full moon in capricorn: All 12 signs

full moon in capricorn 

june 24th – 11:39:19 am pst 

collective message:  “ We may have all come on different ships, but we’re in the same boat now.” (Martin Luther King Jr.)  

This is a check-in moment for the year. We are six months into 2021, half the time has passed and we still have 6 more months to go. 

Things are about to be leveled. Let me explain my thoughts. Cancer and Capricorn are two energies that prioritize protection and preservation. However, right now Pluto is destroying what has been preserved. Our history or at the very least, our perception of history, is being destroyed. Some think this is a long time coming, others think everything is propaganda and the US will be just fine. Whatever side you’re on, tradition feels harder and harder to keep up with. Last year, many of us couldn’t even celebrate holidays in the way we were used to and we weren’t able to count on our jobs in the traditional ways we were taught, either. 

As 2021 goes on, many of us don’t even want to go ‘back to normal’. Normal was complete sh*t for many people. Now that we have a taste of something outside tradition, we don’t want to return. I like to think of Capricorn as the ruler of a kingdom. it builds up a strong border and manages a system to keep everything running smoothly within those borders. It built this kingdom to keep what it loves safe but of course, in order to do that, rules need to be established to keep everything under control. At some point people in the kingdom will feel trapped and will feel subordinate to the ruler. America has reached that point once again. 

This full moon is revealing how we truly feel about the rules and regulations we have been subjected to for decades. Are we going to continue living by these standards and expectations that have been harmful to our wellbeing or are we going to cut the cord and escape from the castle walls, entering the world without a master but with a whole lot more personal autonomy? At the same time, what traditions and structures have offered us a sense of community and given us the motivation and tools to reach for the sky?  

In our personal lives we are facing the tail end of a long journey of trauma and fear stemming from authority figures, established rules and the limitations and abuse of those powers we have been deeply affected by. A Capricorn moon needs to feel capable of living in reality, understanding its grit and its harshness. It doesn’t need a sugar coating. It needs facts so that it can strategize properly for the obstacles to come. That’s where we are now. We need to protect ourselves and give ourselves the right to that protection from the orders that be, while also deciding to work together to rebuild and regroup.

This may continue to be a long and frustrating process to truly start answering to ourselves and separate from the giant rule-making machine we currently follow, but it is possible. This Full Moon is showing how far we have come on this particular path since the most recent Capricorn season which was around January of 2021. 

Have you overcome fears around self-punishment, failure, judgement and harmful authority figures between the beginning of 2021 and now? Are you providing yourself with the proper protection of your vulnerable needs and trusting that you have the right to feel safe in your own space? Are you becoming your own caretaker and detoxing the lingering parental inner voice that still haunts you one way or another? 

On this Full Moon think about all of the wisdom you have been collecting from the media sources, friends and content overall that you have been taking in over the course of your life. Then, think about how strongly this outside stimuli has influenced you for better or for worse. 

Who have you become due to the influence of the information and content you take in on a daily basis? What/who has been helpful and what/who has been harmful?

As 2021 continues, Capricorn should be taking your resources more seriously. Honor the true amount of energy, time, and money you have to give and work within those constraints without judgement. Trust that you have what it takes to invest in your life for the long term as long as you can continue to be self-sufficient.        

On this Full Moon think about all the wisdom you have gained at the root of your being throughout the course of your life. Think about how your family and upbringing have influenced you, for better or for worse. 

How has your personal history influenced your sense of self-worth? How has your background harmed your self-worth and how can you move forward with compassion and full acceptance of who you are at your core? 

As 2021 continues, you have been taking your reliance on outer stimuli more seriously. You have been taking a more responsible approach with what content and information you are taking in and what content and information you are putting out. Feel motivated to expand your perspective and feel confident in owning your purpose as long as you continue to participate with the world around you with a grounded sense of reality. 

On this Full Moon, think of all the wisdom you have been gathering from living in the moment and reaching towards your creative potential. Consider how your inner child was affected by your early environment and the reality of the world you were first presented with.

How was your sense of innocence and playfulness affected by what the world was teaching you as you grew up? How is your sense of joy, romance and confidence being affected by the information presented to you now as an adult, living in the same world but with a more mature perspective?

As 2021 continues, you have been taking your personal history more seriously. You have been taking a more mature approach to understanding your upbringing, how your parents raised you and who you really are at the root of your being. Feel motivated to display a confidence in what you have accomplished so far in your life as long as you continue to be realistic about where you come from and how it informs the person you are striving to actualize.

On this Full Moon, think about all the wisdom you have been gaining from the work you have been putting into improving yourself and improving your well-being. Consider how the root of who you are has been affected by the daily adjustments you are making to take better care of yourself. 

What has come to light about your health? What has come to light about your service to this world and how you use your innate skills to help others as well as yourself on a day to day basis? 

As 2021 continues, you have been taking every moment of your life more seriously. You have been approaching your sense of creativity more maturely and wisely this year. Understanding that life is short but you do have time to slowly set up a joyful, creative life. Feel proud of your contributions and your aspirations for the future as long as you continue to take advantage of your free time and do something important with it. 

On this Full Moon, think about all of the wisdom you have been gathering from the partnerships you have had over the course of your life. Consider how, for better or for worse, their influences have woken you up to qualities you were lacking or left underdeveloped. 

What spark have your relationships given you? What novel experiences have you been able to have because of the people you have brought into your life? What moments affected your confidence and sense of joy, for better or for worse? How can you accept all of these experiences in their complex entirety? 

As 2021 continues, you have been taking your daily life more seriously. The tasks you need to get done, the basic maintenance of your health and the discipline needed to be productive are all themes you have been approaching with more maturity. Feel confident in taking time out of a busy day for the sake of your inner well-being and sanity as long as you continue to maintain responsibility for your day to day life. 

On this Full Moon, think about all of the wisdom you have been gaining through finally dealing with the aspects of yourself you have tried to hide from for so long. The experiences you have been investing in deeply have impacted your health and well-being overall. 

How has your level of intimacy with life itself deepend and how has this influenced, for better or for worse, your daily life? How has healing from past hurts and bad investments lightened your load and given you more time to dedicate to your work, health and self-improvement?  

As 2021 continues, you have been taking your self-development more seriously. You have been taking more responsibility to develop the qualities you have always lacked or have left underdeveloped. You have been maturely taking guidance from others in your life to work towards becoming a more complete person. Feel confident in who you are and the life that you are living as long as you continue to work on integrating your shadow side into your full self-concept. 

On this Full Moon, think about all of the wisdom you have been gaining from expanding your worldview through study or experiences that push you out of your norm. The direction you are taking with your life has expanded your knowledge of yourself and what place you can take in the world. 

What qualities were you lacking before that you’ve been able to develop through learning from other people? Do you feel more centered and whole than you did a year ago? Are you more aware of yourself as a whole and complex being? 

As 2021 presses on, you continue to take it upon yourself to confront the underlying situations in your life and work through them. This may be working through concepts of death, emotional turmoil or even something like financial debt or baggage  you are still carrying from a past/current relationship. It is your responsibility to stay emotionally resilient in the face of sticky situations that are outside of your control. But, at the same time feel motivated to act with confidence in your value and worth as a human being just out here trying to survive.

On this Full Moon, think about all of the wisdom you are gaining from actualizing the goals you have had since you were very young. Think about the lessons you are learning from falling short of what you thought you could accomplish and how you can move forward. 

How have you become more resilient in the face of complexity and therefore more capable of living in reality as it is, not as you want it to be? How have you become more invested in your life on a deeply intimate level? What about life makes it worth all of the beginnings, endings and chaos in between? 

As 2021 continues, there will be an ongoing need to take your belief system seriously. It is your responsibility to have a realistic understanding of the world you are living in and if that means studying something unfamiliar to you, then do it. At the same time, feel motivated by what you already know to be your truth and share your perspective confidently.

For this Full Moon, think about all of the wisdom you have been gaining from reaching for your highest aspirations and realizing a lot of them. Your contributions to something bigger than yourself have been expanding your beliefs about the world around you. 

How has your understanding of reality widened to encompass more perspectives than your own?  What knowledge have you become more aware of through study and experience? How are you contributing differently based on the wisdom you have gleaned from broadening your beliefs? 

As 2021 goes on, there will continue to be a need for you to have realistic expectations of your personal achievements and reputation. It is your responsibility to reach the heights that you deem fulfilling and to learn from the setbacks you face, as well. At the same time, let yourself feel motivated by remembering who you are at your core and feel confident in the person that you have become based on your personal history. 

On this Full Moon, think about all of the wisdom you have been learning in your quiet moments. Attempting to accept every experience, every emotion and every part of who you are has affected the way you see your accomplishments and your setbacks. The acceptance of your life as a whole will give you more perspective of your position; where you began and where you are now. 

In your quietest moments, what have you gained from listening to yourself? What expectations do you have for your life now that you have a more compassionate self-concept? 

As 2021 presses on, it continues to be your responsibility to have realistic expectations of what aspirations you can actually realize in the near future and what ideal dreams are too far out of reach for the time being. At the same time, you can be confident in your ability to create a life that you are proud of while also being responsible for contributing something substantial to a larger community. 

On this Full Moon, think about all of the wisdom you are gaining from widening your perspective on your identity and the lifestyle choices you are making for yourself. The more you learn about yourself and your own behaviors, the more you can contribute to the world authentically. 

How has your self-concept overall changed your higher aspirations? What does your future look like now that you are learning more and more about what kind of person you are? What do you want to contribute to a larger community as your self-awareness expands? 

As 2021 moves forward, you remain responsible for working towards a more compassionate acceptance of everything you have been through in your life. In isolation, we can learn to accept ourselves away from the constant influence of outer stimuli. As long as you take responsibility for accepting yourself when you are completely alone, you can feel proud of your competency and the skills you have to offer to the world.

For this Full Moon, think about all of the wisdom you have been gaining as your self-esteem rises. The understanding that you have more value than you knew before is giving you much peace of mind about everything you have been through. You have been learning how to utilize your resources in a way that prevents you from feeling overwhelming anxiety.

What have you learned about honoring your energy, time and money in a way that doesn’t exhaust you? How does your growing sense of value help you accept your life as a whole? How does developing your self-sufficiency help you feel at peace within your body and mind? 

As 2021 contines, there will be an ongoing need to adjust to a realistic understanding of your identity. It is your responsibility to know who you are and how others perceive you and how to conduct yourself honestly, yet respectfully. As long as you have a mature self-concept, you can be proud of how you handle yourself in relationship to others, balancing self-respect and regarding others rights, as well.

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