New Moon In Aries 2021 For All Signs

Collective Message: Take Your Place 

April 11th, 2021 

7:30:50 pm PST

 Main Themes:

Sense of Our Self Love frustrated by Outdated Power Dynamics 

2020 was a year packed with Capricorn energy. We were dealing with the harsh realities of life and were forced to take responsibility for our mistakes and figure out our own solutions. We are now freeing ourselves from that pressure, in 2021. This New Moon is a chance to push up against those outdated traditions and rules placed on us and we can actually win this time. 

We need to start reevaluating what it means to be selfish and self-centered. Is it really the worst sin in existence to pay attention to our own lives? Are we actually being self-centered when we focus on ourselves? This new moon gives us the nudge to start rethinking how we define selfishness. We can start by removing the words ‘good’ and ‘bad’ from our definition. 

Sense of Our Motivation supported by New Opportunities and Learning Experiences 

There is a little bit of inspiration peeking through the cracks right now. We are beginning to believe in ourselves. Of course, it is with a more realistic and mature perspective, but nevertheless, we are starting to feel life pick up again and feel hopeful about what lies in the future. 

There will be a few opportunities coming up, if they haven’t already happened this year, to move forward with a healthier mindset. We might find that we understand our situation more now, and we can release some of the tension and hard feelings we have had for ourselves and others. 

Sense of Our Motivation frustrated by Undefined Self-Doubt 

At the same time, we are still dealing with confusion, directionlessness and doubt about ourselves and what we are doing with our lives. Are we headed the right way? Are we doing the right thing? Is our effort going to amount to anything? Why do we feel so exhausted? The best thing we can do for ourselves right now, is trust that what we are doing is leading to something. We won’t be able to control how long something takes to happen or how much effort we will have to put in to get what we want. We will have to trust that we are doing all that we can. Eventually, we will get a clearer idea of what we are working towards, good or bad, but the results will show themselves soon enough. Keep moving forward with patience.

Messages for All Signs

This new moon is the beginning of a renewed sense of self. Last year might have felt heavy with responsibility that you may or may not have been prepared for. After some time has passed, this new moon gives you the space to feel like yourself again even if you now have some more battle scars. You can now feel fresh and excited about where your life is headed and how you will participate in getting yourself to that new stage of life. A feeling of existential dread may creep in for seemingly no reason, but the best thing to do, is trust your experience and trust your body.  

Taurus will experience this New Moon in the realm of solitude. Don’t get scared. This a renewed sense of serenity with life and your individual relationship to it. Last year, you were burdened with limited freedom, if any at all. There did not seem to be a path heading anywhere, or it was a path that you no longer wanted to walk down. At this new moon, the space is given for Taurus to make peace with yourself and accept the person that you are right now. There is not a need to step into a grand adventure right now. You need to protect your energy and make time to get to know yourself all over again. Doubt may creep in, telling you that you aren’t doing enough, you aren’t striving for enough, your dreams are not big enough. Ignore this voice. Trust yourself.

Gemini is given the space, on this new moon, to step into a more visible role in your community, organization or you have more space to reach for the aspirations that you have been dreaming about for a long time. Last year, there was a lot of strain on your financial investments, intimate bonds and your own emotional baggage. Having gone through all of that, you now have the room to move forward and enter a new phase of your life. Doubt may creep in, telling you that you are not successful, you haven’t achieved anything important and you need to do more. Don’t listen to this. Trust your own decisions and trust your lifestyle is the right one for you, at this time. 

On this new moon, Cancer is given more room to show up as a mature, responsible adult who handles their responsibilities, but allows themselves to fail without judgement. All of last year, Cancer felt weighed down by relationships, close friendships or any kind of partnership. Parts of yourself that you do not normally think about were reflected back to you and you had to address them. At this time, you now have the space to reestablish yourself as a developing person who has won some and lost some. You can form your own expectations and what counts as a success and what counts as a learning experience. Doubt may creep in around if you are going down the right path or if you are wasting your time and energy. Don’t let that voice get too loud. Trust yourself and that what you are doing right now will bring you results eventually.

This year’s New moon in Aries, will give Leos more room to roam and explore. Last year, there was a heaviness in regards to your health, workload and stress levels, in general. Now, you have the space to break free in some way. Loosen the reigns and feel inspired again for a little while. Doubt may set in telling you that you are too broken to be adventurous, you have too much debt to jump into something new. Don’t let that voice stop you. Trust yourself and the opportunities that come your way even if they do not make complete sense. 


This new moon is making room for Virgo to heal from the emotional baggage that you have been dredging through. Last year,there was a weight holding you down and preventing you from feeling enthusiastic about anything. Your creativity and joy were feeling stifled. Now, you are being given the space to address anger and pain, validating your struggles so that you can move through it and get to the other side. Other people may be helpless and lost and look to you, but it is important to take this time to heal yourself.  

Last year, a lot was occurring in your private home life. Whether it was your actual home that was causing you much distress or strained family dynamics, it was a difficult year. Now, there is room to renew your relationships with partners, close friends. Your family may not own your time as much now and you can spend time with the people that you have chosen to be in relationships with. There may be anxiety around your health or your job right now, but trust what people are telling you. They are there to support you.

Last year, Scorpios had a heavy relationship to the world that surrounded you. The town or city you resided in didn’t feel like home anymore. Something wasn’t comfortable and it became harder to participate in life as usual. Now, this new moon is giving you the space to reestablish a healthy routine for yourself. You can focus on taking better care of your health and stress levels. Trying to find something to be happy about might seem difficult at the moment, but trust that eventually you will feel different.


This new moon is giving you the space to renew your sense of fun and enthusiasm for life. Last year there was a heavy responsibility to support yourself, both financially and spiritually. This year, Sagittarius has more room to engage in your hobbies, interests and free time. At least for Aries season. There may be anxiety around family dynamics and homelife but remember that you can look to close friends or your partners for moral support through it all.

The new moon in Aries is giving Capricorn the room to reestablish a feeling of home. Over the last year, there was a heavy pressure to work on your personality and how you present yourself and what kind of a person you wanted to be. Now, you have the space to make a comfortable, private space for yourself at home. To feel safe, away from expectations and judgements coming from outside of yourself.  You may feel directionless in regards to the town or city that you are currently living in. Maybe it feels like you have no idea why you are living there right now or what you are getting out of it. Remember to trust yourself, keep up with a steady routine and take care of yourself while you figure all of this out. 

Aquarius, this new moon opens up some space for you to renew your relationship with the outside world and they way that you choose to participate in it. Last year, there was a heavy pressure to go inwards and accept where your life has ended up. Now, you have more room to tell your story and reenter the world around you with more insight into your perspective and knowledge gained from the past several years. Low-self esteem might creep in and make you feel like you do not have the right to be heard. That you do not have any defined value. Don’t listen to this voice. Trust yourself and what you have come to know through experience.

Last year, there was a mounting pressure to take responsibility for what you contribute to your community and if what you have to offer is even substantial. This new moon gives you some space to rebuild your self-esteem. Establish respect for your value and your right to have a nice life and have nice things surrounding you. There may be doubt that creeps in, telling you that you don’t really know who you are, that you are a fake and that you do not deserve to have ownership over anything. Ignore this voice. Trust yourself.

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