March 18th, 2022 12:17:34 am 


“ No person is your friend who demands your silence, or denies your right to grow” (Alice Walker) 


We have arrived at the annual Virgo Full Moon. Throughout Pisces Season, we are given the space to replenish our spirits before the beginning of the next Aries season. It is about getting ready for the next 12 months by accepting everything that has happened for the past year and moving through those emotions, allowing them to wash away and making room for a new round of life events.   

Now, coming in the middle of the month, we will need to consider the other half of Pisces, which comes in the form of Mutable Earth energy. This Full Moon will most likely bring to our attention with pristine clarity all of the issues, problems and imperfections of our current situation. We may feel the need to go into fix mode. However, instead of ‘fixing’, we need to focus on adjusting. Virgo is very discerning. It may be best to use this energy to categorize what is useful and what is ineffective about our current approach to life. 

Pay attention to what is the most accurate description of your circumstance and what is delusion. For instance, I am starting a new position as an Astrologer at a local metaphysical shop. The more accurate way of perceiving this new opportunity is to acknowledge the hard work, study and practice I have put in over the several years to get to a point of offering paid services with an established business. The delusional way of interpreting this opportunity comes in the form of all my inner self-doubt and low self-worth trying to convince me that I do not deserve to have this success, what do I know about the topic anyway, Astrology is just a scam, etc, etc. 

The Virgo/Pisces axis represents health and well-being. In order to maintain our health we need to be aware of illness. When we are aware of illness, we are aware of our vulnerability and our imperfections. We accept that we need improvement, adjustment, maintenance and help. When this axis becomes unhealthy it can lead to our cruel self-criticism, doubt and perfectionism. So, this Full Moon will probably reveal to us what is going right and what is going terribly wrong. It will reveal what is healthy and what is unhealthy. What or who needs help and what or who could potentially help each one of us. It will be important to use discernment to organize useful vs useless information, thought processes and emotions. 

Virgo, above all, seeks to keep a healthy system running smoothly. It finds the source of the problem and adjusts its process until everything is working again. We need to focus on the little ways we can help improve our lives and the world around us while still embracing the miracles as they happen but without getting swept away by the delusions of fear, doubt, sorrow or hopelessly romantic fantasies. 

There is a chance that our dreams have come true but now we are beginning to see the reality behind the fantasy which can be very disappointing. We also could be realizing that our dreams may not come true any time soon or even at all. What I have to say to this; there is always a factual reason why certain plans do not work out. We may have personal willpower to initiate and make moves to an extent. However, the world is so vast and so much more influential than our individual will to push on our external environment. More often than not, the world pushes on us and we end up in situations that were never part of the fantasy.  

This lunar phase will help us see that we actually know exactly what we need to do in order to tangibly improve our situations. Basically, it has become clear what we need to practically do in order to lessen the difficulty of our current circumstance. Again, this Full Moon will provide us with the realization of how we have let imaginary paranoia and cruel inwardly directed perfectionism to waste the time that we could be dedicating to getting ourselves in a healthier, more natural and grounded position in our life. But we have to let go of the romantic fantasy that we have clung onto in our head because we are hurting ourselves every time we compare our real lives to the ones in our dreams. 


Reading your sun sign may resonate more and show how your sense of self is being affected. 

Reading your rising sign, however, will give you a more objective message and tell you what you need to be aware of even it does not immediately resonate. 

lady bitterness

delightfully cynical astrologer

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