Solar Eclipse In Taurus 2022/Week Six

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TAURUS SEASON WEEK TWO: April 25th – May 1st, 2022 

Lunar Phase

Solar Eclipse in Taurus 

  • brand new beginnings that will last several years

  • this is the starting point of big life decisions and changes

  • there may not be any crazy event happening on this day or even this year

  • new moons and solar eclipses are the point of conception 

  • it’s the seed being planted and we won’t know what it will grow into until time has passed

  • self-sufficiency – the start of not being able to rely on globalism in the same way, scarcity that forces us into self-sufficiency  

  • managing our own resources

  • tending our own garden 

  • not exploiting our own value 

  • knowing our personal limits and not depleting ourselves for others  

  • the north node is a forward moving energy – it is pulling on us to move somewhere ahead of where we are now 

  • shake ups and new beginnings tied to our sense of security 

  • quality over quantity – where in your life does that apply to you

  • valuing the physical environment we exist in more 

  • let life happen rather than try to take control of this transit 

Weekly Events

Pisces/Taurus Sextile 

  • finding a quiet place within, away from the noise and distraction of the world and other people 

  • tuning out harmful stimulus 

  • slowing down and behaving as if time was infinite 

  • not rushing ourselves or others

  • investing in something for no reason other than it brings you value personally 

  • there may not be a logical or efficient reason to spend your time a certain way but do it anyway 

  • let time move slowly or even pause 

  • connecting to our physical bodies in a comforting, sensual way 

Mercury Enters Shadow – April 25th, 2022

  • mercury will revisit these themes later on in May 

  • it will go over these degrees 3 times 

  • pay attention to what is going on right now bc we will be revisiting this area 

Venus/Jupiter/Neptune Conjunction – April 26th – April 30th, 2022

  • gifts from the divine 

  • fated connections with people 

  • a feeling of beauty and serenity 

  • growth and expansion of happiness, pleasure and valuable resource 

  • find value in rest, solitude

  • find beauty in silence 

  • find beauty in spirituality and faith 

  • find value in trusting intuition

  • noticing beauty as everything becomes more crazy and confusing 

  • being aware of uncertainty and confusion and finding the beauty in spite of that

  • finding value in quiet, undisturbed moments  

  • there is a growing sense of uncertainty and delusion, mystery and cover-ups 

  • an overwhelming sense of open-ended chaos 

  • there is not destination or finish line 

  • we don’t know when the skies will clear again so we have to hold onto beauty and happiness inside us and trust that it will return 

  • bask in the unexplainable, soak it in 

  • make space for fluidity and remove all rigidity or else you may not make it through this period 

  • some of our values, resources will be restored and some will dissolve altogether      

Mercury in Gemini – April 29th, 2022  

  • buzzing and many distractions re-enter our lives 

  • gemini is invested in collecting facts and knowing as much as they can 

  • wanting to learn new information, share our findings 

  • we will enter a retrograde here on May 10th, 2022

  • wanting to search for new data and key back into the buzz around us 

Pluto Retrograde – April 29th, 2022 – October 8th, 2022 

  • retrogrades are times of review and reflection 

  • pluto retrograde is a time of reflecting on power struggles, emotional turmoil and allowing the harsh truths that have come to the surface to have time to sink in 

  • we can use this time to work through pain internally 

  • it’s not guaranteed that the power struggles will stop but there will be more room to let things settle and deal with issues more internally

  • we may have some time to grieve, heal and strengthen our resolve by facing the truth and developing a stronger trust in our own fortitude 

lady bitterness

delightfully cynical astrologer

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