply into something important. Whether that be intimacy, financial or therapeutic activities. This month gives you the time and space to develop more resilience in the face of life’s most complex challenges. The more resources you have to pull from your reserve the more power you have at your disposal to survive intense circumstances. This year has made you very aware of how and why your self-worth is so low and what you need to do in order to build a stronger sense of personal value. You have been taking your finances more seriously and working towards earning what you are worth. Take this month to balance that out by setting something up where your return on investment is going to be enriching for the long-term. 

This season will also bring around some Virgo energy. This is helping you prepare for what 2022 will bring. Next year, you will be receiving more opportunities to learn new information, be introduced to new media, participate in the here and now and have more chances to communicate your own perspective. But for now, you have the time to clear out and purify your worldview. Many times our preconceived notions and beliefs block us from learning more. Take this month to develop a healthier relationship with your belief system and what direction you believe your purpose is taking you. You may be exposed to a new direction or experiences that take you out of your daily routine and show you a healthier way of life.

This Leo Season is giving you the room to take time away from ordinary life. Whether that is going on a trip, studying something new or changing your direction somehow. This next month is about allowing yourself to choose what path you want to be on in an attempt to broaden your understanding of your place in this world. All year Saturn has been trimming away any immature aspects of your mindset. You have been working hard at developing a more realistic and grounded method of learning, taking in media and communicating your thoughts. But Leo Season gives you the chance to take some chances on yourself and move further along on your personal journey. 

The other energy playing out during this next month is Virgo. This is preparing you for what is to come in 2022. Next year there will be more opportunities to center yourself and find your safe space. But for now you can use this time to adjust and purify your sense of personal achievement in the public eye. Keep self-criticism to a minimum and work on having a healthier relationship with your sense of success and failure. This will prepare you for next year, when you will have opportunities to nurture yourself with or without public approval. 

The focus this month will be on your relationship to personal success and failure. Leo Season presents you with time to pay more attention to your status and how it is affecting you. Throughout this whole year, you can be feeling restricted by more responsibilities at home. Saturn has been pushing you to build a sturdier foundation to fall back on when life gets too difficult. We all need a resting place, but you are working hard to cut away any bullshit from your personal past that is just not necessary to deal with anymore. Leo season is giving you the space and time to feel more confident about your current achievements made this year. 

In addition to this energy, this month will serve as a preparation period before the events of 2022. Next year, you can expect more opportunities to express your creativity. That can look like having children, spending more time on your hobbies or getting involved in a new romance. However, for the time being we can readjust our dreams of the future and what we are aspiring towards. We can work on purifying our relationship to the larger society and what we hope to contribute to it by creating a healthier set of boundaries between the mass’s opinion of us and who we really are. Take this time to get right with the community you are a part of because this will set you up for next year when you are going to want to express new parts of yourself and need a place to be accepted.  

This Leo Season is giving you the room to move closer to your larger aspirations. What does your future look like? Where are you headed? Who are you connected to and who do you still want to connect with? Saturn has been asking you to take your life more seriously. You have been battling with the feeling of how do I make the most of my time before it is too late? What do I prioritize in my free time that will make my life worth living?  This month gives you the time and space to take some steps not only forward but upwards. If you have been wanting to share a project or idea with the larger community you belong to, then do that during this next month. 

This next month also serves as a preparation period. In 2022, Jupiter is going to bring new opportunities to work on projects that have personal meaning to you. You are going to be growing through your daily practice most of next year. So, for the time being take some moments to get right with your own mental health. Work on improving your relationship with your anxieties, depression and mindset so that you can be healthy on an inner level at the start of next year when you will have an increase in productivity and daily busyness. 

This Leo Season is making room to take more time for yourself, away from the noise and obligations of the rest of the world. If you are an artist in any way, this is a month to set aside time to engage, under no time constraints in that art. If you give yourself the space in your schedule to rest, the creative ideas may come in strongly. If you are spiritual, this is a month to deepen your meditation, allow yourself ample amounts of healthy solitude. You may have to deal with certain expectations and responsibilities that you feel obligated to commit to, but remember that you cannot do your best work under unhealthy conditions.

The other part of this month serves as a period of preparation before 2022 brings in new energy. Next year, you will receive more opportunities to partner with people that you will learn a great deal from. Your friendships may deepen, you could connect with new business partners and you could enter a more committed relationship. For right now, take this time to focus on your relationship with your own identity and who you choose to present yourself as. Work on having a healthier outlook on your personality and your lifestyle so that next year, you are able and willing to embrace fated connections. 

lady bitterness

delightfully cynical astrologer

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