Cancer season 2021: All 12 Signs

Cancer Season 2021 

June 20th, 2021 – July 21st, 2021  

collective message 

The summer months give us the room to really get to know ourselves. These next few months we will start to sit into what 2021 is all about. Aries season through Gemini season, we were finding our footing. Now, the dust has settled and we can get into the themes of this year. 

Cancer season is about protecting our energy. Making sure that we are able to digest everything that we have gone through from Aries season until now. What has this year meant to us so far? How can we care for ourselves this month so that we can restore our energy and keep going as the year continues? 

I’d also like to theorize that intuitively we can understand that the best time for humans to go to war is during the summer. Armies would be useless in the cold, winter months, but during the summer we have enough resources to protect and fight for something we care for deeply and there are reasons for people to take those resources to stock up for their own winters. This is why Cancer (and Leo) can be so defensive. It is literally the season where many humans throughout history had to keep their farms, homes and families safe because the nature of warm summer weather allowed for more chaos.

Having said that, let’s see what we have going on this year. 

 week 1 highlights: june 20th – june 27th everything in slow motion

 On the very first day of Cancer season, Jupiter begins its retrograde. This is going to last until October 18th. Wherever Jupiter transits in our charts, that is the area of life where we will be given no manual or guidelines and we will simply have to learn as we go. This year, we have been gaining more experience with not only better handling our responsibilities but we have been experiencing an upgrade of sorts in our lives. When Jupiter retrogrades, we will have time to reflect on what wisdom we have gained from these new experiences. We can replenish and recharge so that we are ready for another round of lessons when Jupiter goes direct. We may have to create our own luck during this time, though.  

 Mercury finally goes direct on Tuesday, June 22nd, and we will get a rush of clarity. Communication will become easier, technology will start working again and our thoughts won’t be so jumbled. The next planet to go retrograde will be Neptune on Friday, June 25th. This will last until December 1st. Expect to have some confusion cleared up. When Neptune is direct, it can make things very foggy and force us to trust our gut rather than rely on logic. However, when it goes retrograde, that fogginess clears and we can finally receive some answers and direction. 

 On Thursday, June 24th we have the full moon in Capricorn. This full moon is always a heavy way to start the summer. It comes six months after the start of winter when we were freezing and dreaming about Cancer season. Essentially, this full moon exposes how far our personal successes and failures have taken us this year and where we can take on more responsibility and let other duties go. Finally on Saturday, June 26th, Venus enters Leo. We have this energy until July 20th. We can use this energy to prioritize having fun and making room for our pride.  

 week 2 highlights: june 28th – july 4th entering a battle with heart  

 The planet of motivation and assertiveness (mars) will be receiving opposition from the planet of authority and discipline (saturn). We may be up against a lot of difficult responsibilities this week. We may feel like we have a great idea but our bosses or authority figures disregard it as silly and wasteful. This could be a week where we have to fight against certain rigidity and be proud of our work regardless of if we are getting applause or not. 

 On july 4th the sun will square chiron. We may be overcoming a long-held insecurity today. This is the USA’s independence day making it essentially the solar return of the country. What is even more interesting, is that America’s natal chiron is also in Aries, just as the current chiron is in Aries. Chiron is vulnerability and represents a wound that does not heal. Chiron/sun aspects points to a vulnerable ego. I am curious how the USA responds to these two energies returning to their natal positions. 

 At the origin of America, was war. This country is built from violence, something Aries is very familiar with. Chiron in Aries suggests being a victim of violence. Settlers stole land and killed millions (aries) for the sake of protecting their own (cancer). With all that being said, the wounded victims of violence currently living in the US may overcome this in some sense over the summer.         

week 3 highlights:  july 5th – july 11th rules kinda suck  

 This is very much f*ck authority vibes. Throughout the week we are going to be battling between our responsibilities, our personal desires and the itch for anarchy. There is a strong pull towards turning our backs completely on authority as a response to feeling bogged down and restricted by rules and obligations this week.

 On Friday, July 9th we will have the new moon in Cancer. This will be an opening to replenish our relationship to our sense of safety. And finally, on Sunday, July 11th, Mercury will enter the sign of Cancer. We may start thinking in a preventive way. We may seek out information that helps us prevent threats or risks to our sense of security.  We may prefer familiar conversations  and reminiscing with our close loved ones.     

 week 4 highlights: july 12th – july 21st remember who we are   

 To start the week we can begin having a more optimistic mindset about how our lives are turning out. We may be able to brainstorm ways to make ourselves more comfortable and less stressed. 

 On Saturday, July 18th, we have the sun opposing pluto. Our sense of self-confidence is in direct conflict with our sense of powerlessness as well as empowerment. We may have to face a fear this weekend. An ego fear in particular. We may have to face our darker nature or the parts of ourselves we are ashamed of. There could be a past trauma that comes back to haunt us, but only in order to see if we have gained more emotional resilience.

 To lead us into the next solar season, Venus will enter Virgo on Wednesday, July 21st. It will be here until August 14th. We can use this time to make ourselves and our spaces healthier so that we can  enjoy our time more overall. And that is Cancer Season. 

It’s your season all month long. There is more attention paid to the person you are becoming and the life that you are living as an individual during Cancer Season. Having said that, there may be some really beautiful moments this month that allow you to truly see yourself and how you are growing as your life goes on.  

This month may force you to face some of your fears and unresolved emotional pain around relationships of any kind, including the one you have with yourself. You have been steadily working on integrating qualities into your personality inorder to complete yourself. These lessons most likely have played themselves out in difficult experiences within your friendships and partnerships. All of those lessons will be tested throughout this month to see what you have actually learned. Be prepared to protect your identity from those deep-rooted fears springing from past relationship issues. 

Something else to prepare for is the conflict felt between wanting to be more self-sufficient but having debt and other attachments (whether that be financial, emotional or relational) that may be holding you back. There is a balance needed this month between taking responsibility to deal with the complexity of your life and finding space to satisfy your personal desire to spend your resources as you please and without having to answer to anyone. This could be a motivating time to contribute something totally new to the wider community that disregards the rules you once had for yourself.  

There is going to be an emphasis on protecting your resources. Protect your time, money and the amount of energy you have to give. This month may force you to confront some deep-rooted fears around intimacy, debt, investments and any complex situations in your life that have been difficult to separate from. At this point in your life, you have developed a more mature and wider perspective on what truly scares you about those skeletons in your closet. Use this maturity to quiet the fears around dealing with those sticky, complex situations and protect the aspects of your life that are in your control. Remember your value as well as acknowledging the emotional baggage you carry with you. 

The other major energy of this month consists of the balance between speaking your mind and sharing your story confidently while also steadily and maturely exploring progressive ideas that the wider community has been introducing to you. Throughout all of this attention paid to learning, exploring and participating in the world around you, it is also important to continue to learn how to accept yourself as a whole person away from all the noise and in the solitude of your own inner world. 

You can have some really beautiful moments this month where you feel more capable of success than you have in a while and feel more aligned with your value and what you have to offer the world in a substantial way.  

Throughout this season, the focus is on protecting your mind and what information you let in and how you let it affect you. This month might force you to confront certain fears around how your current belief system or worldview might be damaging to you and how you are going to move forward when the purpose you thought you had seems pretty much destroyed. At this point in your life, you have developed more awareness of the dangers of blindly holding onto a life direction without acknowledging the flaws in the plan. Now, you do see those flaws and this season you can use that wisdom to protect your state of mind, not allowing yourself to go down the rabbit hole of existential dread and depression but also continuing to willingly look deeper into your own belief system even if you don’t like what information you find. 

This season may present you with some beautiful moments of connection and communication with people that seem to really understand your point of view. 

The second major energy happening during this Cancer season, pulls you into a need to be proud of who you are at your core while also taking responsibility to update your level of authority and establish yourself as a mature adult in a way that you have not before. It is time to present yourself unapologetically. As the year goes on, you aren’t going to be able to be the person that others need you to be for their convenience. You have to adhere to your own values even if it rubs everyone around you the wrong way.

Cancer season for you will be focused on protecting who you are at your core. The tender version of yourself that gets to be released when you are in private and feel safe, that is what needs more protection than usual for the next month. There are going to be recurring fears coming up around the fate of your accomplishments and your reputation overall. At this point, you have a wider awareness of the dark side of your chosen role in society. This wisdom can be used to confront fears around public failure while still protecting your innermost self and the person that you are even without all of the impressive achievements you may or may not have. Don’t allow your career or your responsibilities to scare you into doing something that makes you uncomfortable with who you are. 

There may be some beautiful moments presented to you that make you feel closer to your true inner self than you have in a while. 

The second major energy we are dealing with this month has us dealing with the motivation to create a life that makes us truly happy while also taking responsibility to follow a disciplined plan towards our long – term aspirations for our future. It is time to value your resources, whether that be your finances, your time or your energy. Value these assets that you have and spend them the way that you want to, in order to further your goals and create a life that brings you joy even if it goes against established standards. 

This month will focus on protecting your creative energy. The free time that is available to you should be a part of your day when you can feel safe enough to enjoy yourself, create something from the heart and invest in your life as if you’re a child again. At this point in your life, you have a deeper understanding of the dark side of community and trying to appeal to the masses. You know now that you are never going to impress everyone. Cancer season allows you to use this wisdom to confront fears around being abandoned by ‘your people’ and testing how resilient you have become. Keep your heart safe from the damaging mob but don’t be afraid to promote your creativity to the wider community. 

There are going to be some beautiful moments this month where you feel truly aligned with yourself, your talents and the parts of life that bring you pure joy.   

The other major energy happening within this season is focusing on your motivation to fill your day up with work that you are proud of while also taking the responsibility to deal with your whole self alone, away from all of the noise. It is time to speak your mind, unapologetically. You have to communicate the insights that you are receiving in these moments of solitude through your work even if what you have to say rubs some people the wrong way. 

Cancer season centers around protecting the health of your daily life. Don’t do work that is outside of your comfort zone. Protect yourself from inner demons that are causing you unnecessary stress and anxiety. At this point in your life, you have a deeper awareness of the dark side of your own nature and where it sits in the wholeness of your personhood. This wisdom can be used this month to confront fears around the existential guilt you have about your corrupted and impure existence. Protect your stress levels and keep yourself busy in your daily life, but don’t be afraid of acknowledging that even if you have made mistakes, hurt people and hurt yourself, you still have every right to take up space and continue living your life. 

This season will have beautiful moments that allow you to find work and projects that make you feel aligned with your skillset and the value you have to offer. 

The other major energies at play this month focus on your motivation to develop qualities that you are lacking to inch nearer to being a balanced person while also taking responsibility to meet yourself where you are at and continue to present a more mature and realistic personality. It is time to become an autonomous being at your core. From the ground up you are becoming an entirely fresh version of yourself even if it bothers the people who think they know everything about you.  

Cancer season for Capricorns will be focusing on bringing balance back into your life. At this point in your life you have a much deeper awareness of the polar extremes of your identity. You are aware of your powerful qualities and you are aware of your darker qualities. There’s no one left who can tell you something about yourself that you don’t already know. However, for the next month you have the opportunity to protect your energy more than usual. Take this time to balance out how much of your life is about daring to live at polar extremes and how much of your life is about being comfortable and catering to your inner needs. 

This season there will be beautiful moments where you can speak your mind and what you have to say will find people who are willing to listen. 

The other major energy happening this month focuses on motivating yourself to invest in something that makes you proud while also taking responsibility to steadily become more self-sufficient. It is time to unapologetically create the version of yourself that brings you the most joy even if others are rubbed the wrong way.     

Cancer season will help you focus on protecting your intimate life. Protecting the aspects of your life that you have invested deeply in. That could be a relationship, it could be therapy and it could be financial investments. Either way, at this point in your life you have experienced polar extremes of self-sufficiency. You have probably experienced the lowest level of self-worth as well as the highest level of self-worth. For the next month, allow yourself to lean on something and protect that level of intimacy while also quieting fears around how you are going to support yourself. 

This month will have some beautiful moments with the people you hold dear in your life. The bonds you have to these people and to yourself will deepen.

There will also need to be a balance between motivating yourself to be proud of the direction you are currently growing in while also taking responsibility to share your thoughts and speak your mind maturely. It is time to unapologetically spend your day working on things that you find valuable even if others deem your work silly and unrealistic. Do your own thing.    

Over the course of this Cancer season there will be a focus on getting out of your daily routine and reenergizing yourself by remembering what direction you are going in life. There is an emphasis on protecting your sense of purpose. The philosophy that keeps you moving forward needs to be kept safe from the ever fluttering outside influences that may seek to destroy your sense of direction and growth. At this point in your life you have experienced the power of your voice both its influence over others and its ability to hurt others. The information you have been gathering about the world and about your place in it, has been difficult to hear and difficult to share. But, this Cancer season gives you even more perspective and you can choose to protect your belief in what wonders the world still has to offer you even while you are learning about how bleak history is day by day.

This season will present you with some beautiful moments where your sense of joy and inspiration feel aligned with each other. 

The other major energy taking up space this season will be focusing on motivating yourself to be proud of your achievements and feel assured that the goals you are working towards right now are in fact worth your time. On the other hand, this month will have you paying attention to what  responsibilities you have at home and to your family. It is time to unapologetically be with the person that you love regardless of if your partnership rubs others the wrong way.

Cancer season is going to focus on protecting your reputation. Libra’s give much of themselves to their work. The goals that you set are generally very meaningful to you and you have these goals for sentimental reasons. At this point in your life you have experienced the polar extremes of the human condition within your private life. At the root of your being you have dealt with very dark emotions and very passionate emotions. These are now a part of you and this Cancer season gives you some space and perspective from these experiences. Keep your life’s work safe while also addressing fears stemming from childhood trauma and family matters.

This month will present you with beautiful moments of success and a feeling of fulfillment from doing what you are meant to be doing in this life. 

The other major energy that is playing this month will center around the feeling of pride that comes from engaging in the wider community authentically while also remaining disciplined and committed to your creative projects, your children or a dating partner that might be getting more serious. It is time to unapologetically invest deeply into your intimate life or break free from a debt that has been holding you hostage even if  that means disappointing others. 

Cancer season will focus on protecting the well-being of your aspirations for the future. At this point in your life, you have experienced extreme moments of creativity and extreme lulls in creative energy. You have been addressing primal fears around making sure you are not wasting your time while you have it. This month, however, there is some space and perspective from these fears. Take this season to protect your dreams and the things that you want to contribute to society. Remember that you have time to reach for these aspirations.

There will be opportunities to have some beautiful moments this month that make you feel aligned and connected with friends, partners and the community you are most a part of. 

The second major energy coming forward this month centers around finding a source of pride and confidence in solitude, away from all the noise. At the same time, there is a need to steadily handle responsibilities in your daily routine. Keep up with your physical health while also allowing yourself to escape into your own talent and hobbies. It is time to unapologetically move forward with a new purpose and direction in life even if it rubs other people the wrong way.   

This Cancer season will focus on protecting your inner world and your peace of mind. Keep your mental health safe from everyday, mundane stresses. At this point in your life you have made it through extreme health crises, intense work loads and productivity. There’s an awareness of just how far you can take certain health problems and work projects. But, for this month remember to protect your mental health, as well. Spend time in solitude and make peace with yourself and everything you have been through this year so far. 

This season will bring some beautiful moments that allow you to feel aligned with your innermost self and make peace with all of your experiences, thus far in your journey.   

Another strong energy making an appearance will center around the confidence you feel in living life the way that you want while taking responsibility to steadily develop the qualities that you have always lacked or left underdeveloped. It is time to unapologetically take steps towards the kind of success that brings you real fulfillment even if it does not match up to the standards of others.      

lady bitterness

delightfully cynical astrologer

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