Lunar eclipse in Taurus 2021: horoscopes for all 12 signs


november 19th, 2021 12:57:28 am PST 

collective message: “Age is not ‘lost youth’ but a new stage of opportunity and strength” (Betty Friedan) 

The new beginning should imply a more mature response to the new possibility of experience.” (anonymous) 


I will give you the short and simple astrological interpretation of a lunar eclipse. Mainly it is a very strong full moon that illuminates important messages that will affect the course of our lives in influential ways. It causes a significant event, change of perspective or shift in our circumstances that causes tangible movement in our lives. 

As we complete our nearly year and half with the gemini/sagittarius eclipse seasons, we now get a sneak peak at the next year of taurus/scorpio eclipses. Wherever this pair of signs falls in your natal chart is where you will feel the full effect of their energies. We will face some significant life events as we experience each of these eclipses. The first one being this partial lunar eclipse on November 19th, 2021.    


In my opinion, this eclipse seems to be bringing us expansive opportunities to break down unhealthy boundaries or build up healthier boundaries. The Taurus/Scorpio Eclipses are going to help us establish a stronger inner resolve and a more stable sense of self-worth. Enforcing healthy boundaries can cause some of the most difficult conflicts to manage between ourselves and family, work environments or any of our relationships. And yet, we have to learn how to work through these battles so that we do not continue to exploit our resources for the convenience of others. 

Taurus and Scorpio are both receptive, fixed signs. They are concerned with developing an inner security. They are concerned with consistently tending to our individual physical and emotional needs despite what external pressures we come across. They do not fret if the popular kids don’t like them or if their friends do not understand their needs. Taurus and Scoprio can deal with the ‘unfollows’ as long as they can maintain their integrity and get their own needs met. They develop a secure understanding of just how much time, energy and resources they have to give and what it is worth. Taurus and Scorpio do not allow themselves to be taken advantage of or violated. If they do find themselves in a situation where they are being exploited, they rely on their inner sense of control and self-defined value to brace the environmental impact. This is what we are learning throughout 2022. 

Now, on November 19th, Jupiter in Aquarius will be squaring this eclipse. Whereas the Taurus/Scorpio polarity is focused on internal depth, Aquarius is very much concerned with social responsibility, influence over the masses and actualizing our highest aspirations. This is a clear deterrent from the objectives of the eclipses. The best way to prepare for this, is to welcome the wisdom that can be gained from this push towards getting involved with the wider community while also maintaining strong, healthy boundaries. We will need to develop the ability to take care of ourselves so that we can take care of our community. 

We are already seeing many protests surfacing across industries in the USA. Whether it be the film industry, customer service, union workers, environmentalists, indigenous groups and more, these voices are increasing their volume, shouting for their boundaries to be respected and for their resources to no longer be abused for profit that they never get to see. 

This eclipse will mark a point of what I think may turn out to be a series of events where power is overturned throughout the next decade. This is just the beginning. Uranus and Pluto are both heavily involved in this lunar eclipse, meaning that both themes of disruption, liberation from restraint (Uranus) and exposure, unearthing dark truths, destruction and renewal (Pluto) will be integral to the shake-ups and changes taking place. 

With all of this upheaval and turnover, it is important to remain kind and open to the nuance laced in each of our experiences. If we get too stuck on morality and labeling people good or bad, we will lose our ability to make real change. We need to understand what is going on underneath the surface just as much as we need to pay attention to the impact of our actions on society. Those are the main themes of this lunar eclipse. Get ready for 2022. 



Reading your sun sign may resonate more and show how your sense of self is being affected. 

Reading your rising sign, however, will give you a more objective message and tell you what you need to be aware of even it does not immediately resonate. 

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