Full Moon in Libra 2021

Full Moon In Libra

Sunday, March 28th, 11:48 am PST

Collective Message 

We are in for a potent lunar phase this time around. This Full Moon encourages a healthy sense of selfishness. Let me also point out that this is an angry moon. The kind of anger that is completely justified. The kind of anger that builds and builds after decades of societal abuse and gaslighting.

As we have witnessed, no matter what side you are on, 2020 unleashed the toxicity and resentment of our fellow Americans that has always been present in our country, but locked within the floorboards and the basement walls of our private homes for the last several decades. Now that all the information is out on the table, a lot of us are having our experiences of abuse being validated in such a public way and it feels so overdo. Some of us may not have even realized how much we were pushing down, just to get through the day. But, now that some injustices have been revealed and finally spoken about honestly, instead of pushing the ugly truth under the rug, we have more room to express our rage. And it’s like a volcano has been churning in our throats for years and has now erupted.

Let’s talk astrology. Chiron is currently traveling through Aries for the foreseeable future. This pushes us to address insecurities and hurt around taking up space. Most of us have felt, at some point, like we had to hide the person that we are naturally in order to stay safe. Not just to avoid criticism, but to shield ourselves from danger, alienation and harsh judgement from the powerful members of our country. 

This Aries season, there is a large spotlight shining on these issues and allowing us to see our experiences and our realities for what they actually are: unfair, violent and limiting. Already, in the past 2 weeks, we have seen two mass shootings committed. Who isn’t enraged after that? Who isn’t devastated? But, unfortunately, none of us are surprised. And this is what the Full Moon In Libra will be addressing. What can we do to stand up for ourselves and fight for each other against the harsh conditions of our country? How can we throw away our feelings of guilt that have been stomped into us for simply existing in a way that is deemed unacceptable by the more powerful? How can we finally convince ourselves, that they are wrong about us and we do have the right to exist and to thrive in a healthy, safe environment? These are questions that might receive clearer answers this Full Moon.     

This time is about us respecting ourselves and our boundaries in ways we have never allowed ourselves to before. No more giving into others or obligations at the expense of our own well-being. We are making room for ourselves to take up space and we are not moving aside anymore. We are doing the opposite of what we have been a slave to. We are getting to know ourselves all over again or allowing ourselves to do this for the first time. 

In order for us to implement what the Libra Moon is bringing to our attention, we must address the insecurities we have in the area of life that Aries resides. So, let yourself get angry. Let yourself feel justified with your frustration, fear, rage and use that to show yourself some respect and fill up the space that you occupy with sincerity and confidence that you have the right to be here. 

We have a heavy focus on your individual personality and the way you present yourself this month. We are going to be addressing how you can overcome any insecurities around the way that you lead your life. As an Aries, you most likely have come upon people and circumstances that challenge your very presence. You either were behaving in a way that was deemed unacceptable or maybe people thought you came off too angry, too blunt or too brash. If you are feeling any insecurity about this, then the Libra Moon will be revealing some insights on how you can heal that energy. In all honesty, my take is that you need to remain sure of yourself in the face of these kinds of conflicts and misunderstandings. You can play an active role in the environments that you take up space in. You are always willing to present yourself directly and in a straightforward manner which can rub some people the wrong way, but if you try to quiet yourself, you just come off weird and uncomfortable. 

This Full Moon in Libra is trying to point out what relationships are in your best interest and what people in your life right now are guilting you into being more agreeable for their convenience. You are allowed to engage with your community even if what you have to offer bothers a handful of people. Those aren’t your people, then. Don’t let them disturb you.  


For our Taurus people, there is a heavy focus this month on going inwards and creating space for you to spend some time in solitude. While you are present with yourself, there may be more space for your insecurities to come to the surface so that you can accept them. This Full Moon is showing you how you can release that build up of guilt. These false stories that you have been living with, that confirm to you that you do not deserve to fill up a space, have boundaries, or ever get angry, are being disproved by this full moon. It is shedding light on how much unnecessary stress believing these lies has caused you. And it is not your fault. But, it is important to recognize that by burying your anger and believing that you are not allowed to express it, you have multiplied the amount of stress, worry and overall anxiety present in your day to day life, hindering your health. So, allow yourself to feel grounded in your own body and trust your own mind and spend time around people who make space for you, ditch the rest.

The Full Moon in Libra is shining a light on your insecurities around group acceptance and connecting to like-minded people. You may feel like you do not have anything of value to contribute to the world on a large scale or you may be feeling hesitant about getting involved in such a way. Maybe you feel angry at being left out because of unfair standards. The thing to keep in mind is that you are an interesting person whether most people recognize it or not. You do not need to prove your worth for a place in the masses by fighting against your community. You are a full person with or without the approval of everyone else. You have people who respect and enjoy you even if you do not have influence over a mass amount of people. Put yourself out there, in front of everyone this Full Moon not in the hopes to gain everyone’s approval, but to share a real part of yourself and feel involved in the world around you.

On this Full Moon in Libra, we are being given the opportunity to defend our right to achieving our own version of success. With Aries season putting a heavy focus on your role in the public eye, there is an emphasis on achievements and failures. This Full Moon will be guiding us towards healing those insecurities that surface around not being given the room to truly succeed, independent from others’ convenience. These insecurities have probably stemmed from unhealthy expectations from family or the traditions of your culture in general. These pressures were never about you and your relationship to success, but have limited you and forced you into a pit of judgment. At this point, we are moving into a phase in our lives where we are not going to be pinned down anymore. You deserve to feel that sense of fulfillment and satisfaction that comes with accomplishment. You deserve to carve out your own place in the professional world and go at your own pace. This Full Moon is asking you to respect yourself and finally stand up for yourself in a way that you have not before.

On this Full Moon, Leos are given the opportunity to take some kind of risk and get out of your comfort zone. For the past several years, you have been working on something day in and day out. Whether it be improving your health, dealing with an ongoing illness or putting in many productive hours, it has been tedious. You have been invested in your day to day routine and this Full Moon In Libra is finally giving you the space to breathe, roam free and break out of that mundane routine. An adventure is brewing in the distance, but first you must address any fear around impulsively jumping into something new, without a plan and without a strategy. You don’t need to bring anyone along who may inconvenience you. This is your independent journey. People who are down with that are invited to support you along the way. 

For the past several years you have been investing deeply in some kind of creative project, taking care of children or taking your hobbies and interests more seriously. There has been an intense pressure to create and perform. There is a feeling that if you are not actively making something happen in your life and living each moment to the fullest, then you are wasting time and essentially throwing away your life. With this Full Moon in Libra, time is slowing down, the pressure to constantly be in a flow of creativity is loosening its grip. Virgos need to make room for healing from past pain and trauma that they have been putting off in order to get the most out of life before it’s all over. But, as short as life can be, the opposite of that has truth, too. You are not running out of time Virgo. Make space for yourself to go deeper into that emotional baggage you are carrying around. Move through it, purge it and feel lighter afterwards. 

This Full Moon has a potent emphasis on your personality and the way that you lead your life. We are making more space for ourselves within our relationships. You tend to accommodate other people the majority of the time. Your presence is always agreeable and responsive. Even though this behavior makes other people feel comfortable around you, it doesn’t always leave you feeling comfortable, seen or heard. This lunar phase is bringing to light any anger you have buried inside of you, that you have not let out for fear of making things tense with your partner or close friendships. The disregard of your own needs is harming you more than it is benefiting other people. Take this Full Moon to make more space for you and your needs within your relationships. Respect your own boundaries.   

Over the past several years, you have been developing a more mature way of telling your story, communicating honestly and participating in the world around you with a sense of responsibility. At this Full Moon, it is now time to take control of your process. You may be feeling angry towards work related responsibilities. Coworkers, bosses or just the amount of tasks on your to-do list. The Full Moon is shining a light on how the frustration you are feeling is affecting your mental health and inflating your anxiety. You may have feared upsetting people that you work with and so you have paused your own dreams in order to keep the peace. But, this Full Moon is giving you the room to finally respect your own methods and process. You have the right to work the way that feels right for you. You have the right to stick to your own schedule and throw it out whenever needed. 

You have been steadily building your own support system. You have been establishing a consistent source of income and strengthening your self-esteem. At this point, you might be able to fully support yourself both financially but also in a theoretical sense. You can stand on your own two feet. This Full Moon is giving you the room to now direct your energy towards enjoying the life that you have built for yourself. Making this life your own. Any thoughts that you should hide your creativity, talents or interests should be thrown out on this moon. You do not have to dim yourself in order to be accepted by your friends, peers or the whole of your community. Stick up for your need to have fun and indulge in your personal hobbies.   

Embrace the independence you have in the privacy of your own home. In our private dwellings, no one is watching or judging us. We are comfortable enough to sink into an activity without any constraints put on us by outside responsibilities. Take the night of the Full Moon to stay in, stay home and make space for yourself there. You may feel like you are inconveniencing a boss or your work in general. Maybe you feel like it would be selfish of you to step away from a goal or your career in any way. This Full Moon is offering you the support to take this time to regroup and recollect yourself. Your career and reputation can wait a night or two so that you can give yourself some time to recharge.

You are gaining confidence in your ability to speak your truth independent of the approval or consideration of others comfort over your own. The cultural beliefs of your country or community may have created so much fear in you, that for a long time you have quieted your voice, kept your thoughts to yourself and allowed other people to tell you what to believe. But, this Full Moon is giving you the space to shed that fear and insecurity and respect your knowledge, your story and your perspective. Convince yourself that you do have something to say and that you have the right to communicate and take part in what is happening around you. You are allowed to engage with the world in your own way even if a handful of other people don’t understand what you are saying.

You are focusing on respecting your own boundaries. This Full Moon is giving you the space to stick up for yourself and defend your resources. Don’t allow anyone to guilt you into spending money that you don’t have, spending energy that you don’t have and wasting time that you don’t have. You have the right to budget your own time and energy and you have the right to tell people ‘no’ when you do not want to give your resources over to them. This is not rude, this is self respect. Allow yourself to make sure you have enough for you before giving anything away to other people.

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