october 20th, 7:56:42 am PDT
collective messages:
“A bad review is even less important than whether it is raining in Patagonia” ( Iris Murdoch )
“As soon as your consciousness is right, God is there. He is not hiding from you, you are hiding from Him” (Paramahamsa Yogananda )
Be honest with yourself on this Full Moon. This is not an easy life. And it has not been an easy couple of years. You may not be doing well. You may be feeling devastated. Depressed. Angry. Hopeless. Scared. All of these emotions aren’t untouchable. We can address them without feeling guilty. This Full Moon is asking everyone to be real with themselves. Forget about the disapproving reactions or responses you might receive from others who are not walking in your shoes. Applause and praise are worthless if it is our sole source of strength and support.
It is going to be an impressively intense winter so we need to confront difficult situations now rather than wait for them to blow up in our face. Prepare yourself to meet life head on. Establish a stronger inner sense of stability and frankly, bravery. We are learning how to cope with the underside of life on our own terms and trusting our ability to survive the harshest conditions while still believing in magic.
Pluto is going to be heavily involved in this lunar phase and even more so in the months to come. Pluto teaches us how to recover from the extremely harsh parts of life as well as the extremely impressive parts of life. It is a smoldering, pulsating energy buried deep in the underworld that drags us down from time to time to show us how to endure pain, heartache and recognize what is so important to us that it hurts to think of living without. It can make us feel quite raw, exposed and vulnerable so that we learn what we are made of and how much we can survive.
We are being presented with this confrontation of deep emotional attachment and the fear of having it torn away. We are dealing with loss of some kind. We may be recognizing how deeply we care for someone or something and the pain we would feel without it. We may also have to come face to face with the worst case scenario.
Pluto shows us how to take something painful, dark and distressing and turn it into something meaningful, important and unforgettable. Pluto presents experiences that are too potent to ever dismiss. They are with us forever so we have to learn how to cope in healthy ways. Redirecting our energy is one way to do this. This is when we look to art, performance and passion to repurpose our deeper emotions and fears. Don’t use these tools to distract yourself, but to help you process your experience. The thing about Pluto is that it wants us to prove our resilience in the face of danger. However, more than proving we are strong enough to endure great amounts of pain, Pluto pushes us to the edge until we completely fall apart and then sees if we are still willing to believe in life, beauty and joy. That is the challenge we may feel coming into this Full Moon.
Now, a lot of times, we can be fearful of our own success and influence. This can be a time where we are ushered into a more powerful position than we may feel prepared for. We may have more awareness and earned enough life experience to have a depth of understanding that money cannot buy. We can now move forward with a richer awareness of what is possible and what we are capable of doing.
This Full Moon absolutely requires confronting something. Whether it is an internal fear or an external event, we will have to accept the conditions and be honest with ourselves. Remember that Pluto wants to release the heavy emotional burden through purge and detox. Eventually, we will feel lighter. With the Moon making a trine to Juno in Sagittarius, we can hold onto a strong sense of what is possible in the future. Even holding onto trust in a future.
Your sense of status and personal success can be reconstructing the role you play in your close relationships and partnerships. The lifestyle you try to lead and the personality you try to present may be under pressure to transform because of an increase in the authority you hold. These impressive responsibilities may require some brave levels of effort on your part to hold your ground and rise to the occasion. Make a commitment to choose your path based on a sense of adventure and openness to gaining experience. Have faith in your future.
You may be presented with a circumstance where a self-sufficient decision needs to be made. Respect for your resources and how much of your time, energy and money you are willing to give is needed. There can be an emphasis on the all-consuming societal pressure to be or create something influential and impactful and this can be reconstructing how you support your way of life without giving so much that you exhaust your resources in an effort to appeal to a grander aspiration. Make a commitment to having a sense of openness to adventure when it comes to the potential of your accomplishments. Have faith in your personal relationship with the universe.
There can be a great fear around a circumstance that you feel like you do not have control over and that no decision that you make will prevent the nightmare from becoming real. This full moon is asking you to reconstruct your relationship between your inner anxieties and dread and the actual reality of your everyday life. Pay attention to what is happening outside of your head. Be open to content and media that can serve as healthy motivators. If you are feeling like you need to speak up about something that has been haunting you, then it is in your best interest to be direct. Make a commitment to staying open to a sense of adventure when it comes to what the future may have in store for you and your highest aspirations. Have faith in your ability to direct yourself.
Life can be presenting you with a daunting shove towards reconstructing the role you play in your family and/or private life in general. The pressure can be on for Capricorns to address distressing truths about yourself, the life that you are leading, the choices you have made on behalf of yourself and how that has impacted your connection to your roots. You need to face the set of behaviors you have established as your personality and what kind of impact they have on the environments you engage in. Make a commitment to staying open to a sense of adventure in acceptance and what can come from allowing life to happen. Have faith in your ability to support your lifestyle on your own terms.
There can be an impending sense of significant change in regards to your ability to support your current lifestyle. You may have to reconstruct how you manage your personal resources and what you have believed to be the source of your value. Decisive action will need to be taken in terms of a creative project or a romantic situation. There is a push towards either deepening your attachment to someone you are dating or a creative project that you have been working on or dealing with the chance of separating from something that was once very exciting and brought you joy. Your relationship to joy and creative engagement is being intimidated by a financial situation and you will have to face that concern. Make a commitment to having a sense of adventure when it comes to the possible life decisions you can make moving forward. Have faith in your current environment and what you can learn from the people and content that is immediately accessible to you.
There may be some daunting news you are awaiting around a health issue or work – related problem. Some truths might come to light and force you to reconstruct how you schedule your day to day and how you manage your workload. Face the facts, no matter how distressing they are. A decision needs to be made around how you are going to organize your daily routine so as to not get overwhelmed, overly stressed or revert to unhealthy habits. Make a commitment to believing in your ability to be self-sufficient. Have faith that making time for rest, allows for higher quality productivity.
Some personal life decisions may take a toll between an already tense situation with your family. You will have to confront some harsh truths about your upbringing, your family dynamics and/or your home in general. Some decisive action will have to be taken despite the pressures coming from either a partner or family member. Allowing yourself to act through behaviors that you usually deny yourself can help you push past fears that have followed you from home and the role that you have played in your family. Make a commitment to sharing your perspective. Have faith in using your free time to feel joyful and creative.
This full moon can bring up some childhood horrors. Real or imagined, it doesn’t matter: the world can be a scary place for us when we are first getting started and some of those initial scares never leave us. They even motivate us to create a safer and more secure adulthood. You may have to confront some heavy experiences that have been impacting you since you were young. These scars have become themes of torment in your life that this full moon is asking you to confront. These torments can be long – lasting drives to express something important and you cannot let it go until you do. Well, get on that this week and have faith in your projects. Make a commitment to believing in a future where you end up comfortable, content and secure.
There can be a need to confront fears around your daily routine and the pressures to complete your workload on time and to perfection. You may be feeling stagnant, bored, overworked or hanging on your last thread. Maybe you have been giving your all to a work project or a health concern and this week will illuminate if your biggest fears will come true. A break may sound nice but not feasible. Having faith in a partner or good friend can offer some hope in the face of harsh work conditions or scary health concerns.
This full moon is asking you to confront behaviors that you usually deny yourself. As a Cancer rising, you can over emphasis your emotional attachment to life and get very caught up in your immediate response to external stimuli. This can cause you to forget how to take a more practical and strategic response to life’s events. The full moon will illuminate what actions need to be taken to earn some more respect for your efforts towards personal achievement. You may need to reform the agreements made through any partnerships you are in to better fit where you are headed. Have some faith in your investments of time, energy, money or any other resource.
There can be a fear around taking a great loss after putting in so much of your energy, time or money into something that you really cared for. There is a deep attachment you may feel to a person, project, or lifestyle that you fear could be torn away from you. This full moon will ask you to consider what you would do and what steps you would take to move forward and hang onto an aspirational future even if you lost everything that matters to you. Have faith in the path that you are on and the growth that is coming towards you through your efforts to be honest and authentic.
There is a need to confront fears around your purpose and if the path you are currently taking is the right one. Are you growing into someone that you respect or are you following a path that was imposed on you through intimidation? This full moon will ask you to take actions towards fighting for your mental health by confronting any daunting fears around living out the wrong purpose or chasing the wrong adventure. Have faith in your personal sense of success that may not always line up with traditional markers of achievement.