Aries Season 2021

Collective Message: 

Welcome to the official start of the astrological year. I am going by the tropical zodiac so March 20th, 2021 marks the beginning of the Aries Season and we will complete this season on April 19th, 2021. Before we move into this new energy, we can reflect on what we are leaving behind in this past Pisces Season (the astrological end of the year). Jupiter, being the traditional ruler of Pisces, was our main focus last month. Hopefully, for you this meant some kind of beneficial energy. Maybe a restoration of trust in the flow of life. Maybe a feeling of letting go and accepting what you cannot control. Bt, maybe last month intensified your anxiety and existential dread about what is to come throughout this year. 

Having reached the one year mark from when things started to shut down in the USA, we may all feel a little lost, directionless, and still figuring out how to move forward. There is a ‘no looking back’ feeling in the air for many of us, but not so much of a clear plan for the future. Neptune is residing in Pisces and so last month we could have been feeling foggy, unclear of what to do with our time, maybe we were zapped of our energy a little bit. 

As we move into Aries Season, there aren’t any signs of having a reliable plan of action, only that Aries encourages movement regardless of our actions being totally thought through. With Mars being our main focus this month, this can be a good time to heal and manage our anger. With Chiron in Aries as well, we are addressing wounds around our ability to take up space just as we are. We are all struggling in some way to feel seen, heard for who we are, not for who we are expected to be, based on outdated standards. Healing our anger can look like identifying the source of our anger. It can look like developing ways of calming down when we start to fume. We can look to ways of spending energy through exercise or a project to release some of that fire. Basically, we can use this time to confront the problems that we have and gain the strength to defend ourselves. With Venus trailing behind us all season, there is a benevolent energy present making healing quite possible.

Aries Season is when we start to emerge out of the last year and begin to shape and form what we want from the year ahead. We can use this time to motivate ourselves as we will probably have some more energy than we did last season. We also get a little bit of a break this month from the frustrating energies of Saturn/Jupiter in Aquarius squaring Uranus in Taurus. That energy is still present, but it is not our biggest focus during this cycle. Mars is in Gemini for all of Aries Season so our energies might still be scattered and distracted, but we will have more of it, so do what you can and don’t beat yourself up if you are not able to follow through on everything that you set out to do. Neptune in Pisces will also be squaring Mars which could cause us to feel groggy and have inconsistent energy levels. When you have the energy this season, do something with it and when you feel tired, rest. Mercury will be in Pisces for the first two weeks of this season which adds to the foggy, directionless feeling. However, Mercury will move into Aries on April 4th and be there for the rest of the season. We may feel more decisive and our thoughts may be more distinct at that time, so hold out for the second half of Aries Season if you are feeling really impatient. 

Now, let’s move into each of the signs. 

The overall energy of this year for Aries is dealing with a pull between becoming the person that you aspire to be and having to support yourself and who you are right now. There is a push to move towards a dream or a goal, but the material responsibilities that you have may be delaying that process. 

The focus of this month is to start making decisions that benefit you. Where do you want your life to be heading and what decisions can you make that move you in that direction. It is not selfish to live your life for you and that is what this month is all about. While Mercury is in Pisces, allow yourself to dream about the possibilities you have before you. Allow yourself to reflect on the past year and how you want to handle yourself differently this time around. You may be feeling lost, anxious and just wanting to check out. That’s completely ok. Take this time to care for your mental health. Trust in life. When Mercury goes into Aries, decide to act on some of those possibilities you were dreaming about. Address wounds around your identity and taking up space just as you are rather than who you are supposed to be.With Mars and the North Node in Gemini, you are being pushed into getting more involved in your immediate surroundings. Communicate honestly with the people that are right in front of you. Move away from wishing and hoping that there is something more significant waiting for you ‘out there’. There is a lot going on right underneath your nose that can make life very interesting. 


For Taurus, this year you are caught between your responsibility to amount to some form of achievement in the outer world and wanting to rebel against those societal expectations and form a life that is just for you. You feel that you have responsibilities in the ‘real world’ that you have to commit to and give your all. However, a big part of you wants to break away from all the things you used to identify with and completely change the way you present yourself to the world. 

The focus of this month is to take a step back from this frustration and make time for solitude. Make time for reflection on what you have achieved so far in life, and on what aspects of your personality you want to change. Make time to accept both of these parts of yourself and let go of any judgment you have for either side. It is not worth it. When we enter Taurus season there will be a huge emphasis on how you are living your life and what needs to change so use this time to restore and recharge. For the first two weeks that Mercury is in Pisces, use this time to connect with like-minded people or get your group of friends on a video call if you are able to and feel a sense of belonging to something bigger than yourself. Maybe you still feel lost and confused about where you fit and where you belong and who your people are. Let go of control and trust that your people will reveal themselves soon enough. When Mercury goes into Aries, defend your need for some peaceful alone time where you can hear your own thoughts and gain some clarity. Address wounds around loneliness and the fear of being completely by yourself. Mars and the North Node in Gemini are pushing you towards having a stronger sense of self-reliance. Being there for yourself and supporting yourself. You are moving away from leaning on others for guidance and instead, you are developing a strong support system that stems from you and you alone. 


For all of 2021, Gemini is dealing with the pull towards establishing a more solid belief system, taking your studies more seriously and exploring unknown territory that is sure to push you to mature. At the same time, there is a push to develop a spiritual practice, make time for solitude and step away from the outside world, into the openness of your own inner world. 

For Aries season, you can take a little break from this back and forth and focus on ideas for your future. How do you want to ‘level up’ between now and the next Aries season. What new goals are you aspiring to and how do you see yourself getting there. You have been putting in the work to expand your understanding of the world around you. You have been entering new territory but what do you want to come out of this adventure? While Mercury is in Pisces, there will still be some confusion around your responsibilities and how much more you can have on your plate. You may not yet know what you are trying to achieve or you may have lost your motivation. Take this time to appreciate the successes that you have obtained, and the failures and sit with them. Trust that you are doing what needs to be done for right now.When Mercury moves into Aries, start thinking about new goals and motivations that you can direct your energy to as you move forward on this journey. You don’t have to act on them yet, but get inspired. Address wounds around being misidentified as someone who does not have what it takes to ‘level up’. With Mars and the North Node in your sign, you are being called to define yourself as an individual and show up authentically. Move away from needing other people to tell you who you are. 


The focus of 2021 as a whole for Cancer is a combination of working on healing from past trauma and pressing forward toward your ideal future. There is a sense of responsibility to move through past hurts and deal with the darker parts of life. At the same time, there is a pull to advance in your life and reach new heights. 

For this month, the focus shifts slightly away from this back and forth and centers on your responsibility as an adult and as a member of society. Are you holding your own? Have you achieved anything substantial? Is that still important to you? What do you define as success? While Mercury is still in Pisces, you may find yourself wandering around in your mind, dreaming about what life could be if you were only doing something other than what you are doing. It can feel like you still don’t know what your purpose is but you know that there is one for you. Let go of control and trust that your purpose will reveal itself or your purpose might be to just live life as it comes. When Mercury moves into Aries, the one thing you might be able to control is how hard you are working towards achieving the life that you want for yourself. Take this time to put effort into something that you hope to achieve and this might prepare you for the coming Taurus season where there will be an emphasis on becoming the person that you have aspired to be all along. Use this time to address wounds around failures. Have you been made to feel like you have to prove you are something that you are not to the world just in order to be seen as successful? How can you start to stick up for yourself? Look to Mars and the North node to show you how to trust your own inner world away from the public eye so that when you do achieve something substantial, it will be for you, not to fulfill expectations. Move away from getting trapped in the permission mindset and only doing what you are told.


In the year 2021, the main energy Leo is dealing with is the fight between developing your professionalism and developing your shadow self. There is a pull to distinguish yourself in your industry as a master of your craft. Even if you are not there yet, you are being pushed in that direction throughout 2021. This is conflicting with the energy that is pulling you towards developing the parts of yourself you usually don’t identify with. Your relationships and good friendships provide you with the energy that you are missing, so managing these may take up a good chunk of your time. 

Nevertheless, in Aries season, we are taking a break from that energy and instead we are focusing on expanding our horizons, jumping into the deep end and taking a risk. While Mercury is in Pisces, you may still have some confusion around a complex situation or an emotionally challenging circumstance. You may not know what is to come from this and you are deeply involved, making the stakes much higher. Let go of control and allow yourself to trust that it will work out the way it needs to and then you can work from there. When Mercury rolls into Aries, you can direct your attention to something that makes you feel free. Breakout of your normal routine and allow yourself to feel light-hearted for this month. Address issues around being kept from opportunities in the past because ‘your just not the kind of person who can handle it’. You can handle going at it alone. You are capable of trying something that you’ve never done before. Look to Mars and the North Node to push you towards the life that most inspires you. Leo, you have what it takes to get there even if the path is not so clear right now. Move away from thinking your hobbies are silly and believe that you can use them to contribute something more.

For Virgo, 2021’s main energy is a battle between your need to break away from your old life into a new adventure and the responsibility you have to maintain the life you lead day to day, as it is right now. 

 For the month of Aries, we can focus our attention away from that energy. Virgo is being asked to go deeper this month and address the more emotionally turbulent parts of life. This can be a time to seek out therapy or do something therapeutic for yourself to help you heal from any past wounds. When we enter Taurus season, there will be a shift in focus towards breaking away and entering a new sense of adventure and exploration. For now, this is your time to heal and take care of yourself. While Mercury is still in Pisces, there may be confusion around your relationships and close friendships. Maybe you don’t know where these connections are headed, if they are the right connections to have. Allow yourself to trust that these connections are exactly as they should be for right now. When Mercury goes into Aries, make time to address your deeper and darker experiences and allow yourself to trust that the worst of it is over and you will survive. Look to Mars and the North Node in Gemini to show you the way towards success and fulfillment based on your own standards and your maturing perspective. Move away from childhood conditioning and unhealthy family dynamics.

The main energy of 2021 has Libra being pulled back and forth between the need to establish a stronger sense of self-confidence and the need to gain independence from an attachment to something that has become too overwhelming. There is a pull to take your creations and free time more seriously. In the other direction, there is a push to untangle yourself from an intimate situation of some kind and regain your freedom. 

But, for the duration of Aries Season, we can direct our energy away from those issues. Libras will be focusing on getting their life back to equilibrium in some way. Whatever you are doing ‘too much’ of, do the opposite for this month. This time is all about allowing yourself to take up space and defend your right to be yourself, just as you are. While Mercury finishes up in Pisces, there may still be some confusion around what to do with your daily routine or maybe there is a health issue that is still unresolved. Trust that in time, things will become more clear. When Mercury enters Aries, use this time to connect more with your partner or close friend. Let them balance out your energies so you can reset before we get into the dense Taurus season coming up. Address wounds around how maybe you have felt dimmed in the past within relationships and how to start feeling more justified in your actions without needing to explain yourself. Look to Mars and the North Node in Gemini to guide you towards a new perspective on your life. Move away from outdated beliefs about yourself and become open to starting a new relationship with yourself that is much kinder.

Scorpio’s 2021 looks like a battle between responsibility to family and home and the need for the freedom to bring ourselves back into balance. We are being pushed towards taking responsibility for our role in the family and taking our family history more seriously. But, we are also being pulled towards breaking down old ways of relating and realizing aspects of ourselves we never thought we had before. 

For Aries season, we can tuck these concerns away for a little while and direct our attention elsewhere. Scorpios are being asked to take care of their health this month. Focus on your daily routine and how to make it healthier for you. While Mercury still roams around in Pisces, there may still be some confusion around how to essentially enjoy yourself after the year we have had. Creating space for fun or pleasure may feel weird right now or like something is missing. Trust that in time this feeling will pass. When Mercury goes into Aries, choose at least one thing you can follow-through on to take better care of your health. Address issues around managing stress and how you have coped with stress instinctively. Try to choose other ways to deal with the worry and anxiety of everyday life. Look to Mars and the North Node to guide you towards emotional healing and eliminating the baggage you may still carry around. Move away from feeling it is all up to you and allow yourself to receive help.

For 2021, Sagittarius is moving between the need to take their participation in the world around them more seriously and the need to maintain a healthy lifestyle. There is a push towards restructuring your voice and becoming responsible for having the correct information before communicating your thoughts. On the other side, there is a pull towards breaking down any old, unhealthy habits that are a detriment to your health. 

The good news is that for the length of Aries season, those concerns can take a back seat. For this month, we focus our energy on our free time and what to do with it. We focus on enjoying ourselves and enjoying our lives. Take this time to sink in hours with your hobbies and creative projects. Make time for you. While Mercury still lingers in Pisces, there may still be fogginess and confusion around family matters, home matters and anything private. Trust that in time, these things will clear up. When Mercury moves into Aries, shift your focus towards doing something enjoyable for you. Address wounds around being told you are selfish for making time for your interests instead of working and staying on the grind. It is not selfish or lazy to find pleasure in your own life. Look to Mars and the North Node to guide you towards friends who will have fun with you and encourage you to be happy with yourself. Move away from old beliefs about who you are supposed to show up as.

For Capricorns, 2021 looks like a battle between the need to support yourself materially and the need to distinguish yourself as a creative individual. There is a push towards making sure you are taking responsibility for your finances and supporting yourself through the madness. There is also a pull towards indulging in free time, enjoying your life as you make it and building self-confidence. 

For Aries season, we are taking a break from those energies and redirecting our focus for right now. Capricorns can focus on forming a comfortable sense of home this month. In the privacy of our own homes, we can feel comfortable enough to release some of that pressure to be ‘on’ for everyone else, and we can cool down and focus on ourselves. Now, Capricorns might also have to deal with some family matters this month as home is usually where we must confront those relationships. Mercury will still be in Pisces for a little longer, so there may still be confusion or fogginess around the interactions you have day to day outside of your home. Maybe you don’t know if the people you interact with right now will still be in your life next year. Maybe you don’t know if you will still be in this town or city by next year. Trust that the answers will come in time. When Mercury moves into Aries, we can choose to act on some things that need attention at home. We can clean our home and make it nice for ourselves. We can refurnish. We can also address wounds formed by unhealthy family dynamics where you may have felt disrespected or not seen. Look to Mars and the North Node to guide you towards developing a healthy routine for yourself where you can take care of yourself and manage stress. Move away from any instinct to escape from real life and choose to help yourself in a healthy way instead.

2021 for Aquarians looks like a tug of war between the need to take responsibility for how you present yourself and move throughout the world and the need to break away from old family dynamics and establish independence from childhood conditioning. 

In Aries season, we can take a break from this year long theme and direct our energy elsewhere. For Aquarius, this month is all about participating in the world that is right outside your door. No need to travel far, simply get out of the house. Connect with the world that is living and flowing right in front of your nose. As Mercury continues to reside in Pisces there might still be some confusion around where your money is coming from and how you will support yourself moving forward. Trust that in time this will become more clear. When Mercury goes into Aries, use this jolt in motivation to participate safely in the world outside of your home. Go for a walk, if possible. Order take out from a new restaurant. Try to experience your town or city as if it’s the first time you have ever been there. We can also take some time to address wounds around feeling like you don’t have the right to be seen or heard. You don’t have the right to tell your story because it’s not interesting enough. These are not truths. Look to Mars and the North Node to guide you towards growing more confident and believing in your creativity. Move away from needing society to send you an invitation to its exclusive club. Just be your own party. Be your own source of acceptance.

When we look at the whole of 2021, the theme for Pisces is a battle between the need to accept and make peace with the ups and downs of your life so far and the need to participate in the world around you through a new perspective. There is a push to spend some time in solitude and there is a pull to tell your story out loud. 

As we enter Aries season, we will let go of these main concerns for the time being and direct our attention elsewhere. This month is all about getting our finances in order. However you have been supporting yourself since last year, this is a time to make sure you still have enough. This doesn’t have to be just about money. We can also look at your resources in general. Do you have enough energy or time to do the things that are necessary to keep yourself afloat? While Mercury travels through Pisces, there may still be some confusion around your personality and how you present yourself. Are you being sincere? Do you know who you are and do you know how to present that to others? Trust that in time this will work itself out. When Mercury moves into Aries, we can choose to use the extra motivation to manage our resources. Make sure we have all that we need to get through the month. We can treat ourselves to something nice, too. Use this time to address issues around value and when you may have felt like your worth was not respected or taken seriously. Don’t doubt yourself, doubt the validity of the person or situation that did not respect you. Look to Mars and the North Node in Gemini to guide you towards the safety and comfort of home. Move away from needing public approval of your successes and look towards your roots, family and friends that feel like family to remember who you are and where you come from.

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delightfully cynical astrologer

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