December 21st 7:59:17 am PST – January 19th, 2021
The beginning of Capricorn season marks the start of Winter in the Northern Hemisphere. The Winter season brings on the symbolism of scarcity, preservation and patience as we wait for the Spring to come again. The first month of Winter or the symbolic Winter, is best used to plan for the new year ahead of us. The astrological new year begins on the Spring Equinox or the start of a new Aries Season. Preparing our main goals and objectives and how we plan to actualize those results is what Capricorn Season is all about. The next three months (Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces Season) have more to do with staying afloat and positioning ourselves for a fresh new year than anything else. They are meant to help us close out the themes of this past year, finishing up our goals and getting ready for a new cycle.
Capricorn season always begins at the end of December, right in time for Christmas in the States. As the resident Cardinal Earth sign, sitting in the 10th slot of the zodiac, Capricorn represents material success as well as spiritual success that we achieve after extended dedication and effort to a long – term goal. This is a season where we might see the fruits of our labor in some ways or we might begin to see the cracks in our fortress. Did we prepare ourselves to get through the Winter or did we come up short? This is the season where reality hits.
December 20th – December 26th, 2021
To start off the week, we begin with Mercury in Capricorn making a trine to Uranus retrograde in Taurus. When two Earth signs work together it helps us maintain a practical understanding of where we need to focus our efforts to handle our situations in the most effective way. Uranus is helping us experiment with changing our mindsets and seeing things from a different perspective. This may help in finding solutions or coming up with innovative ideas for the year ahead of us.
On the 21st, we have the official ingress of the Sun moving into its next phase and immediately it will form an inconjunct with the North Node in Gemini. This will highlight what information we need to know inorder to work with our current burdens, not against them. Globally, we could see crucial information coming out about our history, our national responsibilities and our societal burdens we will be taking on moving forward. On this same day, Mercury will join up with Juno in Capricorn. This looks like receiving some clarity on what traditions, systems, authorities and establishments we are willing to uphold and which ones we are willing to denounce. Juno represents our public declarations of loyalty. Mercury represents messages, news and communication. As they join up in Capricorn, we will renew our relationship to our own history and what traditions we stand by and truly respect. We may have to see certain systems, authority figures and established traditions from a new light and maybe one that is quite disappointing.
The major event of this week will take place on Christmas Eve, when there will be a third and final Saturn/Uranus square this year. Uranus is in Taurus which is ruled by Venus who, on the same day, will be joining up with Pluto during its retrograde. This does look pretty heavy to me. Saturn in Aquarius has been pushing us to restructure our sense of responsibility to the collective and to the well-being of our futures. Uranus in Taurus has been disrupting and reinventing how we secure our own personal resources and sustain our personal boundaries against systems that try to exploit our time, energy and overall value. As they meet up to square again, these issues will come to a head, this time being influenced by the fear of loss and separation (Pluto) from love, comfort and connection (Venus). We might see an increase of responsibility or a necessity to step up. We may suddenly have our sense of security and stability be disrupted. It may be a slow burn or happen in one big event. Either way, it marks a time of significant change.
While all of this is happening, Mars In Sagittarius, the planet of willpower and motivation, will be making a trine to Chiron in Aries, the asteroid of human vulnerability. We could see a more seamless motivation to defend our blindspots or our weak points. We could also proceed to take action that is more understanding and reassuring when we cannot get the desired results we are going after, exactly when we want them. Mars in Sagittarius can help us feel more inspired by risk and that can help us be more sensitive to where we think we are falling short of victory. There does not have to be a crystal clear purpose to what we are doing. It’s okay to move forward without a strict plan.
To finish out the week, we will experience Jupiter in Aquarius square Ceres in Taurus. There may be a push towards gaining unfamiliar experiences that show us how to love something, tend to it, feel a sense of ownership and then let it go. Ceres is the Parental Asteroid. It teaches us how to tend to something and care for it while ultimately being able to send it off as its own self. When Jupiter mixes in, we can expect to have to expand that type of wisdom in ways we may not be prepared for. Finally, Mercury will sextile Neptune on Sunday. This can help us utilize our imagination to play into healthy fantasy, spirituality and escapism. We can use this energy to absorb more in our environments and notice things we do not usually. This can help in trusting our intuition more than our rational mind so that we do what feels in alignment with our character, not just what is expected.
December 27th – January 2nd, 2021
Monday brings to us Mars in Sagittarius forming an aspect with Uranus in Taurus. This may be a chance to lighten our load by taking a risk and hoping for the best. Uranus has been disturbing our sense of material security for a while now but Mars in this Mutable Fire sign has enough guts to risk it all and jump into the wild unknown taking whatever we can get to change up our current situation. Saturn in Aquarius will also be communicating with this Mars energy, however, Saturn will help us move deliberately and strategically through each step we need to take on as we challenge ourselves to push through unfamiliar territory.
Quite a few events happen on Wednesday, the 29th. Firstly we have Jupiter, the planet of growth through exploration, will be moving into its home sign of Pisces. It will stay here until around May of 2022. In the Mutable Water Sign, Jupiter helps us grow by taking us down an internal journey. Learning to trust our intuition, learning to trust source and becoming more accepting of synchronistic mysteries. Being able to throw our hands in the air and let life happen to us rather than force a collision with fate, is what Jupiter in Pisces will assist with. We can use this energy to minimize stress by lifting personal/individual responsibility off of our shoulders when it is not necessary to do so.
There is a lot of talk about personal accountability right now, however, taking on too much blame is just as useless as not holding yourself at fault for anything. Jupiter will be teaching us what is in our control and what is not and how to let go of stress, anxiety, dread and worry and replace it with inner peace, inner trust and personal calmness. We can also expect to see more mania and hysteria, as the downside of Pisces is an inability to find tranquility and instead the chaos takes over our better judgment. Pisces absorbs everything in an environment so if we are not careful, we can be susceptible to irrational worries and overblown delusions. It is important to find a healthy quiet within so that we have somewhere safe to retreat even if everything around us is going wild.
As Jupiter will make a square to the Nodes in Gemini and Sagittarius, we may receive some information or have conversations that can easily send us spiraling into existential dread. We can also be exposed to information that guides us towards answers that we really needed to hear. So, be on your toes but try not to let the noise overwhelm you completely. Another main player this week will be Mercury. It first makes a conjunction with Venus Retrograde and Pluto in Capricorn. This looks like some level of clarifying information will reach us about our fears of loss, happiness, value and toxic patterns in our social behavior. Mercury will later retrograde over these themes again in January/February of 2022. We may get the first wave of a message and then during the retrograde we will reflect and analyze what we need to understand more deeply.
The Sun in Capricorn will come to square Chiron in Aries during the week. This will highlight our insecurities around identity, self-respect and our ability to take action without permission. The Sun will shine a spotlight on these vulnerabilities so that we can address what wounds clearly need to be healed. The Sun will also trine Uranus in Taurus. This will allow space to experiment and try out a new way of handling ourselves and the circumstances we have found ourselves in. We could be asked to liberate ourselves from these self-limiting insecurities.
Over the weekend, Mercury will move into Aquarius and form an aspect to the North Node in Gemini. This may definitely be a time where we can have a stronger mind to make effective decisions with more access to more useful information and forms of communication. The New Moon in Capricorn will also take place on Sunday, the 2nd. This will be the marker of a Six Month period where we can focus on achievable goals and develop patience with our success rate.
January 3rd – January 9th, 2021
This seems to be a more quiet week. Not too many heavy hitters, when it comes to transits so maybe take this time to rest as we prepare for the high impact of next week. Most of this week will be Venus returning to the same connections it made a couple weeks ago as it retrogrades through Capricorn. The first of which will be a sextile to Neptune in Pisces. This is what makes this week feel very sleepy to me. Neptune tends to slow down time and encourage us to pause and rest rather than charge ahead and push through the day.
With Venus included, life can feel more aligned and maybe there will be moments where everything falls into place. Venus Retrograde may ask us to reflect on our relationship patterns and find a sense of acceptance and compassion for our past or current behaviors and those of others. We may be able to relinquish some bitterness with this aspect as we develop more empathy for the actions of other people and ourselves. An appreciation of the little pleasures in life may be felt as well as seeing the value in our love language even if it is often misunderstood.
Venus Retrograde will also rejoin Juno in Capricorn towards the middle of the week. This can renew our sense of loyalty to our priorities. We may rearrange what is the most effective use of our time based on a fresh take on what or who we are committing ourselves. Within our relationships, we could be re-evaluating if we are headed in the same direction as our partners, or if we have conflicting ambitions that are slowing us down. I see Juno as our public declaration of personal principles. It is our public deal breaker and the line that we will not cross out of a sense of morality. Take some time this week to review how intentional you are with your resources and who you are willing to give your time, energy and money to. Are they worth it?
On Saturday, The Sun will meet up with this Venus Retrograde energy and highlight all that we have been going through this week. This can serve as some kind of clarity around what traditions are worthy of appreciation and what are not. We can have a realization within our social arrangements and how we want to interact with others moving forward. It is definitely a significant aspect being made during the entirety of this retrograde. For the rest of the month, we may be applying what we came to see so clearly during this week.
Finally, this weekend also includes Mercury in Aquarius sextile Chiron in Aries. This is another opening to show ourselves more grace and understanding of our flaws, imperfections, perceived weaknesses, and insecurities. We can use this energy as a way to come up with better ways to handle our sore feelings and our relationship to vulnerability. This whole week is really about going easy on ourselves and giving everyone the benefit of the doubt.
January 10th – January 16th (19th) , 2021
Neptune continues to hold a lot of sway in the beginning of this week, as well. On Monday, Mars in Sagittarius will make a square to Neptune and the Sun in Capricorn will sextile Neptune in Pisces. When Mars has to interact with Neptune, its efforts can feel ineffective. There can be a deflated feeling to the usual motivated and active energy. Mars wants to be direct and take a linear approach. Neptune is fuzzy, foddy and likes things to flow naturally. So, our personal efforts may come up short if we try to shoot our arrow too directly towards a target. The target may disappear and we will need to be open to adapting. This aspect can also bring on delusional acts of grandeur, however, where we overestimate our ability to accomplish a goal. The best way to get through this transit is by moving with a general sense of direction and intention, but not getting too attached to the results.
The Sun in Capricorn will be sextiling Neptune in Pisces. The Sun also works to bring attention to the issues that we are facing in regards to that planet or sign or area of our charts. This aspect can help us be more accepting of our lives and the lack of control we may feel. This is an aspect that helps us trust the universe and time and develop a patience with any confusion we may be feeling. Juno and the Sun will meet up in Capricorn on Monday, as well. Again, this will bring a louder attention towards renewing our relationship to self-discipline, dedication, hard work, longevity and authority.
A few weeks back we experienced Mercury in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus. This week, Mercury in Aquarius will make a square to Uranus. Whatever innovative idea we were mulling over, this is when we can implement it and put our new mentality to use and start experimenting. This is right before Mercury goes Retrograde which will start on Friday, the 14th. For the next several weeks, we will be reviewing and reflecting on the changes we are facing in our lives and how that is affecting our mentalities and point of view. We will be perceiving our life in a very different way by the end of this transit. Trying out an inventive idea that we have can help us weed out what will work for us and what will not as the retrograde goes on until early February.
On Sunday, we have the Sun combining with Pluto in Capricorn. This will bring attention to our relationship with toxicity, power struggles, and our ability to turn a powerless situation towards our favor. Pluto helps us turn things on their head and make the strong, weak and the weak, strong. With the Sun here, it brings a sense of confidence and creativity.
At the end of Capricorn season, the Nodes will make their move into Taurus and Scorpio. I will talk about this more in the Aquarius Season article but they technically move during Cap Season. The Taurus/Scorpio polarity will emphasize personal resources, material security, personal boundaries, emotional security, intimacy, trauma, violations, enriching experiences, redefining value and building a self-sustainable approach to life. This will happen on January 18th and will last into the early part of 2023.
As it is every new year, the first month of Winter is all about you. This is a time of year where you can focus on your own lifestyle choices and set yourself up for a self-directed year ahead. The highlights of this Capricorn season include a Venus Retrograde and Jupiter moving into Pisces. For you this calls for a closer reflection on your personality and the natural behaviors you present to the world. What are your most toxic traits and where did they originate from? How can you reassess these qualities and work on prioritizing more mature vibes to give off?
With Jupiter entering Pisces and joining Neptune, there is an opportunity to gain a more compassionate perspective as to why you behave the way that you behave and why you have made the lifestyle choices that you have made. Jupiter in Pisces acts like a sponge that is willing to absorb everything in its environment, thus providing more room for acceptance and understanding. Take this opportunity to reconnect with your local environment and cleanse your pallet by sampling new places, content and daily activities. You may be able to use this time to participate in stream of consciousness writing, meditating or any form of limitedless processing.
At the start of every new year, Capricorn season brings your attention to the responsibility you have to support your desired lifestyle. Your self-sufficiency and self-worth overall will be the main theme for the next few weeks. The relationship you have to money and ownership and self-possession will be under review throughout the Venus Retrograde. Take this time to re-evaluate how and what resources you provide for yourself. Reconsider your lifestyle and what kind of support it requires from you to sustain.
There will be some assistance you can lean on this month in the form of Jupiter/Neptune in Pisces. This is a very healing, refreshing and understanding energy. There may be more support showing up at home or from family as you get back on your own two feet. Another possibility is that spending more time in your home or places that feel safe, familiar and comfortable will help you concentrate on sustaining your livelihood. Maybe you start working from home, maybe you make time for more recuperation away from the noise of the outside world. Take this month to revitalize your sense of rootedness.
The beginning of every new year is a chance for you to reacquaint yourself with the daily activities that fill up your time and keep you connected and tuned into the world we are living in. Capricorn season asks you to re-evaluate what kind of content you are taking in on a daily basis and what kind of content you are putting out. How are you engaging with the community around you? Capricorn season asks you to reconsider how you prioritize your time and what you let consume your attention and why?
With Jupiter joining Neptune in Pisces this month, support will come through the form of making space for leisure time. Allowing time for creative projects, relaxing and stress-free activities or anything that gets you into that flow state will help you manage your daily busyness in a way that is rejuvenating instead of draining.
Capricorn season always brings in the new year and for you this points your attention towards matters of the home, family and sense of privacy. This year, Venus Retrograde will be occurring throughout the month. There will be a need for some kind of re-evaluation of where you come from, how you were raised and how that has affected your sense of security and stability in your personal life. How can you rearrange your priorities so that at the end of the day, you have a safe place to rest your head?
With Jupiter joining Neptune in Pisces, there will be a source of support in the form of this very healing, all-encompassing energy. Allowing more space to open up in your daily routine to take care of your health and manage your stress will support this month’s theme of re-evaluating your sense of happiness. Giving yourself more rest may help replenish your love for life in general and the service you provide for family, friends or at work. Take this season to reflect on what kind of long-term goals you have that provide you with a sense of safety and security at the end of the day.
At the start of every new year, Capricorn season asks you to focus on setting desired milestones you would like to reach in terms of making your life enjoyable and personally significant. This month is meant to help you center the next year around creative projects, taking a hobby more seriously and engaging in joyful experiences. With Venus Retrograde playing a major part in this month’s energy, there will need to be a re-evaluation of how you prioritize joy, creativity and making your specific life worth living.
With Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces, support will come in the form of healing and accepting the parts of you that are reflected in others. Your friends and partners may offer their understanding more and become more lenient in their approach to the relationship. You may find that you are in a better position to support your friends and partners. All in all, some healing connections and partnerships can be expected to be formed throughout the month if you truly prioritize your leisure time.
At the start of each new calendar year, Capricorn season points you in the direction of setting overall self-improvement milestones. It is a time of year to get more serious about your daily work routine and stress management. With Venus Retrograde occurring this year, there will be an added emphasis on re-evaluating how you arrange your work schedule to accommodate a healthy relationship to stress. Maybe you will review what part of your working life is the most valuable to you and switch your schedule around to meet those needs.
With Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces, you may be able to find support in the form of healing and making room for more acceptance around any heavy and weighted situation you are going through. You may find more ease in coming to terms with the emotional baggage you have been working through. Maybe you enrich your closeness to an intimate partner and reach a level of connection that helps you through your own turmoil. There could also be an emphasis on relieving debt and getting yourself out of the hole. Take this month to show yourself some grace and forgiveness as you navigate the rest of the year.
At the start of each new calendar year, Capricorn season points your attention towards developing qualities that are usually reflected back to you through friends and partners. This month is often about taking your relationships more seriously and the role that you play in the dynamic. With Venus Retrograde happening this year, there needs to be a re-evaluation of the give and take you are experiencing within your close friendships, partnerships or even business partnerships. What milestones have you been prioritizing within these connections and do you need to re-arrange what goals should be the main focus? Are you taking the relationship more seriously than your counterpart or are you sensing a decline of interest in committing?
With Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces, you may be able to find support in the form of exploring more paths and purposes for your life than the road you are on now. This month may call for being more open to where there is room to grow and gain life experience. Hopefully, your partner is willing to move forward in the same direction and this could be the beginning of a significant adventure for the both of you. Take this month to prioritize your personal growth.
At the start of each calendar year, Capricorn year brings into focus your life behind the scenes. Any circumstance that requires a lot of your time and energy and sits heavy on your shoulders comes into the limelight. Whether that be financial debt/investments, emotional baggage or intimacy issues, this month is as much about releasing weight as well as enriching your life with density that you actually benefit from. With Venus Retrograde, there will be a re-evaluation of these resource-consuming situations. Are you receiving a worthwhile return on your investments? Are you getting back more or less than what you are putting in?
With Jupiter in Pisces and Neptune, you may find support in the form of personal achievement and sense of accomplishment. Pisces is a healing energy and helps us feel refreshed and replenished. This month may bring in a new sense of stature that relieves you of some of that heaviness. You may gain more authority and therefore more control over your life as a whole which helps you have more room to make important decisions without having to ask permission or check – in with anyone else. Take this time to give yourself the space to imagine what achievements you can work towards through next year.
At the start of every new calendar year, Capricorn season brings your attention to long-term growth, personal development and exploring unfamiliar territory. This month is about setting your sights on gaining expansive experiences and racking up credibility in an area of study. With Venus Retrograde, there needs to be a re-evaluation of what path you have been dedicated to growing upon. Are you certain that you are on the best path? Are you prioritizing a purpose because of outside pressure or out of sincere personal interest?
With Jupiter in Pisces, along with Neptune, you may find support in a wider community of like-minded people or group of friends that you are a part of. You may receive more grace and understanding from people who are on the same page as you and can offer their insight as they navigate a similar course. You can take this month to give yourself the space to dream about bigger and wilder aspirations for your future.
At the start of every calendar year, Capricorn brings your attention to your sense of personal accomplishment, reputation and status. It can be a month where you set your sights on what career milestones you would like to meet throughout the next year. If not career, then any personally significant milestone you would like to reach. With Venus Retrograde, there needs to be a re-evaluation of what part of your professional life is the most valuable. Are you prioritizing the right things? Are you working too much and sacrificing other areas of your life?
With Jupiter in Pisces along with Neptune, you may find support in solitude. In quiet moments of seclusion, this month may give you a better chance at hearing your own voice and intuition. Use time in the peace and quiet, to contemplate what you really want out of achievement and success. What is a reasonable goal to put forth that does not sacrifice your mental health or the quality of the rest of your life.
At the start of every new calendar year, Capricorn season points your focus towards your future aspirations, involvement in a like-minded group and how much you feel you have contributed to the wider community. It is the time of year that you can set your sights on what future contributions you want to work up to? With Venus Retrograde there needs to be a re-evaluation of what groups and communities you have been committed to. Are you involved in something that is still valuable and worth it? Are you prioritizing the actualizing of long-term ideals for your own reasons or for the avoidance of being rejected by the world that you live in?
With Jupiter in Pisces and Neptune there as well, you may feel supported by giving yourself the space to make independent choices. Life may give you the room to show up as you please despite the expectations of others around you. This may be a month where you can carve out space for yourself to live the way that you want to and behave in ways that come natural to you. This can be an opportunity to learn more about your specific ways as you navigate the world in the only form you will ever have.
At the beginning of every calendar year Capricorn brings your attention towards your mental health and overall sense of inner peace. It is the time of year where you can sneak away into some secluded place to listen to your inner thoughts and pay more attention to your intuition in preparation for the rest of the year to come. With Venus Retrograde, there needs to be a re-evaluation of how you spend your time alone and in your own head. Are you prioritizing your mental health or are you avoiding your inner voice altogether?
With Jupiter entering Pisces and Neptune present as well, you may find support in the form of fresh sources of income and more options for sustaining your well-being. The next few weeks can help you relieve some stress around supporting your lifestyle and providing a comfortable existence on your own. Give yourself the space and time to imagine all the ways you can afford the desired lifestyle that you want on your own terms. Be patient and allow yourself to trust your own abilities.