January 17th, 2022 3:48:25 pm PST
“What sets worlds in motion is the interplay of differences, their attractions and repulsions; life is plurality, and death is uniformity ” (Octavio Paz)
This will be a Full Moon that we cannot look away from. The dark of the night is illuminated by the moon’s complete presence. Pluto, the planet of Truth, will be the main focus point of this lunar cycle. Pluto has been in Capricorn for a very long time. It has been exposing what our fears around authority, history and established methods may be. It has been exposing who we have answered to and who’s rules we have been following out of intimidation and the manipulation of our good intentions. Pluto has been showing us where our resources have been exploited for the sake of someone else’s rise in success.
This full moon will shed light on all of our personal histories and the toxic, fearful behavior we have approached life with before and the hurtful ways we have been treated by others and the community at large. Pluto gives us truth over comfort. Capricorn represents long-held traditions and established systems. Since 2008, Pluto has been trying to destroy the illusion of our history (both personal and global) and expose the ways in which our traditions have done more harm to us than good. Pluto destroys so that there is room to reconstruct. Expect to have to stare at the rot underneath the floorboards.
The main point of this lunar phase is to show us, at the beginning of this year, exactly what circumstances are weighing us down and where we need to flip a situation on its head to go from powerless to powerful, dark to light and fool to wise person. Pluto hates fantasy, escapism and running away. So, we need to be prepared to see what we usually don’t want to know about so that we can transform our approach against the fears, intimidation and manipulation that has been used against us for quite some time. We will be made aware of all areas of life that are being affected by these fears.
Ceres in Taurus will be closely sextiling this Full Moon. Ceres is the Parent Archetype and more specifically the traditional Mother Figure. It will be important to care for ourselves in a way that an ideal parent would help us overcome the fear of monsters underneath the bed. There is no need to rush through 2022. This whole year is about addressing the mess, processing the emotions and allowing ourselves to go at our own pace.
Reading your sun sign may resonate more and show how your sense of self is being affected.
Reading your rising sign, however, will give you a more objective message and tell you what you need to be aware of even it does not immediately resonate.
This Full Moon will help you address what toxicity lies within your concept of identity and how you allow yourself to behave and develop. If you are keeping yourself from becoming a more full and complete person, this lunar phase will show you what you are so afraid of and show you the potential consequences of staying underdeveloped. There is a need to water the aspirations you have for your future self at a pace that is healthy for your present self to handle.
This Full Moon will unearth fears of abandonment and loss that you desperately try to suppress throughout daily life. If you are holding yourself back from healing areas of shame, hurt, betrayal or any kind of heaviness, this lunation will show you the potential consequences this weight that you are carrying may have on your sense of self – sufficiency. There is a need to tend to your mental health and sense of inner peace away from the noise of the outside world at a pace that is healthy for you. This Full moon can show where and how you are depending on something other than yourself too much and there may need to be some kind of separation so that you begin to build trust in your own instincts and abilities again.
This Full moon will uncover certain fears and toxic patterns concerning your sense of purpose in life and the path you are trying to grow on. If you are holding yourself back from gaining more credibility in an area of interest because you are afraid of looking a fool, not being able to rise to the occasion or feeling intimidated by the long journey ahead of you, this lunation will show you the potential consequences these toxic limitations may have on your ability to stay connected and participate authentically with the world around you. There is a need to tend to your concept of identity and the ways you allow yourself to behave and the life you allow yourself to lead at a pace that is approachable for you right now. This Full Moon can show you where you are allowing the fear of the unknown to hinder your ability to learn and be involved.
This Full Moon will unearth fears and toxic patterns concerning your sense of personal achievement, ambition and pressures from family. If you are holding yourself back from defining your own version of success because of intimidating bosses, strict family expectations or the fear of failure, then this lunation will show you the potential consequences that these toxic limitations may have on your sense of inner contentment and safety. There is a need to tend to your sense of self – reliance at a pace that is healthy for you right now. This can help you decide the value of your own resources and how much of yourself you are willing to give to an ambition while also having enough of time and energy to give to matters of the heart, like home, family and rest.
This Full Moon will unearth fears and toxic patterns concerning your ability to contribute something important and beneficial to the larger community around you. If you are holding yourself back from actualizing your ideal future because you fear that time will never actually arrive, then this lunation will show you the potential consequences that these toxic limitations may have on your sense of creative fulfillment and making the most out of your life while you are still here. There is a need to tend to the activities that you fill up your day with and make sure that you are not just busy for the sake of having something to do, but that you are going throughout your day at your own pace. Becoming more aware of the nourishment or lack of nourishment of your daily activity will help you move through creative blocks caused by a fear of a failed future.
This Full Moon will unearth fears and toxic patterns concerning the deeper caverns of your mental state and sense of inner peace. If you are holding yourself back from developing a trust in your relationship between the quiet of your own mind and the universe at large because you fear confronting all of the mistakes you have made and the hurt you’ve caused, then this lunation will show you the potential consequences these toxic limitations may have on your physical, as well as, mental health and your ability to maintain a productive life outside of your own mind. There is a need to tend to your sense of groundedness and connection to home, family and emotional safety. You need to go at your own pace when it comes to building up a protective space that allows you to feel comfortable and restful. This can help you move through the fear of your own condition when you no longer have outside distractions to deter you from making peace with yourself so that you can have enough time, space and energy to be productive and healthy.
This Full Moon will unearth certain fears and toxic patterns concerning your sense of identity and the life that you lead. If you are holding yourself back from presenting yourself in a way that feels natural because of the fear of the reactions you may evoke from others, then this lunation will show the potential consequences this toxic limitation may have on your ability to further develop your behavior and become a more full and complete version of yourself. There is a need to tend to your inner child and, at your own pace, fulfill various childhood wishes on your own terms. This may help you move through this fear of yourself so that you can continue to develop qualities that you have always been hesitant to identify with, without the permission of others.
This Full Moon will unearth fears and toxic patterns concerning your ability to fend for yourself and support your lifestyle. If you are holding yourself back from becoming more self-sufficient, earning more money or managing your resources better because you are intimidated by the accountability those things may require, then this lunation will show the potential consequences this toxic limitation may have on your sense of security and control over your wealth of any kind. There is a need to tend to the maintenance of your daily health and the adjustments that need to be made to ensure that your productivity does not exceed or drain you past the ability to function. You have to make sure you are working at your own pace throughout the day. This may help you move through any fears of not having enough so that you can keep secure whatever brings you a sense of wealth.
This Full Moon will unearth fears and toxic patterns concerning your daily feedback loop, content consumption and content creation. If you are holding yourself back from staying connected and sharing your true perspective because you are intimidated by the possible repercussions of being honest, then this lunation will reveal the potential consequences this toxic limitation may have on your ability to grow, gain important life experience and feel free to explore unknown territory. There is a need to tend to your issues with projection and taking out your insecurities on others. Going at your own pace, it is necessary to develop parts of yourself you have always felt unworthy of or even have looked down upon. This can help you move through this fear of being left behind and disconnected and lead you to feeling more deserving of exploration, growth and gaining credibility through real-world practice.
This Full Moon will unearth fears and toxic patterns concerning your sense of safety, groundedness and rest. If you are holding yourself back from setting down roots, building a solid foundation and improving family dynamics because you are intimidated by the confrontations that may have to take place, then this lunation will reveal what potential consequences this toxic limitation may have on your sense of personal success, achievement and your ability to meet the demands of adulthood. There is a need to tend to the emotional baggage that is weighing you down. At your own pace, processing the complicated circumstances that have deeply affected you, leaning on a trusted confidant and deepening your connection to your life will help you move through this fear of the past and even of your family so that you can fully mature and move more gracefully through the adult world.
This Full Moon will unearth fears and toxic patterns concerning your sense of inner child fulfillment and joy. If you are holding yourself back from engaging in activities that feel creative and fruitful because you fear the ridicule of wasting time, indulging in ‘trivial’ hobbies or disappointing your inner child all over again, then this lunation will show you the potential consequences that these toxic limitations may have on your ability to actualize your ideal aspirations and contribute something important to the wider community. There is a need to tend to your sense of purpose and find a path that you can gain credibility and real-world experience in a certain area of life that allows you to go at your own pace. This can help you move through anything intimidating about contributing something substantial and beneficial to something much bigger than yourself.
This Full Moon will unearth the fears and toxic patterns concerning your daily work routine, physical health and level of productivity. If you are holding yourself back from organizing a healthier approach to work and health because you are intimidated by the pressures of the workforce, then this lunation will reveal the potential consequences the toxic limitation may have on your mental health and ability to have an inner sense of peace away from all of the noise. There is a need to tend to your sense of ambition at a pace that is comfortable and healthy for you rather than trying to satisfy the pressures of family or society in general. This will help you move through this fear of never being useful enough so that you can develop a sense of inner trust and acceptance of what your mental and emotional health can handle day to day.