full Moon In Scorpio: All 12 Signs

full moon in scorpio 2021

April 26th, 2021 

8:31pm PST

collective message: don’t be afraid of the dark 

The week of the Full Moon is going to be a time where we have to face difficult truths around how we have set ourselves up to fail. Taurus and Scorpio develop an inner self-confidence based on knowing how to serve the self, knowing how to please the self and having integrity. These two signs are loyal to what they deem valuable about themselves and others. They are far from flaky or wishy-washy. They know themselves and they know what they deserve. 

So, this week we will be presented with situations, thoughts and feelings that bring to our attention ways we are or are not building a strong inner resolve. There will be a surplus of planets in Taurus all ruled by Venus. We are specifically realizing where we might be loyal to the wrong set of values. We may be limiting ourselves by holding onto what we feel has always been so important. But maybe it isn’t that important anymore. Maybe it is time to make a shift. 

Our values often come directly from our parents or authority figures. We can also form our values in stark contrast to our authority figures, almost to spite them. But, the question is this: when are we going to decide what is important to us without needing the attention of ‘authority’ at all? When will we commit to a set of principles because they really are important to us and have nothing to do with meeting expectations or rebelling from those same expectations. That is what this Full Moon is about. 

The underside of Taurus is getting caught up in feeling like everyday is a risk and we need to stick to one thing that works in order to stay alive. As kids, we valued survival and our authority figures had the most control over that. As adults, we can replace that value for survival with actually valuing our life because now we are in the driver’s seat. We have much more power and control over our own bodies as we grow up and yet most of us do not trust that fact. Of course, the state of the whole world still violates adults and still spreads fear of consequences and punishment if you step out of line. This is true. But this Full Moon in Scorpio points to some change or shift in power dynamics both personally and globally. Take it slow and steady. You don’t have to rush the change, just be open to it and ready when it happens. 

The week of the Full Moon is going to address a fear you may have of being an incomplete and unfinished person. You may have become stuck in a rut with your sense of self and what you have chosen to hold onto as your only possible identity. You may have pushed qualities off of you and onto how you perceive other people to be. Those people over there are valuable and stable, I’m not. Those people over there are relaxed, certain, simple even. But, I am complex, perceptive, powerful and that’s that. The real truth is that the things you have allocated to ‘things you are not’ (healthy or unhealthy) are really just a quieter part of yourself that you have not accepted yet. This Full moon gives you a chance to shift your perception of yourself just a little bit so that you can feel more complete and whole within yourself. 

This week will be addressing the fear you may have that you are, in fact, a selfish, indulgent, lazy piece of shit who deserves no comfort or pleasure. Now, come on Libra. Really? You have valued your ability to get along with people and smooth over conflicts. But, have you ever valued your own needs to the point where you have not made a compromise inorder to satisfy them? Try doing that at this Full Moon. Replenish and nourish yourself. Value your human need to relax and just be you. 

This is a full moon that will address your fear of breaking away to go on a journey of self-discovery. That would be so selfish wouldn’t it? And you have so many people who need you, right? There is a loyalty you have to a certain life purpose. That being the person always ready to help out when it’s needed. Always willing to give of the self in return for love and appreciation. But, this loyalty you have to fulfilling this purpose is preventing you from discovering your real purpose. You are not tied to the role of helper and fixer and this week is showing you where you need to be headed so that your journey finally starts. 

This is a week where you can address the fear that because of where you came from and the way you were raised, you have never had what it takes to succeed in the adult world. In actuality, you have valued your role as an adult member of society and have valued what it means to truly succeed on your own terms. You have relied on your own talents and skills to get you there. But, there may still be a fear that you do not deserve those accomplishments because you didn’t grow up in a healthy, happy home and because you didn’t start out with a lot of resources or support. This full moon is the chance to renew confidence in your ability to reach a pinnacle of success on your own and through your own means. Trust in the resilient nature that you have developed.

For this lunar phase there is an opening to address the fear of not living up to your highest ideal of what you have dreamed your life could be. You might have had your eyes set on this one dream. You might also have your mind made up already that you don’t have what it takes to make your dreams come true. You haven’t let yourself lean into the fantasy. But, right now there is a shift happening. You can choose to reevaluate yourself, your gifts and your stamina to get to your ultimate dream life. We all want to contribute something important to the world around us and this is a time where you can let go of that devil in your ear that tells you it will never work out for you because you specifically do not deserve it. Shut up already.

There is room, right now, to address the fear that the way you have lived your life so far has been for nothing. That there isn’t any deeper truth or purpose to all of this. But, that is just a fear. The Full Moon is giving you the space to value your existence in a new way. Forget having to live up to some traditional version of success. This is your life and you are the only one who knows why and what you are working towards. Trust your instinct over anyone elses’ to show up in the world as the person that you have chosen to be rather than fill in wherever you’ve been requested.

This full moon is making the space to address the fear of losing yourself as you have known yourself, so far. You may value your past choices. You may regret your past choices. Either way, you have stuck to your original story. As the future happens, you can have the choice to change what you value in your own identity. You have the option to approach life with a wiser set of values. Opting to move into a new sense of self is not always jumping ship. You can be so set on staying loyal to who you think you are. However, after everything that you have been through, even in this last year, are you really that person anymore? 


This will be a time to address the fear of not having enough or being enough. We value our belongings. We value our bodies. We value our lives. If we are completely healthy. But, if you are not there yet, address the fear you have around actually having ownership of your resources, your body, your heart and ultimately, your life. Trust that in the end it will come down to the symbiotic relationship between yourself and the universe.

This week will open up an opportunity to address the fear of sharing your story. The unknown reactions of the people and community around you when they get to know your true thoughts and feelings can be worrisome to anticipate. There can be a lot of internal dialogue and emotions within that can be difficult to speak out loud and share in a way that is met with acceptance from others. But, this full moon will open up the space to get yourself out of a rut and speak your truth despite the potential of disapproval. 

There is room to address the fear of having a weak foundation. Whether it is about your physical home or your general feeling of security, this Full Moon is presenting a shift in mindset at the root of who you are. There is an opening to change something within your private life that gives you a new sense of stability. It might not feel secure immediately but the change cannot bring nothing. Something will come from it.   

The week of this Full Moon will be a time to address the fear of not getting the most out of your life. We all know that there are quite a few responsibilities we cannot get away from. But, life isn’t really worth it unless there is time spent being creative and investing in your own enthusiasm. You may feel stuck in a mindset of all work and no play. You may have bills to pay and mouths to feed. But, this week is presenting a shift in mentality towards valuing your free time in a new way. A way that allows for your creative effort to breath more than it has in a while. 

The peak of this lunar phase will address a fear you may have around not being a functioning and useful member of society. Whether this is tied to a health issue or work issue, it’s about productivity and if the daily work that you put in is actually leading anywhere or even useful to anyone, including yourself. What is the daily hustle for? Well, you may have become very stuck on one method to get through the day. This is a chance to try a new technique, a new schedule or a new medicine if it is health related. Find a different, yet valuable way to be productive and manage your stress.

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