Gemini Season 2021: All 12 Signs

Gemini Season 2021 

May 20th, 2021

12:37:29 pm

collective message

week 1: may 20th – may 27th mass confusion 

We have a strong start to this season with the sun immediately squaring jupiter, mercury squaring neptune and the black moon lilith joining the north node all within the signs of Gemini and Pisces. Our options are opening up this month. We will have new ideas, new choices and new paths to consider following. However, we may have too many openings and too many things to consider, making it difficult to pin down just one. It might be a messy first week. 

We may feel a significant increase in resentment for harsh words people have said to us and we may feel the need to get them back or prove them wrong. Just be careful and if you’re going to be mad at someone be angry with the right people. Don’t project on the innocent. 

We also have saturn, the planet of discipline and effort retrograding. It will be a five month period (may 23rd – october 11th) where we will be reassessing how important our current goals are. We may have to put forth double the effort for half the reward and we may let some goals go because of it. But, the milestones that stand this test are the ones we are willing to stick with even if we do not see the fruits of our labor for a long time.     

Eclipse season is in session. We have a lunar eclipse in sagittarius this week on May 26th. This will complete a 5 month period that started on December 14th of last year. Back then, began a journey of leaving behind limiting beliefs that have kept us stuck in one place and essentially uninspired. At this week’s lunar eclipse, we will see if we have actually moved away from those old beliefs or if we are still clinging to them and therefore, still feeling the same lack of inspiration, dissatisfaction and disinterest in our lives. 

week 2: may 28th – june 3rd significant communication 

We start the week off with a good ole’ mercury retrograde. For about a month we will have to be extra focused on what we are saying, how we are saying it and who we are listening to. It will be good to check and recheck our messages before we send them. Consider and reconsider the information we are taking in to ensure we aren’t being foolish. Practice having conversations in your head and figure out what you want to say before you go offending someone or spreading inaccurate info. This will be a great time to brainstorm and come up with as many possibilities that you can and then just sit with all of the ideas. You don’t have to act right now. 

On Monday, the 31st we will have the sun (our sense of vitality) joining the north node (significant pull towards our own growth) both in gemini. The sun shines a bright light and puts all of the attention on the planet(s) that it comes across. So, around this date there’s a good chance that we notice some idea or concept or we will have a conversation that significantly changes our perspective or at least has the potential to. The north node directs us toward circumstances that make us increase our level of experience and ultimately wisdom. With the sun here, the direction that the north node is guiding us towards becomes all the more clear. 

June 2nd, we see Venus enter the sign of Cancer. The planet of love and appreciation enters the sign of protection and sentimental value. It will be here until June 26th. During this venusian stretch we will be appreciating what makes us feel comfortable, safe and protected. It will be a time where we can feel the best around what is familiar. Whether that be family, friends, partners or places that make us feel seen and known, we will be drawn to what we are used to for this month as a chance to feel homey and cozy.

week 3: june 4th – june 11th new found strength of our voices    

Two weeks after our lunar eclipse comes the solar eclipse. This time it will be in the sign Gemini. But before we get to that, June 5th gives us a Mars in Cancer opposing the villainous Pluto in Capricorn. Opposition gives us perspective which both overwhelms us but gives us the full picture to work with. Around this day, we will be aware of our own motivation to protect what has sentimental value as well as our uncontrollable desire to destroy outdated rules and systems that we have felt oppressed by. It’s a day where we might have to make a powerful decision to act on something kind of scary and intense. At least consider facing our fears. 

Now let’s get into the solar eclipse on June 10th. This marks the beginning of a sixth month window to get unstuck and turnover into a fresh perspective on life in general. You don’t have to make huge changes but taking the steps to accept new information, new mindsets and an uncorrupted outlook on the next six months will really help you through this period. Actually pretend that you were born yesterday and see what might happen. 

To end this week we have Mars entering Leo on June 11th. Until July 29th, we will have extra energy to put towards developing our self-confidence and working on something that makes us proud. We will have more stamina and endurance and hopefully more creative drive to not only feel good about ourselves but to be the makers of our own experiences. 

week 4: june 12th – june 19th major deviation from ‘the rulebook’  

The most important event happening this week is actually a very important moment of the year. Saturn in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus three times this year. June 14th is the second time this happens. It basically comes down to authority vs autonomy. Rules vs anarchy. Respect for authority vs respect for the self. There will be a test that challenges us to have discipline and be responsible as well as be willing to make independent moves that benefit ourselves even if it goes against the ‘rules’ that are in place. 

That’s about it for Gemini Season 2021. Good luck. Let’s get into the forecast for each sign. 


The experiences that you will be having this month will allow you to approach your lifestyle with brand new eyes. If you wish to present a more mature version of yourself then this is the time where you can make it happen. Have an inner sense of faith that your personal achievements will continue to increase.

While Mercury is retrograde, starting May 29th, reflect on how you carry yourself and your lifestyle. Consider if you think differently about yourself since last year and review the life decisions you have made recently. In Eclipse season (may 26th through June 10th) move away from daydreaming about more fascinating relationships and move towards making interesting life decisions that just benefit you. 

Take a retreat around June 14th if you can and if you cannot, make the time to spend away from the rest of the world. Have moments of peace to yourself without anyone else distracting you. You may have a strong desire to make a nostalgic purchase. Do it and it might just raise your self-esteem. 


Right off the bat, you might have opportunities to dream bigger about your future and where you are headed. There might be an overwhelming amount of choices to consider around where to spend your money, how to earn more money or how to save your money. Maybe it’s all too good to be true, but maybe not. Have some inner faith that your resources will continue to increase which will help you reach towards those higher aspirations you have. 

On May 29th, Mercury begins its retrograde. Reflect on some of your most recent purchases and other decisions around money. Have you been making the right choices? Have you been valuing yourself, your time and your resources too highly or not highly enough? During Eclipse season (may 26th and June 10th) , move away from day dreaming about your debt magically disappearing  and move towards considering smarter ways to handle your finances. 

Around June 14th, choose yourself over judgemental expectations. You do not have to succeed by following all of the rules. Actually, there is more success found in living a life that you are leading rather than constantly checking in with the higher ups. You might be motivated to do more around your town or city. Go to a spot in town that makes you feel cozy and comfortable. Prioritize feeling relaxed in the environments around you.

At the beginning of Gemini season, there can be an increase in everyday activities. Maybe you are having more conversations, learning a ton of new information and feeling busier in general. It may start to feel overwhelming, but have an inner sense of faith that you do not need to worry too much. Every choice you make will lead to something with or without you forcing the outcome. 

On May 29th, mercury will retrograde. take this time to reflect on recent conversations. What did you say, how did you say it? Review the information you have been taking in daily. What do you really think about the shows you are watching, the news that you are hearing or the books you are reading? During this eclipse season (may 26th and June 10th), move away from day dreaming about far – off, vague adventures and move towards making your daily life interesting enough to pay attention to right now. 

Around June 14th, you should be feeling more confident in your financial independence. Even if at one point you felt judged for your current position in life, at this point you can allow yourself to feel justified for how much you are supporting yourself and relying on your own resources to get by. No small feat. You might also feel like there is a lot to do around the home or with family. Make it a priority to make your private space a more comfortable living situation for you.


At the start of the season, you can expect an increase of opportunities to learn about who you are at your core. You could be spending a lot of time at home or with family. You could be making a lot of decisions that affect your private life and other people may not really know what is going on with you right now. But, don’t let these choices overwhelm you. Have some inner faith that you will know what choice to make as the options present themselves to you and if anything doesn’t go according to plan, it will be okay. 

On May 29th, mercury will begin its retrograde. take this time to reflect on the conversions you have been having at home and with your family. What do you know about your background and what is still a mystery? Can you learn anything else about where you come from? During this eclipse season ( may 26th and june 10th) move away from daydreams of vague levels of success and move toward making your home an interesting place to spend your time while you rest and recharge. 

Around June 14th, feel justified for the independent thinking you have been doing. You may be speaking your mind with less fear of judgement or punishment for doing so. Feel proud about this because the more you think for yourself, the more truth you will stumble upon. You may feel motivated to be creative with your free time. Work on projects that you have always wanted since you were a little kid but never had the time or support. Feel safe in a creative space.

At the start of Gemini Season you will most likely have an increase of free time or at least you will have an increase of creative energy to put towards your free time. There may be an overwhelming amount of opportunities that come up that offer you a chance to earn money from your hobbies. There could be opportunities that offer you more money or time so that you can focus more on your hobbies. Don’t let this become too much to handle. Have some inner faith that you will be able to have all the fun while also keeping up with your finances. 

On May 29th, mercury will start to retrograde. Take this time to reflect on how you are using your free time. Are you making yourself happy? Do you have any new project ideas? When this Eclipse season begins (May 26th and June 10th) move away from far-off and vague aspirations for your future and move towards making your current life more mentally stimulating and exciting for you right now. 

On June 14th or around that date, you can start to feel justified in your new found independence. Maybe you have recently moved into your own place and where once you felt judged for the life decisions you made, now you can feel justified because you have a space that is all your own. This month may make you feel very motivated to take care of your health and manage your stress. Set up a daily routine that feels comfortable for you personally. Forget about recommended diets or work schedules. Set things up to make yourself feel at ease.

When Gemini Season begins, you can expect an increase in work, productivity and energy to be put towards daily tasks. There may be many opportunities opening up to explore the place that you live and see it with new eyes. If you recently moved, take some time to explore the area. If you get overwhelmed by how busy you feel, remember to trust your inner faith and know that what needs to get done will and what doesn’t have to get completed will get finished when it needs to. 

When mercury begins to retrograde on May 29th, you can take this time to reflect on the decisions you have been making regarding work or even your health. What kind of conversations are you having with your coworkers? Can you come up with new methods for productivity? When the eclipse season hits (May 26th and June 10th) move away from far -off vague dreams of escape and move towards making your day to day routine interesting enough to keep up with. 

Around June 14th, feel justified in your newfound creative independence. At this point in your life, you can be feeling very free from unwanted responsibilities. Let this be a moment where you feel proud about the new way you are expressing yourself and living your life, even if you still feel judged for how much money you have or do not have. Make sure to spend quality time with friends and partners who care about you. Find comfort and support in your closest relationships.


The beginning of Gemini Season you can expect an increase in significant conversations with your close friends and partners. At the same time, there will be more opportunities to explore your past with a more compassionate and accepting mindset. If you become overwhelmed by the influx of new information, hold onto that inner faith and trust that you have friends and family that care about you and will support you through this. 

On May 29th, Mercury will begin its retrograde. Take this time to reflect on how you show up in relationships. Are you projecting anything onto other people that you really should be dealing with yourself? Are you listening as much as you are speaking? During this eclipse season (May 26ht – June 10th) move away from the vague, unrealistic ways you have been expected to behave and move towards communicating honestly with the people who actually like you the way that you are. 

Around June 14th, feel justified in your newfound independence in the area of health and work. Maybe you have decided to move away from traditional expectations of productivity and fitness and have independently chosen to figure it out on your own or try an unconventional route. Even if you still feel judged for your level of intellect, feel good that you have stuck up for your own health. Try to form intimate spaces where you can feel safe and protected. This could be finding a good therapist or relying on an intimate partner to make you feel comfortable through what you are going through.

Gemini Season begins with an increase of intense situations and opportunities to live on the edge of life. You could reach a new level of intimacy with another person or you could be investing more deeply in life in general. If you start feeling overwhelmed by all of these visceral experiences remember to trust your inner faith that this life is one for you to create as you go.

On May 29th, mercury will begin its retrograde. Take this time to reflect on your new investments, whether this be romantic, therapeutic or economic. Are you putting your time and energy into something that you will receive an equal return on? During eclipse season (may 26th and june 10th) move away from far-off and vague daydreams about money and move towards deepening your bond with a partner or if you are single, with yourself. 

On June 14th or around that date, feel justified in your newfound freedom within your relationship. You may have felt judged by family for who you have chosen to be with in the past, but now you have earned the space to make an independent decision and be with who you want. Try to get out of your daily routine this month and give yourself reasons to feel excited. Visit places you have not been to before and gain some new experiences. 

At the start of Gemini Season you can expect a big increase in experiences that you have not had before. Expect moments where you just kind of have to wing it because you won’t really have time to prepare. There will be more opportunities to work on something that is meaningful to you. If all of these new experiences feel overwhelming, hold onto that inner faith that what needs to get done will get done and just leave the rest. 

Mercury will begin its retrograde on May 29th. Take this time to reflect on all of these new experiences you are having. Are you headed in the right direction? Are you studying something that really interests you? During eclipse season (may 26th and june 10th) move away from far-off vague hearsay/gossip and move towards interesting life experiences that spark your curiosity away from the daily grind.   

On June 14th, you may be able to count on striking a new sense of freedom from debt or a bad investment. You may feel responsible to perform in a certain way for a certain audience but at this point in your life, you can feel justified in defiantly choosing to take care of your mental and emotional well-being over being everyone’s source of entertainment. Throughout this month, work on personal goals you have that you hold very close to your heart and mean a lot to you. This is the time to put energy into getting closer to that achievement.


Gemini Season will begin with a big increase in personal achievements. Your reputation is growing and you may feel an increase of people knowing who you are and what you are currently working on. There are a lot of opportunities opening up to partner with more people, probably on projects for work. You not only are moving forward, but you can expect to be moving upwards in life. 

On May 29th, Mercury will go retrograde. Take this time to reflect on your goals. Are you working towards something that is interesting to you? Are you building a reputation that you are actually proud of? At this eclipse season (may 26th and june 10th) move away from vague daydreams about how your upbringing could have been better and move towards being interested in the life you are building now as an adult and making it interesting enough to pay attention to. 

Around June 14th, feel justified in your newfound freedom. You have been strapped into responsibilities of tedious service. At this point in your life, you have earned the right to independently move towards a new direction and a new purpose. Throughout the month, put effort into collaborating with people who make you feel supported and known. Don’t waste your time networking with people just because you are supposed to. Work with your friends. Who cares?

In Gemini Season you can expect a big increase in collaborations, networking and getting closer to your highest aspirations. You will have more openings to participate in the larger community and have your voice heard. There will also be just as many more opportunities to feel rejuvenated on a deep level. Like you have finally made it through a darker place and now you can trust that you are okay. 

On May 29th, Mercury will start to retrograde. Take this time to reflect on the interactions you have been having with collaborators, your followers or your group of friends. Are you a part of the right community for you? Are you mentally stimulated by these people? Are you reaching for aspirations that are right for you? During eclipse season (may 26th and June 10th) move away from far-off and unrealistic romanticizing of your childhood and move towards being interested in your future and how you can make the ideas in your head, your new reality. 

Around June 14th, feel justified in a recent career move that you made independently of getting permission from someone else. You are building a reputation that does not meet anyone’s expectations but your own and you can simply ignore the contradicting judgements you get from other people. Make time to spend in solitude and away from all of the noise. You need time to connect with yourself so that you don’t let the outside world muddle your sense of self.


With the beginning of Gemini Season expect a big increase in alone time. You will need time spent away from the noise of the outside world and more time with your own center. There will also be more opportunities to take a risk and experience something that is far removed from your daily life. It is a very spiritual time of the year for you. Trust your inner sense of faith that you are headed in the right direction to grow and become a wiser person. 

On May 29th, mercury will start to retrograde. Take this time to reflect on your year so far. Sit with your thoughts. If you meditate then spend extra time relaxing your mind and letting the thoughts come to you. This is a time to accept where you are currently in your life, the good and the difficult. During eclipse season (may 26th and june 10th) move away from vague, far-off daydreaming of a perfect ‘day-in-the-life’ and move towards increasing your trust in your own mind away from the opinions of the rest of the world. 

Around June 14th, feel justified in your newfound independence within the larger community. You may have felt judged and held responsible for feelings of shame and other emotional baggage. But, at this point in your life, you have found some independence in some group or community that accepts you despite your hardships or even for those exact hardships. Throughout the month, take it upon yourself to make life decisions that benefit you. Things like switching up your appearance as long as it makes you feel more like yourself.

lady bitterness

delightfully cynical astrologer

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