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WEEK FOUR: April 11th – April 17th, 2022
Lunar Phase
Full Moon – Realization Phase
Eclipse Season Begins on Full Moon April 16th – May 29th, 2022
- 2 weeks before solar eclipse/2 weeks after lunar eclipse
Weekly Events
Mercury Enters Taurus
- April 10th – April 28th, 2022
- helping us to simplify the information coming in so that we can apply it in real time
- being more patient with our minds and having more patience within our communications
- slowing down our mental processes so that we can have a realistic understanding of what pieces of information is valuable and applicable and what is nonsense
- making our thoughts and ideas sustainable
- mercury in aries gave us the bravery and motivation to act on our thoughts but this energy will help us process what idea will actually work consistently
- focusing our attention on what we can control
- focusing on what is a sustainable amount of mental concentration we can spend before we need rest
Mars Enters Pisces
- April 14th – May 23rd, 2022
- motivated by a feeling that there is something beyond this material reality. That there is more to life than this
- motivated by a sense of wonder for what is out there and beyond
- feeling passive and discouraged
- needing to recharge our batteries
- feeling like our efforts are ineffectual
- needing faith and trust and hope to motivate us into action
- feeling overwhelmed by defeat
- actions need to be adaptable and flexible
- needing to act using our imagination
- there are no rules any more so we need to find a way to meet our needs in a sea of confusion and chaos
Full Moon in Libra
- April 16th, 2022
- what it takes to get along with our abusers/oppressors
- what it takes to compromise with our abusers/oppressors
- how to reconcile and rationalize our fears, pain and compulsions
- illuminating harsh truths around our authority figures, traditions, history, government, failures
- reflection on what we have destroyed and rebuilt in our lives since last autumn/september
- confronting the dark side of our own and others behavior and motivations
- there is an energy of entering a world that is completely out of our scope of control. everything is unknown and unfamiliar
- this full moon is very much about letting go of control and discontinuing the weight we put on ourselves to know exactly what to do and how to handle a very uncertain and chaotic period of time
- there is a feeling of surrender here because of a lack of personal autonomy
- I like to remind myself that surrender is actually a form of protection and is not weak but sometimes the only reason we survive. Too much friction causes things to break.
- Pisces is otherworldly and invisible, intangible, unexplainable phenomena
Mercury/Uranus Conjunction in Taurus
- radical thoughts
- liberating mentality
- disruptive, uncomfortable, shocking information
- freeing ourselves from restrictive ideas
- taking learning into our own hands
- building a new skill set from the ground up
- independent thought
- rebellious thought
- disruptive and disturbing ideas/information
Daily Highlights
04/11: Monday – Mercury in Taurus
04/12: Tuesday – Sun/Saturn Sextile
04/13: Wednesday – Venus/Mercury Sextile
04/14: Thursday – Mars in Pisces
04/15: Friday – moon/chiron opposition
04/16: Saturday – Full Moon in Libra
4/17: Sunday – Mercury/Uranus Conjunction