Full Moon in Aquarius 2.0 (12 signs)

full moon in aquarius 2.0 

august 22nd, 2021

5:01 am PDT

collective message: ‘It is wise to disclose what cannot be concealed’ (Johann Friedrich Von Schiller) 

This is the second aquarius full moon we are experiencing in our summer of 2021. The theme we have been working with this year is still very much present. That being: breaking away from limiting labels and communities that do not have patience for our personal story arcs. The battle of identities continues. The divide continues to splice through any sense of compassion we may have had left. We are jumping sides and exclaiming as loud as we can ‘Of course I’m not one of them!’ But, having said that, there is also a sense of solidifying our own sense of self and where we fall in the wider community. 

It is becoming more and more clear who our actual allies are. The people who are willing to show us grace when we falter are showing up for us. The people who are willing to hear our story and stand by us as we grow are making their presence known. At the same time, the people who were always determined to misunderstand us are casting us out. The divide between friend and foe is no longer confusing or questionable. 

This is a distinct next step to take: cut out all the immaturity. Cut out all of the pettiness. Link arms with the people who understand you are a work in progress and who do not punish you when you are already down. These are the people who will meet you where you are at and help you grow. The communities that think punishment and exile are working may be winning the battle, but they won’t win the war. Stop submitting to the wrong crowd. 

This full moon will be an eyeopener to many. The lesson we have been learning all year will finally start to click and we will be able to implement the changes we need to in order to liberate our sense of identity from labels that were imposed onto us. A wealth of perspective will be dumped onto us and our sense of what the world offers will broaden. 

Like we talked about in the new moon in leo article, no one can take ownership over experience. In the same light, no one can own information, at least not for too long. Knowledge will always find its way into every individual’s scope of reality. It is only a matter of time until a secret becomes common knowledge. If you stay true to your character, morals and values then even if you are wrong about something, the sincerity of your intention can never be mocked. Good luck with this full moon!



This full moon has the opportunity of grounding the way that you perceive yourself. At this point in life, it is becoming very clear what personality traits are truly yours to own, what traits were imposed upon you and what traits you have adopted out of a need to survive certain environments.  Lay the excess parts of your identity down and be realistic with the way that you present yourself. You don’t have to ‘put on’ a vibe. Just fill up space with the energy that comes naturally to you. 

This full moon gives you the opportunity to ground your sense of self-reliance. Self-esteem can be built on trusting that you can support yourself and depend on your own values and skill sets to build a sense of security. It is becoming more clear just exactly what your value is and how you can use that innate talent to support the lifestyle that you want to have. 

This full moon gives you the opportunity to ground your perception of the world around you. Your thoughts and opinions on various subjects are becoming more and more clear and you are feeling more solid about where you stand. This is about talking to people who are willing to listen and accepting that there will be people who disagree or misunderstand what you are saying. Refuse to engage in frivolous gossip or conversations that lead nowhere.      

This full moon gives you the opportunity to ground yourself in your roots. Who you are at your core is becoming more and more clear. This is about building a solid and reliable foundation to always come home to and trimming down on excess personal dramas that aren’t worth it anymore. This is about being your own safety net and knowing exactly who your real family is.

This full moon gives you the opportunity to ground your sense of free time. It is becoming more and more clear what will make your life specifically worth living. Whether it be love, romance, time with your children or time working on a creative project you are cutting out the scarcity mindset. You have all the time that you need to make the most out of life as long as you prioritize your own excitement and enthusiasm.  

This full moon gives you the opportunity to ground your sense of productivity. By this point in your life, how productive you can expect to be in one day is becoming more and more clear. There is no need to guilt trip yourself into working overtime. There is no need to doubt your skill set or techniques you have practiced overtime.You have the maturity, now, to know when you are tired and approaching burnout and take the hint.  

This full moon gives you the opportunity to ground your sense of self. By this point in your life, it has become very clear who your main allies/supporters are and who is against you and against supporting you as you continue to grow. This lunar phase gives you the justification you need to stand with the people that truly know you and stop handing over your self-respect to the people that are refusing to understand who you are.   

This full moon gives you the opportunity to ground your sense of resilience. At this point of the year, it has become very clear what steps you need to take to enrich your life and pay off a debt. Whether that be a financial, mental or emotional debt, this full moon shows you exactly what baggage you need to shed and how to do it. It’s time to feel lighter and take a heavy burden off of your shoulders so you have space to invest your time and money into something enriching.   

This full moon gives you the opportunity to ground your sense of purpose. It is becoming more and more clear what direction you need to take in your life to improve your situation and reinspire yourself and what direction is going to continue to waste your time. Take the hint and make the jump. Take the risk because you know you have thought it through and this shift in a life direction is going to expose you to so much and expand your understanding of the world that you live in. Take the chance. 

This full moon gives you the opportunity to ground your sense of achievement.It is becoming more and more clear what gives you a feeling of personal accomplishment and how you can achieve that. It is also clear what has made you feel like a failure and how you want to learn from those setbacks. The public (or even parents) may not always see you the way that you see yourself, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t base your fulfillment off of your personal expectations. Whatever success means to you should be enough to motivate you even if it ends up not being enough for others. You can go your own way.   

This full moon gives you the opportunity to ground your aspirations into something more realistic. It is becoming more and more clear what long-term goal is actually feasible for you and how long it will actually take to get the future that is possible for you to obtain with your current lifestyle and skill sets. The full moon will show exactly who you should associate with and who in your life may end up someone of your past as you move towards leveling up. 

This full moon gives you the opportunity to ground your sense of solitude. It is becoming more and more clear what kind of rest you need to feel okay. This lunar phase shows exactly what kind of mental health struggles you are facing and how to accept them as part of your experience. This will show how you can realistically manage your mental health, artistry and spirituality on your own time. As long as you can accept that you are a work in progress, then there is no need to rush.   

lady bitterness

delightfully cynical astrologer

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  1. Pingback: Virgo Season 2021: Forecast for All 12 signs – Lady Bitterness Astrology

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