the lady bitterness's astrology blog
The Bitter Truth: Detached Soul vs Engaged Soul
This week centers on the cosmic conflict between Leo and Aquarius. With a Full Moon in Aquarius, this week brings up themes around outer expression. Are we aligned and engaged? Or are we detached and self-conscious?
Venus/Uranus Conjunction: Week Twelve
JUNE 6TH – JUNE 12TH, 2022 Mercury/Pluto Trine – All Week I have noticed that transiting ‘trines’ can almost be more forceful than squares or oppositions when it comes to forcing change. Trines can create a seamless transfer from one planet to the other. In this case, Pluto is effortlessly revealing the truths that we need to hear, process and understand Pluto is unveiling to Mercury, information that is needed to actually transform our circumstances What I have learned about the word ‘transformation’ because it is used for pluto and scorpio themes quite heavily, is that to transform our current
New Moon In Gemini 2022/Week Eleven
MAY 30TH – JUNE 5TH, 2022 New Moon In Gemini – Monday, May 30th, 2022 4:30 am opening ourselves back up to conversation, participation and engagement embracing a new cycle of mental activity and curiosity allowing our excitement to keep us engaged and open to learn Putting ourselves out there in a new way With Mercury in Taurus on the North Node, we are being pulled towards connections, mindsets and information that will help us fill our cup and distinguish our natural talents We are learning what priority will bring the most value to our lives, this new moon re-activates
Mars/jupiter conjnction/Week Ten
MAY 23RD – MAY 29TH, 2022 Mercury Retrograde in Taurus making adjustments in our life in order to shave off excess weight and better value our time and energy making the best use of our time and energy by cutting down on superfluous busywork attempting to remain present and focused on stabilizing our daily experience being patient with our decision making allowing for progress to be slow and allowing ourselves and others to take as much time as is needed to process thoughts, feelings, information, and choices that need to be made helping us reform our mindsets, transform our mentalities
Gemini season 2022/week nine
May 16th – May 22nd, 2022 Weekly Events Mars/Neptune in Pisces be wary of aggression and anger becoming overwhelming and extreme Neptune is the ultimate fanatic and therefore can cause us to be overly dedicated to an idea of perfection in our mind Mars rules over assertiveness and anger be wary of allowing your anger to have no boundaries and/or limits Neptune can easily cause us to be delusional in our fight to defend ourselves or something we believe in this can also manifest as a defeating energy, feeling like our efforts are leading to nowhere confused actions, fuzzy motivation