Taurus Season 2021: Forecast for All Signs

Taurus Season 2021

April 19th – May 20th

1:37:29 pm PST

Collective Message

Week 1 and 2: April 19th – May 3rd 

Throughout 2021, the biggest players are Saturn in Aquarius making a square with Uranus in Taurus. Discipline and responsibility butt heads with breaking away from tradition and establishing self-autonomy.  Back in Aquarius season (January 20th – February 18th), we felt the saturnine side of this battle. It was a month of acknowledging our responsibilities and our duties and committing to approaching life in a more mature way. 

Now, we are feeling the opposing side of that energy as we enter into Taurus Season with Uranus calling the shots for the time being. What does this mean? We are going to be breaking out of bad habits and turning away from outdated rules that do not work for us anymore. Uranus is asking us to embrace a new direction that we probably never have considered taking before. We should expect the unexpected this month, especially during that first week of the season. The Sun, Venus and Mercury will all meet up with Uranus. One by one. This means that they will also square with Saturn in Aquarius, one by one. 

Whatever responsibility we committed to in January, now, we either get to break away from it completely or we get to have more space to independently handle those responsibilities in our own way, on our own time. This might be the most opportune time of this year to fight for your independence, autonomy and freedom, whatever that means to you. 

Mars will enter Cancer on April 23rd. We will find that we are motivated by our sentimental attachment to what has always been personally meaningful to us. There will be a need to protect ourselves, comfort ourselves and fight for our right to feel safe.

Week  3 and 4: May 4th – May 19th 

The second half of Taurus season will introduce us to some Gemini energy. Some more options and choices will present themselves at this time and life will open up a little bit and feel a little more free. (Not speaking about covid related issues, just our general feelings). Some important information or conversations can come up at this time. 

Mercury and Venus will enter Gemini, both meeting up with the North Node. There will be a couple of significant moments that happen at this time. It doesn’t have to be a huge, life-changing event, but it will be a memorable one. Mercury enters Gemini on the 3rd and Venus enters on May 8th. 

On May 11th, Mars will square Chiron in Aries. We may feel weak or incapable of doing all the things that we want to do. We can have a lapse in motivation as insecurity and timidness surface. Even just feeling hurt by a person or a situation can cause us to lose some momentum. It is okay to feel these things. Life is difficult and there are powers working against us that we simply cannot defeat on our own. From another perspective, this could be a time that we feel so hurt and stepped on that we gain the strength to make our anger known and stick up for the underdogs. 

The best news to look forward to is Jupiter’s entrance into Pisces on May 13th. For at least a month, we have this energy moving forward and giving us more experiences and opportunities to trust in the universe once again. We can feel more aligned in our lives and trusting of the path that we are on. 

Overall, Taurus season will be a big shift in energy from the beginning of 2021 into all that follows in the months to come. We will hopefully break free from some form of outdated patterns or habits. This will probably be a strain on our relationships and ourselves, but it will be worth it. We will also gain more clarity and information to show us what path to take as the year continues. Finally, we will feel different by the end of this season. Changed. Closer to our future than to our past.


This is the most You-centered month of the whole year. It is your season. Right now, the spotlight is on how you present yourself to the world in your everyday life. In the simplest of ways, this is a time where you can focus on your appearance. Hair, makeup, wardrobe. How are you perceived? Do you want to be perceived that way? Focus on how you really want to live your life based on your wants and needs. It is a self-directed time where you will run into decisions that you have to make for yourself. No getting permission or checking with experts. You have to trust yourself to go in the direction that is right for you at this exact moment. It is your life, after all. This ‘stepping into yourself’ will most likely affect your career and reputation for good or bad, so be sincere no matter what happens.

This month the spotlight will be shining on your personal resources and how you manage them. There will most likely be some kind of change or breakthrough as the season goes on, in this area of life. That could be financial resources like source of income, spending habits and bills. It could also be a focus on changing what you value in yourself. Whatever this shift in values may be, it will most likely affect the idea of the future that you are striving for. It may change how you feel about it all together or it may bring you closer to that ideal future.

The spotlight for this month is focused on paying more attention to your immediate surroundings. Spending more time in the here and now, engaging with new information, having conversations that need to be had. Communication is a big thing. Speaking your mind and knowing what is going on around you is really important for this month. Some unexpected conversations can come up or unexpected information can come up in your communication with people. This could change your mindset in some way that shifts your whole perspective on something or adds to your knowledge in a different way. No matter what, moving with these changes instead of against them will feel like a breakthrough towards freedom from the isolation and directionlessness you might be feeling throughout this year. 

This looks like a breakthrough or massive change in regards to home/family dynamics. There is a feeling of breaking free from something within home life. This may be really difficult and unexpected. Maybe having to move out or finding another roommate or a family situation completely shifts or a room is finally renovated. Whatever it may be, it will feel like a foundational change that rocks the very ground beneath you whether you are willing or not. You really have to trust yourself at this time to make the correct decision for your life.

I don’t want to jinx all of you, but Capricorns might be having the most fun this season. There is an emphasis on indulging in experiences that are enjoyable, pleasurable and make life worth getting out of bed for. It is a time to focus on creative projects, romance or anything that makes you feel in love with your own life. There may be unexpected changes that occur that give you more room to feel enthusiastic and excited about your life. Maybe you start dating someone or you go on one fantastic date. Maybe you have a really fun experience that renews a sense of confidence and happiness in you. You can feel pressure to break away from the stress of finances and bills by having some fun this month. Enjoying the things you have worked for instead of working to be able to have things to enjoy. 

This is the best time of the year to implement new health routines. That can look like exercise, yes. It could also look like trying out a new breakfast every day. Eating more of this and less of that. This could involve trying out a new schedule at work. Starting the day later or starting the day earlier in order to better manage your stress. There might be unexpected tasks that come up at work that you have to figure out how to handle. There could be unexpected changes to your health that you have to cope with. Whatever happens, this is a month where your daily routine might feel busier if you are used to it being slow or it might slow down if you are used to packing a lot in your day. It is best to move with these changes, rather than against them.

This is the season of the year that highlights what has been unbalanced for you throughout the year. It is a time where you can focus on adding or taking away the situations or people that are weighing you down and taking all of your energy. This could be family that has been taking up a lot of your energy and so this month allows you to breakaway from those responsibilities for the time being. There will be unexpected changes coming in your relationship dynamics and in the ways that you see yourself. You might come across some realizations about yourself that you hadn’t seen before. These insights might affect you at your core, but it will be worth it to accept the change rather than fight it.

This season is a good time to focus on working through any complex situation you have been dealing with. Whether that be emotional healing, therapy, intimacy issues or even financial investments that are causing you headaches. Some unexpected changes are coming that will shift your perspective on some of these topics. You might break free, in a sense, from the hold that these complex situations have had on you this year. If you are able to move with these changes, a weight might be lifted. That extra energy will affect your dating life, your sense of enthusiasm and your creativity.

There will be unexpected insights coming this season that lead you into a new direction. I feel like Virgo’s are being presented with a new purpose. A new adventure to hold onto and go towards that feels exciting, different and fresh. These insights are going to either disprove some beliefs that you have held onto way too tightly or are going to give you the push needed to step into a new sense of reality and a new worldview to consider. All of this will help you with your day to day routine, work/life balance and health related issues.

The focus will predominantly be on your reputation and the goals, achievements and setbacks you have been facing this year so far. Unexpected insights may cause changes around your career or your definition of success vs failure. Maybe you start to feel a different way about the status that you currently have. For better or worse, by the end of Taurus season, you will have been given the opportunity to have more freedom and autonomy in your professional life. This new relationship to your status will affect your relationships so be mindful of both parts of your life.

This will hopefully be a time where you feel like you are really moving towards the life you have been dreaming about forever. I don’t want to make any outlandish promises that you are going to reach every aspiration that you have by this month’s end. Um…you probably will not. However, progress is progress and my prediction is that you will move closer in some way this month to the life that you are striving for. There will be some important changes that come along that may shift your plans for the future a little bit or they may shake up your dreams so much that you completely change directions. Either way, this month will be a step toward healing any emotional difficulties you have been working through this year. 

This is the time of the year for Gemini’s to go inwards, seek out healthy amounts of solitude and get in tune with your relationship to life, away from all of the noise. It is important to mark out a time of the day, where there is enough quiet around you so that you can hear your own thoughts. Find a spot where it is just you and the universe. It is just you and god or spirit. Do what you can to find that space where you have to be with yourself, no distractions. If you give yourself this time, some really important insights will find their way to you and help you move forward on the journey that you are currently on in life.

lady bitterness

delightfully cynical astrologer

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