Some Highlights
WEEK ONE: March 20th – March 26th, 2022
Lunar Phase
Waning Moon – Application Phase
– Applying and implementing the wisdom and knowledge gained from last week’s Full Moon in Virgo.
Major Events
Mercury/Neptune Conjunction in Pisces
– Renewing our relationship to our dreams and fantasies
– Becoming more accepting of our messiness and uncertainty
– Getting caught up in our own delusions of self-doubt or unrealistic hubris
Neptune/South Node Trine in Pisces/Scorpio
– coming to a state of peace with what has happened in our past
– finding a place for forgiveness of our past selves and other’s past behavior
– remembering a strong, almost karmic connection we have to a person, environment, activity, etc
Important Dates
03/20 – Doubled-Ruled Mars ingresses of Sun and Moon
03/20 – 03/22: Venus/Mars in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus
03/21: Moon in Scorpio opposite Uranus in Taurus /square venus/mars in Aquarius
03/22: Scorpio Moon trine Neptune/Jupiter/Mercury in Pisces
03/24: Sagittarius Moon square Neptune/Jupiter/Mercury in Pisces
03/26: Moon/Pluto Conjunction in Capricorn
03/27: Venus/Saturn Conjunction in Aquarius