january 19th, 2022 – february 17th, 2022
Alas, the middle of Winter is upon us in the Northern Hemisphere. Symbolically, the air is cold and crisp and most signs of life are only seen inside fire-lit houses of the evening. The month of Aquarius draws us towards the mental clarity of its Airy nature as we prepare for the coming dawn of Spring. This is following the month of Capricorn, an earthy Cardinal sign that ushered us into the new year and helped us begin organizing the achievable benchmarks we would like to move towards throughout 2022.
Aquarius is an aspirational energy, so this is a time of looking towards our future and brainstorming how we would ideally like to progress as the year goes on. It’s a month of innovation and the good kind of future-tripping, if there is any such thing. We will have this energy as the main focus until around February 17th, 2022, when we will enter the transition period of Pisces season.
Weekly Mood: Contemplative
- A week of review before we enter the new zodiac season ·Reconsidering how to communicate our boundaries ·Reflecting on our points of sensitivity, insecurity and vulnerability and how to show those parts of ourselves more support
With Mercury and Venus both retrograde throughout this entire week, this is where the theme of reflection stems from. Take today to retrace your steps and consider how your general mentality has limited your perspective. Mercury Rx in Aquarius wants us to brainstorm ideas that are outside of our normal, everyday functioning. Uranus in Taurus is creating a feeling of restlessness in areas where we may have established loose boundaries with others, leading to our resources being used in ways that have been outside of our control.
The connection between these two planets is asking us to renovate our mindsets when it comes to how we secure our valuables, whether that be our time, energy, skillsets or physical property. How can we more effectively and more progressively honor our personal resources to avoid exploitation, exhaustion and violation of what we have ownership over?
With Chiron in Aries, we are being asked to reflect on identity issues and where we have been wounded to the point of losing self-respect and the ability to defend ourselves. Where, why, who and how have we been made to feel unworthy of taking up space or receiving basic rights? How has a sense of self been diminished and how do we find the support we need to feel worthy of having a visible identity? Look back at the thoughts, conversations and circumstances you found yourself in on January 8th/9th for clues about what you need to be reassessing.
The week begins with the first Full Moon of the new year. A full moon always illuminates something in our lives that needs to be addressed. This one will be in the sign of Cancer and will help us see what we need to focus on throughout 2022 to develop a more protective and supportive approach to life. I go more into this lunation in a separate article that you can read here if you would like to get more insight.
I think that we will need to be addressing certain fears and toxic patterns that have been deterring us from improving our situations. The problems we are unconsciously causing will make themselves clear today. This week may start off rather intensely so prepare to face some kind of uncomfortable confrontation that needs to happen so that our current circumstance changes for the better.
Quite a few transitions will happen on Tuesday. Uranus in Taurus will go Direct and The Nodes will begin their 18 month stay on the Taurus/Scorpio axis. The themes of securing our property and tending to our own garden will increase as the year goes on, and today is the start of it all. Uranus in Taurus is teaching us how to give ourselves permission to build, create, grow and earn resources without relying solely on some outside source. This is about gaining autonomy over our time, energy, body and possessions and the north node is here to draw us closer and closer to that objective.
North Node in Taurus will guide us towards simplicity and developing more self-reliant ways of functioning. South Node in Scorpio will bring to our attention areas where we have been co-dependent, overly complicated and stuck in toxic patterns.
With the Moon in Leo all day, it is going to trigger that Mercury Rx/Chiron aspect. So, this may be when you have to confront those sensitive areas either through having an important conversation or confronting your own mind. This would be a good day to try out some of those ideas we have been coming up with to improve our situations. Taking personal accountability for initiating progress will be important at the beginning of the week and a Leo Moon will give us the confidence that we need to do this.
This is the official first day of Aquarius Season! I have an Aquarius Rising so this month is always heavy with the ‘self-focus’ for me. However, right before the Sun ingresses into Aquarius, it makes a connection to the North Node in Taurus. This may be our first push towards this new nodal energy. Wherever Taurus sits in our chart, be aware of any practical options that turn up to create more security for yourself on your own terms. The South Node in Scorpio may rehash a familiar feeling of turmoil that will be the main focus of our rehabilitation for the next 18 months.
The main energy of today comes from the Moon in Virgo opposing Jupiter in Pisces. We haven’t spoken too much about Jupiter at the beginning of this season because it really won’t be a strong energy until next month. However, today we may have the opportunity to release some stress and tension that has been building up over the first part of this week. This feels like a break of some kind, where we can take some time out to care for our well-being. A point of replenishment and rehydration.
A Virgo Moon feels best within a manageable and predictable environment. However, Uranus in Taurus is asking for us to shift our habits slightly today and be open to changing our priorities throughout the day. This might be a good time to implement new methods of completing basic tasks that allow you to be more efficient and less overworked.
Over the weekend we see Juno and Pluto meet up in Capricorn. I have come to associate Juno with our public declaration of our principles and where we draw the line that we will not cross for moral reasons. It represents our loyalty and marriage to those principles that we live by and our sense of integrity. As it meets up with Pluto, the planet of uncomfortable truths, we will encounter a need to hit the refresh button on what loyalty we hold towards certain systems, traditions, rules, authority figures and establishments.
If the people, spaces and concepts we once had respect for have violated our principles and compromised our sense of integrity in any way, this is a chance to renew our relationship to long-held rules, obligations and standards we have lived by. No need to continue to support an operation that has lost its way. We may find that our loyalty to a career may end or maybe we will begin to see the damaging pitfalls of our ambition and decide to make a change. History must not repeat itself.
As we close out this first week, we are graced with a Mercury Cazimi in Aquarius. The Sun and Mercury meet up once more, this time of course, Mercury is about halfway through its retrograde. Some clarity will surface over what we have been mulling over and reflecting on in regards to wherever Mercury sits in your chart. A possible solution to a problem may present itself. Pay attention.
Weekly Mood: Responsibly Solemn
- Focus on achievable goals ·Delayed Satisfaction ·Long – term satisfaction over immediate release
I set the mood as solemn for this week because of the emphasis on Capricorn energy we will experience. Mars enters the sign on Monday and Mercury Rx follows suit on Tuesday. Even though the Sun is securely in Aquarius, Venus continues to retrograde in this reserved earth sign where Pluto seems to lurk at every corner.
Capricorn is a very serious and mature sign. It prioritizes responsibility over indulgence and success over passivity. So, I think this week will be very much about the grind. Whatever we have been putting off will need to be attended to this week unless you want to sit in an overwhelming pile of your own procrastination. Taking care of business this week will most likely set us up for the rest of the year so proceed with a sound work ethic and enduring effort.
Mars, the planet of personal willpower and self-motivation enters Capricorn, the sign of long-term effort and endurance. Mars will stay here until March 5th, so we have some quality time to actualize the full potential of this spoiled position. Capricorn is a wonderfully comfortable energy for Mars to pass through and the combined energy of both planet and sign will help us stay motivated to handle our business, reach benchmarks and take care of the obligations we have to, now, so that later this year we do not have to back track or run up against delays.
While this new energy gets settled in, Venus Rx will be finishing up its time moving backwards through the sky, and as it slows down, will meet up yet again with Uranus in Taurus. Venus governs over our top priorities and helps us define what is most valuable to us and why. What is worth our time and love and appreciation and what is not. Uranus helps us live distinctly autonomous lives that may or may not gain social approval. If you can, recall what was going on in your life around November 18th/19th, 2021. We will be retracing these themes over this week. How can we experiment with new priorities and start to shift our values toward appreciating something that feels more liberating and attainable? Have we experimented with new ways of relating or finding satisfaction since November and how has that felt?
The highlight of Tuesday will occur closer to nightfall when Mercury re-enters Capricorn and begins to ask us to rethink our approach to how we meet certain standards, handle our obligations and structure our lives to best move towards attainable goals. Are there methods that may be more effective? Are we making things harder than they have to be?
The north node in Taurus is the first energy that Mercury will encounter as it moves through Capricorn for a second time. Last week, we experienced the Sun making a trine to the North Node which brought to our attention what we may need to be moving towards this year to find simplicity and inner security. Now that Mercury is making the same aspect, we may be able to better process what we were shown and start to understand what step we need to take to head down this path being revealed to us.
Mercury Rx will make a trine to the asteroid Ceres on Thursday. I like to think of Ceres as the Parental Asteroid. It shows us how to re-parent ourselves through nurturing aspects of our experience without getting attached to the results like the ideal parent-child dynamic. With Ceres in Taurus, it is actually perfectly situated to help us move towards the North Node purpose and the lessons of Uranus in the same sign. We are learning how to take care and support our physical bodies, personal environments, personal finances and our ability to sustain our desired lifestyle on our own terms as if we were our own parents preparing their child with the necessary skills needed to be self-reliant. Today, Mercury Rx allows us to take the time to process how we can tend to building a secure foundation.
As we bring in the weekend, the Sun in Aquarius will form a connection with Chiron in Aries. Yet again, our identity wounds come onto the center stage. This time, with the Sun’s warmth, we could approach these sensitive areas with more solar energy, transmitting the bold rays of the Sun into the soft spots of The Wounded Healer. We may be more capable of going easy on ourselves at the end of this week as we acknowledge the progress we have made to relieve our insecurities and strengthen our compassion for the self and others facing similar identity issues.
A lot is happening on Saturday. We first can congratulate Venus for completing her Retrograde through Capricorn and turning Direct. The time we spent re-examining our interpersonal behavior patterns, preferences and priorities is now complete. We can apply what we have learned moving forward to the way we choose to relate, socialize and what we choose to appreciate about ourselves and others now that we have redefined what we find valuable.
Today also marks the time when Mercury Rx meets up with Pluto in Capricorn for the second time during this cycle. Think back to Christmas time, around December 29th/30th. On those days, there may have been a deep-rooted fear or toxic behavior that took over all of our attention. We will be addressing these painful emotions and circumstances again, this time with the lens of review. How can we handle these primal fears more maturely? How can we regulate our reactions so that we can take the time to plan a strategic solution? This aspect may be hard to move through, as Pluto always reveals harsh truths, but by digging through this trash willingly, when Venus and Mercury eventually make their way towards Pluto for the third and final time, we will be prepared, less afraid and have a more profound understanding of how to come out on top of these uncomfortable and difficult situations.
The last major event of this week will be the Sun in Aquarius making a square with Uranus in Taurus. Again we have this little dance between our sense of aspirational progress and our sense of material stability. This aspect will shine a bright light on what is causing our restlessness and the friction we feel against oppressive and restrictive parameters. More than anything, we want to be able to afford the lifestyle that we so desire and we don’t want to wait idly for someone else to give us the permission to make that happen. The square we experience between the Sun and Uranus may cause sparks that reignite our rebellious nature and get us moving towards a more independent approach.
Weekly Mood: Tentatively Hopeful
- nourishing the physical form ·focusing on the potential of our future ·re-committing to our responsibilities
This week brings on a slightly lighter vibe, but it really is slight. What I have noticed about Aquarius season 2022, is that it is void of any Aquarius energy. It’s more of an extended Capricorn season. But, this week we get a sliver of hope with a New Moon in Aquarius, Juno moving into Aquarius and the Sun/Saturn conjunction in this Fixed Air sign. We will be taking our future more seriously and possibly feeling more capable of approaching goals that are just out of reach but still attainable if we allow ourselves to dream a little.
I always love beginning the week with a New Moon. It feels refreshing. I can make intentions six months out and feel like I am really doing something. It’s a nice energy. This New Moon will again form that dance between Aquarus and Taurus. It goes exact with a square to our lovely friend Uranus, activating this theme once again.
The beauty of a New Moon is that anything is up for grabs; anything can happen. We cannot see the moon on this night and so our path is not yet visible, but we can use this energy to visualize, contemplate what we want and open ourselves up to whatever may happen over the course of the next six months. I will go more in-depth with this lunation in a separate article that you can read here, once I have it up.
While this is going on, Ceres continues to conjoin with the North Node in Taurus. This is giving us a strong pull towards tending to our physical body. For example, I have been cooking for myself and my partner a lot more than I was even able to over the last couple of years. We went through a whole fast food rabbit hole as a result of all the consequences that came from the pandemic lockdowns. However, at this point I feel much more capable of taking my time in the kitchen, setting a relaxed mood with music playing and I have been able to actually use up all the groceries before they rot in the back of the fridge.
Ceres in Taurus is helping us develop patience with how much maintenance the physical body needs to function well. It is helping us learn to enjoy going slow, sinking into a task and getting out of our nervous, high-speed minds long enough to nourish the physical form that gets us through the day. The North Node pulls us towards the Ceres themes and makes them impossible to ignore.
The first day of February is upon us. How lovely. I was recently introduced to the most likely reason that this month has its name. Coming from an Ancient Roman festival called Februa, there was a celebration of the purification of the city and its people that took place around this time of year. This hopeful energy makes its way into the Aquarius symbolism in that this is a very forward-looking sign. Always keeping the focus on how the future can be better and having a pure and innocent mentality helps Aquarius with that.
Okay, so what is happening on Tuesday? Early in the morning ( at least on the pacific coast of the US) the Moon will have formed a conjunction with Saturn. This happens around once a month and marks a day where a new responsibility may present itself that we either have to tend to immediately or over the course of the month. You can also use this aspect to re-align with the intentions or goals you have set for yourself this year. Reminding yourself what mountain you are trying to climb and why and getting yourself back on track if you feel that you have strayed from your plan since last month.
We also will have Juno move into Aquarius. This will bring our attention to what ideas, political agendas or any group mentalities to which we pledge allegiance. What agendas have we declared loyalty to? On a more personal scale, what aspirations and visions for an ideal future have we committed to and do we still feel the same way? Are we willing to stay married to the social and political movements that we have been siding with? These questions begin to pop up here on Tuesday, February 1st.
The only notable thing really happening today is the Moon making a conjunction with Jupiter in Pisces. This connection is made around once a month and gives us the opportunity to feel more open to risk and the growth that comes from it. In Pisces, the Mutable Water sign of the zodiac, we can learn to trust our inner world of imagination and illogical instincts. Pisces communicates in non-verbal ways. Think film and music over powerpoint presentations and speeches. Dipping into fantasy and art can help us make sense of things that logic and realism simply cannot. So, today may feel like a good break in the week to find time to rest, feel refreshed and escape into a healthy fantasy like art, nature, video games, etc.
Throughout the week, leading up to today, we will be feeling the effects of Mars in Capricorn making a sextile to Jupiter in Pisces. This is one of the aspects this week that feel more hopeful and eager. Mars in Capricorn is determined to get results and Jupiter in Pisces is willing to believe that anything can happen. This connection can help us navigate a responsibility that we have to manage this week with a bit more energy at our backs. Jupiter will expand and inflate our will power and ability to self-motivate. So, if there is a big project that needs to be tackled, this is a great week, and Thursday is a great day to make time to take on the more difficult tasks or the steps that you are dreading the most, because Jupiter will be on our side and give us that extra energy/confidence.
Today, there are two major events occurring. First, we have Mercury going Direct in Capricorn. Our minds can start to clear up. We can begin to make sharper decisions. The time of revision is complete and now we can apply what we have learned over the last several weeks.
The Sun will also meet up with Saturn today. This happens once a year and is a time where we can renew our contract with our sense of personal discipline, long-term effort and sense of accountability. This begins a new cycle that will last for around a year, until the next time the Sun conjoins with Saturn, which will be around February 16th, 2023. From now until then, this is a fresh start presented to us to almost renew our vows to our own ambitions. Making sure that we are defining success by our own standards and not those of something outside of ourselves.
With this taking place in Aquarius, we are deciding how much responsibility we are willing to take on behalf of the wellbeing of our communities and society in general. How much of ourselves can we give and how is our current society asking too much of us? We can also ask ourselves how much we are willing to give in order to set up the groundwork that will lead us to our ideal lifestyles in the near future? Saturn is all about delayed gratification and playing the long game. How willing are we to wait, endure and put in effort for an extended amount of time to invent the life we aspire to lead? These themes are up for a fresh contract.
The weekend might present the most challenging energies of the week. Pluto in Capricorn starts to trine the North Node in Taurus on Saturday. To me, this looks like a primal pull towards the lessons of the Nodes. Pluto drags us into the Underworld so that we have to face the fearful, the uncomfortable and the truth. At the same time, the ‘Truth’ that Pluto exposes is the awareness of the extreme highs and extreme lows of the human experience. More knowledge, more power is what Pluto is all about. The North Node connection will draw us to what we need to be made aware of.
The end of the week feels a little defeating, to be honest. However, this all depends on what is going on in each of our charts, so don’t fret too much. Mars in Capricorn will be forming a square to Chiron in Aries. We will have to confront insecurities we may have around the kind of success we think we deserve. Are we causing our own failure because we cannot accept our own potential? Are we avoiding the rejection and the reactions that we anticipate will happen if we have the audacity to realize a goal?
This final transit may activate the internal conflict between wanting to achieve results with our individual will but deep-seated doubt due to unaddressed identity issues. It is important to remember that just because some people have not made any room for you to exist, that does not mean that the whole world is out to squash your sense of self. Use this energy to defeat your defeated attitude, at least for the day.
Weekly Mood: Focused
- Decisive Action · Thinking with Precision · Moving Forward · Moving Onward
Not a very loud week, nor quiet, I expect this week to be more up to our own decisions than chance, which is rare. The lessons we have been learning about life, love, growth and challenge need to start being applied in real time. And this week gives us that opportunity to do just that.
We start the week off with Mars in Capricorn making a trine to Uranus in Taurus. MAKE THE PRACTICAL CHANGES NOW. This is a great energy to work with chaos instead of against it. Move forward with a plan or a responsibility that you have been procrastinating on because of the unfamiliar terrain you would have to navigate. Uranus loves a lack of order and thrives on having no manual. So, take this seamless energy, between self-motivating Mars and autonomous Uranus to move through the necessary changes with more ease. These changes may be a need to separate from restrictive, self-imposed rules.
Looking at the Lunar aspects for today, we see that the First Quarter Moon happens in Taurus and makes a square to Saturn at the same time. Again, this makes me feel like we need to take some steps towards a clear direction this week. There aren’t any more Retrogrades until around April, so this clears up some space for us to be more fast-paced, quick and effective with our intentions.
Although we will feel the effects of this all week, today is when the strength of Mercury Conjunct Pluto starts to hit a peak. This is the third and final time this year that these two planets will connect in this way. So, we are already quite familiar with the themes of our own dark behavior, fear-based mindsets and we have become more clear on how we want to manage these unconscious impulses from now on. We have already faced the hardest part of this transit, now we enter this space, fully prepared for what lies behind the curtain and underneath the bed.
Today, the Mercury trine North Node aspect will be felt the strongest. The Nodes are here to lead us towards important and essential life lessons. Mercury ruling over our mind, communication and ability to process data creates a clarifying link between the lessons we are being urged to learn and our ability to understand and make sense of the information we are being guided towards.
The weekly themes are still showing up today quite strongly. With a Moon in Gemini, we might have the need to talk things out, write things out or in some way communicate what we have been going through over the last couple of weeks. Releasing tension through venting is a healthy way to process our experiences and this may be a good day to do just that. Either call up someone who is willing to listen or write your thoughts down or engage with content that can help you process what is going on in your own life.
From today until nearly mid-March, Venus and Mars will be closely conjunct through the rest of Capricorn and almost all of Aquarius. When these two planets come together, our desires increase and there is an urgency to getting exactly what we want. To satisfy ourselves immediately. We will be playing offense and defense at the same time. It is a very selfish energy, but with that, it is also a very sincere energy. Expect to have a rise in stamina overall for the next few weeks.
The most important event happening today is that the Moon in Cancer will oppose Mercury and Pluto in Capricorn later in the evening. This will highlight that area of our lives and those themes will really hit us at the personal level. It may be an uncomfortable Sunday. We may have to address some painful emotions. However, after all of the retrogrades and conjunctions with Pluto, we should be much wiser and more experienced with our shadow than we were several months ago.
Weekly Mood: Active
- The most challenging events are over for now · transitioning out of saturnian energy and into jupitarian energy · certainty and clarity of our actions
We have made it to the last week of Aquarius Season. This month feels more like an ending of the year than December because Aquarius really is the sign of the Elder. It is the Eleventh Sign out of twelve which points to its maturity, sense of actualization and the certainty of its ideas for the betterment of the whole community.
When Pisces season comes along, that is the time of the year that we ease out of one cycle and into a fresh Zodiacal year with the Spring Equinox in the Western Hemisphere. This week might feel last minute and the trick is to try not to rush through these few final days of this particular astrological year. Take stock of everything you have been through since March 20th, 2021. Acknowledge where you have grown, where you were setback and what you want to focus on as March 20th, 2022 becomes nearer and we start over once more. There shouldn’t be too many surprises this week so we have a certain level of familiarity with the vibe of this week, making it a little easier to get through. With Venus and Mars still traveling close together in Capricorn, we are going to be hungry for results this week.
Mercury returns to the sign of Aquarius early on this week. On its second round through this territory, our minds are more set on a decision than a few weeks back. We have re-examined a situation enough and now need to apply what we have learned. Moving forward is a big theme of this week. It will be important to take our ideas seriously. There are ways to improve our situations in the future even when we feel defeated in moments and this week is a time where we need to keep a strong mind. With the Moon in Leo, we have a little boost of energy to help us.
The beginning of this week also welcomes in a sextile between Jupiter in Pisces and Uranus in Taurus. This can open up some opportunities for us to wiggle out of draining and restrictive circumstances. It could also make us more aware of how trapped we feel and the desperation to break free can become even greater. Pisces and Taurus both want inner peace and serenity. They appreciate the quiet beauty that life has to offer but feel a great amount of stress when pressured to rush through the garden, speed on the highway and climb the ranks of some company to impress Mom and Dad. Pisces and Taurus are less concerned with external measurements of success. They want to feel full on the inside, even if no one else ever knows. They are about the internal experience, not the external recognition. So, we may be feeling more and more attracted to activities that give us this sense of completeness and calm rather than trying to extend ourselves past our limits to receive praise from people who may or may not have our best interest in mind.
This week is predominantly focused on Mercurial energy. Today, we have a Ceres/Mercury trine occurring in Air signs. With Ceres returning to Gemini’s territory, we are learning to listen to our side of the story and believe our own perspective even if we were gaslit or are currently having our perception of reality be manipulated. Ceres helps us support and nurture our ability to trust our mind and our point of view in a healthy way. Mercury in Aquarius can help us see what is possible if we do the Ceres work. This aspect can also help us feed an idea and get more clear on an overall concept and solid understanding of what we have been mulling over.
As this is happening, we will also have the Sun in Aquarius make its first square to the Taurus/Scorpio Nodes. This is going to highlight the themes of simplicity vs complexity in our lives. The challenges we are facing may become a little louder in order to show us what we need to change, moving forward. The full picture is starting to come together and the dots are forming a visible pattern, helping see our situation for what it is and what it can be if we make some important decisions this year.
The Full Moon in Leo sneaks in about mid-week and just a few days before Pisces Season begins. This will test our self-confidence. Leo energy asks the classic question: “are we living for ourselves, or are we living for others?”. Leo does not like to hide, pretend or dim its light. Although there are times when having consideration for others is important, it can be a waste of a life if solely lived through the eyes of another. When you wear someone else’s shoes day in and day out, you never experience yourself and you never experience the wide world through your own lens. Leo reminds us that we are entitled to having a creative presence just as much as everyone else. As Aquarius season comes to a close and we have addressed our responsibilities, our karma and our commitment to the future, Leo steps in to get our blood pumping once more, waking up our hearts so that we can live authentically and get the most out of our time before it is too late.
The rest of the week is pretty quiet. Today, the Moon moves through Virgo and will oppose Jupiter towards the evening. Take this day to declutter and reorganize an area of life that has gone a little haywire since last month. Jupiter in Pisces can help us find a flow as we make our spaces usable again.
The Virgo Moon will trine Pluto and the North Node today. This could be a more emotional day than what we have been experiencing earlier in the week. It can be helpful to focus our attention on a time-consuming task today. With three placements in all of the Earth Signs, we have more than enough practical, grounded energy to work with today. This will be the first day of Pisces season, which I will go into more specifically in the next article. I would try to go easy on yourself today as it can be tiring to move between one energy into the next. Pisces has a very sleepy vibe anyway, so napping is a welcomed activity.
Saturday and Sunday:
Over the weekend, the loudest aspect comes from the Libra Moon squaring Venus, Mars and Pluto in Capricorn. This looks like a lot of compromising. Planets in Capricorn rely on their ability to be successful in getting the results that they want against the odds put in their way. Libran planets are more focused on maintaining a level head and managing the tension in an environment. Libra can accept a different result than what was expected if it means keeping the peace and not having to deal with too much intensity. Capricorn, again, wants the results that it worked for. No ifs, ands or buts. So, this weekend we might feel more or less like one of these two signs being pit against the other. We are either going to be frustrated with the amount of compromise needed or we are going to be upset with the overly imbalanced pressures of the day.
Reading your sun sign may resonate more and show how your sense of self is being affected.
Reading your rising sign, however, will give you a more objective message and tell you what you need to be aware of even it does not immediately resonate.
The beginning of the year always serves to get you back on track. This is a month where the focus is on the way you choose to show up in this life. The actual behaviors that you present as a personality come into the spotlight and you are made aware of the impact your presence has on the world around you. This year, Saturn is in the mix. Taking yourself more seriously will help you be more decisive as you carve out a space to exist amongst every other living thing. Take this season to brainstorm who you want to be in the future. And I mean, what qualities do you want to embody and identify with? The future is not all about external success. This is very much about the characteristics and behaviors you are developing to become more aligned and self-composed.
The Mercury Rx this month will bounce back and forth between a focus on showing up and making time for solitude. Reflect on how you perceive yourself vs how others have described you. Does it feel inaccurate? Are you giving off the impression that you want to? You may have to return to a solitary and isolated space so that you can hear your own voice within the silence.
There will be quite a bit of emphasis placed on matters of the home, family and a sense of rootedness. With Uranus and the North Node moving through Taurus, the process of separating from deeply ingrained generational patterns is in full bloom. You are being asked to build your own foundations, based on your own values even if it means causing a disturbance in the traditions of the family. This month serves to remind you that although we live amongst many, many people, this is still your chance to experience this life and sometimes that means planting your own roots in healthier soil. Focus on building a private space to unwind in, feel safe and feel known.
Aquarius season always draws attention to your sense of self-sufficiency. Can you support the lifestyle that you want to lead? Do you have enough skills, talents, worth to rely solely on your own abilities? With Saturn moving through Aquarius, this month will continue to guide through establishing more self-sufficient methods of sustaining your existence. You are working towards having a mature and manageable relationship to your resources. Those being time, energy and money. If you are feeling like there are limited options for you to support yourself on your own, it’s because Saturn is trying to present what realistic, attainable options you have and what is completely out of your wheelhouse at the moment.
Mercury Rx will bounce back and forth between the themes of self-reliance, but also self-determination. The personality that shows up in the world isn’t all of what there is, but the qualities, behaviors and appearance that you present, in many ways does define some aspect of who you are. Take this month to brainstorm what you want your resources to look like in the future and how that can help you afford to be the person that you want to present to the rest of the world. How much money do you really want to make? How much of your time and energy do you think you are capable of giving without depleting yourself entirely?
We will also be dealing with heavy Taurus energy this month. With the North Node and Uranus moving through this sign, the process of re-inventing what is possible to create in this lifetime is in full bloom. There is a need for you to break away from the role you have played in your family and create a life that is specifically fulfilling to you and your sense of self-expression. Take this time to fulfill the wishes of your inner child. How did you picture adulthood when you were young? Try, as much as is possible for you in this moment, to make those wishes come true even if it seems impractical and selfish to some.
Aquarius season always draws your attention to your daily activity. The focus is on the kind of stimuli you process throughout your day, keeping connected and engaged with the world around you. With Saturn moving through here, this month will continue to guide you towards taking your participation more seriously. Are you spending your days wisely? Are you consuming content that is meaningful and useful? Are you sharing content that is useful? This area of life is very much about how we communicate our thoughts, our point of view and what data/impressions about the world we are collecting on a daily basis to come to these personal conclusions.
Mercury Rx will bounce back and forth between these themes of connectivity and also how that plays into your ability overall to support your desired lifestyle. Take this month to reflect and re-examine the ways you engage with the external activity around you. Are you spending your time wisely? Are you using your resources to engage with significant and useful content? Saturn is showing you what realistic and attainable options you have to communicate your thoughts on a matter in a way that might be taken seriously by your community.
This month is also marked by a heavy Taurus influence. The North Node and Uranus are both moving through this earth-bound sign, helping you break away from a draining and restrictive daily routine and opting for personalizing your productivity to meet your standards and your abilities. Being able to set your own schedule so you do not exhaust yourself is really important to maintaining a healthy physicality and regulating your stress levels. If you are in a situation that is completely overworking you and compromising your health, the ability to ‘stick with it’ will become that much harder this month.
Aquarius Season always brings your attention to matters of the home, family and the comfort of privacy. The focus starts to center on your sense of comfort, security, a feeling of safety and familiarity. With Saturn moving through this space, you will continue to be guided towards taking your homelife more seriously. This can look like confronting the responsibility that you do and do not have towards family, putting down solid roots and making this world your final home.
Mercury Rx will bounce back and forth between the themes of rootedness and connectivity. Take this month to reflect and re-examine your relationship to unwinding at the end of a day. Who do you want around? Where do you want to be? What kind of daily activity do you want to engage in and what does coming home after a long day of stimulation look like to you? Aquarius is a future – oriented sign, so this month is meant to help you brainstorm how you would like your life to be set up in the coming years.
Taurus will also be a heavy influence throughout this season. With the North Node and Uranus moving through this sign, there is opportunity here to break away from limiting definitions of your personality and the qualities that you have the right to develop in yourself. If your perception of yourself is limited to only a few characteristics, you will find out this month how much that lack of a well-rounded sense of self is to your detriment. Make an attempt to liberate yourself from a restrictive identity and choose to broaden the role that you play in your own life.
Aquarius season always brings the attention to living a creatively fulfilling life and making your ‘inner child’ wishes come true. This month will center around brainstorming ways to create a future where your life feels unmistakingly specific to you and your self-expression. With Saturn moving through here, you are taking your creative abilities more seriously. There is a feeling of time running out and having the need to work hard towards making moments count. Life is made up of mostly mundane, ordinary moments, which is healthy and significant. However, we can feel a sense of wasting our time, if we never take a chance on something thrilling, exciting and creatively fulfilling.
Mercury Rx will bounce back and forth between this theme of living life to the fullest that you realistically can and the theme of safety and security. Take this time to reflect and re-examine the connection between trusting that you have a safe place to lay your head at the end of the day and how that impacts your ability to prioritize exciting, fun, and engaging moments of life. If you have no sense of home and privacy, how can you venture out into the sun and fully expose your creative self?
Taurus will also be a heavy influence this month. With the North Node and Uranus traveling through this earth-bound sign, there will be an increased restlessness in regards to your sense of wealth. This can be financial wealth, but more importantly, emotional and psychological wealth. The ability to survive becomes greater when we have a reserve of resources to draw from. Resilience helps us move through complicated and nuanced situations. This month will push you towards needing to break-away something that has become too heavy and racking up your debt rather than replenishing your well.
Aquarius season always brings attention to the theme of productivity, stress management and physical health. The focus centers around your daily routine and if it is harmful or beneficial to your overall well-being. With Saturn moving through Aquarius, there is a need to take your daily routine more seriously. Work can be fulfilling but not at the expense of the basic maintenance your body needs to function. Saturn is trying to show you what you are realistically capable of accomplishing in a typical work day without depleting all of your productive energy in one go.
Mercury Rx will bounce back and forth between the theme of productive and also creative fulfillment. This can serve as a time of reflection and re-examination of how to make time for both work and play. Is there a creative project that needs some re-working before you actually get started? Do you have to organize your work space so that you can have a clear mind and open channel for ideas?
With the North Node and Uranus both moving through Taurus, there will also be a heavy emphasis in this area of life. For you, that will be a restless feeling beckoning you to experiment with experiences outside your normal daily routine that will activate your growth and further your credibility in the wider community. If you are feeling limited by your lack of experience or knowledge, this month will make that feeling even louder.
Aquarius season always brings attention to self-development. Working on strengthening parts of yourself you have not felt permitted to embody. A lot of times we need others to reflect back to us qualities within us that we do not usually allow ourselves to identify with. With Saturn moving through here, this month can call for you to take this theme more seriously. Work out a plan for how you are going to work towards a more completed version of yourself. If Saturn is creating challenges within your situationships, then it is probably an important clue for how you need to be managing your role in partnerships with more maturity. Work on establishing realistic expectations for yourself and others.
Mercury Rx will bounce back and forth between the themes of self-completion and self-maintenance. Reflect and re-examine your relationship to self-improvement. If you are not satisfied with the person that you currently are, why is that? Are you being too hard on yourself? Are you exhausting yourself to prove your usefulness and to prove your competence at the expense of your health? Do you feel like you are becoming a more well-rounded version of yourself and how much more is there to learn about yourself from others?
This month we will also see a heavy Taurus influence. With the North Node and Uranus in Taurus, you can be feeling more restless in regards to your professional life, reputation and sense of personal accomplishment. If you are feeling restricted by the professional presence you have built up so far, then that feeling will only get louder over the course of this season. There is a need to break-away from a title or status you have come to despise. Claiming a liberated approach to lifetime goals and achievements will be a big part of the next couple of weeks.
Aquarius season always brings attention to the complicated, time-consuming and heavy situations you are currently facing. This month can highlight themes of intimate exchanges with others, processing emotional/psychological burdens and handling any kinds of debt we may need to owe. With Saturn moving through here, there is a need to take your approach to these themes more seriously and maturely. Saturn requires sustained effort over a long period of time. Delayed gratification. And that can be a big part of this month. Try to brainstorm how you want your future to be lighter, less burdensome and more enriching than what you are experiencing right now.
Mercury Rx will bounce back and forth between the themes of purging heavy situations and working on self-completion. How are you draining yourself by holding on to rotten and moldy feelings or circumstances? Are you able to work on strengthening aspects of your identity if all of your time is consumed by a complicated, messy situation? Are you leaning on anyone who knows you better than you know yourself and can give you the support you need? Are you capable of being that person for yourself?
With the North Node and Uranus both in Taurus, this will be a very strong influence this month, as well. There may be a growing sense of restlessness in regards to a group of or community that you are involved with. If you are feeling like your aspirations for the future are being restricted by networking issues or society in general, that feeling will only be getting louder this season. Breaking away from a group mentality that once helped you feel accepted but now leaves you feeling limited will be an important part of the next several years.
Aquarius Season always brings attention towards areas of growth and gaining credibility through real-world application of knowledge. This can be a month that centers around expanding your level of experience in a certain area of interest. It is about growth and expansion of your worldviews and beliefs and life philosophy that carry you through your own storyline. With Saturn moving through here, there is a need to take your credibility more seriously. This doesn’t have to look like going back to school. It could look like dropping out. Most importantly, this month will be about brainstorming what a realistic future could look like where you are able to achieve attainable goals that allow you to broaden your level of experience and gain credibility at your own pace.
Mercury Rx will bounce back and forth between these themes of growth and release. Are you feeling weighed down by a complicated circumstance that is preventing you from moving on and moving up? Are you fearful of your own potential because of unaddressed fears and unprocessed pain? How can you craft an approachable plan to follow to relieve yourself of grief and debt so that you have more room to spread your wings and take flight?
With the North Node and Uranus in Taurus, this month will also be marked by this influence. There may be an increase in restlessness within your own mind. The need to break-away and liberate yourself from self-sabotaging patterns will only get louder this month. Maintaining mental health is an on-going process, but there are some ways we restrict and trap ourselves that we can work on completely cutting out of our system if we are willing to experiment with new approaches to the inner dialogue we have when the distractions of external stimuli aren’t there to protect us from ourselves.
Every year, Aquarius Season brings attention towards the area of worldly pressures, professional life, status and lifetime achievements. This month will center around how you are perceived through the lens of your known accomplishments both through your own eyes and others. With Saturn moving through here, there is a need to continue to take your sense of success more seriously. The next couple of weeks can serve as a brainstorming session for what attainable goals you would like to see yourself reach in the future. Saturn helps us see what is realistic and what goals are not even approachable at this point.
Mercury Rx will bounce back and forth between the themes of personal accomplishment and gaining credibility in an area of interest. Are you gaining real-world experience and applying your expertise in a useful and effective way? Are you going down a path you feel will lead to a personally fulfilling goal or is this whole journey resting on the approval and pressures of something outside of yourself?
The North Node and Uranus are both moving through Taurus, making this energy an equally important part of this month. There may be an increased restlessness with the role you have been playing for too long now. You may feel a strong desire to break away from an identity that limits your overall development. If you are feeling trapped by the perceptions that you and the people around you have come to know you by, then the need to experiment with different ways of presenting yourself will become stronger. You may want to challenge your basic behavior and try on new qualities for size.
Every year, Aquarius Season brings attention to the area of your contribution to the collective experience and the aspirations that you have for your future. This can be a month where the central focus is on your sense of progress. Not just the steady mountain that you may be climbing, but the larger sense of advancement in your life and the spread of your influence throughout the wider community. With Saturn moving through here, there is a need to take these themes very seriously. Getting clear on what attainable steps forward you can make to actualize that future where you are benefiting something larger than yourself and adding something to the collective experience.
Mercury Rx will bounce back and forth between these themes of contributions and personal sense of success. Are you working towards the kind of community involvement that actually means something to you? Are you pressuring yourself to accomplish way more than is necessary to do at this time? Are you giving up other parts of your life for the sake of your career goals?
With the North Node and Uranus in Taurus, this energy will be another strong influence over the course of the next few weeks. There will probably be an increased restlessness in regards to your ability to support yourself. If you feel limited by your income, self-worth issues and if it’s causing an exploitation of all of your time and energy, then this feeling will get even stronger and more agitating as the month progresses. There is a need to break free from trapping circumstances that are preventing you from affording your desired lifestyle.
Every year, Aquarius Season brings attention to the area of mental health, solitude and tuning out of world distractions. This month centers around your overall well-being and checking in with yourself, away from the input of any external influence. With Saturn moving through here, there is a need to take your mental health more seriously. Getting clear on attainable goals you can set for yourself when it comes to developing self-acceptance, self-understanding and self-forgiveness. These things take time and this month can help you brainstorm a future where you have found inner peace with everything that you have experienced.
Mercury Rx will bounce back and forth between these themes of self-acceptance and how that affects your ability to contribute something meaningful to society. Are you taking care of yourself mentally and emotionally? Are you still self-sabotaging yourself because of unprocessed guilt? Is there a way you can manage giving your best to the collective experience while also maintaining a healthy sense of separation between yourself and the rest of the world? Are you giving yourself time to breathe?
With the North Node and Uranus in Taurus, this month will also serve a heavy dose of this energy. There may be an increased restlessness within your daily activities. If you are feeling trapped by the demands of everyday errands and the pressure to stay connected and ‘online’, this feeling will just get stronger this month. Needing to break away from a certain level of nonsensical busyness and distraction will help you feel more experimental with the point of view you develop through processing the experiences of everyday life. Seeing reality from a completely different viewpoint is probable this month.