the lady bitterness's astrology blog

New moon In libra 2021: forecasts for All 12 signs

NEW MOON IN LIBRA  october 6th, 2021 4:05:24 am PDT  collective message: “Follow effective action with quiet reflection. From the quiet reflection will come even more effective action” ( James Levin )   I am going to keep this brief today. This new moon in Libra is very significant and the next six months will be a turning point in our lives. Buckle into your seatbelts. The big daring risk we are being asked to take with this lunar phase is to refuse to abuse our bodies, minds, hearts and spirits in the ways we have felt pressured into before. Success,

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Libra season 2021: All 12 Signs

Libra Season 2021 september 22nd – october 22nd, 2021 collective message: “ The butterfly counts not months but moments, and has time enough ” (Rabindranath Tagore)   WEEK ONE WEEK TWO WEEK THREE WEEK FOUR WEEK FIVE WEEK ONE  september 20th – september 26th ( a whole new ball game has begun )   This Libra Season is going to be intense. There is a lot happening this month. Let’s get right into it. This week we actually start off with a Full Moon in Pisces. I wrote a whole article on this if you want to check that out here.

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Full moon in pisces 2021: All 12 signs

full moon in pisces september 20th, 2021 4:54 pm collective message:  “All human knowledge takes the form of interpretation.” ( Walter Benjamin)  If we think back six months ago, the new moon in pisces took place on March 13th, 2021. Neptune was just as present then as it will be on this full moon. One difference being: Neptune is currently retrograde. Six months ago, when the pisces moon was almost invisible in the night sky, it was being influenced by a foggy, fuzzy and confusing energy. We had little personal control over what was going on and had to acknowledge some

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New moon in virgo: all 12 signs

new moon in virgo  september 6th, 2021  5:51 pm PDT  collective message: “If you are not too long, I will wait here for you all my life.” (Oscar Wilde)  This new moon has the opportunity to be a renewing entrance into a significant six month period if we are willing to let go of the timelines we have been fixating on. This isn’t the new moon of champions but rather an ushering into a training period of sorts. For the next six months we have the opportunity to focus on maintaining our everyday life, no matter how ordinary it can

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Virgo Season 2021: Forecast for All 12 signs

virgo season 2021 august 22nd 2:51:05 pm pdt – september 21st  Feel free to read this week by week or all at once. Forecasts for each sign are at the bottom of this page. Thanks for reading!  collective message:  week 1: august 22nd – august 29th (humbling mental clarity)  The morning of the sun’s ingress into Virgo, we actually have our second full moon in Aquarius to round out the very last second of Leo season and help us learn some important life lessons. I went more in depth on this lunar phase in another article if you would like

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Full Moon in Aquarius 2.0 (12 signs)

full moon in aquarius 2.0  august 22nd, 2021 5:01 am PDT collective message: ‘It is wise to disclose what cannot be concealed’ (Johann Friedrich Von Schiller)  This is the second aquarius full moon we are experiencing in our summer of 2021. The theme we have been working with this year is still very much present. That being: breaking away from limiting labels and communities that do not have patience for our personal story arcs. The battle of identities continues. The divide continues to splice through any sense of compassion we may have had left. We are jumping sides and exclaiming

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