New Moon In Leo 2021: All 12 Signs

new moon in leo 

august 8th, 2021

6:50 am PDT 

collective message:

“We do not exist for ourselves” (Thomas Merton) 

There is not a single person on this earth who owns experience. Every living being is granted the ability to exist. To know what it is like to be alive. No one person owns the act of living itself. It is the property of us all. The act of creation. The experience of art. These are parts of the human experience that cannot be owned by one person or a group. They are for everyone. And it is not possible to take them away. As long as someone is alive, they own their experience of that life. Of that time. And of that space. 

We do not exist for ourselves, as the quote above suggests. We exist. The development of our character is completely dependent on what our environment provides. We are a product of what we are exposed to from our surroundings. We embody our environment. We embody our memories. It isn’t about deserving or proving our value. It isn’t about a good time. When we value life, we value ourselves automatically. When we value death, we value time and we allow moments to mean something again. 

This new moon gives us the opportunity to start engaging with time and space through our bodies rather than our intellect. We are experiencing life for its own sake not to prove a point.  Right now, everyone wants to be the smartest person in the room, looking down on all the foolish people who can’t see the truth. In reality, those people we are looking down at, are experiencing the truth. They are engaging with the time that they have left and the space that they take up. They are living out their story. Meanwhile, perched up on an isolated balcony, we are separated from truth. We are basing our experience on categories and labels and justifications. We aren’t connected to time or the space we are taking up. We are barely experiencing our environment because we are so busy trying to define it, explain it and observe it. We are distancing ourselves from sensation while everyone else who, granted, may not be thinking all of their actions through, they are fully engaging with the world. They are being a part of the story instead of pretending to narrate something no one will ever hear.

This new moon marks the beginning of a 6 month period where we can allow ourselves to learn how to be a character in a full, morally complex story. It isn’t about being the hero or the omnipresent narrator. It is about moving through the story arc and interacting with the other characters with a sense of honesty and integrity based on your nuanced experiences, not necessarily a moral stance on right and wrong. Knowing the limitations of our environment and what we are capable of being within those limitations. Knowing how to manage our personality when in public. Knowing how to shine a spotlight on our favorite qualities and knowing how to regulate our flaws. Allowing our personal experiences to speak for themselves. We are what we have allowed ourselves to be. 


This is an important new moon for Leos. We are moving into territory where the life choices you are making now will set a new tone of how people will be allowed to treat you. Your understanding of self on a personal and professional level has been shifting all year and this new moon solidifies that opening to introduce the person that you have always dimmed for the convenience of others. For the next 6-months, practice supporting yourself on your own terms.  

This new moon in leo is an open opportunity to rely on your character to support your life decisions. The future you are aspiring to is making a substantial shift and you will have to be solid in self-worth and sense of character in order to move forward while the ground shakes underneath you. 

This new moon in leo is an opening for you to become more engaged in your everyday activities. What you have to communicate is important. What you are actively learning and the media you are actively taking in will have a big impact on your sense of personal character for the next six months. Make sure that when you share your thoughts and knowledge out loud, that you are doing so for you and not to appear a certain way.     

This new moon in leo asks you to take your roots more seriously. Who you are in private is the strongest source you have to know for certain the quality of your character. The distractions of our reputations can cloud the person that we know we embody at our core. This new moon opens you back up to the root of your experience, whether that be family, childhood conditioning or any part of your personal history. Remember all the parts of your story that have formed your essence.  

This new moon in leo introduces a new six month period that will help you recall what makes you feel engaged in life. What makes you feel joy and excitement? This lunar phase wants you to engage in life in a way that makes you proud. Hobbies, romance or spending time with the people that you always have fun with. These things are important to prioritize, especially now. 

This new moon in leo introduces a new six month period that will help you feel proud of your skill sets and how you utilize them in your daily work. The amount of maintenance it takes to stay on top of what life demands of is only doable if you can enjoy the work you are putting in. Your strength of character and knowing what you bring to the table will only be getting stronger after this new moon.  

This new moon in Leo introduces a new six month period that will help you feel proud of yourself as a full, contradicting, hypocritical, complex, complete human being. Your sense of character is starting to come from a place of real self-acceptance and knowing how far along you are in your own storyline. Hint: it is never the final chapter. This lunar phase is allowing you to release yourself from the ill-defined identity imposed upon you by others. You get to choose who you are, now.  

This new moon in Leo introduces a new six month period that will give you more room to invest your time, energy and money into something that is worth that intense level of involvement. Life becomes enriching when you combine your resources with the resources of something outside of yourself and that generates something more special than what your resources could provide on their own. You can combine energies with another person, a business, a therapist or any activity that requires you to give all of yourself in hopes that you gain something valuable from that investment. This new moon opens that kind of experience up to you.   

This new moon in Leo is opening up room for you to broaden your sense of reality. The world will always be filled with more experiences than you will be able to have in one lifetime. But, we all get to push our own boundaries from time to time. This is your time to expand upon your ordinary routine. What can you add to your experience that draws you back into the many possibilities and opportunities to grow that life offers? 

For the next six months, you will have the room to become more aware of your sense of character and how you are going to manage your image and your role in society as an adult. How are you going to conduct your behavior on a public platform in a way that makes you proud of your character? At this point, we are all on display. Even if you don’t engage with social media, there’s still people who are online that will talk about you anyway. How do you want to manage your reputation with a sense of respect for yourself and your character?  

This new moon is opening up more possibilities to cover more ground on your way to the aspirational future you have in mind. Don’t sell yourself short. Be aware of exactly what you have to offer the larger community and be aware of exactly what you cannot offer. Your contribution and influence are important even if you can’t be everything at once. How can you better manage your character within a group/community that you may be a part of or wanting to be a part of?  

This is a new moon that pushes the refresh button on your mental health efforts. For the next six months there will be more learning experiences to be had in solitude. In your most quiet moments, you are better able to hear yourself. Your sense of creativity awakens as soon as you block out the noise of the rest of the world. This new moon gives you some space to find peace of mind through practicing more solitary activities where you can really get into the zone and let go of reality for a while.

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