Full moon in pisces 2021: All 12 signs

full moon in pisces

september 20th, 2021

4:54 pm

collective message:  “All human knowledge takes the form of interpretation.” ( Walter Benjamin) 

If we think back six months ago, the new moon in pisces took place on March 13th, 2021. Neptune was just as present then as it will be on this full moon. One difference being: Neptune is currently retrograde. Six months ago, when the pisces moon was almost invisible in the night sky, it was being influenced by a foggy, fuzzy and confusing energy. We had little personal control over what was going on and had to acknowledge some kind of trust in time. However life was supposed to work out, it did and we had to adapt to each circumstance that was presented. 

The current neptune retrograde wipes out the fuzziness and the uncertainty. Some people love this clarity but for others, we can experience this as a harsh reality check. Life can feel less romantic, less hopeful and there can be less options to take to escape ordinary life. Neptune retrograde forces us to build a stronger internal world of imagination and inner peace and if we cannot, life can feel quite boring and we can feel depleted.   

At this Full Moon in Pisces we are learning how to take our mammoth sized dreams and break them down to what we can accomplish today, tomorrow and the day after that. There is some Virgo energy present here so we have a fuller perspective on what small moves forward we can make in this next part of the year. Pisces gives us vision and Virgo gives us consistent effort. Whatever dream we carried back in March, we may begin to see some of it materialize or we may get a clearer idea of how we can start to make it happen.

This can also play out as us coming to terms with an overwhelming sense of disappointment. Our circumstances can feel out of our control and it can feel like we have no way of impacting our environment. This full moon may force us to see the beauty in things we do have control over rather than continue to feel defeated by situations we cannot affect.   

Nevertheless, be open to seeing the signs on this Full Moon. We are being guided by Neptune to focus on the fantasy, but with a good dose of realism sprinkled on top of our actions. This is ‘make it work’ energy at its finest which can feel quite magical. Things we started six months ago are coming to life little by little. With Venus opposing Uranus, we are learning how to enjoy life in ways we have not before. We are being exposed to experiences that shake up what makes it on our favorites list. As long as we can validate our own stories and listen to our own advice, we can abruptly welcome in fresh energy that opens us up to hope we haven’t felt in a long time. Good luck.

please read for your rising sign or your sun sign for the most accurate reading. 


Over the next couple of days, you may feel like you are revealing a part of yourself that you had only imagined could see the light of day. Since mid-March you may have been working on redefining the personality that you want to present. Take this lunar phase as a sign that you can display more of your inner character and make personal decisions that align you closer with the lifestyle most suited to your natural rhythm. If you are feeling tired and depleted from making a lot of life decisions, allow yourself to lean on the council of good friends or partners. 

Over the next couple of days, you may feel an inner trust that you will have enough resources to support yourself through some rough waters ahead. Whether that be enough finances, enough self-esteem or enough faith in the future, use the round energy of this full moon in pisces to believe in the personal life choices you are making to suit your natural strengths. It is such a chore to force yourself into situations that you are not made for. Believe that you can find your own way through the mess. If you are feeling tired and depleted from having to figure out what resources you can rely on, allow yourself to take a break and do something to release some of the heaviness that you feel. 

Over the next couple of days, use this potent full moon energy to trust your own perspective and what you have to say about the world around you. Since mid-March, the content and conversations that you have been taking in everyday have almost been finding you. Reshaping your view on life and opening you up to more and more opinions and information. Use this energy to put forth your own content in a more sincere form. Participate in the world around you with fresh eyes and continue to be open to new experiences. If you are feeling tired and depleted from the action or inaction of daily life, allow yourself to take a day to escape from your daily routine and do something that will energize  you.

Over the next couple of days, this full moon is going to bring on something that feels rooted and important to who you are at your core. Since around mid-March, you may have felt more drawn to find a place to call home and make peace with your sense of personal security. This full moon will show you how far you have come with making that personal oasis and help you participate in the world around you with a touch more sincerity in the content you put out. If you are feeling tired and depleted from family matters or reflecting on your personal history, allow yourself to brainstorm what personal accomplishments you want to work towards moving forward.

Over the next couple of days, this full moon is going to reveal what you have done since mid-March to rehydrate your sense of enthusiasm and love for the life that you are living. Every inner child clings to magical dreams of what their adult life could be. As an adult, you most likely have already felt those dreams slipping away through past failures or disappointments. However, this full moon is going to point out reasons to hold onto that romanticism and believe that, at the core of who you are, you have something important to actualize for yourself. If you are feeling tired and depleted from the constant pressure to get the most out of your free time, then allow yourself to focus on your highest aspirations and spend some time with like-minded people if you are able to.  

Over the next couple of days, there can be an overall feeling of your work life coming into alignment. The daily workload you may have begun back around mid-March may have become like second nature to you at this point. It can feel like you are doing the work that is right for you or it can feel like you finally know what might be a healthy workflow for you. Use this energy to lean into having more experiences that are exciting, fresh and leave you feeling engaged in your own life. If you are feeling tired and depleted from your workload, then give yourself some space and alone time to rest.   

Over the next couple of days, there can be a feeling of alignment between yourself and others. Whatever relationships you have been strengthening since around mid-March may feel at this point like they were meant to be. Like you are with the right people and the people that have faded away are not meant to be in your life at the moment. Use this energy to continue to believe in your collaborations and your ability to maintain those connections. If you are feeling tired and depleted from all of the social interactions, then give yourself some space to do your own thing.     

Over the next couple of days, there can be a feeling of finally coming to a point of complete understanding of what you have been through and how much heaviness you have released from your shoulders since around mid-March. For the last six months, you may have been releasing financial, emotional or relational baggage, lightening your load and making room for more engaging and meaningful moments. Use this energy to continue to believe in the perspective that you now have earned through life experience. If you are feeling tired and depleted, then try to  spend your resources on something that makes you feel at peace with the moment and can take your mind off of all the complexity you are dealing with.    

Over the next couple of days, we may start to feel a complete inner understanding of the path we have been on for the last six months. Since around mid-March, you may have started exploring fresh experiences, places, or worldviews that have made you feel synchronized with some sort of purpose you may not have thought you had before. Use this energy to continue to believe in the investment you have been making to move through difficult, time consuming, but rewarding situations. If you are feeling tired and low on energy from the amount of growth you have been making, then allow yourself to engage with movies, books or close friends that you can casually engage with.

Over the next couple of days, you may come to feel some kind of aligned connection to your sense of achievement and the accomplishments you have made this year. Since around mid-March, you may have been experiencing what seem to be ‘made for you’ moments in your career or any experience that has taken a long-term effort. Use this energy to continue to believe in the path that you are on and know it is taking you somewhere. If you are feeling tired from all of the pressure of responsibility, then allow yourself some private time in a comfortable, familiar place. 

Over the next couple of days, you may feel like everything is coming together in terms of some of your highest aspirations starting to come to life. You may be looking back at the past six months and seeing all the moments that played out, leading you to this future moment. Use this energy to continue to believe in your hopes and dreams and a sense of inner accomplishment. If you are feeling tired from stressing about your future, then allow yourself to do something fun and relaxing in the present moment. 

Over the next couple of days, you may feel a complete acceptance of your year as a whole. Thinking back to around mid-March, you may have felt uncertain and anxious in times where you were left to deal with the thoughts swirling around your mind alone. At this point in the year, some of those worries may have faded away as things started to work out, days came and went and now you are here. Use this insight to continue to believe in the future you are working for and the community involvement you are leaning on. If you are feeling depleted and tired, then engage in some kind of task that keeps your mind preoccupied but is not very strenuous. 

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