the lady bitterness's astrology blog

New Moon In Aries/Week two

Video Transcript Directions for Transcript Press share button in top right corner of video.  Copy Link.  Click ‘Video Transcript’ Paste Link. WEEK TWO: March 27th – April 3rd, 2022 Lunar Phase New Moon: Intention Phase Weekly Events Mercury Enters Aries  becoming more decisive, action-oriented, putting thoughts into actions more seamlessly, finding the energy to assert ourselves more solidly  Venus/Saturn/Juno in Aquarius Conjunction taking our behavior more seriously, setting clear boundaries, re-evaluating what goals, responsibilities are our top priority  Venus/Nodes Square an important choice based on preference and value  Saturn/Nodes Square permanent shift in responsibilities long-term commitment to a plan for

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Some Highlights  WEEK ONE: March 20th – March 26th, 2022 Lunar Phase  Waning Moon – Application Phase – Applying and implementing the wisdom and knowledge gained from last week’s Full Moon in Virgo.  Major Events  Mercury/Neptune Conjunction in Pisces – Renewing our relationship  to our dreams and fantasies  – Becoming more accepting of our messiness and uncertainty  – Getting caught up in our own delusions of self-doubt or unrealistic hubris  Neptune/South Node Trine in Pisces/Scorpio – coming to a state of peace with what has happened in our past – finding a place for forgiveness of our past selves and

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FULL MOON IN VIRGO  March 18th, 2022 12:17:34 am    COLLECTIVE MESSAGE  “ No person is your friend who demands your silence, or denies your right to grow” (Alice Walker)  WHAT TO EXPECTED FROM THIS FULL MOON? We have arrived at the annual Virgo Full Moon. Throughout Pisces Season, we are given the space to replenish our spirits before the beginning of the next Aries season. It is about getting ready for the next 12 months by accepting everything that has happened for the past year and moving through those emotions, allowing them to wash away and making room for a

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New moon in pisces 2022

NEW MOON IN PISCES  March 2nd, 2022 9:34:47 am PST COLLECTIVE MESSAGE  “ If we could read the secret history of our enemies we should find in each [person’s] life sorrow and suffering in enough to disarm all hostility” (Henry Wadsworth Longfellow)  A New Moon in Pisces gives us the opportunity to renew our trust in the infinite time available to us when we turn our attention inwards. The main motivation of Pisces energy is to find meaning behind every experience. This, in a lot of ways, can only happen when we accept all perspectives that have been presented while

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WHAT TO EXPECT FROM THIS PISCES SEASON? A typical Pisces Season allows us to fully receive the lessons from the year that has finally come to an end. We can find acceptance for all of our experiences throughout the last twelve months and put them to rest, making room for the next Zodiac year that begins on the Spring Equinox, here in the United States. It is a time of making peace with ourselves, making peace with the challenges we were faced with and allowing life to move on.  This is a transitional month and one of the biggest ones

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Full moon in leo 2022

FULL MOON IN LEO  February 16th, 2022  8:56:30 am PST  “ After all is said and done, more is said than done” ( American Proverb )  WHAT TO EXPECT FROM THIS FULL MOON? With such a heavy Aquarian emphasis in the first part of this year, a little Leo energy is to be much appreciated. Leo is playful, creative, confident and has the courage to shine brightly. Where Aquarius has been focusing our attention on how to take on an appropriate amount of social responsibility to our communities, this Leo Moon is here to remind us of the responsibility we

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