Venus/Uranus Conjunction: Week Twelve

JUNE 6TH – JUNE 12TH, 2022 

Mercury/Pluto Trine – All Week

  • I have noticed that transiting ‘trines’ can almost be more forceful than squares or oppositions when it comes to forcing change. Trines can create a seamless transfer from one planet to the other. 
  • In this case, Pluto is effortlessly revealing the truths that we need to hear, process and understand 
  • Pluto is unveiling to Mercury, information that is needed to actually transform our circumstances 
  • What I have learned about the word ‘transformation’ because it is used for pluto and scorpio themes quite heavily, is that to transform our current situation we need to be able to work with what we have, take it at face value and make it benefit us. 
  • Power and Transformation comes from knowing the full potential of a situation and trusting our ability to make things move the direction that we want them to go in
  • This week will help us see reality fully and not just what we wish it could be so that we can work with our current resources to make some changes.     

Venus/Uranus Conjunction – All Week

  • This could be amazing energy to work with if we are looking to break away from limiting interpersonal dynamics. 
  • This is a chance to almost revolutionize our relationship to our own self-worth and appreciation of our value. 
  • Uranus is a very independent planet and will be teaching us how to prioritize our happiness over general social approval. 
  • There could be a chance that Uranus forces a separation or disruption of sorts in our social life to present us with an opportunity to individuate and appreciate our time, energy and money in a different way. 
  • Something unexpected can completely change our financial situation as well 
  • We will have to approach ownership in a new way    

Mars/Chiron Conjunction – Weekend 

  • Chiron is here to help us heal our most sensitive and vulnerable wounds. So it is a beautiful process, but it does sting. 
  • When Mars meets up with this asteroid, be prepared to dip into some territory that may be triggering. Again, Chiron’s main objective is to help us strengthen that sensitivity, not overcome it or get rid of it, but honor it. 
  • Mars/Chiron themes may include, dealing with moments where we did not stick up for ourselves, where we gave up on ourselves, where we lost steam and lost confidence. 
  • Moments where our boundaries were crossed and we feel like we failed at defending ourselves. 
  • This transit may bring on these sensitive topics but it is designed to help us forgive ourselves and if possible, others, and show kindness and understanding.
  • Allow for anger without acting irresponsibly on that anger.    
lady bitterness

delightfully cynical astrologer

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