February 16th, 2022 8:56:30 am PST
“ After all is said and done, more is said than done” ( American Proverb )
With such a heavy Aquarian emphasis in the first part of this year, a little Leo energy is to be much appreciated. Leo is playful, creative, confident and has the courage to shine brightly. Where Aquarius has been focusing our attention on how to take on an appropriate amount of social responsibility to our communities, this Leo Moon is here to remind us of the responsibility we have to express ourselves in an honest and fully lit up manner.
This lunar phase is going to shed light on the area of life that revitalizes our sense of enthusiasm and aliveness. Making an aspect to Pluto, God of the Underworld, this an example of Light vs Dark. Are we going to overcome our fears of failing or even of succeeding? Are we going to move past our toxic qualities and those of others that have been so damaging to our progress and development? We can use this energy to feel some sense of clarity and maybe closure around deep-rooted pains and fears that have been weighing us down especially for the last two years or so. By releasing this weight, we can then lean into Leo energy that is strong and life-affirming. There is a sense of defeating our harshest demons.
The most important aspect being made during this lunar phase is between the luminaries and the nodes. A Grand Fixed Cross forms between the Sun in Aquarius, Moon in Leo, South Node in Scorpio and the North Node in Taurus. We will be receiving a great push towards the lessons that we must learn for the next year and a half. Whether these lessons have a beneficial or detrimental effect, easy or difficult, we need to develop in these certain ways in order to grow as a person.
This will be revealing the next step on our soul’s journey. This is preparing us to move forward with the courage to create a life of our own, completely from scratch and not abiding by our history or traditions but despite those things. We are working through the complicated, emotionally heavy parts of our life and trying to build a more simple, natural and self-sufficient approach to living that prioritizes an appreciation of natural beauty in all of its forms.
Reading your sun sign may resonate more and show how your sense of self is being affected.
Reading your rising sign, however, will give you a more objective message and tell you what you need to be aware of even it does not immediately resonate.
This Full Moon will illuminate the fears you have been slowly working through around the level of productivity you really have to give. Is the workload that you can reasonably handle enough for everyone? Any shame that you may feel in regards to slowing down, what may be, your all-consuming work-life needs to be lifted off of your shoulders so that you can make room for a new appreciation for the value of your already hard-won success. Remember your Leo will to shine brightly and show people how they ought to treat you if they want to imbibe in some of that creative energy.
This full moon will be illuminating the fears that you have been slowly working through around the inadequacy you may feel in comparison to others. Any shame that may be clinging to you in regards to your intense battle with self-development and feeling complete needs to be lifted off of your shoulders to make room for a new appreciation for the value you are capable of contributing to your community. Remember that the Leo vitality can be felt most strongly, when you trust in your own self-sufficiency.
This Full Moon in Leo will illuminate the fears that you have been slowly working through around loss of something precious to you. Any shame that may be clinging to you in regards to your intense battle with heavy, complicated and time-consuming circumstances needs to be lifted off of your shoulder to make room for a new appreciation for the value of time and the acceptance that comes with the passing of it. Remember that the Leo vitality can be felt most strongly by you, when you open up to others, tell your story and seek out connection with people who have had similar experiences to you.
This Full Moon in Leo will be illuminating the fears you have been slowly working through around losing touch with the purpose you thought you may have had. Any shame that may be clinging to you in regards to your intense battle with growth or lack thereof, and gaining wisdom through heavy life experiences needs to be lifted off of your shoulders to make room for a new appreciation for the value you bring just as you are. Remember that the Leo vitality is most strongly felt by you when you lean into the roots and foundation of who you are, where you come from and what you will always come home to.
This Full Moon will be illuminating the fears that you have been slowly working through around success, failure, family and societal expectations, and the weight you carry in your attempt to fulfill all of these pressures. Any shame that may be clinging to you in regards to your intense battle with public displays of achievement and parental pressures needs to be lifted off of your shoulders to make room for a new appreciation for the value of the self-sufficient and self-reliant abilities that you already have. Remember that the Leo vitality is most strongly felt by you, when you engage in moments of spontaneity, creativity and self-expression that relieve any fears of wasting your precious time on earth.
This Full Moon will be illuminating the fears you have been slowly working through around your ability to contribute something important to the world that is bigger than yourself. Any shame that may be clinging to you in regards to your intense battle with communities, acceptance and actualising your aspirations needs to be lifted off of your shoulders to make room for a new appreciation for the value of your perspective, story and unique voice that you already have. Remember that the Leo vitality is most strongly felt by you when you engage in work that makes you proud and says something important about your character.
This Full Moon will be illuminating the fears you have been slowly working through around your self-sabotaging tendencies and their hold over the amount of success and fulfillment you may be capable of. Any shame that may be clinging to you in regards to your intense battle with your own mind, internal dialogue and fear of your experience in its totality needs to be lifted off of your shoulders to make room for a new appreciation for the value of the core qualities that are rooted within you. Remember that the Leo vitality is most strongly felt by you when you give yourself permission to be a complete, fully complex person without the permission of others.
This Full Moon in Leo will be illuminating the fears that you may have been slowly working through around the way that you are perceived vs the way that you want to be perceived. Any shame that may be clinging onto you in regards to your intense battle with the constant misinterpretations of your personality need to be lifted off of your shoulders in order to make room for a new appreciation for the value of the life-affirming experiences that are unique to you. Remember that the Leo vitality is the strongest felt for you when you invest your time and energy into lightening your load and releasing heavy burdens from being your sole responsibility.
This Full Moon in Leo will be illuminating the fears that you have been slowly working through around having enough and being enough to earn the life that you are living. Any shame that may be clinging to you in regards to your intense battle with self-worth’s connection to affording a desired lifestyle, needs to be lifted off of your shoulders to make room for a new appreciation of the value of a healthy work/life balance that allows you to do your best work in a timeframe that avoids burnout. Remember that the Leo vitality is felt strongest for you when you can explore an unfamiliar territory with the purpose of gaining wisdom through experience.
This Full Moon in Leo will be illuminating the fears that you have been slowly working through around being involved in the world around you. Any shame around not being able to connect or keep up with the daily activity that you feel pressured to participate in, needs to be lifted off of your shoulders so that there is more room for a new appreciation for the value of the ways you are developing parts of yourself to become that completed, complex and full version of yourself. Remember that the Leo vitality feels the most strong for you when you embrace your sense of personal achievement and acknowledge your ambition for what it is.
This Full Moon will be illuminating the fears that you have been slowly working through around childhood conditioning and how it has set up the success and failures of your adult life. Any shame that may still be clinging to you in regards to the intense battle with family, roots or home matters needs to be lifted off of your shoulders so that more room can be made for the new appreciation for the value of your reserve of survival instincts, depth of character and ability to heal from heavy burdens on your soul. Remember that the Leo vitality can be felt most strongly for you when you contribute your light to something bigger than yourself.
This Full Moon will be illuminating the fears that you have been slowly working through around creative disappointment. Any shame that may be clinging to you in regards to your intense battle with making this life count and not wasting precious time needs to be lifted off of your shoulders to make more room for a new appreciation for the value of exploring one’s life with purpose and gaining wisdom through real-world experience. Remember that the Leo vitality is most strongly felt when you make time to revel in your imagination, mediate and let your inner world wander.