Virgo Season 2021: Forecast for All 12 signs

virgo season 2021

august 22nd 2:51:05 pm pdt – september 21st 

Feel free to read this week by week or all at once. Forecasts for each sign are at the bottom of this page. Thanks for reading! 

collective message: 

week 1: august 22nd – august 29th (humbling mental clarity) 

The morning of the sun’s ingress into Virgo, we actually have our second full moon in Aquarius to round out the very last second of Leo season and help us learn some important life lessons. I went more in depth on this lunar phase in another article if you would like to go read that first. Having this full moon bring in the new season allows us to feel like we are closing up shop in the past several months of 2021. We have made great strides in growth and maturity and now it is time to transition into Autumn. In comes Virgo Season; the last month of summer.   

On Monday, Venus makes a trine to Saturn. Our ability to prioritize our own happiness is becoming more mature. Instead of forcing ourselves to like something because it is popular to like it or on the other hand, forcing ourselves to hate something because it is popular to hate, we are becoming more capable of distinguishing our real interests aside from what is collectively acceptable. Our social circles are getting smaller and it’s for our benefit.

This is followed by a Mercury/Neptune opposition on Tuesday. Neptune rules over an unattainable, other worldly kind of perfection. Often, we can be the hardest on ourselves when we believe that we need to harness this ethereal kind of perfection in our work, character or creativity. With Neptune currently retrograde, this opposition is going to make very apparent our inability to actualize the unrealistic ideals we have had for our lives. To our own detriment, we can expect godly flawlessness and self-punish when it turns out we are just human. We are going to run into some disappointments this week unless we are able to meet ourselves where we are at. 

Mid-week we have some challenging aspects. Mercury trines Pluto meaning we are learning how to redirect our darker thoughts into something more useful than brooding. Darker information will continue to reveal itself both globally and personally. The trine suggests that by facing these facts, even if painful and complicated, we will be better for it. At least, we will be more informed. Then we have Venus opposite Chiron. This looks like coming to terms with how we have been hurting ourselves. Realizing how we have been making ourselves unhappy and why. We are learning how we have allowed people to treat us poorly because of our own self-hatred. 

To finish out the first week we will have the Sun square the nodes and Mercury enters Libra. The sun square the nodes points the spotlight onto the information we have been learning and processing and what questions we still have. What flaws and problems do we still see in our own mindsets but also the information we are being fed through our relationships and media. Who is right and who is wrong? The aspect shows that we may get a clearer perspective on what ideas, mentalities and solutions still need work and where we need to go back to the drawing board. 

Mercury enters Libra towards the end of the day on Sunday. Mercury will stay here until early November because it is going to retrograde in this sign. It looks like we will have ample opportunity to find some common ground with concepts that we disagree with. Libra’s goal is to get along and find a common principle that conflicting sides can agree on. Libra wants togetherness and avoids separation. It does this by being willing to listen to the opposing side. So, over the next couple of months, we will be working out the tension and indecisiveness of our own minds as well as any conflict we are facing within our social interactions. This is not to say that anything will be solved, but that we will make an attempt.                 

week 2: august 30th – september 5th ( learning to accept the ugly parts of human nature ) 

The next week starts off with some pleasurable energy. Venus conjuncts Vesta around September 2nd in Libra. To me, this looks like a renewal of love and adoration of an interest, relationship or feeling of happiness that we may have lost for some time. We may feel freshly devoted to something that brings us happiness. It also can play out as a renewal of prioritizing justice and standing up for rights that have been unjustifiably disrespected. We can feel more strongly about what kind of appreciation is necessary to acknowledge the value of something that has been corrupted. 

On the same day, we have mars opposition neptune. After our realizations of last week, this is calling for some kind of action being taken to fight against judgmental perfectionism. Some of us will fight even harder to reach for these unattainable and delusional ideals of purity. Think spiritual and religious fanaticism. Even with the best intentions, if the goal is centered on some kind of purity, then it is a dangerous goal to have. 

Mercury trine to the north node shows an increase in information. Not necessarily facts, but certainly more perspectives to digest and consider. We could also see an increase of questions. With Mercury contacting Saturn as well, we are going to be having serious conversations around compromise and conflict resolution. How are we going to settle this argument? Let’s work on a plan and legitimize our position on the topic and where we stand.  

On Sunday, we have both Venus and Mars contacting Pluto. This looks like a profound push toward improvement, getting healthier, but also uncovering an ugly problem. This looks angry. This looks dark. It looks threatening. Be ready to face certain fears, heavy or purely psychological. This is about finding the resources and emotional reserves within to overcome difficult and complicated experiences and emotions. Venus makes a trine to Jupiter so hope is still alive. This shows that all of this turmoil is a learning experience and that eventually something substantial will come from it.  

week 3: september 6th – september 12th ( getting to the other side of complicated situations and emotions)

We start off this week with a sun/uranus trine. This is practical, concrete change. This is freeing ourselves from limiting circumstances. This looks like finally believing we have what it takes to implement the changes in our lifestyle that more accurately align with our identity. On Monday, we also have the new moon in Virgo. This is a transition into six months of improving our health, productivity and stress management. Six months of cleansing, purifying and cleaning out our systems.  

The next day we have Mercury opposite chiron. Painful news. Hurtful news. Vulnerable conversations. We can come to the realization of how our own mindsets and the information we have been processing has been hurting us the whole time and recognizing that we have to stop being so harsh on ourselves. We have to stop bullying ourselves because it greenlights others to treat us even worse. .  

On Friday, Venus enters Scorpio. The way we have been developing our relationships and social contacts is deepening and becoming more enriching. Venus will be here until October 7th. We are going to want to be truly seen in our raw form. We are going to find out what flaws we have that friends and partners can stand and what flaws make us unbearable. With Venus here, we are also going to learn what parts of our life are insufferable and what parts of our life make us feel deeply passionate.    

week 4: september 13th – september 19th (20th & 21st) ( perfectionism will tear us apart )  

Right off the bat, the Sun opposes Neptune on Monday. This is where we overcome that pressure we are putting on ourselves to be without flaw. We can use this energy to find confidence in being ordinary. Find engagement with the mundane and find strength in the little things. If you spend all of your time dreaming about how things could be, you are going to get stuck in perpetual disappointment.  

On Tuesday, Mars will enter Libra. We become motivated to relieve tension and resolve conflict but that does not mean we aren’t willing to get into some arguments. We want so badly for the problem to be solved. For justice to be served. For our side to be heard and respected by those that oppose us. Mars will be in this energy until the end of October. Use this energy to actively find a fair compromise and stick up for a sense of equilibrium. 

Mid – week we will face the Sun trine Pluto and Venus square Saturn. On Thursday, we can find strength in the face of our fears and anxieties. Human nature can be dark sometimes but it is in our jurisdiction to take that urge to destroy and instead, regenerate, repurpose and revive. On Friday we will experience Venus squaring Saturn. This is a difficult self-worth challenge. It makes it difficult to find happiness, difficult to feel good and to find beauty in life. This looks like more social rejection and denial of being part of certain communities and groups. It feels like a loss of respect by people we associate with.  Either we no longer like the people we are around or they don’t like us. It is important to reframe this rejection or denial as a clear message that these are not the people that will be healthy to associate with for the long-term as they will not have our backs when it really counts. 

The end of Virgo Season seems to end on a hopeful note. We have a full moon in pisces and a mercury trine jupiter. There is a feeling of healthy acceptance in these astrological events. A feeling of accepting that things are up in the air right now so we have to make the most of the little moments that we can control in our personal lives. And that leads us out of Virgo season 2021.


This is a month that is focusing heavily on the lifestyle that you are currently living and the role that you are playing day to day. What face are you ‘putting on’ to interact with your environment and get through the day? Is it honest? Are you exhausted from playing this character? With Neptune floating through your 7th house, there can be a feeling that the strength of our close friendships and relationships is not always in our control. Sometimes people come and go. So, this month is more of an opportunity to make small improvements to your own sense of self and accept the person that you are right now and let go of the ideal image you may have of yourself in your mind. 

This month will also bring up topics of what you are doing with your time. Are you making the most of your life? Fears around wasting time and wasting potential can stur you into unloading immense creativity and jumping into spontaneous thrills. Looking into the hurt inner child, disappointed by a childhood that may have not lived up to what you would have wanted, will lead you to understanding more deeply what personality you want to portray so that you actually feel seen moving forward. 

Finally, this month will open up private wounds that may be very painful to deal with since you have locked them up in your psyche for so long. With Venus present, this is a chance to go easier on yourself and figure out how to build on top of happiness in the moment. Use this energy to rely on yourself to make happiness happen and repurpose that pain. You can feel good about the work that you are capable of doing if you put in the time and effort. 


This month is going to focus on the value of your time, money, energy and other resources you rely on to maintain your lifestyle. The Virgo energy can best be used to take a closer look and organize your daily schedule around how much you have to offer. How much energy do you have to give to work, family, etc without making yourself unhealthy? Do you have enough time for your main priorities? With Neptune strolling through your eighth house and opposing this energy, there can be a need to accept that you are not always in charge of your healing journey. It is what it is: ongoing and endless. Use this month to make small adjustments that help you build your self-worth and let go of needing to get better and never feel pain again.  

Having said that, this month will also focus on fears regarding your daily routine and health. Is the amount you are working damaging or giving you a reason to live? Are you deeply invested in what you work on day to day or is it draining you in harmful ways? You tend to take your work and your technique very seriously and this month is focusing on taking your method to the next level, really refining it and producing something substantial with your time. 

The last part of this month I want to bring up will be the emphasis on finding small forms of media, movies, books or shows that make you genuinely happy as you deal with some unhealed wounds around finding a greater purpose for your life. With Venus present, use this energy to feel good about the life that is right in front of you and go easier on yourself if you feel like the adventures that were promised to give you a sense of purpose (college, a worldly trip, a missions trip) did not turn out to be very fulfilling or were maybe even embarrassing. You can feel good about your daily engagement as long as you put in effort to spend time with friends and partners who really get you. 

Virgo season can bring into focus the information that you are absorbing and taking in day to day and how that affects your perspective and point of view. This is a chance to really refine your take on topical events. What media are you taking in? What are you currently learning about? How can you improve the way you communicate your thoughts and opinions? With Neptune traveling through your ninth house in opposition to this energy, we are looking at accepting that the purpose of our life may not ever be in our own hands. We should pay attention to the content we take in and the content we put out to continue to make progress and feel engaged even if we don’t know where it is leading towards. 

Another energy playing out this season will shine a light on the fears we still have about our connection to the other side of ourselves and how much we depend on friends and partners to symbolize the qualities we lack. Any intense involvement with these connections may end in a purge of the unhealthy ways you relate to your friends and partners. The constant power struggles you may play or have played throughout your life may finally get repurposed and you will integrate the qualities that you need to to complete your own identity. 

One last area of focus for this Virgo Season will help you appreciate the comfort of your private life, at home and away from the noise. Insecurities around your current level of success or lack thereof can be really draining to harp on. Not meeting expectations can feel like complete and utter lack of value. However, with Venus present you can find happiness in your comfort place. The place you go to find relief from the pressures of life. When you give yourself time to rest and rejuvenate you have more resources to work with and get back into it.  

Virgo season can be a time that allows you to focus on the foundation of your life. Your homelife and private life come into the spotlight for this next month. We can use this energy as a way to declutter and organize your space, clear things out so you can feel like there is a space to come to when the rest of the world gets overwhelming. With Neptune traveling through our tenth house, our level of achievement may feel like it is out of our hands. This month is going to allow us to have more acceptance of our current status. We can work on seeing the meaning behind the successes and failures we have had. 

We are also going to be addressing fears around the baggage that we are carrying and how it is weighing us down. Emotional baggage, financial debt. Whatever it is, Virgo Season will make it impossible to keep avoiding. We are going to have to mark out time to be alone and deal with the complicated and painful reality we have been putting off.

There can be some insecurities that come up around our highest aspirations and if we are reaching for them or not. Maybe we thought we were included in a community that now we feel has left us out. With Venus present, there is a need to appreciate your interests and how much it means to be able to engage in activities and relationships that bring you real joy. Go easier on yourself and feel good about the talents that you do have even if you aren’t yet doing something impressive with them. 

Virgo season will bring into focus what you are doing to fully enjoy your time. Are you making the most of your life and engaging in what brings you true joy? This is a time of year that brings up issues around our inner child and what we can do to refill that cup. With Neptune transiting our eleventh house, it is not necessarily in our hands to actualize our highest aspirations and make an impressive splash in the wider community. Right now it is in our best interest to organize the free time we do have and engage with activities and relationships that are fulfilling and give us that spark back. 

This energy will bring up more daunting fears around the purpose of your life, why are you here and where the hell are you going? It can feel like the path that you thought you should take may have been more haunting than enlightening or maybe a little of both. Regardless, you won’t be able to hide from these fears during this season and you will have to confront feelings of directionlessness, lack of guidance and distrust of a current belief system.  

The last part of this Virgo Season will shine a light on some insecurities you may be feeling just around life in general and the mental instability you feel if you let your mind wander too much. With Venus present, we can balance this energy by appreciating the parts of your daily routine that are nice. Pay attention to what pleasant things you see on your way to work, the coworkers that you get along with the most and any project that you are enjoying working on. Locating inner peace may be a challenge at the most, so try to keep yourself busy with activities that make you feel at ease.  

Virgo Season is going to light up the area of life around productivity, physical health and stress management. We can use this time to organize our daily schedule to meet our needs and cut down on burnout, if possible. With Neptune traveling through your twelfth house, it can feel like finding inner peace is out of your hands. This month calls for us to have more patience and overall acceptance of the little things we can do to help us manage our workload and how those small adjustments can help us find an inner sense of ease. 

This month will bring into question some unresolved fears around our sense of accomplishment. Are you working towards something substantial? Are you working towards something that feels fulfilling and meets your expectations? It will be harder this season to hide from troubling fears that you may not be living up to what you want to. It can also take addressing these anxieties to see that you are capable of even more than you are giving yourself credit for. 

The last energy that will play out over the course of this month will address the insecurities and honestly vulnerability you may be feeling right now about your identity and the role you are playing in your own life. The personality you ‘put on’ to get through daily interactions may be feeling less and less like someone you can be proud of being. With Venus present, you can learn to appreciate the qualities in your friends and partners that you may be feeling that you lack. It is a good time to start seeing these attractive characteristics in yourself and own them just as much as other people seem to do. Go easier on yourself and accept that everything is a process.  

Virgo season will bring a centered feeling to your year. This energy is usually projected onto your close friends and partners to help you feel more completed in your identity. However, this month is best used to integrate these energies into your own self-concept by learning to accept that you cannot always control where life takes you, but you can make small adjustments to get to know yourself more and more. Use this month as a way to work on the aspects of yourself that feel underdeveloped. With Neptune in your first house, it does not serve you to force yourself into situations. Let your life carry you. Having said that, this can also be a time where you need to be a good friend to someone else who is going through something hard. 

Speaking of becoming a more complete person, this month will make it difficult to hide from long held fears around actualizing your highest aspirations and the potential of facing rejection from peers, community or society in general. You’ll have to face these inner demons surrounding your place in the wider world and what you fear might not manifest in your future.   

Finally, virgo season will draw attention to insecurities you may feel around self-worth in general. Do you have what it takes to support your way of life? Are you valuable? With venus present, it’s a chance to go easier on yourself and rely on your reserve of emotional strength earned over time. Intimate partners can help you see your own value. And, if you are single or not into romance, then this is a time to deeply invest your time into something that brings you happiness to counteract the vulnerability you may be feeling.  

This Virgo season is going to have a focus on developing emotional resilience in the face of complicated and intense circumstances. The spotlight will be on the heaviness of emotional baggage, financial debt or anything else that requires a good chunk of your energy, time and money. With Neptune in our second house, it can feel like we have to wait for fated moments to feel like we have enough energy, time and money to deal with life. Earning a sense of value can feel out of our control and this month is focusing on how we can make tiny adjustments to heal and move through draining circumstances in a healthy way.

This month will also bring a focus on inner fears and anxieties that can be springboards for existential dread. There is a fear you may have had for years that you are missing something out of life. That inner sense of peace has been marked with an intense distrust of yourself when the noise of the outside world stops and you just have yourself to deal with. This will be a month where you have to confront those uncomfortable feelings.  

The last important energy I want to discuss for this virgo season will be addressing insecurities that you may still have around your skill sets, your point of view and even your early education. Human vulnerability could have played out as making you feel unworthy of communicating your perspective and sharing your knowledge for fear of being embarrassed by maybe not having anything important to say. With Venus present and opposing this energy, we can lean into being open to discovering new experiences that make us happy. Maybe there is something ‘out there’ that can rejuvenate us and make us happy again. We can at least try. 

This Virgo Season will bring into focus what path you are on or if there even is one that seems fulfilling enough. With Neptune in your third house, it can feel that what happens on a day to day basis is out of your control and you just have to go through the motions. It can feel like you have to absorb every mental stimulus that surrounds you which can cause you to need to check out and be in your head. This month will focus on making tiny adjustments to the way you think about the direction your life is taking. Doing something outside of the daily grind will be healthy for you this season and it will get you out of your head. 

This month will also make it harder to hide away from the fears you have of yourself and the ‘role’ you are playing. The behaviors that you are ‘putting on’ in social situations may feel like a ticking time bomb. The intensity you feel is bubbling inside may cause you to be afraid of yourself and scared you may let the demon out of its cage or that maybe you already have and you don’t know how to handle the backlash. Either way , this month has you confronting those difficult feelings head first. 

The final energy I want to bring to your attention this month is one surrounding your insecurities around mistakes your past self has made. You may be feeling vulnerable to embarrassment of past mistakes that don’t even make sense to you as the person you are right now.  With Venus present, this month can allow you the time to find happiness in the goals you are accomplishing  and the success you are having now as a more mature person.

Virgo Season will be a substantial month for Sagittarius. We are dealing with topics of accomplishments and failure and how far you have grown over this year. It is important to see where you can make small adjustments to allow yourself the acknowledgment of your maturity and the growth you have earned lately. With Neptune in your fourth house, it can seem like your personal history is a vast and endless sea of memories that all blur into one sometimes. Use this season as a way of keeping track of each step you are taking upwards and paying attention to the small obstacles you are overcoming on a day to day basis. 

This month will also address deep rooted fears around self- worth and value. There may be this intense fear lurking beneath everything you are doing, making you feel like there is an urgent need to either hoard all of your resources, time and energy or that you may never have enough of what you need so you have to keep proving your value over and over again. This season will push you to confront fears of losing everything you have worked for. Not to say that the worst will happen but just that the anxiety will be present. 

Finally, the last energy I find important to mention this month concerns insecurities or wounds you still carry within your inner child. We can all be disappointed in our childhoods or maybe we are unfilled by our adult lives and reminiscing on simpler times. Either way, with Venus opposing this energy, we have the chance to find happiness in the communities we are a part of. Whether that be a church group, an online community or our group of friends, spending time with people who share our aspirations and dreams for the future can be healing.

This Virgo Season will bring your attention to your future and the network of people you will collaborate with on your way there. This is about making small adjustments as you make your way towards your highest aspirations, however long it takes. With Neptune in your fifth house, it can feel like your creativity flows on its own time and you cannot always control access to your own enthusiasm. The fun finds you, not the other way around. So, this month is about making the most out of the little ways you can make progress towards a long-term plan.

This virgo season will force you to address some deep – rooted fears around your own ability to communicate your point of view. Do you even have something to say? If you don’t speak your mind will you forever regret it? Have you put something honest out into the world and received harsh backlash for it? This month will have you confronting the fear of not being heard or having your words misunderstood and villainized. 

Finally, we can expect to have to handle some insecurities around our stress management. The hours we put into work each day can still have you feeling that you don’t do enough or that there is still so much to do. With Venus present, we can take this month to try and go easier on ourselves at work. Take some time to find inner peace in solitude so you can better manage the stress of the day to day.   

This Virgo season centers on taking small steps to improve your mental health and inner sense of peace. With Neptune in your sixth house, there can be a feeling of having to meet an unattainable amount of workload and level of self-improvement. This month is about shaving off some of that idealism and being happy to make small adjustments to your mentality so that you can find peace in your own mind. 

This month will also make it much harder to avoid or hide from deep-rooted fears that will surface about your personal history. Your past self and the memories that build your foundation might bring on a form of panic either from painful experiences or tremendously important ones. This season will force you to confront these fears and move through them. 

Finally, this month shines a light on some insecurities we have around the parts of our identity that we feel are underdeveloped because we deny ourselves certain qualities or we pretend we do not have them. Your friends and partners can say or do something that hits where it hurts whether on purpose or not. With Venus present, you need to go easier on yourself and find things about yourself that you do like. Lean into that so you can ease off of feeling embarrassed by all of the qualities you are lacking or not very good at displaying.

lady bitterness

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