Lunar eclipse in scorpio 2022/week eight

May 9th – May 15th, 2022

Weekly Events 

Mercury Retrograde in Gemini – May 10th – June 3rd 

  • mercury will start in gemini and move back into taurus for about 2 weeks

  • review and reflect on our options

  • reflecting on choices and decisions that need to be made 

  • re-examining information, conversations that we have recently had 

  • going over paperwork before making it official

  • simplifying our daily activity so that we can better handle the workload

  • how can we tighten up our priorities so that we are not spreading ourselves too thin and therefore diminishing our ability to appreciate the resources we have been able to accumulate 

  • searching for clarifying information       

Jupiter in Aries – May 10th – October 27th 

  • trusting our instincts 

  • exploring self-respect and what that means to us 

  • growing through experiences that we give ourselves permission to have 

  • growing through independent action

  • growth through standing up for ourselves appropriately 

  • Aries is about the individual will to satisfy one’s own desires

  • expanding our understanding by jumping into brand new territory 

  • growth through exploring healthy ways of expressing anger and defending ourselves 

  • experiences that force us to take up space and appropriately demand respectful treatment 

  • we may be dropped into situations that call for us to ‘go at it alone’ 

  • this is far from sideline energy, this is frontline energy 

  • exploring our rights as individuals 

  • increased tension due to everyone trying to take up the amount of space they think they deserve 

  • learning by doing

Sun/North Node in Taurus – May 12th/13th   

  • our attention is going to be pulled towards this area of our chart

  • this is where we are being pulled to develop our character whether we like it or not 

Venus/Chiron in Aries – May 14th/15th

  • addressing wounds around self-worth, beauty, attraction, finances, likability

  • addressing wounds around lack of self-respect and how we have allowed others to walk all over us

  • renewing our relationship to self-respect even if we have given up on ourselves in the past  

  • addressing wounds around taking up space and deserving the right to exist and live a satisfying life

Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio on Sunday the 15th

  • releasing dead weight of old pain 

  • not allowing ourselves to re-enact painful experiences anymore 

  • recognizing that purging the pain helps us regenerate and build a version of ourselves that lives past that original source of hurt

  • not allowing past hurt to corrupt the present moment

  • acknowledging the difference between then and now

  • understanding your needs, fears, desires and intentions separately from your entanglements with others

  • being able to separate your actual thoughts and feelings from the judgements you have absorbed from others

  • negative self-talk represents the cruelest judgements other people have made that we have locked onto and repeated to ourselves long after they were originally said  

  • consider how other people are not God and their judgements, though having some truth to them, can never be absolute truths because human beings are not all-knowing 

  • making a space to process your complicated emotions without the input of others and without the impulse to take it out on others

  • giving yourself the permission to process uncomfortable emotions in private

  • realizing that we don’t have to imprison ourselves in shame that has nothing to do with the person we have become  

  • recognize where past injuries no longer apply to the person that you are and the life that you have built 

  • focus on what we want to build as we move into the future

  • finding a way to repurpose our discomfort

lady bitterness

delightfully cynical astrologer

Gemini season 2022/week nine

May 16th – May 22nd, 2022 Weekly Events  Mars/Neptune in Pisces be wary of aggression and anger becoming overwhelming and extreme  Neptune is the ultimate

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