Full moon in aquarius 1.0 (All 12 Signs)

full moon in aquarius 2021

july 23rd, 2021 7:36:54 pm pst 

collective message 

Quiet minds cannot be perplexed or frightened but go on in fortune or misfortune at their own private pace, like a clock during a storm” (Robert Louis Stevenson) 

There is an aspect to this full moon that seems like we are not going to like what it entails. Maybe some of us will ascend to our highest selves, but for most of us we are going to have to put our grown-up pants on and deal with our current situation realistically. This is not a full moon that promises a rewarding culmination of the last six months. This is a full moon where we have to handle our current situation as it presents itself. We are not in control of what happens, only how we choose to move forward. It is time to get our heads in the game, stop fooling around, get our acts together, whatever that will mean for you. We are going to realize that our highest aspirations are going to take a lot longer to meet than we expected.  

The combination of our increasing awareness of our own dark nature and the trust that we have in time, works to motivate us into our next move. This step we are taking forward has to be honest and has to make us feel good in our skin. It’s not about them, it’s about you. You have to define your character and your own principles to live by.

Something we learn in school is to put yourself in someone else’s shoes to better understand them, but at this point in my life, I think that advice is fucked up. That allows for the denial of self in exchange of constantly trying to please others and make sure you aren’t stepping on their toes or getting in their way. We don’t need to wear anyone else’s shoes but our own. 

It is important to listen and understand how you are affecting and impacting the people around you, especially if you may be causing them harm. However, you do not have to ignore your own side of the story just because someone else is perceiving you from their perspective. Just because they are annoyed by you does not make you an annoying person. Just because they are hurt by something you have said does not make you a mean-spirited person. 

All experiences are valid. All motivations behind actions are valid. This Full Moon is about dropping the labels that the larger group has imposed on you to make you feel incapable of growth. You aren’t a pet. You are a human being and the mistakes you have made are a result of unaddressed pain, anger and hurt, not examples of innate evil within that deserves annihilation. 

Communities can become very caught up in groupthink which creates the need for harsh punishment to anyone who missteps or questions the general consensus. We are seeing this play out in the United States on both sides of the party lines. We are valuing the quantity of like-minded people who subscribe to the same rhetoric over the quality of the information they are spewing as if it is fact. 

This Full Moon is bracing us for the battle ahead. We are not in a state of peace and harmony. We are all fighting to be seen, heard and supported. Make sure you can see, hear and support yourself before entering this divisive discussion.  

This Full Moon illuminates how your current narrative is outdated and may never have been fitting. You are realizing how exhausted you feel from trying to squeeze yourself into descriptions that family, partners and friends have declared based on their own limited viewpoint. See yourself and trust your own definitions of the personality you present and the life that you lead. Acknowledge how much clearer your identity has become and continue to build upon this in a healthy way.   

This Full Moon will highlight ways you have been or should be managing your resources. Knowing your value is significant if you are to support your preferred lifestyle. Take stock of what steps you can implement to continue to build a substantially self-sufficient system of earning and spending your time, energy and money. Drop any labels that have left you needing to outsource your sense of value.

This Full Moon brings attention to the information coming in and out in your daily interactions. Taking your words more seriously has provided insight into what you still need to learn and what you are now more capable of communicating clearly. Drop any labels tonight that have left you feeling unintelligent, unprepared or left out. Even if you have come to understand that there are topics you may have been misinformed on at some point in your life, you can still choose to take in new information and steadily integrate those facts into your personal viewpoint. You don’t have to stop engaging just because it has become apparent that there is still a lot to learn. Just engage with more patience and discipline.   

This Full Moon brings attention to your personal history. The responsibility you have to right the wrongs of your past, whether it be mistakes of your own or others, is at the center of your attention during this lunar phase. Taking your privacy seriously looks like taking yourself seriously away from the judgements of public opinion. This Full Moon is about getting right with yourself, being grounded in your personal story and cutting out any labels coming from the past that no longer reflect your true self.   

This Full Moons brings attention to your creative life. It will show how you can take your free time more seriously. Something that was once a small hobby or interest is now capable of becoming a source of income or at the very least a serious project. This Full Moon can help you make a final decision on what you want to dedicate your leisure time on. Drop any labels that have left you feeling inadequate, out of time or doomed. 

This Full Moon brings attention to the maintenance it takes on a daily basis to keep your life progressing forward. This lunar phase will highlight how your physical health has improved if at all, if your work routine has become more manageable or less. It is important to acknowledge your limitations when it comes to how much productivity you can fit into one day. Take your progress seriously. Drop any labels that have left you feeling obligated to work overtime against your body’s best interest. 

This Full Moon is bringing your shadow side into the light. The half of your identity that you actively deny, retreat from and invalidate is here to make its presence known. Throughout your relationships, there have been moments when you tapped into behavior that contradicts what qualities you think that you embody. Turns out there is a lot more to you, for better or for worse and this lunar phase illuminates what qualities you need to integrate inorder to move towards a fuller version of yourself. 

This Full Moon brings attention to deeper and more complex situations in your life. The emotional, financial and psychological weight that you have been carrying on your own, needs to be addressed with a sense of realism. What can you implement to purge the debt, the baggage and the burden? What can you invest your time, money and energy into that will enrich your experience and intimacy with life?    

This Full Moon brings attention to what path you are currently on. What direction are you facing? It is time to take your sense of purpose seriously. Journeys do not last forever and the sense that we are meant to be doing something is only real for the duration of that journey. This lunar phase is pointing out what path is the most realistic for you to take and what path is a waste of your time. Don’t waste this chance to explore by being immature. 

This Full Moon brings attention to your sense of success and failure. Are you living up to the standards that you have set? Are you flopping? This lunar phase is about dropping any labels that keep you feeling inadequate, left behind and unsuccessful. Step up to the plate, not out of obligation, but out of self-respect for your capabilities. This year has been about self-mastery and stepping into what you already are with more certainty and life experience. You’ve made it, but you were also  always here to begin with.   

This Full Moon is bringing attention to your highest aspirations. What is holding you back? Have you reached some of your ideals and now feel stagnant? What are you reaching for next? This lunar phase is making it very clear what responsibilities to a larger network are becoming too much as well as pointing out where you can take on a lot more and contribute something even more substantial than you have been. Drop any labels that are keeping you boxed into a certain range of acceptable success. Your future is happening.  

This Full Moon is bringing attention to the quiet space you find in solitude. This is about rest and releasing the pressure of being on top of everything. Let life happen and trust that soon you will be back in the driver’s seat. For now, have realistic expectations of who you can be in this life. Accept each version of yourself and lean into that existential dread. Accept that an entire chapter of your life is over. Take a minute to float, replenish and feel relief that you don’t have to reach for the stars anymore. You already made it and now you can relax. 

lady bitterness

delightfully cynical astrologer

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