New moon in taurus 2021: All 12 signs

New Moon In Taurus 2021

May 11th, 2021 11:59 am PST 

collective message:

Tonight marks a new lunar cycle. For about a month, we have a new theme to work with and learn lessons from. We are having the second new moon of the astrological year. Where the Aries new moon gave us a burst of energy to reignite us after an emotionally grueling year, this Taurus new moon is giving us a complete and permanent shift into this new year. What we relied on last year will no longer be available in the same way or at the same quality. We now have to be open to a completely different security system. The ground we stand on is moving and there will not be an opportunity to look back. 

If you picture a small vegetable garden, you can picture the amount of work it takes to tend to it. And you can picture the nutrients that blooms from the veggies that have been planted. But, if the person tending the garden has been following a manual with all the wrong directions in it, then that garden will soon begin to rot, not perform and die out. It does not matter that the gardener loves their garden and would do anything to keep it alive and well, if they do not know what they are doing, then they have no way of keeping that garden alive. That’s where we are in our own lives. The gardener who has been following the wrong directions, but has the chance to search for the correct information. 

If you made it through 2020, you have come to a point in your life where you know what you need to know, not what you want to know about yourself and your abilities to get through difficult situations. We now have the harsh truth and we can do something with that. Mainly, we can change and rearrange our perception of what we consider valuable and worthless knowledge. If there was ever a time to change your mind and look for information outside of the five people you spend the most time with, now would be that moment. 

So much information has already floated to the surface this year and there is no way to forget it. There are facts flying everywhere and we all have to pick and choose which ones we trust and will rely on. This new moon is asking us to look to different sources than we have been and consider the facts coming from that new space. Find varied data so that we can make the wisest decisions moving forward. This new info coming in, will be uncomfortable to process. There might be some uncomfortable and cringe conversations that have to be had throughout this lunar cycle. It will be worth it to communicate in the long run. 

We have the opening to put forth effort to forgive our own mistakes and times where we embarrassed ourselves or went against our better judgement and did something we regret. We are addressing our guilt around not protecting ourselves or what we care most about. Maybe we did not have the correct information that would have helped us protect what we deemed sacred. Maybe we have had the wrong information and that has caused us to do and say regrettable things. This new moon would be a shot at correcting those errors, relieving the guilt and moving forward with a fresh garden to tend.

If you want to make a big life decision this is the time to do it. You have been playing the same game for way too long and the personality you put on display has become stale. The ‘life purpose’ you have clenched to for years and trying to make happen. Yeah, the chances of that happening exactly when, where and how you wanted have died, haven’t they? I think that you have been clinging to the same journey you started when you turned 18 years old and you haven’t let it go. But at this point, you have your back up against the wall and the best thing you can do for yourself is realize that there are way more adventures to be had, then the one you’ve been clinging to since childhood. 

At this point, you have earned your stripes in the field/industry that you are in. This can even be parenthood or adulthood in general. You have found yourself in all different positions of power. You have garnered some form of reputation, watched it dismantle and then built it back up again. This new moon gives you the space to rely on your resourcefulness. This might be a time to become completely financially independent. It could be a time when you start to earn money in a new way or you get a raise. There is going to be the need to throw out the old rulebook in terms of how to materially support yourself and be open to a whole new game. 

The new moon is opening up room in your life to share your story with more autonomy than you have been able to in a while. If you have a written project of some sort that you have been working on, now is the moment to let it out into the larger community. Your involvement with the wider world has been a mix of passionate momentum and absolute destruction of your aspirations. It has been a long, drawn out power struggle between what you have wanted to contribute and how that contribution has been perceived by the world. But having been the winner and the loser, you now can communicate your side of the story with no attachment to how others choose to perceive it. You know the truth.

2021 has been a heavy year for aquarius. There has been a significant separation from your roots, moving you into pure independence at the core of who you are. This new moon is asking you to be open to planting new roots. You have been brutally remembering every painful experience that you have ever had and trying to accept that this is what life has thrown at you. At this point, you know what has been your fault and what was never in your control. You understand yourself in such a deep way that feels both crushing and magical. So, take this opening to truly start fresh, from the very ground up. Build your own foundation to now stand on. 

This new moon is going to continue the momentum that you feel in recreating yourself and finding fresh ways to express who you are. You have been challenged to break down and reform your overall personality for a long time. The way you have presented yourself has received starkly conflicting responses from people. Love you or hate you, the bundle of behaviors that you use to interact with others have gone through a few rounds of reconstruction. But, tonight is the start of a new confidence and openness to loudly create a version of you that makes you happy to live your life specifically and not anyone else’s. 

You have been pushed to your limit and then some for quite a long time in order to earn enough resources to stand on your own two feet. There have been moments of passionate momentum and moments of absolute desolation in regards to your finances and self – esteem, in general. This new moon presents an opening to change up your day to day schedule. If you have felt stuck in a job, then change jobs. Be independent. If you have felt held back from a health issue, detach from the judgement you might have for yourself and replace it with a completely new and free mentality. 

This new lunar cycle is opening up the chance to completely shift the way you show up in relationships. It is a chance to no longer rely on other people to fill in the blanks that you assume you cannot fill in yourself. For quite a while, you have been learning how to tell your story and be actively involved in the world around you without losing your morals. And it has probably been a mixture of intense passion and intense humiliation (caused by misunderstandings). At this point, you know all the many ways people can interpret your words and your story for worse or for better. In the end, you know what you mean and you have the right to communicate that. 

The homelife dynamic has put you through a lot in the last several years. The roots of who you are have been pulled apart and fastened back together and this has changed yourself at the core. This new moon offers an opening to completely shift your mindset about those emotionally challenging experiences you have been through. Any shame, guilt or resentment felt towards difficult past moments, this new moon is an opportunity to change your current mentality and step away from this pain far enough to gain some objectivity and reason. Your life is not over yet, but you are familiar with the cycle of endings and beginnings. You are at the starting line, for now. Use the time wisely. 

There has been an intense amount of pressure on you to get the most out of your time while you have it. You have been using your creativity in many ways to make sure you don’t leave this world having wasted any inch of your life. At this new moon, an opening offers you the ability to completely shift the direction you have been headed in. A new purpose surfaces. A new journey to embark on. There is new territory to explore coming around the corner and this new moon is the first sign of where it can lead. Pay attention to the big and small personal achievements you have been having as they are guiding you towards this new adventure.

This new moon is giving you the space to completely shift your mindset around success, achievement and setbacks. For a long time now, you have been intensely putting forth energy into improving your situation. Your passion and fear have been directed toward getting better and more importantly, getting healthier in your everyday life. Tonight, there is an opening offered to ‘level up’ in a sense. There is a new height you are reaching in your career or your life in general. You are maturing and gaining autonomy because of it.  

For a long time you have been intensely coming across experiences that show you what you lack and what you need to become a more complete person. Your relationships with others have probably brought out qualities in yourself that you didn’t know you had or were lacking. For good or for bad, you have learned more deeply about yourself and people. Now, this new moon is presenting an opening to participate in something bigger than yourself. Mainly, the influence that you have will grow with the people that are the most similar to you. Your ability to be part of something larger than yourself and find your place in the larger community will become clearer as long as you stay open to change and movement at this new moon. 


There have been some pretty crisis centered moments that you have been put through the last several years. You have had to develop a strong emotional survival system to use in order to work through these possibly fearful, damaging and intense situations. At this new moon, you have the opportunity to defianty separate yourself from the subconscious thoughts, anxieties and feelings that swirl around inside of you when you are not looking. The thoughts and feelings that come up when you let your mind sit still for too long. These signs will come up this new moon to give you the opportunity to accept every experience you have had and let them exist outside of you instead of holding onto them and identifying with them forever. Next month, you have the opportunity to redefine yourself and how you wish to show up in the world. Use the new moon wisely.

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