Jupiter/Neptune Conjunction: Week Three

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WEEK THREE: April 4th – April 10th, 2022 

Lunar Phase

Waxing Moon – Experimental Phase  

  • take the first steps forward 
  • be open to trial and error
  • work with what you have

Weekly Events 

Mars/Saturn in Aquarius Conjunction/Square Nodes 

  • permanent change 
  • permanent responsibilities that will rest on our shoulders 
  • motivation to contribute to our communities and take on social responsibility 
  • the chance of limitations and restrictions from authority figures and government 
  • experiencing delays when we try to push forward with something  

Venus Enters Pisces

  • Exalted placement ( Venus flourishes in the dreamy, fantasy-driven, unconditional love of Pisces )
  • A time to visualize and imagine the possibilities 
  • A time to enjoy rest, recovery, spiritual renewal and artistic inspiration
  • Prioritizing acceptance, tolerance, forgiveness, and trust in the passing of time 

Jupiter/Neptune Conjunction 

  • Renaissance energy
  • Inspired art
  • Expansion of Compassion
  • Miracles and Dreams Coming true 
  • Cinderella Moments
  • Mass Chaos/Confusion and Uncertainty 
  • Watch out for false prophets/promises that seem too good to be true
  • Expansion of our delusions and denial 
  • Expansion of our imagination and ability to dream and hope 
  • Getting overwhelmed by open-ended circumstances 

Jupiter/Neptune Sextile North Node

  • Simplifying our lives in order to have more control and feel more secure
  • tending our own garden even if the world is in chaos 
  • valuing our time, energy, space and resources by not over-booking, over-working or any kind of over-spending
  • honor our personal boundaries 
  • giving ourselves the time and space to rest, replenish and dream

Daily Highlights

04/04: Monday – mars/saturn conjunction/square nodes/moon

04/05: Tuesday – Venus enters Pisces 

04/06: Wednesday – mercury sextile mars/saturn

04/07: Thursday – moon trine venus

04/08: Friday – Jupiter/Neptune conjunction in Pisces

04/09: Saturday – Grand water trine – Moon in Cancer trine Neptune/Jupiter and Opposite Pluto 

04/10: Sunday – mercury square pluto/mercury enters taurus


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