the lady bitterness's astrology blog

Solar eclipse in sagittarius 2021

SOLAR ECLIPSE IN SAGITTARIUS 2021  december 3rd, 2021 11:43:01 pm PST  collective message: “The secret to life is that there is no secret” ( Anon ) WHAT TO EXPECT FROM THIS SOLAR ECLIPSE?  The last time we had eclipses in Gemini and Sagittarius was around 2011 – 2012. At that time the north node was in Sagittarius and we were finding closure in the area of life that the south node in Gemini passed through. Now, the themes are reversed. This solar eclipse will be the last one we have in Sagittarius until the year 2029. So, the areas of

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Sagittarius season 2021

SAGITTARIUS SEASON  November 21st – December 20th, 2021 START DATE: November 21st 6:49:17 pm  collective message: “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it” ( George Santayana )  WHAT TO EXPECT FROM A TYPICAL SAGITTARIUS SEASON?  We will now be entering that mutable time of year once again as we welcome the end of Autumn and prepare for Winter. Sagittarius Season helps us transition from the themes of letting go and saying goodbye to the themes that Winter brings with it of patience and dedication to moving forward. We can use this season as a way to

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Lunar eclipse in Taurus 2021: horoscopes for all 12 signs

PARTIAL LUNAR ECLIPSE IN TAURUS november 19th, 2021 12:57:28 am PST  collective message: “Age is not ‘lost youth’ but a new stage of opportunity and strength” (Betty Friedan)  “The new beginning should imply a more mature response to the new possibility of experience.” (anonymous)  WHAT IS A LUNAR ECLIPSE? I will give you the short and simple astrological interpretation of a lunar eclipse. Mainly it is a very strong full moon that illuminates important messages that will affect the course of our lives in influential ways. It causes a significant event, change of perspective or shift in our circumstances that

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New moon in scorpio: forecasts for all 12 signs

NEW MOON IN SCORPIO  november 4th, 2021  2:14:37 pm PDT  collective message: “Nothing we ever encounter is beyond our ability to deal with.”   ( James Burgess ) WHAT IS THE BRAND NEW LESSON? The main lesson of scorpio is one of overcoming a fear of losing control. Allowing ourselves to experience the depths and heights of our experience without fearing the end of that intensity, but embracing it. It’s about building up a resilience to pain and suffering by not avoiding those feelings but instead, attaching to them and owning them. Taking on the heaviness, repurposing the energy and

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Scorpio season 2021: horoscopes for all 12 signs

SCORPIO SEASON 2021 October 22nd, 2021 – November 20th, 2021, 10:11:05 pm collective message: “ The voyage of discovery is not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes ” ( Marcel Proust )  As we enter the middle of Fall here in the states, we settle into the shift from hot spells to strong winds. We start to consume warmer meals and run out of blankets to bundle up into. We find ourselves in Scorpio’s territory for the next several weeks. Every year, we can dedicate this time to reshaping our life, removing what is weighing us down and

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Full moon in aries 2021: all 12 signs

FULL MOON IN ARIES 2021  october 20th, 7:56:42 am PDT collective messages:   “A bad review is even less important than whether it is raining in Patagonia” ( Iris Murdoch )  “As soon as your consciousness is right, God is there. He is not hiding from you, you are hiding from Him” (Paramahamsa Yogananda )  Be honest with yourself on this Full Moon. This is not an easy life. And it has not been an easy couple of years. You may not be doing well. You may be feeling devastated. Depressed. Angry. Hopeless. Scared. All of these emotions aren’t untouchable.

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